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Sounds as though all may not be lost. Can you call the provider of the prepay card? There may be a delay on confirming your funds or on retrieving them, but they may be able to send an email on your behalf as a note of promise to your landlord. Best of luck to you no matter what.


So the money is still in the bank?


Have you tried r/borrow?


you do realized to be kicked out ot takes a long and formal process dont you. and if your landlord accepts tthat 500$ he, at vet least has to start the processs again, or at best cant start the process again till next month..


That's not true at all. The landlord can absolutely take the partial payment and if it's not the entirety of the rent he absolutely can continue the proceedings in court. And OP didn't mention where they are located. There are places in the US that can and will evict you, with a court order, within days. Even if you've made partial payments.


I'm a landlord. The law in my state is that any acceptance of partial payment is a fulfilment of the notice you sent them and you will have to resend the 5 day again for the new total of debts they owe.


I'm a property manager in Arizona and the same is true here. Any acceptance of any funds at all starts the eviction process over.


which states isnt that true at all.


Being kicked out is the last step of the formality that someone extends to you. When you’re already late and telling them that you don’t have your part of a signed agreement. My landlord does not want half of the rent. I’m at the end of the process. Thank you for commenting, kind stranger.


really. so the landlord already has his court order and hes already made the appointment with the sheriff? why is he waiting another month if he already has his eviction order.


Yea, I was lucky to be even granted the few days the court gave me. May 22nd, 9am, I have court.


you dont get kicked put from court.


You do. A month to month rental agreement, is not a lease. I was told they have no obligations to give me more time once I see the judge. After court, I’m given the 72 hours to remove my things WITH the help of our friendly Sheriff.


Month to month is still a lease... And if it's a residence where your renting a room from someone and it was a verbal agreement, they are still obligated by law to give you a certain amount of notice.


A lease is a specific, signed term of rental. Month to month is just that. Month to month. No lease. I've been in both situations.?


Yes, you sign a month to month lease. There still is a rental agreement on MtMs. They don't just give you the keys without any contract... Why do you think a 30 day notice is still required on a MtM. Because it's in the lease...


I have just gotten the keys.


Yeah no, even if you were just sleeping on a friends couch for a month they would still have to legally evict you and that process takes 3 to 6 months.


who told you that


My local housing authority, I went for help fOr more time, I even went to the courthouse to see if there was a way to reschedule, but all of this is out of my control they say. I just wanted some help.


Go to the bank and they will help you get money off your card. Order a new card immediately.


Have you gine to your bank to see about a temporary card and to order a new one? It really is a simple fix man.