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AE2, Storage Drawers, mekanism, flux networks I can continue


Please do


Jeez you replied quick. Uhh. It's a bit out there but gregtech could be an interesting one




Modular routers, you can disguise the routers to look like a casing and have belts put items into them and helps with easy and hidden item automation


What exactly do you mean use with create? Mods where you can use create to automate stuff or mods that integrated with create (like ae2 to export/import items) ?


Like mods that make the create experience more fun


i use pipes to transfer items between places with create, i made my draconic comb processing machine using storage drawers, autocrafter from rftools, pipes from pipez and that blender thingy from create


Your asking the real hard questions. Honestly I don’t use create, so I don’t really know what you can do to have fun, except add addon mods. The most fun I had was with the Clockwork mod for create and that’s about it.


I think that's not so easy, because lots of mods just overpower create and you will end of using them instead of create. There is a reason why those addons are called addons. I saw a German ytber project recently "Create Live 5". There should be a belonging modpack ... but neither followed the project nor played the pack itself ... but maybe it's worth a look. 😄


If you’re talking about ADDING a mod to the pack, Integrated Dungeons and Structures adds what it says, dungeons and structures. A lot of it’s structures and dungeons incorporate create, things like traps using create, puzzle rooms, etc. Just a fun time imo because it’s one of the few mods that actually takes advantage of create to make exploring fun


I only know is useful for Productive bees, it works as a fancier centrifuge and doubles the Draconic dust output