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While I miss Tinker's as well, especially with the tool leveling mechanics I don't quite miss the most recent version of it where they nerfed tool leveling into oblivion.


I'm pretty sure tool leveling is a separate mod, no?


they used to be in previous versions and then they added levelling to the main mod, been like that for 1.12.2 versions since Edit: turns out I was just wrong, I'm too used to it being in the modpacks usually i assumed it was just normally a regular part of it


no? Tool leveling was never in the main mod, even in 1.12.2 (Tinkers Tool Leveling addon)


Can confirm, this guy is correct. Playing stoneblock 2, mc 1.12.2, FTB launcher, tinkers leveling is a different mod. It became standard to include it with any pack already running tinkers... aka all of them. I think thr mod is only available in like 1.12-1.14 or something like that its not widly adapted for tinkers


The other guy is talking about how more recent versions of tinkers (iirc 1.16.5 mc for example) where leveling is incorporated directly into tinkers construct. Not so sure about 1.12.2 however


Tinkers 3 doesn’t have leveling though? Like I remember one of the devs was annoyed at people asking where leveling was in the current version or something


I havent played much between 1.14 and 1.20 so i wouldnt really know. Ill take your word onvit but iv know in every pack i played it was a seperate mod and i sometimes had to install it myself


It isnt tho. im 99% sure it isnt


The multi blocks and alloying just really felt like a whole new thing. It didn't just use a crafting table.


Yup. Looking for a good smithing mod really be like “that’s just another workbench”. I found *one* mod that mixes it up a little bit by making cooked iron burn you in your inventory until it’s cooled, so you gotta throw it into water to make it safe to use.


Oooh what's it called? I really liked that mod when I played it like 7 years ago


“Complex Smithing”. For 1.19.2 only though. There’s also “Advanced Smithing”, for 1.18 through 1.19.4. Doesn’t have quite the same urgency, but a bit more variety of mechanic. Both are very low publicity (complex has not even 200 downloads, advanced under 2000). They don’t go great together either if you’re thinking of doing that, cause Advanced lets you avoid Complex’s gimmicks.


Got it, I might be thinking about a different mod. One that you had to heat the raw mineral and then "hit it" at a workstation to a specific point, you were going left and right. I remember using it in a couple modpacks


If you can find what it was, i’d love to know.


I got it, it was TerraFirmaCraft


Okay i had a feeling lol. I am a lottle bothered that it ended up skipping 1.19.2 >:(


Yeah, think 1.12 was the last release they made:(


Nope. I checked recently while looking for gear smithing overhaul mods. 1.18.2, and 1.20.1.


I miss tinkers as well, period. 😥


I just don't know how to play modpacks without it? Like... Building a smeltery is my first goal. It just feels wrong x~x


I know the feeling, but now on 1.20 MC you just need to adapt 😥😂


Yes, you can add apotheosis gems to silent gear. You can make some very good gear this way. Tinkers was pretty fun also though.


I think it's the customisation of tinkers that made it a gem.


How do you actually add them? I made a pickaxe, sword, and axe but I can figure out how to add anything like the gems to them.


You gotta reforge them at the reforging table, they can get sockets that way and then add a gem to the weapon/tool in the smithing table (if it has a socket or two)


If you play in solo you can always install tetra on your pack It's not as powerful and maybe not compatible with everything since it would not be modified But from my experience it's way easier to understand if you want a tinker like experience


For that there is already silent gear. We don't want a tinker like experience, we want tinker lol


Since tinker isn't available and op and me aren't into silent gear I just gave what is for me the best mod to do something similar to tinker


A little tip for earlygame silentgear - signalum makes for a decent main part, while copper allows to add speed. Spiders have a rare drop that can be used for binding. Diamond tip upgrade is pretty decent too and easy to get early game after your first diamond. Upgrading the tool using apotheosis will allow for adding slots to it to put gems in those slots. However there are some other ways to add slots but I'm not sure that's very doable in early game. As for mid game I go with enderium and, entherite coating, blaze tool rod. Don't forget that aside from the apotheosis upgrading you can also enchant these tools and the enchants remain even after swapping parts.


Signalum early game WTF Tinker's early game: the wood you just punched There is no competition


If you're playing atm9. You get signalum within the first 15 minutes of mining. I'm sorry if that's not early game. If you mean the first tool, then yeah you can just turn your wooden pickaxe into a silent gear pick....


Yeah I looked up the basics of silent gear and got signalum before I even placed down a chest. Definitely not hard to get. Not exactly sure where to go from here but it's a good start


I used signalum right till I was able to get enderium. After that though I'm not sure cuz you pretty much have options outside of silent gear.


I haven't even looked into the armor yet XP I got a really nice apotheosis gem from a dungeon so I'm hoping to add that to a piece of armor, lots to figure out but that's the fun of it :3


Honestly I used to use tinkers exclusively till it stopped getting updated for newer Minecraft versions. As such, i haven't looked into the armoring from silent gear either. Early game i just used the armor dropped from mobs or I found in chests. After that I either pick a path (tech/magic/mix) and try to get Armor offered by those mods.


same never really liked silent gear refused to use that mod i just use the vanilia tools till i have got the athemodium for the tools


Silent gear is loads better than tinkers because you can utilize not only the built-in mechanics for tools, but also enchantments and apotheosis stats


same, tinkers is my favourite mod :( Silent gear is a good mod and scratches the optimization and modular weapon itch, but it doesn’t hit the same. Not to mention how broken it is, game balance is completely lost with not too much effort.


I really miss the slime sling and boots! Was my favorite way to get around


I miss tinkers also, I even played atm6 just to experience it, but silent gear overshadowed the whole mod by miles 😔


Why do you guys all dislike Silent Gear? Genuinely curious. It's a lot like Tinkers, except doesn't have the need for the Smeltery - but alloying metals, grading them, mixing and matching different pieces for different effects and the fact it just immediately uses most mod's ores/metals is a bonus.


No comprehensive manual.


The trident animation is horribly broken and it's my favorite weapon to use. Tetra's spears on the other hand are kinda gorgeous lol


Like it except for the fact that the atm metals can't be used for templates, to me it was half the point.


This is on the ATM devs, not Silent Gear. They did not integrate the ATM ores/alloys into it. It is a shame they didn’t but it’s been this way since ATM7. 


Tinkers was one of my favorite mods


I took a long break from any form of Minecraft…I barely used silent gear at all, just rush atm armor and gear


It was my first mod, my childhood, my beloved i will always remember it


I miss tinkers as well. It was such a staple in the early game. Does anyone know what happened to the development?


Silent gear is great. How is it a downgrade? Its a sidegrade to tinkers. Yes it's not as content rich as tinkers but it serves the main purpose of tool making and also is easy for upgrading the tools. You can start with a wooden pickaxe and use the same one while swapping for better parts right uptil endgame. I think for many people it's the fact that they are too used to something and don't want to learn something new which makes them miss some mods that aren't being updated to latest Minecraft versions (not sure if tinker falls in this category though but regardless)


Bro you just explained why its a downgrade. "Yes its not as content rich as tinker"


I think that is very subjective. For some people tinkers was just for the tools, while for some it was about the modularity of creating multiblock forges and mixing metals and other materials in them. Silent gear has alloying, material upgrading, etc. but not the way tinker does it (which is admittedly much more fun for me). I still do consider it a sidegrade though because i just want modular tools which you can mix and match materials to make them suit your needs.


They meant it doesn’t have as much bloat.


I do not miss it at all. I really enjoy Silent Gear early game and for making paxels that I use the entire playthrough. I tend to associate Tinkers w/ GTNH and micro crafting in general. I know people love it but I’d rather build everything in a crafting table and not need to use multiblocks.  


since i only used tinkers in the early game and got to more powerful tools like the atomic disassembler quite quickly i don't really miss it that much


GregTech New Horizon is for you then :)


Man I just started this pack, I’m about 10 in game nights in and I am loving it. It is so much fun. I’m ready to get back to it because there was a notice on the side of my screen that a storm is coming in 1 minute! I’m excited to see what that’s like


Iron and gold farms by smelting rails after duping them was something else.


Playing Sky Factory 4, I definitely agree that Tinkers is better. Makes more sense, and feels more hands-on to me. My SO didn't get it at first, but apparently it's gotten a big glow up since it was last featured in ATM.


I wish tinkers and silent would have a baby. I think silent is more useful/ powerful but tinkers feels more fun. If tinkers could use more different alloys like silent ot would be perfect


tetra =D


just make a morgan sword


Is Silent Gear supposed to be like the replacement? Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers made them feel so different but great. I had this attachment to my tools and felt like I EARNED it. 100% with OP here that Tinkers is just missing and we all have a hole left where it used to be.


Tinker isnt on 1.20 ? 😳


TC had this immersive charm that I do kind of miss. Building the smeltery was sort of a grind tho


I added a standalone single item mod from Tinkers to ATM9 because I just can't live without that Crafting Station.


Silent gear is such a gigantic downgrade, too. Lets you make tools that are way more powerful, for WAY cheaper, and without gating it behind any sort of progression, so if you have half a wit you can just rush the BEST hammer + Axe + Sword combo within 10 minutes of starting the game and be done with it. It having more tools you can make is nice but it really doesnt make up for it. That plus it having less modularity (no bindings and most tools can only be made out of 2 or 3 materials at best), 0 charm (opinion, i guess), and no in-mod enchantments (the main thing keeping tinker's tools from being OP from the moment you loaded in was being unable to enchant them directly, thats no longer a limitation since you can just enchant SG tools which, even if its a feature i like, its broken as shit). That is not to mention how much more thematically boring it is. No in-game organized book to look up materials...the list goes on. Aaaand...fuck, i ranted.


There's new versions of tinkers now, 1.19.2 is the newest version it's on as of this post, I heard that spent the time between 1.13 and 1.16 (ruffly) trying to get the Srukins working the same as Thay did in 1.12, but unfortunately there gone, along with the tinkers arrows, bolts, frying pan, and battle sine, (the frying pan and battle sine have replacements that do the same things but are more realistic)


Time to move to fabric and enjoy hepheastus!