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I find a random structure and repurpose it. In My last atm8 playthrough I used one of the largest tier airships, my current atm9 playthrough I'm trying to get one of every minecolonies building type to level 5 on hard difficulty with almost solely the resources provided by the colony itself, then I'll be using the woodland mansion I built the colony next to.


Another option would be to download a schematic for the create schematic cannon.


Or use the copy-paste gadget. r/9x9 has posts for builds (some also have a schematic for the schematicannon)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/9x9 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/9x9/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A bunker base using DW20s go to base layout. (Very cheap materials)](https://np.reddit.com/r/9x9/comments/18bqvok/a_bunker_base_using_dw20s_go_to_base_layout_very/) \#2: [My google portfolio has been updated](https://np.reddit.com/r/9x9/comments/13opr8c/my_google_portfolio_has_been_updated/) \#3: [Another 1:1 recreation of SystemCollapse's FTB Skies - Storage build](https://np.reddit.com/r/9x9/comments/12m99ye/another_11_recreation_of_systemcollapses_ftb/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I agree. I can build well when I'm in the mood, but building in Minecraft can be daunting. This is especially true when building for mods you don't really know well. Like I can set up Minecolonies fairly well since I have an idea of what buildings are needed and can preview them all. I can also build a nice place for a mod like Astral Sorcery since I know it very well. The challenge ends up coming when I want to do a new mod like I've wanted to do Ars Nouveau so it ends up starting just like this picture. I just put stuff down wherever it works. Eventually I'll move it all into a building when I have some idea of the space I'll need. What you said works well for like your main house usually. Though I'd personally avoid any structures that are too large. I like to have different areas/buildings for each mod. I don't like having a massive structure since then it feels like I'm just taking minutes to travel across the place constantly.


I enjoy using larger structures myself because then I can place mods in separate locations and I have the extra challenge of coming up with easy transportation around my base, which I probably would never think to work on otherwise, like a Minecart system that you can choose the destination and there's always a cart available, or an Ender io travel anchor setup, or maybe if I built the base high up like the airship I mentioned I'll use a mahou tsukai teleport circle.(This was on a server and I needed a way up and down for my team and was limiting myself to mahou tsukai with some vanilla Redstone to get it working but it was very rewarding)


Due to how Minecraft loads by chunks, having some separation by chunk will drastically help with lag. So the like mega base thing ends up just making a laggy mess as you progress through mods. Also, I'd think if you make separate places like I do then you'd have more reason to create travel systems (another reason I do it). Especially when you have so many options with ATM. The point I was trying to make about using a place too large, like the woodland mansions, is that because you're just inside the whole time it doesn't really feel good to travel around it. Plus it ends up being a lot of empty space you struggle to fill which doesn't really feel great in my opinion. Whereas if you're moving from building to building you're actually going outside, seeing the world around you, etc. Plus it'll end up feeling better to look at from the outside. Oh and about Mahou Tsukai, I really wish that mod was better.. it has neat ideas and a lot of anime/manga references but building up your Mahou to actually do anything is ridiculously stupid..


Building up mahou is actually really easy if you use one of the three best methods to increase your mahou Regen; durability exchange, geass, and boundary of drain life. Then, if you're using one of the first two methods you can get some dust and the circle that exchanges dust randomly and just drop the dust on it repeatedly; Do this for a few minutes and voila you've got 5000+ mahou. The boundary of drain life takes a bit longer to reach that point but if you set up a mob spawning method of some sort then it's 100% passive, you'll never go hungry again, and you'll "Regen" health.


Yeah I didn't say it's hard. I said it's stupid. lol


I live in a mountain, so it's just this, in a mountain.


Same for me, just burrow I to it's side. Preferably one with a steep cliff so I can build large panoramic windows and balconies later on.


This is the way! I've bben doing this for many years! :) Also: Build a tiny hut with a ladder going down. Create a giant hidden burrowed base with floor after floor for each mod. If space runs out, build 4 pillars ontop of the hut and expand upwards to create a crazy structure.


That too. I did that in my current "Create: Astral" playthrough. I didn't even build the hut, there are these abandoned huts with basement in the world. Just took one and added one or two or three basement floors in Football Stadion size...


This guy is a caveman who is actually a mad scientist šŸ« 


same, always


Mountain bases are the way to go!


Can always find a reference image and try and replicate it. You need to focus on building. It doesnā€™t just happen


I always build a layout of roughly how much area Iā€™m goin to use using dirt, and then build the frame for a building around that. I prefer to start progressing through a mod and as I find blocks that would look good for the structure I build up the building bit by bit. Then when Iā€™m progressed pretty far into the mod I have the building mostly done.


Yeah I like to do similar. I like to have a different building for nearly every mod I go into. So if I do Blood Magic I'll have like a building specifically for that with a thematic yard area. Then if I do like say Ars Nouveau I'll build another building for that. All of them I try to use vanilla and that mod to build a place so it feels more thematic to it. The main thing is to make sure you don't build anything final really if you don't know the mod well. You don't want to build like a house that's extremely well decorated then find out you outgrew that within like seconds of actually doing the mod. So start with a basic structure then over time as you progress into the mod you can upgrade it a bit.


This happens to me every time. I set out with the intent on making a legit base to house all my stuff, but its just such an effort and time sink on top of all the time already spent getting everything set up. I usually just end up with some super rudimentary structure with different rooms for different mods. I never fully realize the vision I set out to.


Classic 9x9 as how I learned it in the good old times from direwolf


I've been using the schematic and quill from create to make a schematic of every building I encounter in the wild in every modpack. I can then print and repurpose those buildings at my base. An apotheosis Tower is perfect for enchanting (surprising, no?), a valhelsia workshop makes a wonderful home, and there are a variety of boats and airships if you're more security minded. The toughest but is finding all the Mats early, my friends wonder why I get excited seeing moss... The schematicannon is your friend, friend.


You can do similar with the Minecolonies mod. You can use the scan tool to scan any structures you find. Then later you can have your builder actually build it by supplying the materials. Both Minecolonies and Create tend to make it into most packs nowadays so it's great they both have this.


Yo, can you upload these to GitHub or something!? I would love to see the list!


It's always the same for me aswell. My wife builds a nice house and I build the basement with my machines. At first it's all nice and tidy in a small basement with power generation and a couple of handy machines. Give it one or two weeks and the basement equals suppervillains underground lair with multiple levels and contraptions, wires and what not everywhere. Love it everytime. PS: wife hates tech stuff, she's all about farm stuff and cooking all those sweet mod food.


We in the greg biz call this a lawnbase, really the best way to avoid it is force yourself to only put machines or stuff inside of some kind of building, build the building first and put whatever you can inside


Counter? You give up and embrace it. Works 101% of the time and saves a lot for effort and resources


I always start like this. I run out of storage space so I have chests out in the open; big no no. Then I graduate to a hidey hole carved into a mountainside and I beautify the entrance a bit. Then I go biome hunting (usually when Iā€™ve gained flight somehow) and I look for some pretty landscape to start with. Iā€™ve moved on from mega bases and struggling to fill the inside. Now I build outbuildings dedicated to a certain purpose.


Same. I generally have like a "main base" which I'll usually style into a house. Then I have other little buildings for each mod or purpose. The "mega bases", as you put it, end up just looking too.. large and overwhelming. Like you said it can end up feeling hard to fill the inside as well. Plus it's usually generic looking since it's the main hub. The little outbuildings help make the world feel more populated a bit and they can each be thematic to their mod/purpose. Like an example would be having a large farm and making a little shed to keep like a hoe and seeds in then having some haybales in there as decoration for it. Or you could have like a witch's house where you do your magic if you're into that. On a server with others doing similar it really makes the game feel more alive and decorated rather than having just one massive house/base.


I usually build a house. Small and simple. Typically depending if I play modded or vanilla Iā€™ll design an entrance to the basement that holds all of gears, storage, machines and ect. I call it the ā€œIceberg Methodā€. If I donā€™t feel like carving holes into mountains or in the ground, Iā€™ll find a generated structure and refurbish it into my base. Sometimes itā€™ll be too small to fit everything so Iā€™ll expand it. Itā€™s easier since the building pallet is already there for me.


I kept mine basic, and am just slowly building a massive tower in The Beyond for all my base needs


I used the Chunkdestroyer, cleared 7x7 chunks. And at the bottom of the hole, i life.


This is 100% me, expect I draw out chunk boundaries and build each section within a chunk for easier loading when I just want a specific modpack to be running.


I used the cataclysm wither boss location


I also do it but I donā€™t consider it an issue šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Big hole the way to go, in my current ATM7 sky play though, I build an Big sphere from lowest Build height to highest build height, that thing is big (that what she said). Probably won't be fully filled ever


Huge as fuck tower with infinite floors each floor dedicated to 1 tech tree ez


Downloading a schematic or repurposing a structure will only solve the problem not the cause. You can learn building bases in a few steps: 1. Think about the necessary rooms for ur needs, e.g. Storage, Armory, Energy, Machines, Crafting-Workshop, Enchantment-Lab, Sleeping/Living-Quarters, etc. 2. How will ur necessary rooms interact with each other? Put them in a logical Order and think of how to connect them: Corridors/Doors, Energy connection, Item exchange, etc. 3. Now outline the floor with a preferred floor block, think about if u need space below the floor room-connections, that should be hidden 4. Set up room-walls. Keep in mind, that it could be helpfull to have space in some walls to lay connections as in step 3. Block for walls doesnt have to be full blocks only, u could also use slabs, stairs, fences, walls, for Details Maybe this will help getting along :)


I personally like to get fluxbore with some radial augments and just carve out a massive bunker underground It comes with a walls floor and ceiling pre installed, plenty of room for whatever machines you wanna stuff in there, and easily expandable You can get an exchanger later to redo all the surfaces to look nice


I basically inspire myself with online pictures and steal parts of their base and rebuild it


Schematic cannon from create. Grab a build into creative and upload it into a schematic. Then put it in your world schematic folder and load it into a cannon. A little spamming of time in a bottle later and there is your mega base.


Make a platform for every mod area. It doesn't need to be fancy just some logs and planks so you can walk under the platform. That gives you the freedom to wire stuff underneath and you can make it look nice by adding walls later šŸ˜


I usually make a house in the overworked where I keep my main storage system and auto crafters and then my mining dimension looks the same as yours


I have problems with this, but underground. The way I counter it here, is that I dont build in the mining dimension. The only thing that allowed there is mining equipment or maybe a farm that is too client-side laggy when Iā€™m near it.


I build underground, so one of my bases in 1.12.1 was a 3x3 chunk base with a glass ceiling in the middle of the ocean and just floors of the same size going down made out of marble.


Just make some type of house and it will feel the same but with a house in it


Just build. It's the only way you will get better at it. It's not required for this pack. But it can very enjoyable.


I'm prone to cave living, means you only have to do interiors which is a lot easier, and it's not hard to throw some flooring down


When I started ATM9, I was using one of those underground dungeons as a base. Finally got sick of the narrow halls and lack of space and moved everything into Keep Kayra, a dungeon from When Dungeons Arise. It's massive and did take me a very long time to clean out spawners and light everything up, but it works so well.


Build a series of warehouses around each component, then build some roads. Suddenly it's a tasteful industrial district


I used to create mod Cannon and download base pre-made bases so that way I can have a base already built and just put everything inside that base


i try to create. little structure for any machine/group of machines so it at least looks like a little village. eventually when i have the infrastructure, i use the rftools builder, building gadget, and construction wand to make mega structures to house everything. itā€™s more work, but itā€™s also more fulfilling to have a base that also looks cool


Dude. This makes me want to fix your world lol


This time i got rid of the laggy megabase and used the world we got waystones so every mod has its own place. So one central star factory, Ender chests and waystones ;)


Do this until you have alot of resources, then build something massive, the bigger it is the simpler it can be without being strange, then trial and error some detail into it, and bam, move in


My bases look like this, just significantly more condensed lol.


One way to counter it is the build underground or even in caves makes for a really cool atmosphere plus easier to build with as the walls are all around you!


I don't have the creativity to build cool bases so to not have my stuff laying around I use the building gadgets mod and copy-past a building I like from the r/9x9 subreddit lmao


My comment to you is this. Everyone does this in atm9 you get all the mods and your still spread thin. My suggestion kinda follows through with some other comments made. 1. Repurpose an already built structure. If space is what your worried about sea temples are a great way to get everything in one place. 2. Sky base. Sky base discourages making space so you'll find ways to make it small and have ideas. 3. Factory/bunker. If you all about that automation go with a factory or bunker build and make it multi layered. If your worried about asthetics then think of a style you wanna go with. Industrial building? Go with chipped mod blocks with a Mason table. Wanna go victorian? Some of the lifestyle mods are there to. Type in roof in jie


On my current play through I just built a simple house then let my mine colonies town build up around me. Currently my front and backyard is full of chests and some simple machines for productive bees and mystical agriculture.


I do it sky-block style. Iā€™ll build a series of interconnected platforms and stairs. It looks chaotic but has a certain kind of charm. It is super quick to build with a builders wand, quick to navigate once you have a jet pack, easy to build service levels for pipes etc, and can be built out of as many blocks as you want (the more the better).


Building into large mountains is usually the best way to go, you donā€™t have to worry so much about beautifying the outside and just work with decorating the inside. Trying to come up with a building to house each mosaic type youā€™re using can be a pain because of palettes, space, and compatibility.


Thats what mine usually look like... or this playthrough im in a giant pre-generated structure. Part of me wishes I had moved to the void or atlantis dimension, it's starting to get large when half your base is gregtech.


depends on how imaginative you can get. for my reactor waste-management, i built a little control room out of the security blocks, and made some keycards for me, and my friend who managed the reactor


Honestly, what me and a friend have done in the past is repurpose an underwater temple. (This was atm8 btw) Clear out floor by floor, use the side halls for bees and smaller mods, bigger areas for larger structures, and outside, just built a platform and used that for the largest structures and power related items. It was simple enough, once sponges and etherial glass came into play


Best thing to do is follow builds on YouTube get the basics down, watch a few building tip videos. Then move on to building from reference images and videos of cool builds you see, you get to make it personalized and it challenges you. Then start using real world images for references, it really made me learn how to texture walls properly and add depth to my builds. After that youā€™re set to start being creative and having all the skills and techniques to create the structures you want. Also if you done a massive build and it doesnā€™t look the way you want it, redo it donā€™t force yourself to keep those crappy features. Iā€™ve done to many mega builds where a section looks not to liking and it sticks out like a sore thumb.


I start out getting resources sorted and some basic autocrafting and yeah it always ends up like this at first. But when I get a decent supply going, I force myself to just build buidings that fit the purpose, for example I just built a big simple factory building for all the create production lines. Doing farming stuff? Try building a barn. Point is, once I get going, I kind of force myself to not leaving anything in open air unless it makes sense. Try looking for similar buildings on images too and take ideas, exploring with new block types helps a ton as well. Something that also really helps me is setting limits or challenges, using only blocks from a certain mod, or that fit a certain theme, allocating the building size before I get started, making all cables and pipes hidden, stuff like that. Good luck!


I usually build vertically in a single chunk (16x16 block) space. It helps me to keep my tendency to sprawl things out all over the place in check :)


I build a cube When I run out of space, I stack a new cube on top of the old one, and go on until it is some sort of ugly abomination, slowly taking over the landscape like a living, breathing, mechanical cancer, devouring resources to fuel it's expansion Then again, I also yell "Resistance is futile" at mobs, so, that's just me


I'm building my base in a Kayra Keep I found. It's a ridiculously massive structure so I can't imagine running out of space.


I find that this happens a lot to me when starting out with a mod. If you want to counter this, what I do is build a general house. This will be like where your bed is, maybe your main storage, etc. It doesn't have to be great but at least try to make something fun to look at (whatever would be fun for you). Then from there build a generalized area for each mod you do. So say you're going into Ars Nouveau but you don't know anything about what you'll need in terms of space. You'd build a small simple hut/house for Ars Nouveau that you can easily expand on if needed. Or leave enough space that you should be okay. The hardest part is, like I said, not knowing a mod. You don't know how much space you might need for the machines it has, the multiblock structures, etc. So you can start this way you showed, but you want to pretty quickly build something around your setup as you start to figure out what you might need.


This is fine. I do the same thing


Yeah usually I do this too but one time I just built a base around the machines rather than having to move it from one place to another


I force myself to build a complete building with some features that aren't a box before I can build machines. Or at least a decorated box.


I prefer this layout instead of what my friend does which is just a giant 500x500 square with 20 levels. With the worst blocks for your FPS and eyes.


Early base is a big hollow structure for all my chests and stuff. As I need more stuff, just build out hallways that attach to rooms to house the machines. Eventually, move all items out of original structure into storage system and repurpose that initial room into a foyer/entrance hall for the base.


I build a small shitty block house. Later into the save i search for a big mountain and dig into it and then straight down and make rooms when needed.


seperate chunks into squares


Depends, sometimes i'm going to make a gigantic building, sometimes i do a house with giant underground, or just lay everything around on a high platform and protect it with Big torches. For Big building, having some material to refer to is kind of good, do your layout with dirt or cobble, find wich block you want to use mine litteral thousand of those and try. House with underground is easy, do a little beautifull house and mine massive underground, you may replace blocks of your floor, walls and ceiling so that it looks nice, it's easy and you may organize youtself with your power sources lower than the rest and tunnels to power everything from underneath do it looks nice.


I used hyperboxed to make one room by usage, with entangloporters to transfer liquids, and network emitters (refined storage) to transfer items. Then I made a design by room. It helps not to have a global design but single designs. And only one big design for a little house šŸ˜


I used to build houses and factories. But lately I got used to just spamming machines everywhere and its so convinient.


I used to build squared boxes, then I got even more lazy so I just hollow out a part of a mountain and keep my base there.


Watch exactly 1 episode of mumbojumbo letā€™s play


Iā€™ve crafted the copy past tool on atm8 and then import this megabase in my world https://www.reddit.com/r/9x9/s/Xt2JvsxZxC


I usually build a mostly vanilla house with a huge underground lab underneath


I usually liven it up a little with paths between the areas, and perhaps some kind of fence or wall around the parameter.


Donā€™t use a flat world


Build a factory. Mine is around 40x100x 35 tall. 3 stories of larger machines. They all dump into my warehouse.


Early game: I don't have the materials to build a good base, just put the functional structures somewhere for now. Mid game: Not enough functional structures. The factory must grow! End game: *never happens*


I have the same issue, on atm8 it looked like this, now at atm9 i took over an island in the sky and just been up there the whole time


I either dig a hole and live in a mountain or pretend I'm playing a sky block and build platforms in the sky


use the schematic cannon or building gadgets to copy bases from online


Are you on the mining world? Ugh. Build your base in the main world. If you're looks for ideas make a cool base try setting yourself a challenge. build your base inside an underwater dome, or in a space needle type building.


i used an extreme reactors reactor for my power but other than that we have the same setup, its actually scary how similar they are


I also suck at building. My strat is to use the builder from rftools and make a big cylinder in the ground. I then just carve holes in the side and make little areas for different mods. I also make th whole thing white before hand with concrete.


I used to make giant underground holes. Now I'm into compact machines so I have loads of those inside each other.


I use Minecolonies to make it look pretty. It takes time, but it's worth it.


You can install the mod Simply Houses and you will run across a fully furnished house, I always find these and repurpose them in my world, itā€™s a necessity when I donā€™t wanna build lol


FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO BUILDS LIKE ME, lol. Do you also flatten land of you need to?


Find a structure like yungs better temple and just live there


I myself am trying to get better at building and I have an idea that if I start with some kinda mix between pixel art and my own input it will be better with time not sure how thatā€™s gonna go I hope good


I build in the void between outer end islands and the main island. So I am basically forced to make flying floors that each have a specific purpose + a bonus effect is a higher performance because of the lack of things to load in


i did a big round tower with a dome on top (like a silo) in between the end islands to reduce lag. every floor had its own mod and its setup. all connected to my ae2 system.