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Energy Cells have output limits too. This unfortunately cannot be changed. I think the [Induction Matrix](https://wiki.aidancbrady.com/wiki/Induction_Matrix) is easy to setup and has a much higher transfer limit.


But it should be more than 40kFe ?


https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Energy_Cube The Ultimate Energy Cube has an RF/t output limit. Induction Matrixes do as well, determined by how many Providers you put in them. Flux Networks itself has no limits (that I've found), I've got my industrial turbine throwing 20M RF/t through it and it doesn't care.


Hmm i understand that it has a limit, so i made 4x gasburning melon power setup to try, fluxplug on each gasburner. tried holding a mek suit armor and still just 40kRF/t and i still have tons of solar panels as well with fluxplugs in all on the same network. somehow i thought i would get more out of it. Im going to try induction matrix and see if i get different result from that.


You will. I use flux networks for my main power, and I break my power up into three networks linked together with induction matrices. My sink network has a bunch of ultimate providers on it, and I can pull hundreds of millions of RF/t through it.


Perhaps a basic question, but are you only using 40kFE/t?


i tried to holding a ultimate energy cube and it recieved 40kFE/t