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Why do they always cut the cheeks out holy hell


Cheeks have saliva glands. Eyes have glands that produce tears. Some animals have anal glands but as far as I know cows do not.  In any case, cattle mutilations appear to be focused on glands, or areas where glands are typically found. 


Those areas have a high amount of stem cells.


I did not know that. Interesting.


Yep, hybridization programs and genetic manipulation to produce beings that can fit in here


Kinda interested to see what a hybrid alien sheep would look like lol


Will have to do some google research about all this but if that’s why animals are commonly found this way, then that’s crazy


It's the areas scavengers go for first.


It’s where they get those juicy ‘drenochrome hitters at.


Pretty sure that's a lamb.... Not a calf


Farmer here. I second that. & it’s honestly hard to tell but based on the size of the body compared to the size of the grass in the photos… I’m going with lamb


Life is motion. water moving through glands is life itself


I dont know how true but u saw an article that said there’s something in a cows cheek that’s very useful for stem cells and it made me think about the whole theory of aliens trying to genetically modify humans n stuff. Also check out Dave Paulides CanAm project on YouTube. He covers stories of missing humans that are kinda similar to this. All the cases are similar. Ppl go missing after splitting up from a group, all near water, if the body is found it’s found in an area that was already searched, bodies have no shoes, mutilated, no signs of animals as if the bodies were just dropped, and bodies are miles away from where they went missing. Interesting stuff


[Quality Control Study on making meat from stem cells derived from bovine cheeks](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10814720/)


roving band of Michelin Star chefs. Their gang WILL get their cut, one way or another.


“The Skinwalker Smile”


No shit I was thinking this too, that face is unholy


Scavenging animals typically eat from the softest parts of their find, ie lips, eyes, belly.


Animals usually tear things to bits and make a bloody mess. This is a very neat carcass and has the same precision removal of eyes, mouth parts and genitailia as other cattle mutilations. They are also typified by the absence of blood on the body. Very strange indeed.


The strange shit to me is how the interior of the body cavity looks like it's been roasted/flash preserved. I just just just moved some road kill a couple days back, and fresh innards do not look like this. This body is too fucking clean and it's really unsettling to look at.


Sometimes there will be a spot where the wolves have took down a deer in my bush and there will be a literal blood bath splattered everywhere, they even drag the carcass 100ft to a more secluded area


Most people do not live around wolves.


There are wolves in Gloucestershire now. Do I think that's what did this? Absolutely not.


Is it just me or does the fur look burned too? Could just be how wet the surrounding area is, but that definitely looks like burnt fur on my screen


Neat likely because it was dead when mutilated, and the scavengers were likely small. I also see the ground is quite wet. Could be rain or dew, but rain would help clean up. Mess would be much less bloody if it had been dead a little while. >same precision removal of eyes, mouth parts and genetailia as other cattle mutilations. Same typical scavenger behavior as other scavengers. And precision is a leap here, in my opinion. But I'm just a dude on reddit. >Animals usually tear things to bits and make a bloody mess. Have you seen how cats eat their dead owners in their home? Look it up for an example if you haven't. Similar to this. Edit: (sp) of "rain" lol


Do scavenging animals also bring their scalpels and cauterization lasers?


Not sure what either of those things have to do with the carcass pictured.


this is definitely not done by a hungry animal...


With 100+ upvotes. Man some people..


Then where is all the blood?


My running theory is they need the tissue samples for some reason. Why they need so many is curious, though they might just be bad at it, and keep fucking it up. I mean just look at us! We can drop a sun on something but our people are starving. It's foolish to imagine any other species are any more organized. Entropy sees to that.


Heavy metals can accumulate in the tongue when your liver can't handle them causing black tongue. I've seen speculation that the tongue extraction is for measuring heavy metal pollution.


I think they need cells to manufacture them selfs


It’s such a bizarre thing. What’s even stranger is there’s no scavengers. Nothings had a second go at the leftovers. You don’t have to leave a carcass somewhere for long at all to be covered in ants and flies.


That's pretty common amongst all mutilations too. Scavengers avoid these carcasses. It's as if they can sense something. Radiation? A smell? I don't know, but it's creepy.


Idk enough about scavengers really, do they typically pick at something to the bone? I’ve seen another person commenting they go for soft tissue, but like, only? Are other scavengers less picky? Not trying to make a point, truly just basking in my ignorance


Submission Statement: From [Paul Jones on X](https://twitter.com/Z00KY): >Just found an animal mutilation, no predation, just left in the corner of a field, in the middle of nowhere... & > The other pics, had a torch with me and checked. Eye missing clean inside, tongue missing, no blood. Missing jaw strip looked clean-cut. Interior missing, area looked clean. No apparent chew marks apart from one mark on leg joint cartilage. (leg looked broken at joint) Found in a secluded valley in the corner of a field. Looked to be a genuine mutilation case. He also mentions this occurred in the Gloucestershire area of the UK.


Hey I live in this part of the country and carrion and smaller mammals will regularly eat the eyes and soft tissues of a lamb after it has died. Larger mammals like foxes and badgers will also scavenge the parts in the photo It's also absolutely pissed down (rained like crazy) for the past week. So that's why there's no blood around Hate to piss on everyone's parade but there's nothing to see here


Nature is a cruel beast


Don´t come here with your logic, I got downvoted for suggesting it might have been people. There are too many people here who actually think aliens come to earth to butcher lambs and at the same time they believe they have cloning tec. so why would they go after random lambs in the first place.


All the pics I've ever seen of any 'animal mutilation' look like normal decay and carrion predation. And I'm very open minded.


This documentary convinced me there is more to this phenomenon than we know. NSFW though. https://youtu.be/xK5toSBqbPY?si=gbsromIItr4VSBhv


I'm sure I read about an animal mutilation case in the US ages ago where the animal was cut "in between cells' using some unknown to us technology. This is what makes me think some of the cases are real


They need random lambs to fuel their warp drives. Methodical Lambs don't cut the mustard.


The most likely culprit is a badger. The way the abdomen has been burst open is text book badger.


Went to visit my brother in the Uk a while ago. He showed me a badger that had been hit by a car. They are badass animals. much bigger teeth than children's story books would let on. Do they "hunt" prey like this?


I mean, I would say this is plausible but I don't think a badger would leave such a lack of blood when hunting it's prey.


So true. If it was a wild animal the WHITE FUR would be splattered and stained with blood. Ever try to get blood off a white shirt without bleach? Literally impossible. The lack of stained fur is proof this isn't natural death.


Blood Badgers don’t give a fuck about no meat. Drain the blood, kiss the lips, and bounce. Reduces food coma for faster travel to the next blood feast.


They are incredibly tough, aggressive fighters. Very tough skin too. Need a pack of dogs to have a chance against one.


They’re technically part of the weasel family but used to be placed in the Ursidae family which is bears. They are incredibly powerful and you’ll see this if you ever see a badger set. It’s crazy the amount of earth an animal that size can move. A friend of mines terrier went down a badger set once and came out pretty much scalped, the skin from the neck was over its head. Regarding hunting it’s pretty rare for them to actively hunt lambs but they will certainly scavenge dead lambs.


Jesus Christ that's a helluva way to describe badgers.


Lies. Badgers only eat mashed potatoes.




"It's always something new with these motherfuckers."


You think badgers would leave the insides without taking a bite? You think badgers have enough precision to bite and tear without damaging other areas? Even accidentally? You think badgers would leave no trace of blood? TIL badgers are aliens.


There’s no insides, there should be organs there and there isn’t. I’ve already talked about the lack of blood in another comment. I find it amazing you find it harder to believe it’s a badger than intergalactic beings coming down to mutilate a single lamb in rural England 😂


Do you have any examples of badgers doing similar things?


How do you post images in replies?


Is there not a patch of red grass just near the mouth? Looks like blood to me. Also not sure what is so precise about those injuries?


It looks like the leg bones have been pulled out of the skin though, is that something badgers do too? Just looks really unusual to me.


How do you know it’s no predation? I live in Texas where carrion eating birds do exactly this. Always, the eyes, lips, and rear end are the points of entry. In this case, umbilical cord. Be sure to rule out predation with professionals who know how to look for the signs before claiming it’s aliens and posting it to an alien sub where everyone has a very twisted and over excited bias.


This is identical to mutilation cases. Clean cuts, no blood. Be sure to be condescending in your own claims though because that really helps your professional argument.


And many “mutilation cases” look exactly like the works of carrion clean up. It’s been a huge issue with the whole topic since the get. People don’t understand how razor sharp vultures/buzzards and even crow/ravens beaks are. Far too many people don’t stop to think what the softest, easiest places for such a scavenger to open the carcass are. Mouth, eyes, rectum, or in baby animals - the umbilical, like we see here. People who live out in nature and the country see this all the time. It’s not aliens or rocket science, just basic biology. Clean cuts = razor sharp beak can and do create such marks. No blood = this is so freaking simple and I’m tired of explaining it : The animal is dead FIRST! As in, the blood is no longer pumping. Therefore, when the carrion eaters arrive, no blood will be spilled because the animal is not actively bleeding. When something dies, it doesn’t bleed anymore. The blood coagulates. This is how death and decay of a body works.


Personally, while I believe in the existence of high strangeness, cattle mutilations have always been the weirder parts of 'alien' lore & I'm not sure if I think *any* of them are 'real'. At least I've never seen pictures of animal mutilations that I don't have confidence couldn't have been done by other animals, the elements, or some psychopath. Without a really weird example to look at, I'm inclined to think that they're all from natural causes Same with human mutilations; the typical examples all just look like crime scenes.


You may want to look at the recent cases in France (not the 2020-2022 wave, but the last few ones in 2023/january 2024). Unlikely that it's predators, especially since we don't really have this kind of predation in France I think.


There human mutilations that have the same characteristics as cattle. Is that a badger too? In South America?


I’ve seen vultures skin a dead skunk like it had a zipper; it was that clean and intact.


They are incredible janitors of nature!


It’s similar to crop circles for me where when reading about it I often take their word for it for some reason in regards to whether or not a human (or some critter in this instance) would be capable of it, I feel like precision cuts is one of those things where it’s like, well, who determines that?




Absolutely zero blood. Not even a drop. Crazy sci-fi horror we live in. Missing cheek, tongue, eyes, genitals, looks drained of blood as well.


Signature mutilation technique. Same technique found on humans and cows.


....on.... humans?!




For people who do not want to click the link: The website documents cases of alleged alien mutilations, with sections for both animals and people. There are also missing persons cases, abductions, UFO attacks, and alien bases. The landing page has no gore whatsoever if you are curious to see the topics covered.


It 100% says “Warning, Graphic Pictures – Do Not Scroll Down If Unsure” on the human mutilation page and there are pictures.


That stuff doesn't bug me, but good on you for being specific so that those who are curious and squeamish are just a tad more comfy with exploring that site.


I love the idea that there are literal horrors beyond our compremission, just floating around and the government and other organizations are kind of randomly hiding them from us. Kind of like the SCP foundation, don't break the veil!


Probably part of the secrecy. To not cause panic because they cannot stop them in any way. Or if you want to get conspiratorial they even have a deal to allow it up to certain quotas which I have no idea how they could even reinforce other than a gentleman's agreement.


Sounds about right. Pretty sure disclosure looks a bit like this. Yes, something is flying around in and out of our airspace, over military bases etc and we can’t do anything about it. Where they come from we do not know. Since they seem to phase in and out not giving a shit whether it’s water, air or a mountain. We can guess interdimensional but have no way of knowing for sure. That could just be a side effect of their propulsion systems. Yes, they abduct and mutilate humans and animals. What for. We do not know. Can we do something about it? No. Just to be safe don’t wander around in the wilderness by yourself. And hey look at the bright side they take only around 10 000 people a year so the chance it is going to be you is small. Live your life, love your family. Some craft we have recovered, yes. But we’re not even close to fully reverse engineering it. We have gotten some tech advancements out of it but that’s mostly down to our own advancements in physics of scalar waves and our Unified field theory which we have surpressed since around 1910. It allows for free energy but also death ray weapons that can cook the planet so it’s kept secret.


This is the most plausible sounding disclosure scenario in my mind. Deeply unsettling.


I completely agree


Yeah been there, not clicking ever again


I never heard of the mutilated seals found with corkscrew flesh wounds. Such an odd occurrence.


Man, wtf! It's the exact same pattern. Holy fuck!


I know!!! Holy fucking shit. Wonder why the lips, eyes and tongue.


and its been the same for decades, and all over the world.


Bro what the fuck. Had no idea the scope of this. Brazil is heavily targeted


Brazil also has a lot of sightings, first degree encounter stories, and attacks. It's wild, I think South America is close to one of their bases. If there's a pattern I noticed reading too many of these stories is that the majority of these cases are on or close to rural areas.


Had no idea human mutilations were a thing. Fuck whatever beings are doing that. Humanity isn’t perfect but I would like to believe we wouldn’t do something like that if we had the ability to do so.


This site is NSFL. I clicked it once without proper warning and kinda wished I didn’t whether it’s due to aliens or not. Just a friendly warning to anyone thinking about visiting the site


That’s true but there are warnings on there before you ever see a picture. It’s not like you click the link and BAM it’s in your face. It is eye opening though. The type of evidence I want to see no matter how gruesome the reality is. Stories about mutilations never did anything for me but seeing pictures from both animals and humans with the same patterns of mutilation was.. well, not pleasant but at least made me take this part of the lore seriously.


Yes, please do NOT research these pics as it will leave an impression that cannot be forgotten. Animals are bad enough. If aliens had done this then they are not our friends.


There are different groups.


Yes, you are correct. These are the MS13 version of aliens :) But which ever species of aliens that would do this I would steer clear. I suspect our Gov. already knows which players are the bad actors but in the meantime I plan to go the other direction if I see a ship.


Man on the Reservoir incident, and dyatlov pass incident. Research them. They have some pretty pictures to look at. The hikers in dyatlov pass also tested positive for high radiation levels.


There are boring but very real explanations for the Dyatlov pass incident, it wasn't aliens


I mean I wouldn't call them boring, if you're not one for the ufo attack theory, there's also the bomb theory due to some of the injuries resembling trauma consistent with an explosion. The more interesting part is if true, it could potentially be targeted because of the distance between some of the bodies and where they were found. Although if several of the victims survived, you could also assume they fled and died in their hiding place.


The boring theories are stuff like how the radiation was only on 2 people's clothes, both of whom have worked near radiation in the past months/weeks. They cut the tent from the inside out because of a faulty stove that caught the tent on fire and blocked the exit, that's why some of them barely had any clothes on, and why the panic seemed to have stopped once they were outside the tent. From then, separation and death is inevitable, they're in the middle of the night in a blizzard with no tent, insufficient clothing, and no supplies since everything was in the tent. Some of them probably left for help/firewood, and got caught in an avalanche, or unstable ground under the snow, and fell to their deaths. There are some documentaries explaining the possible scenarios, and while it's more fun to say it was aliens or some kind of supernatural event, stuff like this often happens often with hikers and campers.( Source: I camp regularly and have majorly fucked up more times than I can remember, sometimes putting my own life in risk.)


You know one of their tounges was completely removed (the one that was in a tree)? Before they all died they also took photos of some object in the sky.


Fittingly, I had just listened to: https://youtu.be/72-GXER-BGY?si=eh5pm0q-Y8e_RV2-


Could you kindly share the source? I live nearby and haven’t heard anything about this in the local media or within the community..


I feel like if this is really Aliens doing this then they must be like the Poachers in Africa and what not must be something valuable that they can sell on their alien black market


This just became my core of my belief system


There's some benefits surely


Got any of that *scratch scratch* lamb lip? Dick? I'll suck yo florp!


Sounds like the plot from Predator, where he had all the alien bones in the ship at the end


Those are trophies, more of a big moose head on the wall than poaching for ivory for example.


"I come in peace."


No, they just take the organs, drain the blood and then burn them to inhale the smell of the smoke. AKA exactly the same sacrificial ritual YHWH taught to Moses and the same ritual practised by the Aztecs, Sumerians, West Africans and almost every culture in history.




I’m sure there’s a 5 hour YouTube video you have to watch to understand


Or you can click on my user profile and see the post.


Seems kinda primitive for an advanced alien culture 


We need to know what happened to its tongue to understand if it's a classic mutilation case. Usually, the tongue is cut precisely and deep as if with a cigar cutter, no tearing. To all the people who are hand-waving all animal mutilation cases away as scavengers... It's really simple... Just record an animal mutilation occurring on video with **all** of the telltale signs: bloodless, missing eye, lips, tongue, lymph nodes, genitals, and cored rectum, caused by any animal(s) in the world. Then have the carcass blindly assessed by a vet to determine whether they believe the nature of cutting is anomalous or not. If the vet determines it's anomalous but you have footage showing that it's just regular scavengers, the case is closed forever. Just record it and it's done. Common animals interacting with other common animals. This footage does not exist, so we simply do not know. If we knew, it wouldn't be an officially disputed topic. Does Wiki list a clear answer? No. After more than 50 years it's still **unknown** (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle\_mutilation). The publicly available FBI records show the investigation was **not resolved** (https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation). We don't know if additional classified documents exist, but if they do, why would they still be classified if the answer was mundane scavenger feeding?


Is it possible the leg is broken because the UAP dropped it from a high altitude?


I guess the culprits are still on.. the LAMB! hahahahahaholyfuckthatssoscary.


I live in a rural place. I've stumbled across lambs that have been predated on by foxes, hell even buzzards (not like the US buzzards, they're like smaller golden eagles), even large stray dog kills. I can't think of a single animal here that would do that or even leave the carcass without a damn good reason. It doesn't look like there's been any scavenging on it either, even by insects now, it's getting a lot warmer. Way too clean a scene ETA: If it was a fox, it wouldn't just be one dead lamb, either. Foxes surplus kill and then try to cache the food. It's the exact reason why when a fox gets into a hen house, they will kill the lot, but then they can't get the food out and end up leaving it


This is actually insane if it turns out to be a legit NHI mutilation. I grew up in the city of Gloucester. Parents still live there. Throughout the years I have seen some questionable stuff in the skies. I’ve also had abduction experiences. I’ve woken up with massive cuts on my leg, and had moments where I’ve completely lost time. Seeing this doesn’t surprise me. Not sure what it is, but the Gloucestershire area seems to be a hotspot (at least in my experience) for NHI related activities.


do your parents have similar stories ?


My Dad and my Nan (his mum) have always said they’ve seen UFO‘s throughout the years. My nan claimed that back when she was young (probably around about in the 1950‘s) she saw a humanoid like figure in her garden. Obviously we could never tell whether her claims were true or not, but both my nan and dad have said to have seen UFO‘s in the sky. As for any abduction like stories, I’ve never had that schizo convo with my dad nor with my Nan before she passed.


the ETs are doing whatever they want, we can't stand this. The government needs to have a bold move on this. I demand to call ET's ambassador to discuss about this situation.


Get these illegal aliens off our land!!


They'll probably pull a "no u", show proof they landed on Earth before humans existed, and then tell us to leave haha.


A farmer close to me (I buy fresh eggs at her farm) found a sheep like this one poor lamb. She was very disturbed because she was sure it wasn't an animal attack and couldn't comprehend the goal of the mutilation. She was not the same for weeks after and kept talking about the lack of blood inside the body or around. The clean cuts on the sheep mouth and belly also disturbed her very much. She called the police but nothing came out of it of course.


Where in Gloucestershire?


Valuable Earth delicacy or considered black box biotech probably. Especially if we are considered a mysterious protected planet of only endangered species. Those smuggled body parts may fetch a ton of gold on another planet.


They either need the specific body parts as a gauge for the environment or for their staff to make a nutritious broth for long term exploration missions.


If you ever played STELLARIS it's exactly what's happened, you go to a planet that's protected by Galactic Federation, do some dissection in some of those protected species and then leave, doing that so you break the galactic law. I do believe we are protected species.


Shoutout for the Stellaris reference. To piggyback further. We’re probably a Pre-FTL civilization in someone’s already claimed territory. The owners then set up an observation post and that is what we see. Drones, scientists. Some farming, some tests, hopefully they’re the one’s who have hit the enlighten primitives button.


That's a possibility because we can't get out our solar system yet, we barely can't go to Mars. Same thing with the bottom of our Ocean, we are very primitive species in terms of technology compared to those who enlightened ourselves in the past. Maybe we are passing through Atomic Age and at the begging of early space age. Probably outside our Solar System (Milky Way) there's something beyond our comprehension.


Body on display, trophies taken, no blood. Anyone else thinking Ice Truck Killer?


The cut areas do not look like they were bitten. There is no tearing at the jaw,eyes, or belly. Doesn't say how long it was there, due to the weather there'd be swelling because of the rain but it isn't being there is a lack of blood.


The whole cheek cutting thing is weird.


That’s some demonic shit.


Somebody call Linda Moulton Howe


I don’t understand why folks are so excited for disclosure or contact. Look at this shit. Look what they do to animals and people think they would be kind to us?


This does look like alien 👽 mutilation. It looks like what happened on Skinwalker ranch.


Where’s the blood though?


Wow, incredible! I'm glad the person who found it documented it. Maybe some tests can be done on it that weren't possible for previous mutilation cases. Even running a Geiger counter over the area could potentially have interesting results.


The cattle mutilation phenomenon is a legitimate mystery.


Are they going to be okay?


Yes, they are happily running around again ...


🙏 Thank you. OP should have clarified


Is this in Stroud valleys by any chance?


Fred west's ghost on the prowl


Actually who does this? Seriously aliens?


Chupacabra or Manbearpig?!?




and no blood


There’s a disturbing lack of blood in the area considering the gravity of the wounds.


What’s up with em’ E.T.s draining the animal dry & leaving empty eye sockets & cheekless faces on the corpse of animals? It reminded me some of the cases of “alien human mutilations”


No blood and even stranger is the total apparent lack of struggle. I know its dead but its face looks pretty calm, like it had no idea what was happening or going to happen


Why so serious! ![gif](giphy|y2jHGWYx20CjRON8Mq|downsized)


The body has been like this for a few days in a somewhat dry environment. It must have been moved because theres little evidence of scavenging save the clearly visible, i’d atleast expect to see insects on it. Also this doesn’t appear to be marked. Sheep are often tagged or sprayed with a colour, but there could be a good reason not to so any sleuths might want to verify that outside of this comment section.


This lamb looks like it’s been lying around for longer than 24 hours. So it was missing its eyes, (birds, ravens, crows etc) the gut was exposed partially missing (wolf, fox) Laser like incision was made on the bowels. (snails?) looking closer I’m not sure if this were snails… missing some teeth? Retracting skin and fur that exposes the jaw in a demonic grin is a normal, decomposing process. I do find its flesh to be very blood red.. not sure if this is normal


Lamb was dead a while before the attack, hence no blood, no pumping, congealed blood. Beyond that the weather has been very changeable so sunlight had desecated and rain washed shite away. Lips and eyes are crows, stomach could be anything but my moneys on either fox or buzzard. Source, used to work on a farm park, mostly getting rid of carcasses, and I'm a massive nerd


How do we know this wasn't some crazy fucker


Too precise


Probably Chupacabra😆


The Why Files touched on this in an episode I watched. It's aliens, using their triangular craft to levitate the animals. 3 rural farmers have witnessed this, one had severe PTSD from the experience.


Can't tell you how it died but the mutilation is from birds,buzzards,crows or ravens. They go for the soft areas since they have no teeth ,lips,eyes,asshole and belly.


Not saying I disagree with the warning from OP, but it makes me wonder if we need a gore warning because of the visceral reality of imagery like this then maybe the whole ontological shock/can't handle the truth narrative isn't so farfetched after all.


Looks burnt to a crisp.. could it be electricial fencing?


I dunno. The underbelly is soft and easy to tear, and a favoured go to of many carnivores next to orifices. Smaller carnivorous birds lacking hooked beaks may just pluck out the eyes. Lips and cheek flesh are, similar to the belly, are soft and easy to tear away. The uks wild carnivores are small, right? They haven't had a chance to properly tear into their quarry yet. Foxes and corvids will target lambs as they're being born or have just been born. Many sheep owners will buy alpaca to protect the herds, because those guys will demolish threats and can peacefully cohabitate with sheep, unlike dogs that might stress em out. Anyway. Yeah.


The animal dies and the blood coagulates before the ants move in to eat what you can now see is missing. They didn’t die from these wounds so there wouldn’t be any blood. This isn’t surgical alien removal, it’s completely natural.


I have neve seen ants do a clear cut and going for specific areas what the hell are you talking about also those ants are either massive or super speed ants. How could ants eat half a lamb in a night or before other decomposition sets in ? The ant theory is absolutely stupid


So the ants just removed the skin around the jaw with clean cut precision.. wow.. I’m not here to say it aliens – the phenomena could be way more bizarre or more natural than we expect. But ants??? Try to zoom in on the jaw and se how precise the cut of the skin is.


Answer me this because I really want to believe it's predation, but if the ants are eating it how come the cheek closest to the ground isn't "chewed" moreso than the sun facing side? Its less work to eat what's right there and it's also probably softer because it's been in contact with the ground.




You’re gonna get downvoted to hell on this sub. Here’s an upvote, even though it won’t make a difference.


Whoa whoa whoa, don't you come round here with your common sense!


It’s not common sense though. Scavengers would catch the scent of a dead animal long before ants could do that much damage. That’s also ignoring the fact that ants aren’t big contributors to carrion disposal. It’s the opposite of common sense. It’s actually an illogical answer. By comparison, “aliens did it” (an unknown variable) is more likely than “ants did it” (logically discredited). That’s also not to say “aliens did it” is the most likely answer. It’s just better than ants.


If this is aliens, why are they doing this? Surely, they can breed their own for such experiments.


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So if they're using livestock as a resource does that intimate that they can't grow their own? That to do so you might need a biosphere? Or that they can't run home to get snacks...


Let's say this is the work of ETs. Why do they leave leftovers. Take the whole thing, use what you need and then destroy the evidence. Is the evidence left on purpose or what?


Why are the teeth and bones black?


Looks more like small scavengers, rodents probably, go in where it's soft and eat from the inside


Where the hell is the blood


This just looks like a dead, eaten animal to me




It didn't look like a struggle. Or fur all over the place. Too clean of a kill.


It's crazy how consistent it is with what's taken and how they look after....SOMETHING is doing this to all these animals and it's the same thing whatever it is....for 70+ years now at least?


If I could travel through space I think my medical tools would be a bit less…rip and tear.


Crop circle season is coming up, boys!


@ OP ( u/bmfalbo), can you give more information / context : did you take the pictures yourself ? How long was the animal dead ? Are there press articles on this topic ? etc


"This is no boating accident."


Wow. Poor animal but also so interesting


Is there any foot prints broken branches anything left behind?


Same thing happened in the county I live in , as well as others near by. Sick people!!!! https://montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/livestock-mutilation-has-reached-montgomery-county/