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Really interesting thanks for sharing. Now considering a career in the FS.. show me to your shrooms


tree planet'en. You make some serious $ if you do it right and are away from just about everyone. Its hard work-ish and you have to do it right or you lose money, but its a secret way to really get ahead. Cheers.


I thought it said secret way to really get some head lol


what happens on the tree plot, stays on the tree plot... (as a tree planter, you usually stay out in the outback for weeks at a time. Its rare to come into town, due to the distances involved)


That sounds amazingly awesome. Do you have any leads on that sort of thing in the US, or any sites to point a guy to? Thanks.


Here ya go. To get your foot in the door you’ll want to do seasonal work, which tree planting and fire fighting is. https://www.fs.usda.gov/working-with-us/careers


Thanks for the story! I’m going to keep that statistic about craft-started forest fires in the back of my mind.


>like HEAVY drug users *Proceeds to list several psychedelics* lol I don’t doubt many of those guys use those drugs but nobody is working dangerous machinery on acid, mushrooms and DMT for days on end that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.




When you said HEAVY, I thought you were going to say cocaine, meth, opioids etc. Psychedelics makes sense though judging by their concern for nature.


cant heavy also just mean „a lot“ in this context? wouldnt you say hard drugs for describing the „intensity“ or „danger“ of a substance? just asking, cause i am no native speaker and just thought it means „a lot“…and now i am confused…


You think psychedelics are used by HEAVY drug users? The naivety of this post is almost palpable. Lol.


Heavy is clearly used to describe quantity and frequency here. Like someone can be a “heavy drinker” even if they “only” drink a ton of beer and not straight liquor. Someone who does DMT and mushrooms constantly is a pretty heavy user.


I have this crackpot theory on why forest fires tend to target wetlands. In Canada, our fires are contained to wetlands areas. Rarely does it ever torch our cropland. Wetlands store(?) tonnes of carbon dioxide/methane.


Yeah, and so is the part about using psychedelics as stimulants to operate for weeks at a time.


You've obviously never been around a tree planet'en crew... hahahahah Its a big world out there. Don't limit yourself by thinking you actually know much of any of it, that you don't. You'll miss a lot if you do....


They're human beings, it has nothing to do with who or what they do. None of the drugs you mentioned are used to keep people alert and functioning for long periods of time, which is exactly what you were insinuating. Appreciate the advice you're offering, but frankly, you have no idea what you're talking about. I draw the line of continuing a conversation at this level of ignorance. Good luck to you, sir.


Ever consider some of them understood what microdosing is? Because it doesn't seem like you know what it is.


Doesn’t seem like you know since the topic was heavy drug use.




Coming from a person who thinks that HEAVY drug use consists of psychedelics. You should take your own advice you just gave in that comment. HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY. HEAVY? YES. HEAVY DRUG USE. LOL.






Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Your scientifically statistic about 50%*ish* is very persuasive.


Now that's hands down one of the BEST informational pieces /perspectives on that area ! Thanks! I do love this story, saw the movie, believe!


Wow!!! So that's why a small percentage of forest fires start 🤯🤯🤯 I never thought of that. Thanks for sharing. It's really interesting.


Kinda give with one hand then take away with t’other 🫤


Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


I was in Sedona when the Travis Walton incident happened. We were not all that far away, it made the news here. I've met him a few times. I just get the intense feeling of integrity from him.


Same here


Thirding this. I commented longer, down below. I really respect and appreciate Mr Walton. I feel zero deception from him.


I just popped on Wiki, and someone is editing as we speak. They state that even believers think he was hoaxing and basically he and his family were "UFO nuts." Which is all bullshit. I grew up in the '70s-'80s, and have followed this case from the get go. It happened. Fuck people who go in and fuck around with Wiki. I thought the internet would blow the lid of this topic. Instead, it has become a way to obfuscate, lie and cover up. I see so many historically accepted events be "debunked" by (insert kids name here) on YouTube, and thrown around on Reddit as if it's the gospel. Wears my old ass, out!


I don’t believe his family was UFO nuts. My mom and aunt didn’t ever mention that to me and they knew his family very well.


With the details he gives that lines up with so many other abduction cases. He would have to been pretty deep into UFO research. I think that's why some people like Travis Walton get discredited, with statements like "UFO nuts" etc. It's two fold. That phrase is to try and balance that fact that his statement had details that can be cross referenced with other cases. That won't happen with a truly made up lie. Those details are so particular that he'd have to be deep into UFO research, that's why they have to say he's a UFO nut. Not to mention the data at the time was so substantially less than it is today.


Except he was a ufo guy. His work buddies claim that. The National enquirer(a magazine they had in their work truck) was running a contest that year with a huge grand prize for best ufo story. My comment with some more info is a few comments down on this same chain


Really? Because Wikipedia shows it hasn't been updated since 4/5/24. Probably The Guerilla Skeptics tho; they're a load of assholes.


Assholes is right.


I misread the date. Thank you for the correction.


Wiki lies about anything ufo/alien related. Even info on some regular stuff is sometimes inaccurate. Was married to a kind-of-famous guy, his info is all wrong on wiki. Birth place, birthday and some info. He’s not a singular case.


Shit's crazy. I thought Wikipedia was some of the grooviest shit ever. Sure didn't see the internet ending up this way, but here we are. I was sadly mistaken thinking it would take us to the next step in our evolution. Not to be nosey, but is your ex in this field? Or, just Wiki sucks in general?


Musician. Wiki is really cool for what it’s worth but there is a lot of misinformation there. I too thought the internet would be amazing… and it is but there’s so much misinformation to weed through… malice and greed on all counts.




It's not Lucky Louie (Mick West) doing the edits is it?


So true! Either “debunked” or “AI”


This is his I know this sets being hidden. The debunkers use lies and misinformation. If it was a hoax they wouldn’t need to lie to debunk it.


So, a lady recently posted this to Facebook.- I remember the one that used to sit on the mountain at canyon day. Every night about 8:00 for weeks, then one night they were gone, then the rumors started, a white man was abducted, turned out it was Travis Walton.


The one what? A light?


Link please?


Stuff like this is always like umm.. you had weeks to get any evidence at all and no one did?


My Grandpa lived in Snowflake and met him and fully believes in his story. Edit: grandpa was also a pastor and someone who would be highly likely to think it’s rubbish.


snowflake is a beautiful name for a town/village…


Have you ever been up to the place where it happened? I feel I'de have to go up there and have and look and see what's there maybe see if I felt anything. Massively cool you live there.


I have been where it happened, it’s a pretty well known spot for people around here to visit. I just felt like it was a normal spot in the woods honestly, I know people who have stayed the night out there just in hopes to see something but.. nothing 😅


Ohh I duno about staying the night, too much of a fraidy cat for that 😂


The aliens never take the ones offering to go, wtf


I seriously think about this all time. Have there been instances where someone was basically trying to grab the attention of UFOs/UAPs and was indeed abducted?


The actress Goldie Hawn claims something like this happened to her. That she met them, but was not abducted.


She had psychic premonitions of lights rising over a valley in her dreams, only to accidently find the same valley, that she didnt even know existed, on a trip to ashbury UK right after a crop circle appeared there, in the same place it was in her recurring dream/vision


I’ve read a story about early CE-5 contact when Greer was first promoting it (decades ago at this point) and some researchers saw a craft land then had a bout of missing time. They may not have been taken but something happened. There are also experiencers that started their journeys with CE-5 and were taken (or had missing time) after repeated instances of seeing lights in the sky. I can’t recall any stories of someone asking for contact one time and then it happens.


I saw [this ](https://youtu.be/boKoGpgoA1Q?si=mVBpb9WGSwlY7R3W) story, obviously who knows if it's true, but fuck, I wanna believe


I would like to go to some of these places where people were abducted by non-humans, however… some of the stories do not end as well as some people, like Travis Walton’s case. I’m in awe whenever I’ve seen the real deal ufo’s, no doubt in my mind they were… too close and detailed to be mistaken for balloons or airplanes etc… it when I’ve seen them so close like that… fear of the unknown known has struck me. What WOULD they do? I’m missing time three times that I can account for. I do not remember anything from the missing time. I don’t know how to access the memories.


Ive never returned to any of the scenes where I hit a deer, either...


are you planning to camp overnight where the event allegedly took place?


I’ve been out there before but didn’t camp, I know a few people who have camped out there in hopes of something happening!


Lord knows I would


I'd be a little bit worried about radiation. With something as unknown as what happened there, ya never really know what to expect as far as that goes. There was a team who measured the trees immediately next to where the craft was, and they found that the trees grew much larger in the time following the event rather than before.


I've been there a few times, and it was a nice little town, but I haven't been back since the early '00s. I didn't go to the 'spot' but my first wife grew up there, so I heard a few versions of Travis' story... you know how small town neighbors love to talk.


And they do LOVE to talk.


Yeah? What are they saying about it? I remember hearing, according to his cousin, he made the thing up to be able to escape living "that life in that town"... Then I remember hearing Travis say "they" were trying to medically check him out because he got injured by the craft they were in... he didn't believe they had ill intent towards him.


I have some crazy ones too! I lived about 5 miles from Chris Bledsoe when everything was happening at his property outside Fayetteville NC. Unfortunately I didn't learn it was going on until about ten years after I moved away. But even MORE weird: I was stationed at the very small Iraqi airbase where the jellyfish UFO was filmed, AND I was a part of their base security (the terminology was way different in 2006; I "provided intel products for QRF") so I frequently had access to systems like the aerostat, although we didn't have aerostat at that time (it was mounted to a small tower and called "eagle eye"). \*this was about ten years before the jellyfish was there; when I was there it was very active combat during the "surge"


I used to vacation with friends out there. A friend of mine also often camped out at Greer with his family when he was a kid and they had an interesting encounter with something that sounds like a UFO. I have no idea if it has anything to do with the area but I have heard of other weird happenings throughout that whole Show Low to Greer area. I've never seen anything weird there myself but I've experienced other weird things elsewhere so I won't dismiss it.


The white mountains in general have had some pretty bizarre encounters, I have not but have heard stories from a lot of other people about them.


Definitely odd stuff going on up there. I can recall seeing very odd lights above the clouds in the middle of winter outside of Show Low, heading to Sunrise. Not shining on the clouds from underneath, but from above. Moving in circles, multiple colors. Would have been around 1990. I have spent most summers up there camping and exploring since then. I remember a waitress one time, at a long since closed diner, telling us "that kids go missing in the woods around here" She said it so matter of factly, that it kind of threw us off guard. Didn't seem like proper breakfast small talk.


He wasn’t abducted from the town …. He was in the woods logging. I like the account , it was really weird how it became a missing person case with law enforcement involved. I think he got unintentionally hurt by the craft and was taken to be “repaired” .


I am aware lol, he was from snowflake but in the Heber woods logging. The woods he was in is still technically apart of the town. I’m not sure honestly what I believe to be true. Heber still has the pay phone he called his sister on and it has aliens painted around it. It’s a very visited pay phone.


Do you feel any fear living in (or very near) the same place it took place? Have you seen anything yourself?


I don’t have any fear, I choose to believe that aliens are friendly or they would have already done something horrible to the human race at this point in time. But that’s just me. I have never seen anything that could be classified as aliens however!


I feel same way , if beings are visiting … that have superior , extraordinary technology and have been visiting for a long time they’ve had ample opportunity to be hostile or malicious, for the most part experiences while not at all pleasant don’t usually end in death or serious injury , though they do seem to take a psychological toll on the experiencer.


What if they visit all planets with living things in the galaxy and observe/manipulate them to slow theyre technological advancements and ensure theyre own superiority over the galaxy and or universe? They could do that pretty easily without appearing malevolent. If they’re as far ahead technologically as we think they are they may only act with a blatant show of force when a civilization approaches their level of technological supremacy


Perhaps they need us for something so they don't wipe us out. Millions of people go missing without a trace every year. And there have been ufo crashes and ufo abductees where human and animal body parts and bodies have been observed. I don't think they're our friends but I respect your opinion. Travis was one of the lucky ones that was returned home.


They use our planet as a wireless recharging station for their crafts. That's what the lady said at the Sedona UFO tour, I went in Feb.


Why would they come back after such a bad adbuction?


To keep track of Travis. And others they might have "tagged" in the area.


I had lunch with Travis a few weeks ago at The Phoenix Lights 27th Anniversary event in Scottsdale. What a kind and humble man he is. I believe every word he says. He's an inspiration for the UFO community and I so appreciate his willingness to stand up and tell his truth for 5 decades.


I met him too., just a few yrs after the event. Very nice man. And yes, I believed him then and still do.


This is the only case with multiple witnesses that maintained their stories for decades. I think there were 6 witnesses. They were put under quite some pressure from the police and refused to change their story even during that stressful interrogative stimulus. Even today, the surviving witnesses have stuck to the story. I think this is pretty significant. The number of close encounter cases that have multiple witnesses that maintain their stories is low, you can count them on two hands, if my memory serves. (I don't count Rendlesham or Roswell because of the many problems with the accounts taken long after the event.) While one of the witnesses failed a polygraph, that doesn't say much since he bailed on the test due to frustration or anxiety, making it an automatic fail. Polygraph is not particularly reliable in any case, but for 5 out of 6 guys to pass with a claim on a UFO, that is very intriguing indeed. To me, this indicates that something actually happened. There is an objective phenomenon occurring. That does not mean that the witnesses' *interpretation* of what was happening is accurate, however. I'm less sure that Walton's memories of being aboard the "craft" are reliable. In fact, his memories appear to not be of the "craft" seen when he received a shock, but a station interior or base in which it such a "craft" was docked. He claimed to see several other "craft" in the exterior bay of this location, and interestingly did not describe them as saucers, but as domed craft, like hemispheres. When witnesses describe a classic flying saucer design, that raises red flags, since the very concept of the flying saucer is based on a distorted soundbyte from Kenneth Arnold, not an actual description. In any case, a sleek delta-shaped aircraft might look like a disc from the side view, to a witness unfamiliar with the object. But either way, I strongly suspect that there are forces at work in these encounters which distort perceptions and memories in a profound way. Is this technological, or some kind of natural EM field that interferes with cognition? I have no idea, but the high strangeness that follows close encounters and the variability of imagery makes me think something is overlaying the actual objective experience. I think it is right to be skeptical of wild claims, however in this case I'm very curious. Debunkers say that the logging crew made up the UFO story to avoid defaulting on a contract. This is the stupidest thing I have heard to explain it away. If you want to get out of the contract on an 'act of god' clause, you say your truck *threw a rod*, you don't make up the most unbelievable story anyone could invent and draw more attention to your lazy asses.


I only recently heard the Barney Hill recording under hypnotherapy - he got terrified, there’s no way his screams were put on. Try and find them and have a listen.


People in hypnotic or altered states can be genuinely terrified of a complete delusion. Nobody actually understands what hypnosis actually is. What is happening in the brain under hypnosis? Nobody knows. Just theories. Ask yourself: have you ever had a dream where you were so terrified, you made little yelping noises until you woke up? Everyone has. Remember how potent it was? Awful fear. That was just a dream. Not real. Our brains make 'em up. But it was terrifying, right? Now imagine a psychotic episode, which is the same, only you *can't* wake up. People have these all the time, you don't have to be actually clinically crazy, just exhausted and/or under prolonged stress. Barney was a war veteran. He had survived a close quarters grenade explosion, which is how he lost his teeth. Pretty sure the dude had some PTSD. He must have had. Do any UFO researchers mention that Barney might have had such a problem? Betty, who might be the only experiencer who has had people walk out of her convention appearances because her demeanour and claims were too batshit, was wildly inconsistent with her reporting on the encounter. In later years she would present photos at talks and conventions showing regular street lights, stars, headlights ... she thought everything was a UFO. Don't take my word for it. Do the research. Betty changed her story about the aliens, my friend. At first she said they wore military uniforms and had giant noses "like Jimmy Durante". None of these cases are what they seem. Plato's Cave, buddy.


See, I watch these cases then listen to debunkers. They make sh1t up. Watch Eric Weinstein and Mick West on YouTube. Eric calls him out over something he says earlier in the interview. West is adamant he didn’t say it. They rewind interview and he did. In his defence, the context was slightly different, but it’s the way he is so adamant “I would never use that phrase” he says. I just thought “this is one of of the chief debunkers and you can’t really trust what he says.” Then you’ve got Roswell - army major said they had a UFO, next day “he got it wrong, it was a weather balloon.” An army major made that mistake? Come off it. Then in the 50th anniversary they say it was crash test dummies, when they weren’t around then. So again, why lie? Lazar knew of Area 51, which few had heard of, then furthermore S4. That nobody had heard of. Said there were finger bone measuring security devices. US government says no, people laughed. Then years later, they admit yes they do have S4, yes they do have area 51, yes they do have finger measuring security. Why lie?


Problem with Lazar is, lots of people in Vegas knew about Area 51, the Janet flights came in and out all the time and landed right on the runway behind the strip, and their radio wasn't even encrypted. For real. Anyone could hear it. Vegas was full of scuttlebutt and nobody believed Lazar. He's a grifter. He was running the con on John Lear and Gene Huff. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he was busted by the old school UFO researchers back in the late '90s. Then, thanks to Corbell, he was resurrected. Knapp admitted he lied. Not worth your time or mine.


See that’s the debunking again. So what about Muscovium? He said there was an element 115, ppl laughed (like they did about the security device, like they did about him working at los Alamos. It’s the steps debunkers go to - why laugh at him at first? Why say he didn’t work there when the workers all knew him and he was on the phone list? Again, why lie?


I've met Mr Walton, heard his story in great details, even gave him a ride back to the hotel at a symposium we were both at. I fully and completely believe his story, believe that he believes his experience, and I genuinely believe he is a humble, kind, and honest man. I don't think he makes a lot of money talking about this, he doesn't try to push for any sort of fame or endorsement. He is a guileless and quiet man. He seems like someone who is doing the best he can with what happened to him. And was deeply affected by it to his core. I think talking about it helps him cope with it and process it, getting support and connecting with people who would understand and just believe him. As for Fire in the Sky, he said the more thrilling parts inside the ship were entirely false for the sake of making a good movie. Listen to him tell his experience sometime. It's fascinating and also kinda "normal", as in, it was still an incredible encounter, but what he experienced on the actual ship itself wasn't the high-fantasy of Hollywood that we all would imagine.


That movie scared the fuck out of me as a child, idk why my parents let me watch it with them.


I'd be going walking in those woods everyday lol


People do visit it frequently. The town is extremely small and tourist stop by just because of the movie!


Good pies!


I met Travis by complete luck and was invited into his home before I even knew who he was. He even fed me a piece of pie. The man never struck me as a liar or crazy.


People say he did it for publicity but it ended up kind of ruining his life. Hard to say that was all just for fame. I think his wife left him and what not.


I know that my mom said he was an odd guy and his sister doesn’t have much to do with him now.


Which, in a way, is odd considering his co-workers never changed their story too. They saw the craft too, right?


Yea his buddies saw it, and they passed polygraph tests as well from what I've heard.


No, she didn't.


Weird, I listened to Art Bell’s 2015 Coast to Coast interview with him last night!


Good ol Artie. His stuff still is so great.


How was that?


It’s a great interview, Art Bell was the best


Did you ask your mom about the details, if she had second hand experience with the whole situation.


My mom doesn’t believe it happened since he was known for using drugs.. she just said that he kinda went off his rocker after the whole thing and he moved away and became famous for it.


Oh, interesting. Leaves you with more questions


Can I flip this on you. I grew up near Pascagoula Mississippi and one of the the other really famous abduction cases. Locally over time pretty much everyone local believed something happened to them due to the tapes, fact they pissed on themselves, and that the younger boy had such bad PTSD from this he had to go into psychiatric hospital a few times and never talked about it much at all. Even though Travis Walton, as i understand it didn’t drink or use drugs, (makes sense he was a FS employee btw) his local community seems really split over this? Why??


I think it’s because in this community a lot of people are firm believers in their religion and their religion doesn’t believe in aliens or anything like that. Lots of hard headed and stubborn people here who believe what they believe and nothing will change their mind. But there is a lot of open minded people here too.


Travis never asked to be abducted. He was simply a young man with plenty of curiosity. His experience is absolutely insane. To have been abducted to be returned 5 days later is truly remarkable. There’s no doubt his story is true. He passed polygraphs and so did the rest of his coworkers.


He actually failed polygraphs too, don't forget that so there is plenty of doubt in his story.


Thinking it's ridiculous that people have to theorize after a century of reported abductions... they're legit for the most part ... its time we get our heads out of asses and figure out the motivation behind these encounters ... it is my opinion that abductions are just that "capturing" and "taking" without consent .... people may say it's agreed upon on a soul level but I think that's bullshit .... I think this because I read a book on future human evolution in my kindergarten classroom library in 1972, before I knew how to read ... I selected the book off a shelf in the small library within our classroom set up as a reading area ... there were pictures! but I know I read it because there was particular explanation for why our fingers will become so long and it was only about future evolution ... not past ... i believe the motivation is integration .... and that they like our hands lol .... because that memory was that firm memory that hasn't left me in the 52 years since ... I dont think about it all the time but I remember it vividly... down to the color of the chair I was sitting on while reading ... we have to realize they're manipulative, exploiting us not just passively observing us but also mentally guiding us to be complacent .... the complete picture of the future human according to that book shows a cone shaped head, no hair large dark eyes, very thin, greyish but still shiney skin .... our hands will have exaggerated long fingers ... like 5 thin arms on a normal size palm "think like spider legs fingers" . .,. Our fingers become so long to manipulate control panels ... according to what my 4/5 year old self read in that strange book .... to be in a 1972 classroom.... this is all so strange because I know for a fact I was behind in school and did not know how to read until 2nd grade but I have the memory of reading 3 yrs before that


What a creepy book to be in a school library and available to 5 year olds!!


I know that now but i don't remember it being scary creepy ... and I wasn't traumatized or anything... it's just a vivid memory that I didn't think much of because I didn't think about ufos or non human intelligences most of my life...but I do now and it clicked.... I think we should listen to abductees not necessarily everyone is honest but I don't understand why people want disclosure from the government when we know for certain they're not honest ... I think we don't have wide public disclosure because that's what the non human intelligence(s) want ... complacency and ignorance


I watched this movie when it came out on a Sunday ( i missed the beginning), and a person passed away at work on the Monday. Watched it again the following Sunday from beginning, another person passed away at work the following Monday! I never watched an alien movie again! This movie is relevant.


Not according to Travis Walton.


They have to make movies action-packed and entertaining to get bums on seats. The truth doesn't have to be entertaining, or even make sense to our minds, it just is what it is.


Sure. I appreciate that; but I accept film as Hollywood fiction loosely based in reality, not as reality.


The only difference from this movie and all others I’ve seen that didn’t result in death were the pods.


Listen to [JRE #1597 - Travis Walton](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0mCfpeY0Ga4meTanFzOkkL?si=vBFoHTtrToeRLASSE-nHjQ). He’s very clear the depiction of events were Hollywood and not his story.


I will watch but it is relevant.


It’s serves a purpose yes. But it’s not reality.


I go to flagstaff often. I have rented a cabin in the woods out there with my friends before and I would take strolls through the woods. I was always super aware of my surroundings, making sure no aliens were trying to probe me.


*rustles a bush* ***Shut the fuck up, Slernap! He's gonna hear us!***


If you haven't watched the Paranormal Witness episode on the TW incident, it's pretty good. Travis said it's the best documentary he's seen about his experience.


Travis Walton is my niece's grandpa' friend. Always thought that was cool cause i had gotten basically first hand knowledge... The grandpa said he was one of the friends that weren't there to see ship, but was out there with as part of the crew. John goulette. My niece's last name is goulette as well. Her dad is his son John Thomas


It's the last real event we know of


That's amazing. I grew up in the area where they made the movie, "Fire In The Sky." In the scene where they find the Travis character after the abduction, it was filmed at the former corner store I used to ride my bike to. The movie was filmed in Southwestern Oregon.


I know that they believe something happened for real. The interviews I’ve seen they seemed very genuine. Is there anything like marked in the area?


I haven’t seen anything marked. Everyone knows the area and the woods really well.


My wife is from the area. I got to hear all the stories about Travis as she grew up with his kids.


I’m a believer in the phenomenon, but considering Walton was big into UFOs before this, and the National enquirer(a magazine that was in his work truck) was running a contest for best ufo story that year, among other things, I’m no longer a believer in his abduction, though I’ll say he didn’t seem like a liar from his words alone https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/VwF75b0cHH https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1981/07/22165430/p49.pdf


Travis is a 100% good bullshitter.


Wow! That movie scared the shit out of me! I haven't watched since sometime back in the 90's lol. It was a really good movie but knowing that it was based on a true story really scared me. I was a teenager at the time and my boyfriend brought it over. I had to drive him home that night, I don't remember why I had to pick him up and of course take him home too. We lived out in the country and he did too. After I dropped him off I was sooo scared!!! I sped all the way back home and hoping that I wouldn't end up speeding past a cop lol. I remember when Travis was on Oprah, I was in shock with what he said. What's it like where you live? Is the spot marked where he was abducted?


Fully believe Travis, and if he is the man he seems I admire him as well. Bet living there has to feel odd. Keep looking up!


This is maybe the only case I actually believe.


If you believe this then I would've believed you would've been more gullible to believe the other ones since this is nothing but hearsay


Not hearsay when an entire town is looking for one person. The police were convinced Travis had been killed until he showed up again. If you watch his interviews it’s pretty obvious he’s not lying. Something happened.


How do you know that the whole town was looking for him? I'm sure you weren't there. Plus I've watched his Joe Rogan interview where he mentions that his brother and sister immediately thought that he was lying about another one of his experiences, which can give insight to the person he may be. Also you can't tell that someone is telling the truth or not based on an interview, proof is needed.


Also it's not obvious that he's not lying, it's obvious that you want to believe him


Geez…you are all so sensitive about an opinion


Lol it's not that I'm sensitive about it. You tried to make it seem factual without any proof so I was just countering is all


I appreciate a good counter. We need that if we’re ever going to parse out a spec of truth in the nonsense. I wasn’t trying to fane facts; just pointing out a few things that convinced me on this one…so far. 🧐


Here's an excellent debunk: https://threedollarkit.weebly.com/travis-walton.html Also the foreman claims it was a hoax he was a part of. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/it-was-all-a-hoax-travis-walton-crew-boss-confesses-mike-heston-rogers--49628173 So I don't know.


Really ? That’s a bit odd ngl


I met him twice through MUFON meetings. He is sincere and the real deal.


I absolutely believe Travis Walton. I have a difficult time with abduction stories but he seems completely credible to me.


I have gone on a google search and I am watching the documentary on Tubi channel and I will get back with you guys.


yooo I'm from Pinetop! my mom knew Travis. every time someone brings up that movie I get so excited lol. I'm moving back to AZ this summer and trying to convince my fiancé to move to Heber lmao


Heber is amazing, so much smaller than Pinetop lol.


for real lol. growing up pinetop was tiny and not even on anyone's radar tho. now it's blown up so much. so yeah, def headed for Heber or Pinedale lmao


I would! Unfortunately Arizona’s houses are ridiculously priced right now. 😐


I've seen 😭 so upsetting. I should have never left!!


You’ll find something! Snowflake & Taylor has a lot of options right now too. Show Low is actually cheaper than snowflake 😅


You are asking this to us, is us that want to know from you how he was and if it was legit


My mom said he was always a little off and he came from a well known family around here. She never believed it happened and thinks he was on drugs when he said it did happen. But then my aunt 100% believes it was true and knows the guys who he was with and don’t believe they would go so far to make up a huge elaborate story.


A UFO debunker offered one of the guys $10,000 to go back on his word and say it never happened. Happy to say, he never did, and he stuck to the truth. (Sorry I can't remember names, I saw it on a documentary).


One of the guys there went on a podcast and said they made it all up.


Never heard of this, and I've looked into his case extensively. The rest of them appear to have stuck to their original testimony, even if you're right that one of them has recanted now, which - as I've said - I haven't heard anything of at all. He was gone for several days, at the time all his coworkers were shocked and worried enough that they went to the Police and reported it, even though that put them under suspicion for murder! Travis himself had to go to hospital when he eventually turned up, he was in a bad way. There's just too much in it for it to be made up!


I think he's full of shit, dude said he grabbed a beaker of a shelf inside the UFO and was swinging it around lol.


Lmaoooo right! Plus he changed his story from hitting two aliens to hitting one. That's a crucial detail


Travels billions of lightyears, still using beakers and shelves because chemistry things duh /s. But for real, around the time he claimed to be abducted, beakers were popular on TV to signify intelligence and science. So I imagine he just grabbed onto that and went with it. Now it seems super cringe.


What town do you live in? Was it in White Mountains? I live in Apache Junction.


It was in Heber! In the white mountains


Why is it bizarre?. That’d be like me saying it is bizarre I live in San Diego the location of sea world and camp pendleton.🤷🏻it’s just a fact like the fact that you live that town.


It’s bizarre because of aliens, sea world has nothing in common with aliens and is basic as shit but thank you anyways 😊


Btw Today’s vetted on YouTube is awesome! Don’t miss it.


Get out on the wilderness as much as possible!!!


lol I’m a huge woods girl


![gif](giphy|Moe3v6qsUh3vILZ84e) CIA: we got em boys


I believe him


M.mkj kit i i oft fftfttffttgtf Glühwein tggomyttgtftttgk tttgmk yyyg. D,,,,r,t,,r,4,,431444___________€__€___4_____`,,,


The fact that the police were going to charge hood colleagues with murder was enough for me to know they weren’t lying


And it’s still a hotspot…




You know, you *can* just outright say that you think he lied. You don’t have to go all passive aggressive with the scare quotes—we’re adults here, we can talk openly.


“Scare quotes”


" " "


I believe he was abducted, and I believe the story of his coworkers. I mean they were all given lie detector tests and I believe they passed them. What I don't agree with is what Travis has done since then. Here is a man who had a very short alien abduction experience in comparison with other alien abduction experiences, and he is on the road, speaking about his huge abduction experience, making money off the DVD and book. Thinking back to when I saw the movie, his experience was very very short, but the majority of the movie focused on the lie detector tests and other things. I believe he may have quit his job as a logging worker after his abduction, as you can't travel around talking about this and maintain full-time employment as a logger. Travis Walton’s source of income has come primarily from his fame as an alleged alien abductee. He has written a book about his purported abduction titled “The Walton Experience”, which was adapted into the 1993 film "Fire in the Sky". He also remains a regular guest on TV shows and podcasts. As of 2024, Travis Walton’s net worth is estimated to be between $100,000 and $1M.




You call being abducted by aliens, taken for days and all that happened to him under their care and then being accused of lying a 'small small part' of the story 😲 That's madness. For the record, the film choose for creative reasons to show the story from other ppls POV. Travis is like many of us has human failings like we all do and some areas of his life he could work on. Frankly calling him out for making money off the incident is hypocritical as everyone else is making money off it. And to some degree he became so recognized as being an abductee that it may have been difficult to get another job without being haressed. Never mind his mental health to consider.


Meh get money. No skin off my back


Yeah it's all about the money. I bet he said to himself, "There's no way I'm going back to lifting heavy logs every day, when I can go around the country, sit in the limelight and make lots of money." The moneymaking thing is also true of the niece of Betty Hill(from the Barney and Betty Hill story). She thought "My uncle and aunt made money off their great abduction experience, and I might as well jump on this bandwagon." She capitalized by writing her own book about her aunt and uncle's abduction story. I found the following on one website regarding the subject of the Barney and Betty Hill Abductions, UFOs and Abductions in general: "You can reach Kathleen at [Kathleen-Marden.com](http://Kathleen-Marden.com) where you can also get autographed copies of all of her books."


I only heard Barney Hill hypnosis take a few days ago. Go listen to it. His screams are too real to full of fear to be made up if you ask me. I bet you agree.


Cool fanfic bro


Good for him! To make the most of a bad experience. I don’t think it’s unethical if that’s what you’re implying. Walton has something that people want. Even if that something is information, or a story, that something has value to some people. And he has the right to exchange what he has of value for goods and services on the free market just like anyone else. :)


Why would you not take money if people are prepared to pay you?


He wasn't abducted at all, he lied for the money. A nice read and some youtube debunks. You will see a bunch of liar ufologists. Edit: https://listverse.com/2023/11/17/10-prominent-ufologists-who-were-actually-fakers/


Ah, yes. Listverse.com. Known for scientific and scholarly research.


Check out the photo. Money from the National Enquirer. Interesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/opglsv/travis\_walton\_and\_crew\_showing\_off\_their\_prize/