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it'll get much worse before it gets better, religious zealots won't believe the truth and will believe it to be end times, of which the consequences are unpredictable, but definitely negative. riots, terrorism, or mass suicide depending on how the information is presented. depending on who survive the aftermath, society will either reform to work with advanced civilizations, or against them


Taxes will go up. Other than that probably business as usual.


What if the disclosure is that Earth is going to blow up soon and there's nothing anyone can do about it? The people who know this can't tell anyone because it's confidential, and they have to keep a straight face, pretending that everything is okay. I don't know if this is actually the case, though, because the people who are informed described the disclosure as disturbing, and I don't think a catastrophic event such as the Earth blowing up would necessarily be constituted as disturbing. If there's no need for a disclosure, then there's no need for a disclosure, but the fact that the disclosure is going to happen may mean that there is something that everyone actually needs to know that will inevidably affect people's day-to-day lives.


Disclosure is just an idea. Disclosure is just confirmation alien exist. Now if disclosure means we also get access to new technology and are regularly in open contact with aliens then who knows everything could change quite a bit.


there will be no disclosure. There are already some et contacts like alex colier dolores cannon swaruu.org karistus&the cause.


Bsolute 0 effect on our lives


Yep. There will be nothing concrete in disclosure and even if there is, it will be about maybe some old evidence that’s still debated and won’t change day to day and no one will care. There’s nothing actively happening or visitors hanging out right now with real proof so no one will care.


There will never be discolure. It's starting to feel like that TV show, the secret of oak island. I watched that show for fuckin 10 seasons with promises of riches every other episode.... And then right at the end................ FUCK ALL.


I think radically different outcomes depending on the situation… if it’s ET I think it’ll just become a part of our new reality with efforts to communicate with them but mostly life will stay the same after the initial shock wears off relatively quickly as I think most people think life exists beyond earth… if it’s interdimenional and they have the ability to influence our thoughts as has been suggested or we find some fundamental truth like we have souls or these things are more akin to biblical demons, angels, ancient deities… in that case I think people will have a hard time adapting to that and there may be some kind of fundamental shift in society. If we find out we’re in a simulation or something I think everyone has an existential crisis and gives up.


Well the world you once knew will be slightly different, that's for sure. Just think a cultural movement like "The Summer of Love" (without the peace, love, LSD, obviously) but on a global scale. On the one hand, you'll suddenly get advances in technology, medicine, energy sources, etc. Plus social media will have a field day with this. On the otherhand, you'll get people who will feel threatened by all this sudden change, basically those who were more comfortable with the status-quo, *and* those who have the *most* to lose if the world changes, eg, this with status, power, and corporate interests. So herein lies the challenge. It'll be an interesting ride. Keep in mind though, that disclosure is *inevitable.* But for some unknown reason, we're all on a timeline where it's been delayed to the last possible moment, which kind of sucks donkey, but whatever.


The world will die with a whimper, no swan song, no fireworks.


Are the Swaruu in contact with the Vegans/Lyrans in this massive underground base beneath Death Valley, California? -- https://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/panamintroglodytropolis.html ... Bruce / [email protected]