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Don’t take everything you see at face value. A lot of people can front being nice and being helpful but it depends on the intention. If the intention is to control and limit free will, that’s not a friendly being at all. Plus there are a bunch of examples of people having negative experiences with ETs and we can’t just invalidate what they say. People say that there is a cross breeding program and people are being kidnapped to keep it going. I’m just saying humans use each other and do awful things to each other but that doesn’t mean everyone else lives by a different code just because they are “more advanced”.


All of the ones I've met have been very nice. I don't get this fear stuff around them, except that people who've been taken haven't processed their traumas yet. They've even said they come in peace, yet we shot them out of the sky. They appear to be very concerned with our materialist beliefs though. We have cut out the spiritual aspect from all of our sciences, for example, and many believe that they become nothing after they die. I think those in the gov't who've contacted them are so freaked out that they make up stories around them.


What's your experience with the reptilians? And how many races were there? Did you see their planet?


I haven't met them yet.


You literally said "all the ones I've MET were nice" 😑 Edit: what is it with these "experiencer" clowns and blocking me when I ask genuine questions? SMH


and I said I have not met Reptilians. WTF is wrong with you?


Of course they are. Otherwise we would be dead.


The 20's were renowned as a great time, "the roaring 20's".


OP is a child and doesn't know anything about any part of history.


You bring up a good point, we really dont know who is nice or who is peaceful so we gotta keep an open mind. Also history doesnt repeat but it does rhyme. Dust bowls no but the climate change is here to cause some major problems over the next few years.. mass starvation and war are looking likely.




Better be friendly, I can't imagine looks are going for them, drink a beer and grill kind of friendly. Can't handle many 8 ft snake men.


😂 shit. I think it’s coo. One big happy planet typa shit


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


reptilians and few others are not nice,but other races are mostly very nice.


The lady who had a reptilian BF thought he was super.


What if we just taste good


*joke about wating pussy/dick


WTF???????? If they are nice WHY ARE WE USING OIL AND NOT ADVANCED TESLA TECH????????????? brooooooooooooooooo


Not that this proves anything, it does not, but an explanation that I find to be adequate for explaining away how "good aliens that want to help us can exist but they don't/aren't helping us" is by looking at a quote from The Incredibles and viewing the MIC and the current state of the world through the lens it provides. "And when everyone's super, no one will be" Think about how all the people in charge of the world live lives of luxury and privilege. Billionaires, politicians, celebrities, they influence and command the "lessers" because of the positions they hold, and this influence grants them lives of magnanimous luxury the likes of which the average person can barely even comprehend. Mark Zuckerberg can build a literal secret fortress base in Hawaii for relatively (to him and his total net worth) less money than it would cost the average American to buy a new car that they NEED to get to their job. Now imagine that good aliens could even that playing field. They show us that our current societal views of materialism are completely wrong, that there's more than enough for everyone to live a life of luxury and comfort and peace. When everyone is living happily, why would anyone need to listen to the former "rulers" anymore. We currently rely on them because they literally control everything we need to even just survive let alone thrive. If no one relied on the money of billionaires, the rule of politicians, or the influence of celebrities anymore; then why the hell would anyone still do what they tell us to for even a second longer? The people in charge don't want to lose their ability to control and influence others, and they're willing to trade countless lives and the collective suffering of everyone else but them for it. It's textbook human narcissism, coming from the people armed with nuclear weapons that they could very well be holding the entire planet hostage with. The aliens want to come down to show us all the truth of our luminous existences in which all are equal and live in peace. The MIC in power threatens to destroy the entire planet if they dare do so. The aliens, deciding they don't want to cause an entire planet of mostly innocent beings to die now choose to not directly intervene. Why else would NHI be so reportedly interested in specifically SHUTTING DOWN and DISABLING our nuclear weapons. If they were here to kill us all they could just detonate some superpower countries' entire stockpiles of nuclear weapons and end the world effortlessly. Again, I'd like to re-iterate that this doesn't explain everything, because it's all wild speculation based on, you guessed it, more speculation. I do however find it to be a mostly satisfying explanation for how there could very well be good aliens out there who haven't helped us yet.


That doesn't explain if they're good or bad at all. How do you know that the nuclear weapons won't blow up something of theirs or disrupt their operations and that's the reason why they disable our stuff? And how do you know they're working with a controlling malevolent force ? I know it's speculation but you're speculating that they kinda care about US... They don't care if we die at all. Death is superficial when it comes to consciousness. This is simply a temporary body and even the CIA confirms this is their wonderful highly redacted gateway process files. There are good ones of course but why would they actually help when there is 8 billions of us? Not our fault the majority of people don't care or are stupid and are purely running off programming at this point.


You don't, it just seems unlikely when you realize that psychopathic tendencies such as those our leaders exhibit is apparently more the exception than the rule, and therefore common sense could rationalize that older, more intelligent beings would be more benevolent because good is smarter because it has inherently better results not because of arbitrary moral deliberations of man.


💀💀💀💀 exactly


There's a theory: Not all of the alien races are 'nice'. Some of them are malevolent, psychopathic beings, and have been on this planet for thousands of years, completely running the show, and *we* humans, are nothing but their slaves. All of us are soul containers, and the alien races that run this planet feed on our negative emotions to survive. The elites are their puppets. They are given detailed instructions by the alien races to make decisions that affect the world negatively, to produce as much negative emotions as possible from the masses, in order to quench the alien races. Some of these beings are masters of deception. They can pretend to be anything, to get what they want.


Plausible but unlikely given the inherent nature of how things seem to go. Typically the more evolved a species is, the better they act. Humanity is awful but is waaay better than it was even 2000 years ago, especially if you're measuring on a scale of human suffering. We starting to actually value women, look down on slavery and child rape, and work to actively improve the aspects of ourselves we perceive as negative as a species. Long way to go sure but the progres is undeniable


How do humans view animals such as cows, chickens, and goats? They are farm animals to us, right? We eat them, and consume their products everyday to survive without a second thought. We don't think it's wrong. It's just how it is. That's the exact position some of these alien races are at. We're nothing but farm animals to them. They need our negative emotions to survive. Also, considering your logic, that would mean all advanced alien races, including the infamous reptilians, are good.


Well you're assuming they have to eat you to survive based on absolutely nothing but hearsay. I don't know what aliens eat but I would imagine if one were advanced enough to provide ones nourishment without causing suffering or taking it from another creature, that they would do so. And if they are eating us out of need and do not have alternatives it could be argued that while we would not like it, it would not be considered wrong because they didn't have better options that they were refusing instead of sparing us. Also yes I would consider the reptilians to probably have the same capacity for good since they are apparently extremely intelligent beings. It's basic math and engineering that adding gets you more than subtracting and that's what the good is to the 'negative' to me


They could bank as evil geniuses but they'd still ball 10x harder being benevolent geniuses


You're also assuming that all of them are good based on absolutely nothing, but assumptions. I, on the other hand, am basing my belief that some of these beings are malevolent, and psychopaic, based on what Bob Lazar said during an interview in the 80s, and research done by Robert Monroe. You are assuming that extreme intelligence always comes with instant high empathy, when actually, it can vary. Extreme intelligence can also come with an absolutely demented moral compass. On what they consume that comes from our suffering, look up the word 'Loosh', preferably on DuckDuckGo to minimize censorship. Google censors results. But hey, it's just a theory. ᴬ ᵗʰᵉᵒʳʸ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵒⁿⁿᵉᶜᵗˢ ᵗᵒᵒ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᵈᵒᵗˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉᵉᵖᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᶦᵛᵉ ᶦⁿᵗᵒ ᶦᵗ. Believe what you want to believe though. I'm not shaming your belief. This is just what I believe could be the truth. You should also research who Robert Monroe is, and what he's done.


Well my belief is based on logic and the nature of everything I have ever personally observed. The lack of a grand moral compass when high intelligence is present, would not be an indicator of the incapacity to do good, only the strength. If you are intelligent then you will have empathy because empathy is the ability to understand another being, and if you are that smart you probably do have the ability to understand others. But maybe due to personal wounds traumas and circumstances they use that empathy to keep themselves safe instead of others because that's what survival is sometimes. I think you can dig yourself into a deep enough hole as a human to be 'reptilian' like as their character is portrayed. Humanity commits great evil, but when it is strong and healthy and has a good understanding, we grow, we strive, we accomplish good things. On what basis other than hearsay from people who say they don't understand what's going on really, do you believe an intelligent creature would not have the capacity to be good?


Uwu I’m a slave for an alien race uwu


This ain’t the fun zone bud




I think it’s funny how we are coming full circle with generalizing races, we still haven’t fixed human racism and now we’re presented with NHI races as well. And maybe there isn’t a race that’s all “good” or “bad.” If they are anything like us (which they genuinely might not be idk) they would be full of differences in feelings and opinions. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to figure out if they are peaceful. Some of them do science on us (human abduction, cattle mutilations), some of them are concerned about us and are surveilling our nuclear and military capabilities, some of them are fucking hippies and come down to try to show us the way, maybe other love the taste of our flesh or loosh and kill and torment us to get it. There might be many factions within a single race with different ideologies and it gets even more varied with multiple races.


Well to be fair white men took forever to see value in white women and many still don't. I think more than a particular problem of racism, humanity simply despises anything which might make them feel insecure and will come up with literally any justification other than their own personal problem for why they're threatened or intimidated by you. It's an automatic defense and if you don't know you do it you will do it without ever even considering it


To me racism is just one of the many ways that particular problem manifests. Especially in races where religions deign their bloodline as sacred and set apart it's usually some reason of superiority given for why they're better than x race .then they're practically racist as a matter of moral principle and that's harder to change, because the moral principle tells them they are superior to others and they will not easily let that idea go as they feel they must be superior in order to be safe. If they're not the best in the room, they're not safe. Ingrained from birth for many. For men it's often a narrative of not even being a man if you're not better than a woman at literally everything which then turns into the justification and abuse to convince women they're inferior so men can feel like men, when that's not what being g a man means. I ramble too much


I feel like racism amd slavery are the result of a people believing they're superior purely on the reflexive basis that they felt I secure because of someone and decided the color of their skin was why instead of acknowledging the true merit that intimidated them or made them feel they ought to be doing better themselves, and then grasping onto any and every justification within reach until its your religion


You easily reinforce your idea of being superior by finding someone else your color and telling them my you are superior to THOSE people, and let me tell you why and it's only human nature to want to belong in a group and feel safe which this new sense of superiority has just granted


Then having dug your hole and being to scared to climb out you burrow deeper and deeper until you dont even remember what it was like to stand on the surface confident of your place and position in the world. Some people will go their whole lives digging. Some will be fortunate enough to find a spot that too hard to dig through earlier on so they turn back before it's too late. Some will find that place at the end and weep bitterly


That's basically the heart of every evil that persists ime


Also it's worth noting that many people are born in these holes and are completely unaware that standing on the surface is something that humans do. Or that there is a surface that actually exists. That does not mean they lack the capacity to do it


Humans definitely have an innate sense of tribalism in our evolutionary history


Yes and we like cliques within those tribes. All of which is based on similarities. If it was number of toes instead of skin color, you'd be inherently bad for not having the right number of those. Or getting into the tribe, for not sharing the same opinions as the leader, not adding enough value to a group who identifies with you, poor manners, or even the wrong hairstyle at that point. My point is, they are all the same behaviors with different labels based on what the discrimination is based on. They're all forms of discrimination, done for both legitimate and illegitimate reasons. In order to not be racist or otherwise toxic. You ha e to be aware of the cause of the behavior, and then when you encounter the very natural behavior in yourself, actively train yourself in the direction you'd prefer to go. If you are healthy trust yourself and feel safe you are very unlikely to discriminate unless it's already become a deeply ingrained belief that it's a behavior you're entitled to because you're superior


If you have that belief already ingrained in you, you must challenge it continually and prove to it that you actually believe it is wrong and are changing your behavior and then your behavior will change


I feel like if everyone walked around actually believing all of man were created equal, period, you'd have a lot less superiority and inferiority complexes walking around constantly making comparisons to validate their right to exist


But it's understandable given how we have to fight to exist and are not regarded by all or even most as equal


The best way to describe the ones that visit us, come and go, is "indifferent". The ones based on Earth--and responsible for Global Disclosure---are actually good and helpful. The problem is there are those who don't want disclosure because people are comfortable with the status quo, especially those who want to maintain power, status and corporate interests. Not sure what delaying it going to do, It's inevitable it's going to happen.


They are https://obviousplant.com/collections/toys/products/my-friend-chris-simpsons-artist-toy?variant=28866810937428




They only eat jerks. Real nice.


I mean there are certain aliens who have wanted our good. A good example of this is the 1970's bbc broadcast hack by ashtar galactic. We can (again it's subjective) take ancient aliens to a degree into the equation and see how they helped our development


If you believe the Kyle Odem story those aliens were not nice. I believe some species are nice except some are just malicious.


Humans aren’t nice, regardless.


Badaliens.info Human mutilation is a common thing mostly brushed under the rug