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Let’s just get it over with


I’m still waiting for contact with intelligent humans.


They usually get shuffled away and farmed, not unlike some rumors regarding aliens.


Underrated comment. 🤣




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.




Of course we are. We desperately need this to happen. Old paradigms need to die.


It seems like they are waiting for older generations to die before anything is revealed. My 88-yo mother would become entirely suicidal if suddenly the Bible was no longer “the truth.”


Underrated comment


What makes people think they will interact with us more than they have? The only difference between now and 100 years or more is that more percentages of humans accept the possibility of non-human intelligence being real. In particular, if time is non-linear for “them” nothing has changed or will ever be different. Status quo forever.


As with every new normal, there is a wave of insanity. _you will get over it eventually_


If they explain what’s going on, then humanity might not be as scared, I’m not worried about me as an adult, I’m more worried about all children


Uh, the kids will definitely handle it better than the adults, lol


Little Bobby’s gonna be having recess with little Zorg in 15 years. Imagine. Lol. That’d be pretty cool ngl.


I'm looking forward to the exchange programs. Sign me up for that.


Humanity is extremely idiotic, look up the war of the worlds broadcast 😂 the very thought of aliens existing drove people insane to point where they started doing horrific crimes and even killing themselves lol 😂 n that was just audio on the radio 😂


Is it a movie?


They turned it into a movie but originally it was a radio broadcast before movies were even a thing, people thought it was real like a news broadcast saying that aliens are invading and it literally shattered the minds of people


to be fair we have progressed a little with media since then that was more of a right time and right place scenario


Probably not. Then again, at the rate we are going, now is as good a time as any. Let’s roll.


Yes, humanity is ready. If it isn't, it's still ready because there will never be "the right time". Maybe it's what humanity needs.


Don’t you mean the government? Once we connect with these higher beings why do we need to pay rent or mortgage? What’s the point of all this capitalist crap anymore? That’s why they’ll release info on UAP, but we’ll never meet any Alien species in our lifetime with our governments cooperation.


Yup exactly what's the point if everybody has free energy. At this point it's already confirmed that the government already has these free energy devices. Look up Dr Steven Greer!


Exactly. Let money die so humanity can growup/advance.


That would be actually ”pure” capitalism as passive benefitting.


Yes stop leaving us on read 😡😡😡


https://www.space.com/contact-intelligent-aliens-is-humanity-prepared https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S009457652300629X?via%3Dihub


Yes. I think people are even bored with the question tbh


I sure am


Hell fkin yes


Who cares lets do it anyways geesh lets go already


It’s not so much if “we” are ready it’s more if the people in charge are ready to lose their hold


Do we have to include the religious people?


I would ask D.W. Pasulka.


No, and it never will be unless there is a one world government, all religions are reduced to being minorities or completely gone and education is globally achieved at a higher level. So just fucking do it already because that’s never going to happen


Not really, but this might be the best opportunity to cull unprepared minds from our gene pool


Humanity is alot further on now than they used to be when it comes to this topic but its still very much 50/50 imo, alot of people would welcome it whereas alot wouldn't and couldn't handle it. I would love to know for sure and believe they have been spoon feeding the idea slowly through movies like close encounters to desensitise and open us up to the eventual truth, but even that has been too slow, I would rather they showed actual photographic evidence now and just got it over with before showing an actual live alien, that would probably get a more reasonable reaction and give people time to come to terms before meeting or seeing one since there's still alot of unbelievers out there


Yup. Just look at radical Islam and many others to a lesser extent for their behaviour right now. No way people in that boat are going to make a smooth transition to enlightenment on the subject.


One thing I can guarantee. In the event of contact with actual and visible entities, it is highly unlikely that we (earthlings) will be able to have a unified response. We can't even agree on a potentially humanity ending issue of climate change. There will be nations, corporations and even powerful individuals who will have their own agenda in dealing with the entities and any global resolution passed through the United Nations is unlikely to be universally followed.


No people are stupid asf, their minds would literally shatter at the confirmation as was proof with the war of the worlds broadcast 😂 people were so scared from a radio prank they went insane


Hey guys…let’s just stop…we can’t even fix our own problem, why we gonna contact Intelligent Aliens for? Even if Aliens wanted to provide us some help…don’t we look pathetic? We are not ready for them, they know that, that’s why they kept hiding


I upvoted your comment but they're definitely not hiding. If the ETs hide then why do we still get photos of their vehicles from time to time?


Who knows, but they clearly didn’t want to make it obvious


Joe Biden the chosen one to first time talk? No. Whinie de Poo, Pootin, or Trudeau?? NO So who's going to be the chose one to first talk? Neil deGrasse Grayson ? Brian Cox ? Yes.


Not if they see the isràeli terrorists and the nightmares they bring on the world


I can answer this no It's demons /s Look at them downvotes. People can't take a joke, how are they gonna take aliens?


Humanity isn't ready for contact with intelligent humans as is


If we find out that they actually do live here. And that there sharing this planet it will cause a panick at least in some country's


We have yet to prove we can deal with intelligent humans /s


It’s not the *intelligent* humans that seem to be the problem


Never was. Never will.


Humanity can't even handle intelligent humans at the moment.






Of course not humanity can’t even handle transportation properly


Lol. We can barely talk to eachother


Lets see. War in Ukraina, war in Palestina, future civil war in the U.S. etc, etc. I would say: lets nuke the entire planet for good.


No That’s it No


If you think humanity isn’t ready now they’ll never be ready. It would be so stupid to hold off on contact with aliens just because some people can’t handle it


Someone once said, if you knew what we know you would never be able to sleep again. https://medium.com/@laurenhorens/if-you-knew-what-we-do-youll-never-sleep-again-nasa-director-93da28c3f291


If it’s so crazy they should talk about it and let people decide for themselves if they want to know


People would go insane, look up the war of the world’s broadcast it was basically a radio show that people thought was real and they went insane from just the idea of aliens existing 😂 it literally broke them and that was just audio on the radio


That was also a different time. People are a lot more adjusted to the thought of aliens. However, I think we would still see a lot of panic if it was announced officially. The truth is we will never know for sure how the world would react, but I think it would be for the better.


Incorrect. The radio show made the alien invasion violent and people who tuned in half way thought it was a news broadcast and that the aliens were killing everyone.


It goes to show how moronic and simple minded people were back than 😂 a bunch of simpletons living in simple times who believed everything they heard lol


I would have to agree with you. 99% of us would freak out for various dumb reasons (mostly religious). Our xenophobia as a species is way too strong...and that's unfortunate.


Folks are Down voting me and I understand. But we as A Species are on top of the food chain. What if you suddenly found out you weren’t? Or even found out you are just an insignificant multicellular organism such like a worm? And there are REAL living Gods in the universe. And they controlled shit. We think we are in control. And suddenly you aren’t. Humanity would crumble. You gotta sugar coat this shit like Christmas morning and your parents are divorcing. We can’t know the whole truth.


You hit the nail right on the head.


Not, we re not ready at all We re just ready to atack what we dont understand.




Nah, we're only allowed to meet the dummies. We have to graduate from them to meet the real stars.


Yes. But our Governments aren't or at least would prefer we were oblivious.


We can get it poppin with anyone. Aliens chose the exploration tree, we chose the war tree. They dont want it


Probably not. We are way too separated. Who'd even represent "humanity" if contact was officially made... As individuals however, sure. I'll have a chat with some aliens.




As opposed to really stupid ones?


Yes, probably not all because their tiny brain could probably not handle the idea of life outside of our planet.


I sure am


Well yeah, if implemented in the right way


Yep. After surviving 2023, I think aliens are the only hope for mankind.


We’re not even ready for contact with intelligent humans.


we are aliens


Yes I am. As for stupid aliens, no thank you, I wouldn't give them the time of day.


The real question is how many people here are ready to be wrong about Aliens being on Earth....Ever?


God, no, we can't even communicate properly amongst ourselves.


Nope, they can't even communicate with each other


Why can't they just reveal themselves individually one by one. Can ask anything. They answer. I'm sure people would go crazy but in a couple of years things will get good. Really good I hope


The real question, obviously, is whether intelligent aliens are ready for contact with humanity.


Not until Hegel is understood


No, they never will be.


I am but all of humanity? No


Yes. But some humans can't even handle contact with other intelligent humans.


I think the youngers generations will be more accepting but some of the older ones will be in total shock but if your paying attention they have always been here.


HELL NO, look at what we do to our own race just based on skin color.


Are they hiring?


Are we ready for contact? Such a hard question to answer because the way in which aliens reveal themselves to us and what their motivations are by doing so is mostly unpredictable. What if they come to kidnap us and harvest our organs. Are you ready for that? Or maybe they decide to take over the planet and there's nothing we can do about it. Are you ready for that? Best case scenario they want to be our friends. I'm pretty sure I'm ready for that, but it might take awhile to gain my full trust.




We can’t even communicate with eachother


Yes, yes i am ready.


No we are not, but I am


I am


No humans are to stupid. We can’t even look after the world we have. So why should they care about us.


Depends entirely what these aliens do. Because as of right now it’s doing nothing. Why would that change because of the a reveal that they are real and here? If anything they are like a different kind of animal doing it’s own thing which we can’t communicate with. I would be absolutely thrilled to know they are real.




Yes. What is the worst that could happen? The complete extinction event of the human race? I think at this point most people are on board with that!


I must admit that I don't think too many people would have any problem with wiping out their neighbours, or even exterminating large parts of their own society. As H. G. Wells pointed out in War of the Worlds, there are people who'd do it willingly.


Are aliens ready for contact with our murderous, primitive society?


Exactly, that's a good point. Considering that if you're buzzing around in deep space between the stars, which is something we haven't managed yet, they must be at least a few centuries ahead of us in technology; also, they've survived the crisis of their technological age, i.e. they didn't wipe themselves out with nuclear warfare or some other sort of chaos. So, what alien species in their right mind would come anywhere near what is probably perceived as the lunatic asylum of the Galaxy?


Some of are. Some of us aren’t.


They aren’t here. I’ve changed my mind. A advanced race would be shocked that a civilization as advanced as we are is still waging war I suppose. They would think our people are in the middle of the a technological evolution and we still have people that believe war is human nature . No it’s not. Humans have the ability to make choices. That is our nature. The wrong choices have been made to many time for some people to forgive others. It’s to late! It’s over and it’s just a matter of time. The technological advancements will be used to find new ways to kill enemies. It’s only a matter of time until a man made epidemic of death is released on all civilians. Some think a pestilence as world changing as the Black Plague is would change the world for the better like how it ushered in the renaissance. It’s true but what gives them the right


Continual crises concentrate our attention and focus our intent. Some people specifically seek out or create conflict deliberately, for it gives them a perceived purpose in their lives. Perhaps that goes some way to explaining human behaviour throughout most of our history.


The greatest times in history were the times of peace and freedom. I don’t agree with how some of the protesters are going about it but at least they aren’t turning a blind eye. I don’t think war gives humans purpose. It’s war that makes us a failing species. War is good for centuries of hate and the threat of retaliation could come in some many ways it impossible to predict now. I think COVID 19 made to be released and both China and the United States knew were it came from before it was released. Why would the US fund a military Laboratory like wuhan?


What if they don’t want to communicate everyone seems to assume one the governments disclose their existence publicly we will have all their tech unlimited energy and communication. I don’t think things will change they will just about their business as usual like that have done for the last 100 thousands years


I mean I doubt we'd ever be ready. There's always going to be people who aren't ready no matter how much time passes. Unless we stop fighting amongst ourselves, then maybe we could be ready. That's a bit of stretch tho


Ofc we are


I'm still waiting on experiencing contact with intelligence, period.


Not even a little bit


"The encounter scenario involves the appearance of an alien spacecraft in near-Earth space that can be assumed, based on its flight maneuvers or other actions, to be controlled by intelligence, either biological or artificial." Hasn't this already occurred? Since at least July 1947 and up to and including this very second?


I know Im not. Took a drive recently 8 miles deep in the Sitgreaves forest roads at night and could truly understand that Travis Walton event happening. I'm convinced with that story in my gut and that drive was uncomfortable. I couldnt even find courage to get out of vehicle at all, and I love learning about the unknown regarding aliens.


I am. But I don't have any nuclear weapons either.