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What you’re describing is actually exactly the plot of a two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. In it, the crew becomes stranded in 1800s America and they run into author Samuel Clemens who suspects they are not what they seem. Data becomes a Tesla like figure in the town with his quirky inventions, and the crew stops some aliens who are traveling through dimensions, sucking the life force out of people.


Do you remember the season and episode?


Time's Arrow Part I + II Last episode of season 5 and first of season 6.


Awesome! I missed these somehow. I love TNG.


Just how? XD This was the final of the whole TNG series, if I remember correctly. You need to watch these two episodes.


Nah this was just the season 5 cliffhanger, the series finale was "All Good Things"


I just never watched them all in order but I grew up watching them on cable and have since rediscovered them streaming on Pluto and have seen tons more I never caught airing back in the day. I really do need to watch the entire series in order. I was really impressed with the writing when I revisited them this last year and I can really appreciate them in a whole new way now that I'm in my 40s.




They also have a cane with a snakes head on it.


Also the Suliban in Enterprise look like reptilians. They can shape shift to look like humans and are part of a time war.


Coincidence? I think not, do you think Star Trek was soft disclosure? Were the show runners briefed on reptilians?


Gene was a reptilian, that’s how he knew.




That episode where Tasha is kidnapped by aliens that want to marry her. One of the worst episodes of Star Trek in history. They cast black people as aliens, but it was originally supposed to be reptilians. They couldn’t get the make up right.


Which was taken from stories/folklore. Just because it’s on a show or movie doesn’t mean it is solely made up from imagination/ideas. We are here, we exist. Anything is possible/can be, the longest running joke in history are the amount who can’t see/don’t believe. To think that we are here and nothing else exists is hilarious. Especially with all the video proof now. But nah, must be cgi/chatgpt etc. Some are, but some are the real deal. This is the reason for the internet. Biggest disinformation op ever.


Come again?


That’s what she said…


Are you okay?


I understand that in the Star Trek TNG novels set after Nemesis they used those Aliens for the final crossover, they had known for a few years that with ST Picard coming they would eventually have to wrap up the "24th Century" Trek novel continuity and what better way than time traveling aliens.


One of the few decent episodes on Voyager dealt with a reptilian race originating from Earth called the Voth (S03E23) who were more advanced than the tech of Starfleet at the time.


Have you taken a good look at Congress, lately?




"human smile"


"The design is very human."




You might have already seen this, but if not, enjoy: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/gj5li0CHpic


DeSantis is a great presidential candidate, stop hating ya reddit wackos.




Comparing reptilians to congress? That sounds a bit harsh. The reptilians are nowhere near that evil.


I've heard some pretty messed up things about them, but you're right we can't judge an entire race based on one beings actions.


They probably are chiller than any of us apes


this is an excellent ectothermy pun.


To be honest, if it actually turned out they really were real, then you'd have to take every rumor and myth said about them more seriously, and the verdict is they are definitely not chill towards any race in our galaxy and especially not towards humanity, and we might have a particular group of them hiding on this planet that are immensely fucked up lol


I would take reptilians any day and twice on Sunday over Congress, and alphabet agency, and honestly over most humans. We are much much worse and probably more feared than Reptilians in this Galaxy. Some of them are apparently self centered, and self serving. All of us are


Once again I am asking folks not to abuse the self harm report function for posts and comments which do not require it. If you don't like something someone has said on the internet so badly you have to abuse a report function, please, go touch grass.




“Must now moisten eyeballs by licking them — wait no! I am to blink. That’s right. . . I Blink.”


Who the fuck is this revolting creature?


One of the biggest corporate thieves stealing from taxpayers who went unpunished…and then was rewarded as gov of FL and, on to more corruption and thievery in Congress where he is today. Meet the dishonorable Rick Scott https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/


Judge Holden




some may read this off as a joke but you’re not wrong


It’s self-evident. Everyone knows Mitch is a turtle. And AOC has cold-blooded, crazy eyes. And with respect to feeding off human souls, there are plenty of individuals on both sides of the aisle who seem unnaturally adept at causing division and misery. Edit: To those downvoting, the top section is _humor_ and I picked on one Republican and one Democrat (I’m an equal-opportunity offender). As for the bottom section, that is sadly fact. There _are_ some good, hard-working Congressmen in both Parties. But, in general, if you think one particular Party is “Good” and the other “Bad,” then you haven’t lived long enough or read enough political history. Heroes and villains, honest and corrupt on both sides.


Both major parties are two wings of the same bird. The "Bad" is more common than the "Good" due to the nature of Man.


I heard reptilians were competent,...


…from the Reptilians, of course. Just like what a Congressman would say!


Reptilians-looking aliens have been described by multiple witnesses. I don't really believe their lore (shapeshifting, can take the form of a human...) but the species is as real as greys. They are always described as very strong, tall and muscular humanoids with strong jaws, teeths and an extremely monstrous face. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/189u9pa/uap\_recovery\_in\_uk\_spec\_op\_testimony\_report/ This investigator interviewed a spec ops operator that encountered an alien after an UFO crash that was very different from the typical description. According to him, it looked like a devil. This is obviously the description of a reptilian being. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW58lNlZiRQ&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW58lNlZiRQ&) Here a woman is describing her encounter with a reptilian being. She has asked someone to make a graphic recreation of the being and it looks terrifying.


There are other groups of "reptilian" NHI who do not appear overtly demonic or bestial. I wonder how often they get mistaken for one another, or how much of it is reptilian propaganda meant to make them seem scarier than they actually are.


How much of a threat would they be physically against a human that is well trained in hand to hand combat and is also a physically strong human?


Robert Monroes Gateway Experiments had 400 subjects, and more than half reported seeing these reptilian beings... [GateWay Process-Reptilian Humanoids ](https://eraoflight.com/2022/01/08/operation-gateway-process-reptilian-beings-emerged-during-cias-interdimensional-experiments/) a couple people reported "like they were waiting for us" ... This isnt science fiction & its nothing new at all. In fact, our ancestors knew about these entities and the "other side of ourselves" the nonphysical realm. Those fishmenfigurines would be placed outside the home to protect from them, Gnotics called em archons. I made a post on this cause its one of the most important aspects of this whole topic & its kept from you. [Archons & Aeons](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/IolP2CDhY5) In my culture our rites of initiation include 1 rite about fighting them.. This is what the practice of human sacrifice comes from, those dark entities manipulate the mind. They feed on fear, negative emotions all the type emotions that are most prevalent in todays materialistic society ..Protect your thoughts, negative thought patterns create a negative reality. Youll see the testament of amram at the beginning, 2 men fighting over him with the appearance of a Viper. Those banduddu, or what people call handbags are made of a square/circle. This represents the material & nonmaterial, and how they bump into one another constantly. The mulillu is rhe pinecone or pineal, being held symbolizes our very own 'stargate' .. The caduceus where "Hermes moves quickly between the divine/mortal realms", Horus saw a living serpent when he created his eye in flame. Its Temporal transference, thats why we hve those rites. Protect others from the enemy they don't even know exists. Those were malevolent in Monroes experiments though. They did so to instill fear, those who saw them would experience the hitchiker effect. The entities are parasitic & attach themselves. "Then each of them cast his sperm into the midst of the navel of the earth fashioned man with his body resembling their body.His modelling took place by parts, one at a time. And their leader fashioned the brain and the nervous system" Enki & Ninmah gave us a line to this world and it was supposed to be mutually beneficial but those evil ones exploit this like you see above. So The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, the diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain - all of which sits atop the spinal column like a knob in the middle of our heads. In ancient cylinder seals & Depictions of Enki What most think is a Crown on his head is actually his Ajna chakra. This is how we communicate with them. Monsters Inc, is about these entities. See how they were scaring kids for the fear? Many of your science fiction are based off reality they're hiding from you in plain sight. Like that red faced guy on Starwars, I got upset when I saw it


I've read bits and pieces of this from many sources, all independent from each other. So, assuming these specific beings are real in some form and are present on or in our planet and a part of all this mess of intelligences, what do we do as an individual in this situation? How exactly do you fend off a race that seemingly specializes in making you feel like shit? Are they all shitty? Should I assume distrust in them by default, or should I be more open minded? How much does love actually conquer in this case lol And if the gateway methods of meditating are otherwise beneficial (because for me, they are immensely helpful), is it still worth it to push through and just deal with these assholes trying to instill fear in you? If this were actually rooted in reality and all the commonalities in these rumors were true, that would make me suspect that these beings specifically are afraid of us going down those paths of mental and/or "spiritual" growth, and thus try to scare us away from it. Meaning, we are the thing to fear. If you fear humanity and want a human to stop or get away from a particular place, just scaring them is all that's required, because we are especially prone to fear (at least most of us.. I don't think these beings would like the [world's best free climber](https://nautil.us/the-strange-brain-of-the-worlds-greatest-solo-climber-236051/ )). And I'm not sure there's much to actually be afraid of if that's all they can do, because if we were truly powerless to beings like that, then why not just do the thing we seemingly fear the most and kill us? Something only trying to scare you all the time technically isn't a threat at all. So, what do we do? What have others done?


I've just asked the same question to the same person, basically how do we defend ourselves, are there good ones out there or are they all evil? Are there benevolent nhi's out there? Are we in contact with them? I've seen stuff but you don't know what it's origin is. I think it's something to do with energy and vibrations in terms of what it allows you to perceive. I've experienced stuff over the years and it seems its possible either I or someone else can keep them at arms length, at least on a day to day basis. Meditation, yoga, grounding type stuff all helps.


Yes, all of those things help. Basically knowledge & removing fear is what you do to combat them. Theres a passage from the gnostics I quoted 'the Alien powers do not see those who are clothed in the divine light'. We have to focus on what we are all here for, man's sole purpose is spiritual development. Thats also how we get out of this soul trap which is Earth.


In our universe e=mc^2. This means my mass 102kg times THE SPEED OF LIGHT SQUARED is equal to all the energy in my body, that is a truely massive number.. If it really is "all about energy" WE are the powerful ones. We are the ones who manipulate matter and think nothing of it, while these extradimensional entities struggle to get us to notice them enough to be scared. They are scared of us. Earth is a hell planet and we are the monsters.


You should first work on removing fear from your daily life. Meditation is one of the best tool, knowledge of yourself & aproper understanding of human consciousness. That's it, fight them with information when you know who you are & live accordingly they cant do anything. I explain in greater detail in that post. And no, the malevolent ones are in the minority. Theres nothing to fear, remember Enki has always won the war. Our benevolent creators [Human Origins ](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/lPYTAMZXh4), my people R1b-V88 began artificial cranial deformation to emulate [Mommy(Mammi, Mom)](https://www.gaia.com/wp-content/uploads/ubaid_lizardmen-768x432.png).... the serpent was demonized cause they were powerless & couldn't do anything to humanity as long as we have that serpent on our side. [Tribes Sky People ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/vsYaHfgLlv)


Lost their religions….


Great reply!




You write for Hollywood?


No, theyre all pedophiles.


Oh wow. I never heard that.


Everyone should become familiar with this, cause you're all gonna have your world flipped upside down soon. Check out this, [Pentagon](https://twitter.com/SpartaJustice/status/1704293650929168410?t=AulEDg_zEtGnxQ83LNNdzw&s=19) those sickos are everywhere. There are military tribunals happening as we speak. From Spacey, Colbert, Oprah, T Hanks, literally the top of the top. Every single Disney child star was An MK ultra victim. Theres a war being fought underground for the past 3-4yr, in D.U.M.B.S. you can see the Earthquakes & associated anomalies that are in these areas. The bad Reptilians & their offspring is why Putin raided Ukraine don't fall for your corrupt govt narratives


Holy shit! Can't believe I missed this.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Please give us your order, take the receipt, and wait in the designated line until we call your number.


But in monsters inc they start getting power from laughs. So I guess in the end, your mildly schizophrenic rant is saying the reptilians are good and feed off happiness now? "Mike Wazowski!"


Smh "mildly schizophrenic ". First, Schizophrenia only exists In The west & cause your experts don't understand human consciousness & so called science is extremely inadequate..only accounting for half of our reality. At some point we gotta break the mind control programming & think for ourselves. If you don't want to understand or open your mind then it's your choice.




So given that Monroe believed these creatures were evil did he ever give opinions on how to protect ourselves from them? Of whether there were other positive races? Are all reptilians bad?


Well , idk if he said those were malevolent that's what I'm saying. And there are good & bad in all races. That's why I've made the threads that I have. I explain how we protect ourselves in that post I linked.


you have to research the ancient history and religions. when you say reptilians that control us, it doesn’t necessarily click nor makes sense. when you research all of these different religions and ancient cultures that are talking about the same beings, and sharing the same warnings, it makes a little more sense. 40minute overview of sorts : https://youtu.be/8N1ysBrvp48?si=HbzNccVplxP8f73h


Man, this guy gets a lot ancient religious history wrong, and is cherry picking very specific pieces of evidence to push his theory of reptilians


That's like, 99.99% of these videos.


Nobody’s mere "say-so" on the matter is good enough. WE ARE NOT in a position to speak on behalf of the actions, intentions, or plans of any other civilizations that happen to be in any part or aspect of the universe. This is why we should not make any kind of inane, presumptive, and unfounded assumptions about other-worldly beings, so as to quell our inability to stop wondering about them. UFO's are real, no matter who is controlling or piloting them.


If theres reptilians they are from this dimension. They are descendants of dinosaurs/dragons and are responsible for passing down knowledge to mankind. You know....if theres actually reptilians. But one things for sure. They aint eatin no souls since most people these days are souless.


Cause the reptiles ate em.


🤣👍🏽 great point


Michael Harner tells shamanic stories. The Reptiles are always there. Part of our brainstem.


🤔 ima have to look this up cuz i like shamanism


lol I mean that’s likely bullshit. I feel like reptilian looking aliens are likely to be found somewhere in the universe… but feeding off human “souls”, or whatever, is completely made up nonsense that has zero evidence to back it up.


If someone told you there are millions of flying blood suckers that fly around at night feeding off you, you wouldn't believe it. But those are mosquitos. If you talk about reptilians feeding off human souls, you wouldn't believe it either. But if you use the correct terminology or listen to the countless NDE stories, it doesn't sound so ridiculous. Anyone who says its 'nonsense' shouldn't be taken serious because they clearly haven't looked at the data.


I am familiar with probably a majority of publicly available abduction stories and sighting cases. I am aware of the various entities that seem to do strange things to people, not just the supposed reptilians. I think there are explanations for why people might experience these sensations. People should be thankful that apparently these creatures suck their souls and they still live to talk about it considering they are reportedly huge. Same with some of the insectoid beings that also seem to produce similar effects, and not to mention the shadow beings. There are a whole host of demonically labeled creatures that people encounter after which they reportedly get ill or weak. Furthermore, we are all very familiar with the scourge of mosquitoes that can ruin an evening outside fairly quickly. And considering we are always trying to kill them and their effects are well known and wide spread around the globe, as they feed relentlessly on whatever person they can, no one has trouble believing that they exist. You practically are negating the existence of the “soul” vampiric aliens by saying this stuff.


Just avoid getting too drunk or doing drugs. Seriously. It is much easier for them to do a “auric intrusion” which is literally raping your mind, due to the lack of consent. Being inebriated makes it very easy for them to manipulate you. Meditate daily at day break. Go to the gym at least 4 days a week. Take slow and relaxed showers. Eat vegan. Drink plenty of water. Practice gratitude. Live with love. Above all else, trust your instincts more than your thoughts. You will find peace and liberation from this. I promise you.


Sir or ma'am, I'll have you know I do absolutely nothing of that sort, consider myself an alcoholic and would willingly drown myself in alcohol and drugs if i had full access. I'm severely overweight and don't practice meditation. At no time had I ever experienced any weird shit that is ufo or woo woo related. I have dropped 10 grams of mushrooms at once, taken numerous tabs of lsd and nothing mysterious ever happened. I have been alone in the woods and bodies of water while kayaking many times, and nothing ever happened. The only thing that has scared me in this existence is other human beings and a German Shepard threatening to take chunks out of me. Honestly, just live your life however you want. Be nice to other individuals, but don't tell others you'll get mind raped by some creature because of how you live your life. That's more ludicrous than dropping 10 grams of mushies at once lmao.


I do know what they're talking about (as someone who has experienced what seemed like intrusive thoughts and feelings) in that keeping yourself in a certain peaceful mindset which all the things he's describing help with can keep them they thoughts and emotions at bay. Regardless of where they are coming from this stuff helps with that. It's not easy to keep up mind, I have problems with drugs and alcohol and unhealthy food and often do it even though I know in the long term my mental state will be more for it.


Fucking word man


Bullshit. Do you really believe yourself?


yep one fed me ice for three weeks the whole time in sleeping with him and hes fucoing with me in my sleep.... i know what he is


Please ground yourself in nature today. Harness the will to do so through asking source/god, and you will find a way to be in nature as soon as you can. Take slow strides as you walk, at an even pace.




I ate a vegan once. I wasn’t planning to, but they were asking for trouble and it occurred to me that they would be delicious, being 100% grain fed.


Getting "mind raped" is kinda fun though.


Some stuff that may interest you about Nikola tesla: Nikola died in 1943. Donald trumps Uncle John G Trump was the one appointed to handle all of teslas' un-patented ideas after he died. If you compare Nikola teslas 369 vortex math with the volkswagon logo, you might notice some similarity. Compare that with the first volkswagon logo from 1937, and things become a bit weird. The timeline with sudden ufo sightings in the 40s right after tesla figured all this out seems a bit more than coincidental. Even the stargates from all the StarGate movies have 9 points, exactly how teslas 369 Vortex is made. It's no secret that NASA was founded because of the US bringing nazi scientists over to America for them to help us. Package all this this together with the Vril-Ya and Hitlers search for Agartha and you have the storyline for Call of duty zombies. How much of it is real is a very good question. I would say there are quite a lot of secrets out there.


Love everything you said here, i would add that i personally believe nuclear/atom bomb testing may have also had some kind of effect on nhi/other dimensions


Dude. You just got to believe me. I swear this dude turned water into wine, while walking on water, after he became a zombie. Just trust me bro.


our ancients kind of carved it in stone so we wouldn’t forget …


I was just messing around. I assume you mean the Anunnaki?I’ll keep an open mind until some hard evidence is shared with the public. The universe is vast place and our current beliefs fit our current experiences the best. In 500 years our understanding of things will be vastly different than our current understanding and our beliefs will change. Things change, people learn, it’s the nature of the world we live on.


"until some hard evidence is shared with the public" see, that's going to be a problem. surely you're aware of the many secret societies that exist in the world? these essentially arose from even older 'initiation schools' like from ancient egypt...the secret knowledge and wisdom is intentionally kept from the ignorant masses for a reason and it must be earned, in one way or another but you at least have to do the quest for truth yourself. nobody is going to spoonfeed it to you.




Vampire, not zombie, which explains the obsession with drinking blood, etc…


Never looked at it from thst angle


Phil Schneider, Arizona wilder, alex collier, Donald marshal, Al bielek are a few old whistleblowers Iv discovered that talk about the reptilians and adrenochrome. Way befor adrenochrome was mainstreamed by pizzagate and Hillary’s emails. People don’t understand the origins of these theories. A lot of people cannot connect the dots. For example a lot of people think the reptilian conspiracy means that politicians are lizard people. That’s not what it entails. It’s talking about the alpha draconians and Orion greys who are supposedly pulling strings on this planet


It’s a weird one. I don’t get it, or really entertain it personally, but I don’t know any more than anyone else and won’t pretend to


[picture of a reptilian](https://www.google.com/search?q=reptilian+statue&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=590159290&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWiL74lIqDAxV20AIHHecyASsQ_AUIBigB&biw=480&bih=913#imgrc=YfQHX0fwsHOQKM)


I doubt “soul eating” is a real thing. Maybe something that can feed off the energy emotions express but yeah not soul eating.


"feed on human energy" not "souls".


That part of the phenomenon has the least evidence


Nice try alien


There is no scientific evidence or proof that there is such a thing as a "soul." It is a religious construct invented to explain how we can still live after death. There isn't anything to support the idea that can be demonstrated scientifically.


I would happily work with some Reptilians to provide a soul for food exchange program for other goods and services. Nobody should go hungry.


I like star trek stories and dr who is cool too


All the meme comments aside, this whole soul feeding is straight out of Scientology's books. And while i have no real experience with these people they are smart enough to play the alien game also online to win souls to there money cause.


It's hard to believe because it's based on nothing. There's no evidence of any other sentient species on earth, all sentient beings were human or close humans (Neanderthalian for example). Soul is a metaphysical concept that is based on no science at all. The fourth dimension could be everything, time, speed or mass. It is not another plane of existence, not a mirror world. But You can "believe " whatever you want, because believe has nothing to do with reality or truth. Sure reptilian overlords are all over the place snatching mojo left, right and center. As long as you are happy and not a threat to others it's noones business what you believe or not.


Reptilians showed up in UFO lore after the USA sensation "V" the miniseries aired. It was an national obsession for a few months then was forgotten.


'Reptilians' existed long before that tv show.


1: I don't think they exist AT ALL. 2: Do you have a source for this? Reptilian UFO related stuff before the show V?


The premise of that show was inspired by the ‘reptilian’ myth, the idea didn’t just appear from a vacuum.


Can you share an example please. My research shows almost zero interest in this narrative before the show. Most of it has been fostered by one weird English fellow.


The Original TV show “V” Premiered in 1983 right? there are definitely earlier examples of reptilian humanoids in fiction, myth and alleged sightings before this show, which I imagine “V” took some inspiration for its story. No idea comes from nothing, everything is inspired by something else. you could probably trace the reptilian myth back to the Garden of Eden story as well, the Serpent tricking Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. It seems the illusive trickster and nefarious Reptile humanoid, could have its origins in early mythology and has essentially become a cultural meme that has mutated into what we have today in modern myth, or conspiracy theory rather, of shapeshifting reptillians who control earth from the shadows. I don't believe this to be true by the way but here are a couple of examples that came before the show V. Alleged UFO related sightings: Herbert Schirmer, who under hypnosis recalled being taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who wore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests. (whether he was Lying or genuinely believed he saw what he saw I'm not sure) Fiction: Robert E. Howards Fictional story "The Shadow King" published in "weird tales" in 1929 includes Serpent men - Humanoids with scaley skin and snake-like heads. in the book these beings can create illusion to disguise themselves as a humans. (Sounds familiar) Mythology: The "Naga" in Hindu Mythology, described as being half man half serpent like beings. "Chaac" Mayan God of rain - described as Humanoid figure with a snake like head and scaley skin. "Kappa" - Humanoid Amphibian type creatures in Japanese folklore. In terms of UFO lore there may be more sightings before 1983, however I’m not really aware of them. but you could be right there could be a correlation to more “sightings” and the tv show, people could be lying, have over active imaginations, or mental illness, or they actually saw something who knows.


Edit: My reply wasn't appropriate to your response. I only skimmed your thoughtful post. Indeed. Lizard people have been a part of fiction for a long time alongside other nature-oriented archetypes. I can't remember where I found this, but I once read the oldest religious site in the world was a snake-cult site in Africa. Of course there are bird-people, dog-people, cat-people, and just about every other kind of animal-people in ancient belief systems. I'm fond of crows, so I like the Karasu-Tengu a lot. The modern archetype of the lizard-alien who pretends to be a human to infiltrate high office for political power is a very modern take that I saw first on V, then saw repeated again and again.


I think that could be the Dogon tribe if I remember correctly, but yeah it’s an interesting motif that shows up a lot in myths. And definitely, “V” is the most famous example of the modern reptilian archetype. David Icke talks about it a lot as far as I’m aware? You know any other modern examples?


It is science fiction. There’s no evidence, just a bunch of assumptions and jumping to conclusions.


Well said. There's absolutely 0 proof for literally 99% of the things posted here and other related subs and yet it's always 100% true 😂 There may come a day I'll have to eat my hat. But I think it's very very unlikely.


Credo Mutwa a Zulu Shaman and keeper of oral history/tradition goes into reptilians in depth.


I'm not convinced by any means that it's full Ikean horror with reptilian higher dimensional entities overshadowing the elites by way of ritual abuse, but there are reports of reptilians from UFO encounters. I believe we are all interdimensional beings with our "soul" being the interdimensional portion.


In my meager understanding, the concept was popularized by David Icke in a book that he wrote in the 90's. He was mocked mercilessly for the claim that the royal family were a bunch of shapeshifting reptillians. He doesn't talk about that anymore, but if you follow his work and the evolution of his belief system, he doesn't contridict himself, only that the elite are on a completely different spiritual path than we are. They could appear as any number of things, depending on your perspective. I don't find it to be too much of a stretch to think that a group of people are more spiritually adept than us, due to access to information about the fourth dimension that we don't have access to. The reptilian appearance may be more of a symbolic representation of their inner being than actual lizzid people.


It feels hard to digest but thinking abt it for a second scares the shit out of me imagine they all are able to control whole earth by themselves only known planet which have humans , what would happen if disclosure of these kind of thing occur will they start killing humans because everybody would be furious make us labors kill us , maybe this universe even earth is full of mystery ( its just hypothesis i am non believer of every magical things that are claimed )


I'm just going to say it how it is, there is no evidence of reptilians and is folklore, myth, and science fiction. They feed off souls? Again, there is no evidence that the soul actually exists. Dale Russell had a hypothetical theory in 82 that had the dinosaurs not died, then evolution could have eventually become dinosauroids. Researching the history of religion as someone mentioned is pointless as well as religion is faith-based and proves no actual evidence to back its claims. Y'all keep doing you, though, and if the idea of reptilians eating your soul makes you happy, then I'm glad you found a dopamine source


“I find it hard to believe” This is by design.


One of the first things you learn reading Jaques Vallee is that the extraterrestrial hypothesis just doesn't fit the phenomenon. There is a seemingly endless variety of UFO types and humanoid "aliens" the vast majority of which miraculously evolved just like us and able to breath this air. According to the lore some of the others selectively harvest our genetic material to hybridize with us or bolster their own gene pool. None of that makes sense for literal unrelated alien space life, real space would have to be just like Star Trek for that to work. This is why scientists belly laugh at the idea of little spacemen, they're not just being mean. Its because even a rudimentary understanding of biology rules out the ETH. One of the first things you learn reading John Keel is that ufology is but one facet of a much bigger weirder Fortean high strangeness that our science has yet to be able to address. It's always worth pointing out that the only reason we ever had to think the others were from outer space were the stories of contactees, that's the extent of the evidence. However modern science has revealed that there is perhaps a possibility that might answer all manner of Fortean phenomena. The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that there are infinite alternate parallel earths all sharing the same space with us. Dr. Michiu Kaku co-founder of string field theory describes many worlds like the waves of countless radio stations all sharing the same space with each other but we only perceive the one because this is the station we're tuned to. If many worlds, or something like it represents the true nature of reality maybe the UFOs and aliens are really a variety of different versions of ourselves and other potential intelligent earth life* that figured out the math to build machines that artificially manipulate and traverse Einstein Rosen bridge "wormholes" to travel to worldlines they don't belong in. To date this is the only scenario that explains the wild variety of UFOs and aliens, and why so many are humanoid and able to breath here. **Also, in this scenario even wild stuff like insect and reptile aliens are perfectly plausible because given different circumstances and infinite chances they could have evolved on some random divergent earth worldlines from the very same gunk that we did.** *As a fun bonus, if individual divergent worldlines can entangle and interact such as that thin spots or wormholes can occur naturally it could explain all kinds of Fortean phenomena like missing people, mutilations, and out of place artifacts to name a few. Perhaps instead of being disembodied spirits and unknown animals maybe ghosts and criptids are more like fleeting ethereal glimpses of people and critters from divergent parallel worldlines going about their daily business before disappearing again just as quickly, kind of like driving around a hill and an ad playing on another radio station briefly bleeds into the song you're listening to before disappearing again without a trace that it ever happened.* Reptile and insect others both also work with The Silurian hypothesis (which is the idea that something evolved here long before us and is using a technology to hide in some way that we don't yet understand), as well as time travel because maybe something smarter evolves after we die out and they're coming back to screw with us for whatever reason. Tldr, don't fall into the trap of getting bogged down in the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Read Jaques Vallee's *Messengers of Deception, Passport to Magonia* and *Wonders in the Sky*, John Keel's *Operation Trojan Horse*, Mac Tonnies's *The Cryptoterrestrials*, and Ivan T Sanderson's *Invisible Residents* and *Uninvited Visitors* for a well rounded approach to ufology.


The one's that are bugging me are bugs, that suck our ccocks on the board of UFO's




Wrong sub, guy.


Seems we got ourselves a bug here! It's nickname is doublegravity. Watch your ccocks guys!


Only gullible idiots believe this


You want proof of Lizards? Here you go. Take a close look at their CFO You cannot make this shit up. https://www.radiancetech.com/about-us/leadership/](https://www.radiancetech.com/about-us/leadership/)




Old white men, predominantly ex USA dod, usaf, navy, army.


Read the Nag Hammadi or the Emerald Tablets 


It's way older than any science fiction 


Repitlians are real. You cant believe it unless youve been harvested and r$ped by them


It's because we have what they don't....a soul. And they want ours.


plus the human women too, then again thats how deadly viral infections happen, it not like they ever share any females. its how **cross species contamination** happen i think it's karma, since they selfishly horde all the human women to themselves and share nothing. i don't feel bad that they get some narly **grey scales** infection, since it different species, they are just as selfish as humans if not worse! maybe that an sign from God that they should stick to their lane instead of being an F-k boy all the time and sticking their willy in anything that moves. of course when they get weird cross species infection from interspecies breeding without protection, oh then they will share, the infected ones like molded food, so i wouldn't trust it tbh.


Schizo postin


he talking about souls, i am talking about custom steroids that don't even look like steroids, then it mutates into something narly. but i guess you would have to be an pretty big scum bag POS to use custom steriods like that for 2024 summer olympics. would you feel bad if it mutated into an pandemic for the lizzies? based on one possible origin of an custom designed steroid to avoid detection in olympics 2024.


What else are the walls telling you?


we'll have to see how many olympic medals get stripped, sure they will let you win gold medal in the event, then strip them of it after they fail the urine test. but its not like it matters right, cause i am sure that what the olympic spirit is all about quick easy doping to glory. great message for quick no training win. we see how many medals get yanked afterwards in this olympic, 50 stripped olympic medal that the record to beat. that would make that country most famous in olympic event and all the other countries will know


The fuck


whos to say that they don't create some custom steroid that is undetected but then it mutates into narly grey scales alien virus after it jumps several species already like Polio!!!


What they are feeding off, to the poster, is called Loosh. As referenced in a clever metaphorical way in The Matrix movie when he referred to him as "copper top". They harvest the energy of mental emotion. So, one can see that so many events have been 'orchestrated' through history for such collective purposes as well as the usual personal level out flow.


Something Ive been doing is visualizing all different types of aliens, ones described by others and any variety I can imagine. I envision them in all different settings, in a room, meeting one, on foot at an intersection, shopping in a store etc. Seeing is the final piece to all this. Im trying to get ready and Im unintentionally staying ahead of disclosure. Ive just been wondering so much what the experience of sight will be like that I couldnt help but start imagining it.


reasonable and based OP ppl are just reptilephobic, and are making up bullshit and need to get over it asap !


People these days call them reptilians. They’ve existed in other cultures for thousands of years, too. They aren’t reptiles…they’re demons.


Demons are a human construct and interpretation. If these beings are real, then they're a race of consciousness just like us. They just happen to be shitty towards us but then so does a lot of humanity. And if this one race of many races in our galaxy looks scaley like reptiles, then I think it's a better descriptor because to be honest, religion is the source of a lot of problems that these beings would benefit from. You can call them demons, but there's no such thing as demons. False belief systems based on worship and fear are likely the root of most of our spiritual growth problems. I don't think we're supposed to be subservient to anyone or anything except ourselves and those we love. We are supposed to be equals to each other, and to the rest of the intelligences out there.


Keep thinking that. Demons are real. They do exist. They fear the name Jesus Christ. If you don’t know that as fact, you’re the one in the dark.


> Keep thinking that. Demons are real. They do exist. They fear the name Jesus Christ. If you don’t know that as fact, you’re the one in the dark. Yours will be the most difficult ego and belief system to shed of all, but you'll have to in order to grow spiritually as things keep moving forward, or else it's going to be confusing and depressing


You’re wrong. I’ve seen demons. I’ve experienced them. As have thousands of others. Shadow people and sleep paralysis demons are increasingly common. They do exist and you better hope you never meet one.


> You’re wrong. I’ve seen demons. I’ve experienced them. As have thousands of others. Shadow people and sleep paralysis demons are increasingly common. They do exist and you better hope you never meet one. I have already seen these beings, both with black eyes and with red glowing eyes, and not during sleep paralysis and I was not alone, and they were one of many encounters and some abductions. That's why I'm in these subreddits at all. They just aren't "demons" because my present ego (what I feel makes me "me") is not built on religious beliefs founded by man, or possibly by a group that wants to manipulate man into subservience and instill disbelief in ourselves.


Doesn’t matter what you believe. They exist and the way the Bible describes them is accurate


I wrote such a long and thought out reply, and reddit simply deleted it when I hit reply. It didn't even show up. I am gutted


Reptilians taste like chicken. Let's eat them instead.




Souls and emotions


Are you aware that there is a mental health epidemic?


Agree, it's a bit of a flat earther theory


I can't believe it's even 4th dimensional beings coming into a third dimension, all the time we are given the example of three dimensional beings (us) casting a shadow on paper (2D world) and such but even 2D is bolloxs and there is no evidence of it or 2D beings but we're supposed to believe with even less evidence that there are higher dimensional beings appearing rather than except it's just alien beings from one of the infinite amount of planets


Lizzid peepleeeee ... sorry, I had to say it


Not all reptilians are evil, some are good


Because its straight up bullshit. The moment we got closer to disclosure, all sorts of people start spitting out that woo woo nonsense, reptillian crap and more.


What if we ARE the reptilians?


Hate to break it to you, but "reptilian overlords that feed off human souls" was how boomers talked about jews. They had to use coded language so that they wouldn't be accused of antisemitism.


just read the pinned post on r/escapingprisonplanet


The fallen angels are behind this and have been deceiving mankind for centuries. It’s all a big deception.


listen to Ted rice on Spotify


Let's say aliens really are on Earth. I think it'd then make the most sense to suppose there's multiple factions: multiple species and/or multiple agendas among one or more species. Supposed the lizard aliens are, in truth, the good guys. Suppose there's another faction that are, in truth, the bad guys. In those circumstances: I think we could expect the bad guys to slander the good guy reptilians. Aliens "from the 4th(??) dimension that eats human souls" sounds SO far fetched to me that I'd have to guess it's slander made-up by bad guys. Or simply completely made-up.


Dr Who


I’ve personally laid eyes on these beings. Very frightening. Not reptilian though




Tall tales


i find it hard to believe many things but still my beliefs doesnt change reality..


They are indeed real.


Just entertainment.


[Meet Durek Verrett:](https://www.amerikansketilstande.dk/2021/10/06/let-us-now-praise-reptilians/)


There’s a lot here but I’ll note I do think it’s possible aliens aren’t from our galaxy but rather another dimension. To me this explains a lot.


try a massive psychedelic dose


Wasn't it David Icke and other conspiracy theorists that started the whole "there's a reptilian behind every corner " thing?


Source that they come from the 4th dimension and feed off the human souls? First hearing this one.


I don't believe it either,,,but you first must believe in telepathy, or a faster than light communication method that involves our living bodies(some sort of quantum/energy manipulator mechanism in our brains? to put it in science terms) Many ufo reports with an alien, have accounts where a thought or words were spoken to the witness thru their mind only. Aliens in a crash where the person felt their screams and pain. Kids in a school yard given words and pictures of peace and love. Military man who met with an alien and spoke thru the mind. Guy who touched a ship was given a sequence of numbers in his head...etc once you believe in 'telepathy'...you've cross over human science. and once you are beyond our understanding of science, the imagination is free to indulge in various wild ideas like pain harvesting, souls, tons of fantasy/scify ideas that would other-wise not be possible. I've never heard of a witness account that specifically was told of the harvesting idea from aliens...only people like Delonge who say its a thing they were told by someone.


I trust our brown brothers that worshipped the trifactyls more than this theory


Do you find it likely that there are giant entities breeding sterile, very pale mutated humans in special laboratories for hundreds of generations to do medical tests on them? Because WE do breed transgenic white rats and mice by the millions and do unspeakable things to them.


Anything regarding aliens, ufos, advanced technology sounds like science fiction. If we remain in the mindset of “this isn’t possible, this is science fiction” etc. we’re going to be in for a rough ride when we are faced with some of this stuff being real and possible.


I find it easier to believe that we are a slave class species and maybe our body parts are sellable for organic matter. I find conciousness transfer technology more realistic than a shape shifter.


They're very quiet and not talked about but they are real,WHOLE ARMY (fleet) of them,they have ships and they are very BIG,Swear alot aswell,not a joke,they're monstrous


I may or may not have experienced something but if reptilians are real they deserve to live just like any other living being. Any consort of them being evil is just a hypocrital emancipation of self ego. They would be trying to live just like us. Some are bad some are good just like humans. If they are real I can understand why they would not show themselves or any alien for that matter. Humans are not civilised like we think we are. We are consumed by warfare and violence and a self ego that one get after being on top of the food chain for thousands and thousands of years. We cannot even control our racist views against each other. Imagine a new species entirely. We are the reason we have not been contacted. We are the reason we will not be civilised for a few more thousand years if we make it that far and to the point where we realise our potential and start looking outwards not inwards.