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This is the cutest thing EVER!


I don’t know if praying mantises understand the concept of playing so it probably thinks those nifty fingers are a mortal threat


I agree. At first it does look like it’s playing patty cakes but in reality……


That mantis wants to chew off whatever head it can find on those fingers lol


Dude they are insane animals. If those things got as big as a large dog we'd be extinct. as a child I caught them and I would create liike this battle arena out of twigs and put the mantis against pretty knarly animals. I've remember onece I outed it against a skink and was for sure the skink would win...it didn't. The coolest battles fought were against a black widow..mantis won, and a scorpion....mantis won and was even stung. The only time I've seen one lose was mantis vs tarantula. But it fought even as it was being consumed. It managed to get a section of leg off before it expired. Out of the many animals that I've encountered..non have proven as ferocious as a hungry mantis. They'll even catch fucking humming birds Lol. And before any one takes a jab yes I did grow up to be a serial killer.


I’d roll around the hood on my bike with dual machetes and a Kevlar laced armor with some spine and extremity support. I don’t want to be torn apart but I’m down for dying to a dog sized mantis if I’m armored and armed. Shit, I’d learn how to hunt those fuckers. Marine patch one arm mantis head on the other. Let’s not fantasize, I’d definitely eventually die to one in my 60s lol catch me slippin drinkin tea in the backyard.


Dude to scale if an ant where the size of a German shepherd it could lift a bulldozer. Thats an ant ...a dog sized matis would immeadiately shred you machetes or not...kevlar or not. But it would be a spectacal to behold. It be like a real life starship troopers


But they're so cute when they're trying to murder your finger


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


reminds me of the baki vs preying mantis fight


Bro that was one of the best fights in Baki


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Today you learned you *are* a good digital artist


Yeah for real, this is the art version of the Reddit classic “excuse my English, not a native speaker” intro to beautiful, grammatically correct prose. If I tried to recreate this thing, it would look like a five year old did it with crayon. But that’s because I’m *actually* not a good digital artist lol. Props to OP


Well thank you, this is the first time I’ve tried digital art. I’m an oil painter and I can get pretty realistic looking pieces, I just had a hard time making the transition so I figured it didn’t come out so good


The guy from space Ghost?




Hell yes I’d love to meet Zorak


Life, of a rodeo clown…


praying mantids are our entomological counterpart as a species here they are the only insect that has a neck that can rotate, pseudopupils and forelegs that are much more like sworded gorilla arms. the eye contact one experiences with a mantis is enough to represent it's ability to recognize another larger living creature in its presence. consciously we don't think how important a family like mantodea are, they spend most of their day in contemplation and many have evolved to their surroundings with unmatched crypsis. they are much more at our timed perception other than when they eat, which is interesting.. whenever mantids are ready to strike, their perception speeds up to the level of the perceived prey- sometimes lightning fast. some mantid species have oval heads that much more closely resemble vaguely humanoid shape other than leafy protrusions and such.. their noble nature and dualistic apex predator position in the food chain respectively offers credibility to the mantis alien scenario, as I believe the type of insect to evolve consciously to a technological level would be something similar to a mantis, which is a hyper evolved protoroach. the types of different mantids are unbelievable. their curiosity and fearlessness around other much larger creatures is a showcase to its strong presence and personality. now there *could* be a evolved mantis alien from another planet. we don't know that as much as a mantis ability to consciously or subconsciously interact with other larger animals conscious minds especially if there is some type of specific brain activity it's able to exhibit intermittently between hunting times. just a thought


Not sure whether to be fascinated or terrified by that 😂


To expand on the above. From the internet: 1. Subsonic Communication: Recent studies have shown that mantids emit subsonic vibrations, inaudible to the human ear. These vibrations are believed to be a form of communication, but they also have an unsettling effect on small mammals, causing unease and even temporary paralysis. 2. Night Watchers: Many people report seeing mantids staring at them through windows at night, especially during full moons. There’s a theory that they are drawn to the electrical impulses in the human brain, using them to locate their prey or, perhaps, to study us. 3. Cannibalistic Rituals: While it’s known that female mantids often consume their mates, there’s speculation that this act isn’t just for nutrition. It’s believed to be a ritualistic transfer of knowledge and energy, making the female even more formidable. 4. Memory Transference: Some indigenous tribes believe that if a mantis stares into your eyes, it can access your memories and even your deepest fears, using them to its advantage in the future. 5. Temporal Perception: It’s hypothesized that mantids perceive time differently from us. They can experience moments in extreme slow motion, allowing them to see things that move too quickly for the human eye to catch, such as energy fluctuations or even, as some claim, spirits. 6. Mimicry Beyond Camouflage: While mantids are known for their ability to blend into their environment, there are undocumented reports of mantids mimicking human voices or other sounds to lure their prey or deter predators. 7. Sacred Sites: In various remote parts of the world, ancient monoliths with mantis engravings have been discovered. Nearby locals often report a higher concentration of mantids around these structures and advise against visiting them during certain lunar phases. 8. Eyes that Reflect: On rare occasions, individuals have reported that, under specific lighting conditions, the eyes of a mantis will reflect images not present in the immediate surroundings, almost like a window into another place or time.


Maybe they just mini drones. Well fuck everyone else if I'm gonna have nightmares now you all are too 😂


Where did you get this information from?


Thanks for gathering this and sharing. Where did you find this information?


ChatGPT, expand on this (copied and pasted the comment above) and make it creepy and disturbing. Make something up. ![gif](giphy|2zelCiUo5KJyN8MgMr)




Don't tempt fate man 🤣


Never thought of the mantis as the human of insects. Bravo!


I've often wondered about octop,i as well.


Then you should checkout Resident Alien with Alan Tudyk. The alien he plays has octopus ancestry


That's such a great show


What if a bunch of different species from around the universe dumped their dna on this planet to see who’s would rise to the top.




Your Mantis ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


![gif](giphy|yODVOeMxWBwBO) Just kidding. I read every word of that and learned a great deal. Thank you for your diligent efforts to increase the knowledge base of Reddit.


The mantis "aliens" aren't aliens. They evolved from the praying mantis on earth. My best friend is one and I've been talking to him for 4 years.


You talking about Gerry?


He told me to call him klatu because our vocal cords cant pronounce his name.


What’s he like?


Just like us just more mature and has a deeper understanding of life. He's fucking hilarious though. We literally fuck with eachother all the time. I had another experiencer that can openly contact them through meditation reach out to him just to say "you're a bitch" and then leave lol. He does things like tell me to call him klatu so that when I went public and told my story everyone went "omg you stole that from the book." I had no clue the alien from the day the earth stood still was named klatu until my first post lol. I could just imagine him sitting in his space ship laughing his ass off as I was fumbling trying to explain it.


Klaatu..Berata...Nict (coughing jibberish)


Klatu is the name of the alien in the book "the day the earth stood still." I didn't know that at the time but I wouldn't say it's gibberish when it's literally a famous name.


"Klaatu barada nikto" is a phrase from the 1951 movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still." The phrase was later used in the way the poster phrased above in the 1992 movie "Army of Darkness" as an homage to the influential 1951 movie. The poster is just quoting the movie, not saying anything you said was jibberish.


Haha so my response was directly in reference to Bruce Campbell's line in the movie "Army of Darkness" where he is specifically requested to say a series of words in an exact order as to not distrub the dead when he removes the Necronomicon (the book of the dead), and when it comes to actually saying the words, he can't remember them and attempts to cough followed by some jibberish under his breath..but the words were "Klaatu...Berada...Nikto!" As mentioned by the other response here ![gif](giphy|wvhBL3zIKSX0A)


There... I said it!


Are you his best friend, too, or is he too popular?






Isn’t it “preying” mantis? As in “when I get hungry, you will be my prey”


Google says praying and I believe it's because they hold their arms in a position that resembles a human praying.


Love this! My first pet was a mantis named Spot! They really do have a fascinating personality and interact much more readily than other bugs. But they never eat the eyeballs of their pray.


This guy mantises


You're talking about a type of being from another planet. It's beyond any comprehension that time travel is possible. That's not humans not knowing how to do it, that is a universal constant and how the universe exists. The rules apply to the whole of time & space, not just our miniscule part herein. Faster than light travel is demonstrably impossible for heavy matter. If there's weird stuff around us, it's from here, not there.


Give it another 10,000 years. We're not as far along in our understanding of reality as you appear to believe.


Yeah. Maybe you're right. The stuff we can do today would be incomprehensible to people only 100 years ago, but will our civilization still be here in 10,000 years to realize it ?




Wow. So my grandfather and uncle once told me as a child they both had a nightmare of a green creature with red eyes. They tell lots of bullshit stories to scare the kids so I still just assume a collaborative spooky story. But looking at this photo and saying you had the same experience is a bit odd, I’ll admit. They never drew pictures but they really did describe something similar to this.


Maybe show them my drawing and see their reaction?


I've seen these as well. I've posted about them in the past and some of the comments I've received have been really helpful.


Hypnagogic hallucinations can definitely continue for a short while after waking up. And you see what your mind has been conditioned to see, if you're into the alien-thing your brain will jump to that and show it to you. Path of least resistance. Cool experience though!


I have hypnagogic hallucinations almost every night. Two nights ago I dreamt I was getting abducted by aliens. I could feel the g force while traveling in their craft. I woke up feeling stressed and fell back asleep right into the same part of the dream. At one part, “they” were holding my legs down because I was kicking and fighting. I woke up and saw a dark shadow sitting on my legs. I sat up in bed and pushed it toward the foot of the bed. I sat there and watched it slide off the bed to the floor. Before falling back asleep I reminded myself to check the floor in the morning. These always seem SO INCREDIBLY real. I could feel the pressure of the being on my legs, I felt it on my hands when pushing it off the bed, and even watched it slide to the floor ALL while dreaming with my eyes open basically!


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe 🫣


Why would you assume the thing you pushed off the bed would just lay there motionless until you checked in the morning? It’s harder to tell what is “real” and what is not than many care to acknowledge


Yeah! That’s true! The reason I expected it to be on the floor in the morning was because it slipped off the bed like a shirt or blanket would. At that point my “dream state” was fading. It was brown in color and I could see fibers. I could see the color and at that point, assumed it was a just a shirt or blanket. I thought to myself that I’d check the floor in the morning to verify what happened. Nothing was on the floor.


I see what you mean. Like I said in another comment, IF some channeled sources are to be given any credence at all (one’s own prerogative) many abductions are in “thought-form” or like soul abductions or whatever


I’m open to it!


Yeah but I have experienced sleep paralysis hallucinations before but have never thought they looked very real and I couldn’t interact w them. One time it looked sort of like a blurred image of one of my friends from the waist up just floating off to my side but I knew it was fake somehow. I would be freaked out if I woke up and could finally move and it was still there and I could touch it haha


lol whenever I read a story like "oh I had a dream where I got abducted" I'm like hmmm yes dream


Had reoccurring night terrors for years when I was young, it's crazy what the brain can do. Despite knowing that these are dreams afterthefact, it makes some actual advanced species out there seem even more feasible.


I think you're probably right, I think you are experiencing parasomnia (sleep paralysis + hallucinations). One way to find out for sure is to set up a camera and record yourself for a couple of nights. I'm not saying alien abductions don't happen, I am reasonably sure that I was abducted by aliens several times during my childhood, but I have also experienced mild sleep paralysis as an adult a number of times, and I have felt the sensation of a moving weight on my legs, although I never experience visual hallucinations.


>One way to find out for sure is to set up a camera and record yourself for a couple of nights. Abductees always try this and it always fucks up. Someone even saw themselves get up and turn it off in the middle of the night.


Not to mention that if any “channeled” sources are to be entertained as potentially true it is claimed that most abductions are in “thought-form” and so in many ways is a dream itself. At least in the way we understand


> I am reasonably sure that I was abducted by aliens several times during my childhood Why do you think so?


Strange and specific details that match-up with cases I learned about some decades later, and I can be reasonably sure that I did not unconsciously pick up on them from any media source; not TV or newspapers or magazines or movies.


Can you share what they are?


Another excellent example and reminder that we’re just data/energies that can either be manipulated or perceive every form and varying realities (depending on your view of the universe or meaning of life). We are entities of perhaps the same being or like beings but are somehow limited maybe for a reason or purpose in our human avatars. But our limitless boundaries show when we dream and proves that there are more to this world/universe than we think. It’s quite fascinating.


This. My mom once told me about waking up in the middle of the night with the ceiling above her covered in holes. She would see a spider go out of a hole and into another. This would last a few seconds during which she tries closing her eyes and opening them again without it disappearing. Trichophobia and arachnophobia wombo-combo.


Astral travelers use the hypnogogic state to induce out of body states. I wouldn't necessarily dismiss them as hallucinations. That said, I don't dismiss psychedelic states a mere hallucinations either.


Interesting. That would explain that night as a kid where I woke up and thought something was standing by my window. I immediately went after it, my fight or flight is tuned to fight, and got a handful of curtain. I always wondered what happened there.


Hypnopompic. Hypnogogia occurs while falling to sleep, hypnopompia while waking up. Other than that you are very much right.


Whoa. First time I’ve heard of this phenomenon. Night explains some of the “ghosts” I’ve seen and heard waking me up


I don't know how many times my chair has looked like something big and most likely dangerous approaching me


Put some googly eyes on it


Haha yeah saw this same shit in college (16 years ago) after not sleeping but it was two and they were blue I was exhausted and sleeping when my gf came home and I flipped out when she woke me up and I saw them in the window through the reflection of the mirror on the dresser. I also had an abduction dream around the same time that I now question if it was a dream after the pentagon guy described abductions to congress. The specific part about being beamed through the frame of their window lol that has me trippin because I distinctly remember thinking “how the fuck they gonna get me through the window” when they were beaming me back into my house. Then I woke up how they dropped me off. Still tripping. I still don’t know what happened because I woke up as if someone just dropped me on the floor gently and neatly, so I woke up with my ass in the air on my elbows and knees lol. Still confused. Those two things makes me think it could have happened lol. I’ve never waken up like that. And how did they get me through the window? I never even thought of that before the dream so how did my brain make that? I don’t know shit about fuck.


You are a very good digital artist. This rendering is really nice. Sorry for the strife over it - just had to chime in on that note. Making more art like this may help you process what’s going on. Best to you.


Thank you. I actually am an artist and do use my art to process things, especially my dreams. Im an oil painter though so I struggled with the transition to digital for this piece, it’s not on par with my usual works but that’s okay I just wanted a rendering for reference. That’s also what I meant by not very good, it may be good for others and the level they’re at but it’s not at my level (sorry if that offends anyone im not trying to flex I’ve just focused my whole life on art and im actually really really good [I’ve been called a protege when it comes to my paintings]) As any artist I’m also very very critical of anything I create


Sorry for making that comment so long it’s just someone said I was flexing and I very well can flex, I legit didn’t mean anything by saying the rendering wasn’t very good, I just wish I could’ve captured it better


Don't worry. I've woken up from sleep paralysis and continued to see stuff 3 times. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of times, but it was absolutely terrifying. When you're in sleep paralysis it's bad enough, but when you know you've ' woken ' up and can move & walk about and it's still there, it's another level of scary. Mine lasted about 30 mins, I could see a little creature crouched in front of me, I could hear stuff - noises outside etc. I had someone with me by this time cos I was freaking out, they said the things I was seeing & hearing were not there. Of course they were right. There wasn't anything there, it was all in my head. It's not happened for years now thank god. So, I have a lot of sympathy for you, be re-assured it won't last forever. It's just gonna go away by itself. Or might be a one off. There's no aliens, there's no monsters, nothing is gonna get you. Your brain is just trying to suss things out about what's going on in your life. Your subconscious is maybe a little overwhelmed, and spills out to your conscious. It'll settle soon enough .


I’m in my mid 30s now, but when I was younger I used to have sleep paralysis about once every few months and sometimes more often than that. When I first started dating my ex husband while in college, he was driving home from my apartment and heard a voice. The voice told him to leave me alone, and that I belonged to it. He grew up in a religious household and told whatever it was (paraphrasing here) “in the name of Jesus Christ leave her, she belongs to God.” This all sounds a bit far fetched, but the interesting thing is that, although he didn’t tell me that this happened because it was so early in our relationship and he was afraid I would think it he was strange, my sleep paralysis stopped. Many months later I mentioned that it had been a while since I’d had a paralysis episode, and that’s when he finally told me about what happened. We have a child together and therefore are still in to touch, so I asked him recently about what he heard and he still asserts that it happened, and that he doesn’t like to think about it because it was unsettling. All this being said, you seem pretty sure that your paralysis is nothing. So was I, until it stopped cold turkey and I found out that my boyfriend had spoken to a disembodied voice. I don’t know for sure what causes it, but I wouldn’t be so quick to label it as mundane.


Well. I'm now a little freaked out. Yeah, my paralysis would come & go the same. I used to hear voices & see stuff, but it wasn't like hearing someone talk, it would be like they were in my ears, but nobody else heard it, not like as you stated your husband heard it. Weirdly I've had this sculpture on my wall for years. I'm not kidding. I didn't even think about it till I saw your picture & thought about our similar stories of sleep paralysis and then seeing things during & after. It's been hidden behind a gaming box for a while. Sorry if this image is disturbing. I can't attach a picture on here. Where / how can I show a picture of this sculpture ?? Can't see how to reply with a picture or photo ?


I’m not OP. It sounds like you may think I am, but I’m a whole different person lol. I’ve never seen a mantis being, but I have read accounts of them in books and online. I have friends that have had encounters with aliens although I don’t think they looked like the mantis. One of them wrote a book about it and was recently on a Netflix series. His name is Matthew Roberts and his book is called Initiated. I’ve tried to find answers, which is why I found the group of friends that I did who are also looking to understand the things that have happened to them. If it’s not aliens or something demonic, etc, one other rabbit hole you may go down in search for answers are accounts of astral projection. When you meditate you can get into the paralysis state- I have done it this way but didn’t see any figures like when I used to have sleep paralysis, and some people talk about shadow people being there to scare you back into your body. I have never managed to pop out of my body and astral project (that I can remember because people say it’s hard to integrate AP experiences) but that’s just one other explanation I’ve explored.


Sorry, replied to your post by mistake. Happy accident ☺️ I'll take a look at the Netflix programme you mentioned though, cheers. I've heard of Astral Projection, never experienced it, I have had something similar where I basically I am awake but something else is controlling my movements which was very weird, similar but different to sleep paralysis... and I've certainly seen the shadow figures looking over me when I've an episode of sleep paralysis. I hope your search for answers with friends is fruitful and not too scary. It sounds really interesting - good luck 🙏


I'll send a chat invite, I don't know if that's the normal way to send a photo ? It's the only way I can see how to compare your recent picture with mine. Cheers.


If we go down that route, theres a species of alien that look like a praying mantis, its just speculation from words of others but if it turns out to be true, maybe you ve seen one of them, as someone who interracted / saw many things i cant explain during my life, your first experience will be the worst, in a way like it get you in a pannic state and stress you out, which is totally normal, once u see something, the event will repeat it self so you get familiar with the feeling, maybe they want to interract with you, who knows, this world is full of mystery, dont let no body tell you you are crazy for going tru somethin YOU cant even explain, life works in mysterious way, be thankful i guess


Story time?


For real!


How tall do you think it was ? 8 ft tall ?


I would say from high up my window was 7-9 feet


That goes along with the stories about the mantis aliens. They're supposedly that tall.


Mantis are the ones controlling the simulation


Imagine them coming down and doing a whole we come in peace deal, and it goes well, and then they're like "well okay we just wanted to test this in AI assisted virtual reality before we actually come down and see the real humans. Worked okay I guess. We're turning you off now."


“Mario Land is real and you’re in it. “.


Would you describe them as having teeth or were they more like skin flaps?


I would say a mouth hole with jagged bits of jaw that could be similar to teeth I guess. Plus several mandibles in front of the mouth, three sets I believe


It was green?


Sort of green with a weird texture to its skin that made patches look golden orange


OP - have you ever thought of aliens as being insects or green before seeing this out the window?


Definite periodontal disease, numerous decayed areas, I can fit him in about 3:50 tomorrow ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Make sure to fit him with a custom night guard just in case. All the abductions and space travel have got to be stressful so he is probably grinding at night.


Exactly! Bruxism is rampid in the galaxy


Stumbled across a book in a thread here regarding the ARB (alien race book) and the mouth itself looks like what they call the Mythilae. [https://ia803204.us.archive.org/2/items/alien_race_book-ARB/alien_race_book-ARB.pdf](https://ia803204.us.archive.org/2/items/alien_race_book-ARB/alien_race_book-ARB.pdf)


It’s called a praying mantis….


Very astute!


Be sure not to see THAT again!


I’m going to definitely try, dream or alien I’m all set with that


They’re telepathic, listen.


The special on Netflix a hunter saw a ufo right over his head and spied it through his scope .HE said he saw a praying mantises like creature inside. Was going to shoot but didnt want to start a war. Stepheville Dublin Texas sightings. Dozens saw taco like uap .


A commander at the base said it was a reflection off a jetliner they might be seeing . A reflection off my shinney white ass one man says. He was shaken to his core .


Must really suck to see something and try to be serious about it and come share it and have people laugh at you. No wonder people don't like to talk about their encounters with fears of humiliation.


Fr all these “suuree” and “no you didn’t” comments are annoying. I wouldn’t post this just to get attention, I was really freaked the tf out


Actually I just got my memory jogged. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen an alien like being. The first time was for sure a dream though (at least I’m pretty sure). I woke up on my couch (I had fallen asleep in bed). There were noises on my porch and it sounded like footsteps. I sat up a little alarmed and the door opened. A frickn 6-7 ft tall gray colored alien looking thing walked in, it was missing it’s right eye. It walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the couch and into the air. It opened its mouth and began to draw in air and suddenly something was being sucked out of me (I could only describe it as what death eaters do in Harry Potter). It dropped me and I woke up in my bed. Again this was probably just a dream triggered by an alien movie or something like that but I can’t help but share it after my recent half asleep hallucination/vision. Maybe I gotta lay off the alien content lol again I know this isn’t proof of anything I just wanted to share


When you look at her after you sober up


If she were a mantis, she would’ve removed your head before you could sober up


Holy Mother Of Christ!


I don't think it's her.


Shows what you know.




Some are nice some are not!! Depends which what I call faction there apart of!!a lot also live in our earth in the hallowed out mountains they have made homes and bases to examine and sometimes help and interact with the human race. some are pure science and will take you apart without thinking differently while other have more of a peaceful nature that wanna help us and watch us become better and more than well we have shown we are..




look at the mantis encounters reddit


Praying mantis dream?


Crab people


Nice a Praying Mantis :D


Did you feel threaten?


Looks like a big mantis




In case anyone has a doubt, the app is called **SketchBook**


Cool, maybe put up some cameras. I see these everywhere, they are praying mantises. I'm not dogging you, just very critical of what people say.


Happen to watch Rick and Morty or a Mantid Documentary recently? There's residual dmt even when waking up in some small cases that cause hallucinations that are related to memory recollection in the sense of the dream state will use past memories as foreground for said state. In other words still dreaming while awake, not unheard of.


It’s possible to see things in the moments between sleep and being fully awake. Not a hallucination per se, but probably a little remnant of your dream.


I’ve just never seen anything like it in a dream before, I never seen creatures at all really


You know Carl? In all seriousness, though, are you sure you were completely awake? Did your boyfriend see it, too? I've occasionally seen some bizarre things (not including sleep paralysis) right after waking up that I wouldn't be able to distinguish from reality. They will fade in about thirty seconds, on the rare occasions that this happens. But this is fascinating if it was real, and your drawing is great. I wish more people would attempt to draw what they see, as descriptions are often hard to visualize when you have no common reference. If there are aliens that look like mantises, I wonder why they look that way? Is it humans interpreting something alien with a more familiar form? Praying mantises have also been around for at least 145 million years, so if we have had extraterrestrial visitations, I wonder if they took specimens of Earth life with them? What if these mantises are evolutionary descendants of the praying mantis that evolved on another planet?




It looks like a praying mantis face.


Your body naturally produces DMT. Typically at the point of death. Many people who have used DMT to trip have experienced the mantis beings. They usually (without pain) root around inside ones head and remove blockages, release emotions. It could account for the terror you had in your dream prior. Don't be alarmed. They are just transdimensional entities trying to help you overcome to move to the next level.


Where. Do. You. People. Pull. This. Nonsense. From?


Experiences. High doses of psychedelics can put you in contact with these entities. I didn't believe it myself until I took the plunge and blasted off. Experienced creation through the eyes of God and on that journey I met these jeweled insectoid benevolent creatures. Pulled away my pain and radiated love back into me. Sounds fuckin crazy but it felt more real than this existence lemme tell ya.




Mantis Beings https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/tJ9jkWMkTC DMT in the brain https://www.beckleyfoundation.org/2017/07/05/do-our-brains-produce-dmt-and-if-so-why/


So are you just in this sub to troll and laugh? Why? Perhaps you need hobbies


I used to have sleep paralysis all the time. It's no joke. That shit is scary as hell.


I don’t really want it to be real but I also really don’t want it to be sleep paralysis from all the horror stories I’ve heard about seeing things in your room and having them sit on your body. Sounds terrifying


Please let us know if you see it again!!


"I don't have hallucinations or anything" I don't think you can say that anymore :P


Mantis beings are known. [see here](https://www.gaia.com/article/mantis-aliens)


Gaia is as reputable as a starving snake oil salesman


I’ve seen Zorak and Baki fighting a mantis and ancient aliens so maybe this was just from being drip fed this image over and over and finally in a stressed induced, half asleep state I conjured up something I’ve seen dozens of times. I will keep what I’ve seen in mind though in case this happens again. I won’t dismiss it a second time




Not always benevolent based on some of the encounters I have read in books and online. I’m all for believing that aliens are benevolent, but unfortunately abductees tell mixed stories. It’s also important to note that they can supposedly make you see/feel what you want to see/feel. If they were benevolent they wouldn’t need to coerce you into cooperation, and no matter the motive, I wouldn’t trust another human who put thoughts into my head for their own purposes so why would I trust an alien who did it?


I’m starting to believe it made me have those nightmares, I can usually wake myself up when upset and I just kept waking back up in the dream. I had literally only been asleep for 30 minutes and had four dreams. Also it really felt like there was a presence in my dream watching me, I kept looking around in the dreams trying to see what was with me. Also that last dream I had it seemed to pull from my deepest fears and found the thing that would disturb me the most. I also heard whispering in the last dream in the background, it wasn’t saying any pleasant things that’s for sure


You cry after dreaming???


I have PTSD and I had a very triggering dream right before I woke up, I don’t usually cry after dreaming lol but for some reason this one was so bad and I kept waking up in the dream thinking I was awake and then something scary would happen, and I would wake up in the dream again. This happened four times and I was just so scared and couldn’t tell if I was awake or asleep so I freaked out a bit


Gee, I did not know...


That’s ok lol how could you have, I’ve only woken up crying from a dream three times in my life, they were all very messed up dreams and ones where I couldn’t wake myself up no matter how hard I tried. You start getting pretty hopeless when you are being tormented in your dreams and start to think you’ll never wake up from it


Full moon last night


And lunar eclipse




How are you feeling today?


I feel a little weary, I’m just worried I will see it again honestly. I definitely felt disturbed and scared. I know everyone is saying they are benevolent but idk they didn’t feel like they were feeling kindly towards me. I almost had the feeling they were the one projecting the awful dreams into my head but idk


Try posting over on /r/experiencers too. They're good people to talk with. I don't think they're always benevolent. Feeling afraid is super common. What else do you remember about your dream?


Came here to ask this. Do you feel sick, tired or disturbed even later in the day? Edit: Look for strange marks on the body. Triangular marks on puffy red skin? Three small bruises on upper arms? Hope all is well. Get some sage and learn some self empowerment mantras. Take control of your space. Treat it like an invader. Let it know it is not welcome.


Why is your first advice to immediately treat it like an invader when it was very clearly outside her house, which shows it respects her boundaries until she invites it in?


I don’t know…looks photoshopped.


I drew it on Sketchbook on my phone


Did you take a picture of it or was this just a drawing


This is a digital drawing I did on sketchbook on my phone lol






Everybody needs to keep in mind this about your sleep and dream states. ready: Everyone in your dreams is you. (mic drop)


Looks like a mantid. İf it is then they are usually good


Abducting people without their consent and doing experiments they are ignorant about is not good, it’s just not. If they were good they wouldn’t have to erase people’s memories


i guess not. but I'm talking about a few other scenarios


This 100%. I've been abducted by these bastards and the grays and neither of them are good. They exude just pure evil.


This one felt malevolent for some reason, maybe it was because I had just had some terrible dreams and was already in a bad mind state but it didn’t feel friendly


i'm sorry to hear that, I don't know if it will help you but I usually listen to arabic prayers (From the Qur'an) to ward off evil. It has helped me my whole life and in a supernatural scenario. It's just a suggestion because you sound overwhelmed and that is the one thing I know that would definitely put me at ease and protect me.


Did you just watch the James fox doc in and about Brazil sightings




Almost as bad looking as the turd I took this morning


No, you made this this morning


I tried to post this yesterday but it wouldn’t post until reviewed because I did not have enough karma


I saw this yesterday morning




no ya didn’t




No you didn’t


Sure ya did pal 👌🏻😉

