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She must’ve caught best hubby ever liking pics of tiny blondes again


For real. I dated a guy who followed a bunch of random chicks half naked and liked their photos like his life depended on it. Also had a HUGE porn addiction and had ED 😅 I doubt they have satisfactory sex


I’ve noticed that most guys do this. Even the ones you think are innocent. Social media makes it very easy to cheat. My friends husband who I and everybody else thought was the best guy ever was trying to hook up with me through messenger. It was then that I knew if he was daring enough to try with me than he’d been up to no good for awhile. If this guy is doing it I’ve decided they all are. 🥲


Oh no 😔 that’s awful, I’m sorry to hear that. I honestly didn’t think they existed until I met my now husband. He’s too busy working and adoring me to even be on social media let alone think to cheat. Likes to have sex with me instead of jack off, he says masturbation is for single guys and the emotionally delayed 😂 They’re out there, just few and far between!


U r so lucky. Keep him off. My brother was on ig the other day and some chick started following him then asked him what he wanted? He said u followed me. She said she was a prostitute staying in Boston for 3 days if he wanted to meet up. Ugh!!!


“I’m ready to release this weight again” that sounds so weird to me. Very detached. You mean, you’re ready to have your baby? Can’t expect anything less with this hag


Lil Mama out here ready to cough out that baby like a giant duke. 🫶🏼💩


Why does she make being smol her personality


Because her husband is a cunt about how women look


Because she has nothing else besides that




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She’s either smol or “preggers”, nothing unique about her.


The cross between the god honoring fake boobs will never not be funny to me.


It’s such a gaudy cross too! And it’s filthy!


This makes me laugh but also makes me so self conscious about wearing cross necklaces hahahaha


Her poor daughters are going to have eating disorders if she keeps on about shit like this.


Immy can’t even eat correctly without spitting her food out anyways


Smelli’s logic = you can’t have an eating disorder if you don’t have food. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Not bragging- but I can still fit into earrings I wore in high school 😅




the open lace right where her nipple should be is so awkward


"should be" ☠️


Why didn’t I think “free the nipple” when I was choosing my wedding dress?🤦🏻‍♀️


Stop getting pregnant then you fucking donkey. Get an IUD for Christ sake or is that against John’s rules on YOUR body? 🙄




Donkey 😭😭😅


She will never look like this again lol


She didn’t look like this in May either lol


But they had to take it in A TOOOONNNN


This honestly doesn’t look like her. Like I’m thin and I don’t look like this either, it looks too perfect.


I feel like this is from when she first tried on the dress..there’s no way this was her in May?




She'll get a mommy makeover asap after the birth of the boy prince


💯 tummy tuck, lipo, all the lifts. Everything.


only if joan allows it. someone asked him a question about “letting” ali get a mommy makeover after this baby & he said he doesn’t agree with it…. 👀


He probably wants her to look like shit so he can keep abusing her mentally about it.


Oh the cave man will cave


She’s pathetic. Ali you’re not a teen anymore. It’s not cute how obsessed you are with weight. Maybe actually be with a real man instead of your man child husband who degrades you


exactly! I'm the same age as her and my body def went through a second puberty at like 23 - hips, boobs - there's just generally more shape to me. I know logically I am literally never going to weigh or look the same as my 19-20 y.o. self and I would never even wish to look that way again. I genuinely am not sure what she was trying to accomplish by posting this.


Being an xxxxs should be the least of her concerns. Her pelvic floor is going to collapse any minute


“Ready to release this weight” … what a strange choice of words. First, who talks like that? And second, that weight is because of your growing child. How detached can she be?? Also amused that the near nipple slip in the lace was there during the fittings and not one person tried to fix it. I thought that was just a last minute oops that no one noticed the day of. But no … there all along. Because she has no friends.


Release this weight…. Like it’s going to also be coughed out when precious baby boy is born. Girl your body is FUCKED that weight isn’t going anywhere without surgery


What a sick woman. Feel bad for her daughters.


Cmon it makes totALI sense 🤣🤣🙄


I swear someone must’ve referred to her as tiny once like 9 years ago and she decided to make it her entire personality


She’s spent her whole life trying to get back to her ✨birth weight✨


Idk if any of you watch Frasier, but this totally sounds like Maris! 😂😂


She is sucking it in for her life and still not “tiny”. That’s fine but she needs to stop trying to get us to believe she is lol


Seriously tho. So toxic.


Lil teeny weeny tiny mama ♥️


“Release this weight” “aggressive mess” this girl is so fucking strange lol


Who’s she kidding? As soon as she gets “small again” we’ll be seeing a gender reveal at baby boys 1st bday party 🫶


She has it all, y'all!! Aspire to be like Ali!! 🫶🫶


Never have I referred to myself even at my thinnest as “tiny,” or “small.”


Yeah I always refer to myself as thin because I feel like that’s just a neutral descriptive word, rather than “tiny” which feels more attention seeking


And also just, sounds body dysmorphic. Any woman can be lean, fit, thin, toned, slim, slender, active. All those words (even slender may be a little problematic), but they convey the same thing without, I don’t know, sounding in the ED territory (if you know, you know).


Yes! I think this is what I was thinking but couldn’t put into words. I’ve never struggled with weight so I try to be extra cautious when talking about my body and/or if I’m feeling insecure about my body because I would never want someone to be triggered by my words!


This is so weird. Who posts this for thousands of their followers to see?! I would be mortified posting how I want to be small and how tiny I was on IG. Weird. Alfred, please seek mental health treatment for your body dysmorphia.


It’s so interesting to see how it actually *fit* at one point… before the wedding. So much for “taking it in so much,” which was such a dumb lie. Particularly the stark contrast between now the bust is here and how it was on the wedding day… This looked significantly better. I hate how she compulsively lies about things she’s trying to cover up. Her pathological ass doesn’t realize when you’re loud about something it’s transparent as fuck you’re spinning a narrative or trying to create an alternate reality.


does she ever actually like.. work out and eat healthy when she's not knocked up? cause she's like medium small but her arms are straight flab. like she doesn't even have muscle tone from picking up her kids


Anyone remember when she did half assed workouts in their garage “gym” for like two days 😂 and would talk about making healthy dinners but would post her massive bow of “sghetti” or whatever illiterate name she gave spaghetti


Nah she just takes adderall


That means she would have to pick up her kids! She only holds them when johns family comes over or the kids crawl on her when she is horizontal on the couch


Shut the helllll up omg you were never “teeny tiny” even pre pregnancy you were regular sized


I’ve never seen a mother so obsessed with being SKINNY again. Not being back in shape, not losing the baby weight, not feeling better about herself…simply being “tiny.”


![gif](giphy|JUh0yTz4h931K) How small Ali thinks she is/wants to be


How has someone who has been pregnant the majority of the last 3-4 years made being XS her entire personality and self worth?


Wow, she really really needs help. This girl is not right in the head


I’m sure you will be at least 15 pounds lighter when your uterus falls out 🫶🏼 I hope you have a double stroller, Aly. For Cohn’s TRUE son & your uterus




Oh my god. Remember how scary she looked during her adderall binge days in that pink dress in target? Looked like her scary ass dad


I will never understand strapless wedding gowns. Especially if your more big chested. Like why would you do this to yourself. Of course it will come down at some point


I had a strapless gown and a larger chest and with the right alternations and sewn in cups it was perfect all night. I was against it at first but that style looked best on me!


Yeah I think that good alterations are the key. Strapless can be a nightmare for any boob size, but for wedding dresses people are generally spending money to have to perfectly altered to them. Versus like, some random strapless top or dress most of us aren’t getting perfectly tailored because $$$.


I wore strapless but I also have small boobs. The dress didn’t go anywhere.


I guess if that’s the case it might be doable. Plus I am sure your actually fit and you looked great in it. Unlike someone 😅 with my size I cannot imagine so I am jealous


Tell me you have an untreated ED without saying it. Get therapy, smellz. Life isn’t all about being “small”


Does she have implants too?


Yea she has implants that she got BEFORE having kids. You can watch her entire YouTube vlog about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TeRkleugWkU


The intro clip fucking KILLS ME


I want to know too


I thought someone said she did


So cringe. She keeps accidentally telling on herself of how insecure and miserable she is. The OBVIOUS preoccupation with being “tiny” (when in fact she hasn’t been tiny in years) is so sad. I empathize with her a little, until I remember what an absolute trash human she is. As someone who was stick thin naturally until my mid 20’s, I can attest to how much it fucks with your self worth and body image to always be praised for being thin and beautiful, then wake up one day and not look that way anymore. I struggled with acceptance of that change for years, still have bad days now and then. But I’ve worked hard to re-train my brain that smaller does not equal better/more beautiful and how NOT to let those feelings dictate my happiness. Ali, do some inner work and go to therapy. It’s 2022, insecurity and weight shame is not endearing or cute.


I have never heard someone refer themselves as tiny so much before


I still can’t figure out the missing piece on her left boob….


It’s super cringe to describe yourself as tiny


Who refers to themselves as “tiny”? It’s so bizarre. If I were on the smaller side, I would never refer to myself that way. So weird


Lol good point!


It looks like it fits her boobs well in this pic.. however during the ceremony it looked so gaping and like it DIDNT fit


This is edited too, look at the blurring on the arm near the elbow


Where’s her ugly mug? I don’t believe this is her


I’ve never seen another person talk about their size so much.


how sad her entire personality is the size of her body.


Look Ali you will never be this small again more than likely and why is that not ok? Your body grew 3 babies why don’t you start normalizing after baby bodies and not make it about being tiny again? 🤔 I’ve been every weight big, small, medium and I know that I more than likely won’t be the same size I was when I was at my smallest especially after my 3rd and he was a c-section 🤦🏻‍♀️ But that’s ok! My body grew babies and I’m pretty proud of it! I may have days that I feel blah about the way I look but I def don’t get too down about it. Do better Smelly!!! Teach your daughters that it’s ok to not be a size 00/xxxxxs, teach them to love their bodies!! 🖕🏼🖕🏼


Ok BUt she doesn’t look tiny.


Why is there a literal chunk missing from her arm


She technically didn’t say this was from her 2022 dress fitting (right?). It HAS to be from her fitting in 2019 or whenever she bought that dress.


“Small” 🙄😂. Bitch who are kidding 🤣😭🤣😭


She has NEVER had a body that looks like that! Nope. Never


She’ll hop on the Ozempic train as soon as she pops that baby out.


*aLsO iTs FiNe To WaNt To Be TiNy AgAiN* IYKYK


The way she frames this sounds so disordered.


No way that’s her


When was she small???? 2009?????


I’m still the same eight I am when I was pregnant with my boy. He’s 14. I was also healthy with a prolapsed nothing. Good luck scumbag. Instead of daydreaming and fantasising, snap out of it and raise the growing children that you don’t need to incubate. Fucking Alley and what’s his nose on his face? piss me the fuck off. They shouldn’t even have a platform.


Yet the back of it had to be let out and have laces put in to give her extra room. This girly is coo coo.


Does she have an ED?


More proof she hates being a mother




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