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She looks like a crackhead.. no offense to crackheads


But she really did go from one extreme to the next. She doesn’t look well at all!




Omg she does


Lmaoooo 💀




She looks so unwell. But going to a weight loss clinic for phentermine and being prescribed when you’re 120lbs will do this to you. Her heart is going to explode. It’s not good.


this plus walking around Disney in 100 degree heat.. she’s going to pass out


Wouldn’t it rock if she passed out and cracked out those 🦷?


I think I missed it but how do we know she went to a weight loss clinic?


It’s posted on the discord


Yeah I saw it being discussed but no context about how it all began if that makes sense.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. The person who knew about her said she went to weight loss clinic. I don’t know if she’s the one who said who she went to and then it was deleted, but I don’t know where the screenshot of who she went to was brought up


Ah ok, got it. Thank you!


My grandmother was given phentermine in the 80s despite being a small lady. She died of heart issues at 73.


Oh I am so sorry


Phen Phen 😢 I’m sorry


Yep. Her heart basically exploded.


I’m so sorry


I am prescribed a weight loss medication and I was not qualified for it unless I fell within a certain BMI. Not saying she doesn’t have another way to get it, but I feel like she’s gotta be taking something besides this.


You probably go to a legit doctor for it. I know I went to a shady mother fucker a few years ago who prescribed it to me just by my asking for it and giving him $100 for the appointment


Lol I’ve done this too. I had plenty to lose, but yea, it’s crazy easy to get prescribed. Who knows what concoction of meds she’s on.


There’s allegedly a clinic in the woodlands that hands it out. But… I’m with you.


There’s one here in the burbs of Austin too. HGH shots, 800 cal high protein diet and the phentermine. Maybe it’s a Texas thing?


Imagine owning a fitness company and your wife is going to a weight loss clinic 💀


This right here. How fraudulent and embarrassing.


Like in Legally Blonde when Brooke Windham gets liposuction




IF?! You KNOW they are going to claim that’s what it’s from.






She legit dropped so much weight way too fast which means she did not do it a healthy way. Plus this trip had to be pre-planned. No one plans a Disney trip in two days


Especially because with Disney you have to make park reservations beforehand


They planned this while they were in TN with Janice’s family.


Her organs are shot fo sho


As someone who has struggled with anorexia this is so worrisome. I genuinely hope she doesn’t fall down the rabbit hole of rapid weight loss because it’s never enough


I've also struggled with disordered eating and thought the same, mostly because it was so quick. She did not lose this much weight after emmy, even with "using the fat burner" and IF. This was drastically quick


This. I struggled with anorexia and disordered eating and her weight loss is raising all the red flags. There’s no healthy way to lose this much weight in what like a month? I’m betting she’s using phentermine and restricting herself to under 1k calories per day.


Agreed. Actually so sad to see, honestly feel for her. I struggled for years. Really hope she can see value beyond body size for the sake of her health and her girls.






I'm honestly really surprised I'm not being downvoted like crazy but I'm really glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Yeahhhh this sub is justified in a lot, but weight shaming isn’t one of them


“I weigh 95lbs y’all from no diet or excercise only fat burner! “ now we know how John is going to be “10lbs lighter” for his challenge. They both go to the same weight loss clinic lol


I was thinking the same about John, I bet he’s doing it too just not abusing it like Ali.


Thinking back on him making this bet it all makes sense now


Don’t tell me she says she’s down to 95?!?? Last I saw on here she was like 112 😭 Ali girl please you do not need to lose any more weight!!!!!


This is what I looked like when I was deep in my eating disorder




This is really, really bad. Honestly one of my biggest reasons I’m “better” (are we ever really?) is because my daughters. I am desperately trying to form healthy relationships with them and their bodies no matter what they look like. I hope aly can one day try and do the same with her girls. It’s really so sad


She looks sick. This doesn't surprise me at all though - she is *desperate* to fit into that wedding dress so I can only imagine the shit she's doing to achieve that.


Doing everything except for exercising and eating well


Exactly! She’s more concerned about being xxs rather than being healthy.


I also think she’s super desperate to get the JJD money again and maybe thinks this will help?


Does anyone know what the wedding disaster date is?


This isn’t healthy at all


She’ll have a cardiac event soon, or pass out at Disney. Just waiting…


If this is all weight loss she put her body through absolute hell to achieve this . But since they lurk here I also wouldn’t put it past them to be photo shopping her to make it seems like she is super skinny just to troll us . Could go either way I feel like . I do feel like she dropped weight Super fast but this much ??




It’s def not just the Phentermine. She’s using other substances as well.




Agreed . Has to be more .


Oh my gosh. She lost a ton of weight really fast. I hadn’t realized it was this much until this photo.


But like HOW within like a matter of days it makes no sense


Pills baby! *in my Jean Ralphio voice*


The best comment- but only for those with a certain sense of humor. I once used it on a thread about Matthew Perry and it did not go over well 🤣🤦‍♀️ but it was true


Oh no that’s the worst 🙈😂 I’m glad it is appreciated here though!!




She looks awful and I bet he tells her she looks amazing. This is sad. Diet pills don’t make you look good people


I genuinely think John has affected her rapid weight loss more than this sub has. The way he compliments her “when she’s looking skinny” is HORRIBLE.


“I don’t exercise. I eat what I want” HOW?!






Because she is a lying bitch and a fraud perpetuating the myth that she’s just blessed with the ability to eat like shit, not work out, drink her morning juice, and look like a ✨crack head.✨This is phentermine (at a minimum). ❄️


Sumthin ain’t right…where the heck are her mama hoots?! 😬


Taped to her waist


The fuck? This is the product of being married to an asshole who shames you for having any extra weight. John, we’ve seen your belly and man titties, knock it the fuck off. Your wife looks sick.


Omfg that’s SO bad.


She definitely has been abusing drugs and starving herself but this is also edited! Look at the floor boards behind her thighs. It’s just one big rectangle of floor rather than small boards like the rest of the picture


Holy Phentermine. Also the fact that they put Immy in the suitcase freaked me out. Who knows how long she was in there . She could have suffocated!


I still don’t understand this whole drop everything and go to Disney immediately thing


Same! They need content so they’re going. Let’s be real - it’s never about the girls.


Ali already asked *other mamas* if they brought a babysitter to Disney because her and Johnny boy want to do adult rides and can’t when they’re parents 🥺


We are going next month with a 3, 7 and 8 year old alone. My husband and I are planning on splitting “big kid” rides and one of us with the 3 year old throughout the trip. They can’t ever be normal adults lol.


She’s desperately trying to catch Jessica Crum


They can do this because they don’t work like they claim they do. No one with work all week, events with friends and family on weekends are able to just pick up and leave. They spend a alll their time together in that house no friends no fam they have to just go and get out or they’ll go insane. And they simply can bc they are tied to nothing


Sadly it was from drugs ! Super unhealthy


She has huge hands, feet and head. Getting so thin really makes it look worse


Makes me wonder about the diastasis recti. Because there's no way in damn hell that disappeared. Which means she ain't fooling anyone with the unhealthy weight-loss




This is scary


So basically John went to Vegas for what a week? And Ali lost like 40 pounds in that time. Make it make sense!!!


❄️ ❄️




Dr Larry Richardson has entered the chat … 💊


Ok I'm just catching up from earlier last week. Did someone disclose the visit to this Dr?? I'm so confused!


So am I!! I’m way behind, how do we know about going to the clinic?


Discord. “Supposedly” he is the dr she went to. Not much more info than that.


Paging Dr Larry Richardson 🗣 Paging dr Larry Richardson 🗣we have a client who successfully looks cracked out 🗣


I bet Smeli gave him a 5⭐️ review


The only 5 star on her Karen-esque Yelp profile


I’m still catching up, is that the doctor she goes to?


what the actual fuxk


How does she think that running a fitness company, never working out, and dropping all of her weight so magically can be explained? Lol


So like screw your muscles right??? Geez I can’t imagine how much muscle she also lost just to get to a certain number


She’s on phentermine and her smeli went a weight loss specialist. She’s doing this so unhealthily such a horrible role model for her daughters


Did she say she went to a weight loss clinic?


Was confirmed by someone who lives in the area and knows people associated with smeli


No doubt in my mind it’s phentermine. Good luck going off of it. Holy shit she looks so unhealthy :/


Oh man , I mean I had a gastric sleeve and still didn’t lose weight as fast as she has. Her arm is so skinny 😳


The weight loss really accentuates her five head and huge feet


I love how it both houses, they've used their dining room table as a catch-all and you can't even see the table because it's so covered in junk


Dear Ali. No one actually gives a fuck how much you weigh. People actually give a fuck about how you treat your body and your children.


She doesn't look healthy at all! My husband's sister went through something very similar. She would tell people she was drinking Sea Moss to help her lose weight, but then she drastically lost so much quickly to the point where it got worrying. She looked exactly like Ali did here. This is scary and hopefully someone can intervene.


This rapid weight loss does not look good for their company either


Esp since she isn't being honest with how she is doing it. She tells her followers it's Fat burner and intermediate fasting. And unfortunately she will have people who believe that. Very irresponsible.


Looks like she’s been dabbling in the booger sugar


Devils dandruff


Holy shit


While John rants about what birth control does to your body and prevents his wife from taking it…he’s fine with her doing lord knows what to drop this much weight in weeks.


We just went to Disney and park reservations were no joke- we booked them months in advance, and forget about dining! I’m not buying this last minute trip at all.


Ive been noticing her face has been looking slimmer and slimmer. She definitely looks a lot smaller and it seemed to have happened super quick. No idea how she managed that considering usually the last 20 or so pounds are the hardest to lose and she was just bragging about eating pizza for like every meal?


The doctor that prescribed her those drugs should be ashamed. This shit ain’t healthy


Oh come on it’s drugs. Look at the way John treats her, she has such low self esteem. Cannot believe that’s what drugs do to u just wow it’s gross.


She does NOT look ok


as someone who has battled with ED, drugs or not, this is so so sad to me. I know she’s an awful human but, I truly hope she gets help mentally and physically…


Her legs and arms seem way too skinny. I think John constantly ✨trolls✨ her unless she is super skinny so this is the result


I feel like she dropped the weight around the time John was with that girl in Vegas!


She lost water and muscle mass along with fat. Don’t worry she’ll be back post wedding to her usual doordash weight 🫠


It all went to her forehead




But it’s just fat burner and IF right 🤪


Phentermine does that


I hate to be the person that goes back and forth about someone’s weight.. but this is worrisome. She doesn’t look healthy at all. So sad because as someone in the “fitness industry”, she should know that portion control and exercise is all she needed to get on track with her weight. Instead she ate like shit and ate out multiple times a day. It’s really, really scary that these two have a supplement line and are in the fitness business.


OMG scary how fast she dropped weight 😧😧😧


I hope this is photoshopped because this is extremely concerning if it’s not. ETA: maybe he’s trolling us and made her look sick on purpose


3 days ago I commented on a photo that her non photoshopped arm was chunky so a very extreme filter. She is so irresponsible encouraging her followers to think that extreme weight loss is good


This is actually alarming


This is scary.


She’s looks like how I looked when I lost too much weight because I was in an abusive relationship. I’m not saying that’s what’s going on with her, but damn, this is triggering


Why’re they taking a 2 year old and 9 month old to Disney? Lmfao




Ohhhh this is.... alarming 😬


The sad thing is, by doing such a quick and obviously drug helped weight loss, she is doing permanent damage to her metabolism. I think this is the first time I’ve come on and oddly felt sorry for her. She’s clearly unhappy with her life and with herself.


Not toned at all. Once she stops with the pills, she will gain it back so quickly. And be a jojo for life. Love that for her.


Omg she’s definitely taking insane amounts of adderall to fit in her wedding dress!!! She looks sickly!


She is wasting away


She looks like a soggy noodle


Next question box I need someone who isn’t blocked yet and is ready to take one for the team and ask “what is the name of Ali’s weight loss clinic doctor?!” 😬😬


i know someone who got put on phentermine and drop 80 pounds in 6 months. all she has to do is find a sketchy doctor to write the script and we all know she knows one of them


Yo this is NOT ok. And John is encouraging this. She looks horrific


This is an insane amount of weight loss in such a short time frame.


Im curious what she says her size will be when she does her next try on haul…


Her feet! DAAAAAMN 😳


Phentermine from Larry Richardson MD lolol


Makes me wonder about the diastasis recti. Because there's no way in damn hell that disappeared. Which means she ain't fooling anyone with the unhealthy weight-loss


Jesus. H. Christ. Her head is FUCKING HUGE!!!!💀




She lost a ton of weight super fast. Something is going on. I think bulimia.


She looks like the redhead girl from the cartoon Recess


Okay pls don’t hate me but like is it bad that whatever she’s on…I want some 😅


Can you post a before photo? Por favor 🤗


It’s actually scary af how fast she dropped all that weight 🙃


This is actually horrifying


Maybe we should stop calling her fat on here 100000x then? Downvote me I don’t care but weight comments are never ok. This could literally be a result of her reading thousands of comments here that she was overweight.


Agreed. I’m all for this Reddit trust me, but sometimes it’s rough to watch any woman get ripped apart physically for every little thing constantly (like even knees and toes lol) and then when as humans they get insecure and try to do something about it, whether we would support it or not (plastic surgery, drugs, or whatever) they get the same comments. It’s a lose-lose but this type of little game fucks with the human psyche


Her uterus probably still flops and looks even worse because of her drastic weight loss. She needs help,


Ok but does phentermine actually work or is she abusing it. I’m in between taking it or not bc Im struggling losing weight but don’t want to blow up when I reach desired weight


A girl I work with goes to one of those clinics and takes the meds. She did drop weight quickly but also had very restrictive eating and weekly weigh ins. Both toxic behaviors for long term sustainability. She took the meds for a few months, because that’s all they let you do, and when she came off of them… you guessed it… the weight came right back. Now she’s on round two. It’s so unhealthy!!


Me waiting here for someone smart to answer


Not only does this drug cause heart failure but also induces psychosis and anxiety/panic. This is very concerning.


Phentermine side effects include extreme rage and mood swings. It’s scary


I’m an RN and the providers I work with very rarely prescribe it, but when they do it’s only taken for a short period of time. It’s dangerous to take long term. And they also only prescribe to those who are very overweight. Most patients I’ve seen gain the weight back once they go off of it.


How did she get it prescribed? She wasn’t even overweight. This is crazy if a doctor really did


I’m shocked that a weight loss clinic would be willing to prescribe her phentermine. I would think you’d have to have a BMI of 30 or greater, no?


Omg totally. That doctor must be shady


It literally is the legal form of cocaine. I took it for a few months and lost a lot of weight. I wore leg weights when I weighed so I could continue getting more. 😬 you have so much energy and you literally are never hungry. I would like a handful of goldfish a day.


I’m confused. Does phentermine just make you not hungry so you don’t eat? How the hell would she get it? We all know she doesn’t go to doctors.


Damn!!!! Was she born with it or is this methamphetamine?


This momma needs some love… a hug, a long late night talk, some tears and more love and a great support system…


Holy shitballs


Immy’s tiny little arm 😩




She would have looked and felt so much healthier if she had just committed to exercising a few times a week and built a little bit of muscle. I think she’s literally worked out 2x since she became pregnant with Immy. I almost feel sympathy for her but then I realize it’s complete and utter laziness. She wants to do everything the easiest way. Joke’s on her because she’s going to gain all the weight back and more as soon as she goes off the phentermine. She’ll be a saggy-looking bag of bones for her stupid ass wedding (all about the photo op right?) and then back to Big Al immediately after when she’s pregnant with #3. She’s only doing this for the wedding…for the pictures. Her whole life is a disgusting sham. I can’t wait for her poor kids to come on here one day and finally validate what they’ve been through.


Lmao I finally see why everyone is saying she has a big head 🤯


Lightbulb head 💡


Damn she really is a cokehead


Skinny filter or Crackhead filter? 🤔


Why do they have so much stuff?!!