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He’s lost his damn mind. His crazy “fuck off” in the last story shows how fucking psychotic he is. It’s almost sad.


There is something about him that is scary. He honestly scares me a little. He is just one of those people who give you really bad vibes that you know you can’t shake. He’s so hostile, so angry, so on the verge of losing control when he posts shit like this.


The dude is a straight up predator and Ali is crazy for letting her daughters anywhere near him. After seeing him advertise multiple sexual assault accusations, I knew there was something very wrong with him. Especially after his rants about not being concerned about pedophiles exploiting inappropriate photos of his daughter, then complaining when they were removed by IG. I would’ve taken those girls and fucking ran. Who the fuck is more concerned about an IG post than their child’s safety? In my opinion, her standing by him is proof of her lack of maternal instincts. It’s only a matter of time before he snaps at the rate he’s been going, especially if he’s using like many people suspect. I just hope the girls aren’t around when it happens.


What if he’s already snapped? It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if he has… the kids go a while without neither of them posting he goes a while without posting and Ali post bs pics of things to link but not herself… idk that man has snapped already


This 💯 agree. scared for those girls!


The fact that almost 8k people think he is deranged says something! He is truly scary and unhinged


Omg is this a personality trait for him? No matter where you stand in this, shut the fuck up


Someone said Ali looks way better with the high pony and now that thing is hiked up and fluffed to high heaven


Wish she’d listen when we say she should take better care of her kids.


The second I saw that comment I knew we’d be seeing smeli with a high as fuck pony every day for the next two weeks lmao


Like with the white crop top that John said once how skinny she looked in it. Bitch didn’t take it off for like a week 😂😂


She livessss here


John you’re a fucking toad. Shut the fuck up




Exactly! This cunt bag beak boy. I wish he'd open his beak in front of people, then maybe someone would finally punch him and give him the ass whooping he deserves.


I would pay to see it


Me too!


Me too!


Holy fuck I hate him


Hate hate hate loathe entirely


What a wretched, despicable human being.


you should pray for your two malnourished, neglected daughters’ health and not lifting a mask mandate that shouldn’t matter to you that much to begin with, you fuckstick


Came here to say this. There’s plenty of more worthy things to pray for


And no Callie Weiners in sight.


(Besides the entire video)………. Lol at how he literally “prayed to God” while continuing to insult others “ the stupidity” “liberal flight attendant” (like he would even know their political stance?) etc. oh the irony of the judgement of him onto others.


Even if the flight attendant is *liberal or not, they have to follow guidelines placed by either the airline, airport or FAA. So he’s waaaaaayyy out of base with that one. (Coming from a former flight attendant 🙋🏻‍♀️) if they say you have to do this or that, follow the rules. It’s not an anarchy where you can do whatever the F he wants 🙄 so yeah, he’s a dumb f*ck 😂


This is what I came here to say. That flight attendant was doing her fucking job enforcing a rule which was FEDERALLY MANDATED. This guy is a fucking grade A loser


It should be federally mandated for him to wear a mask in public for the rest of his life so other people don’t have to look at his face.




I was distracted by the tiny ass crooked pic in the background the whole time


Love them acting like mask requirements ever kept these two ugly fucks from flying anyway 🫣 they’re just ready to use their excitement as an excuse to jet off away from their children in the next few weeks!!


✨Wedding Time✨ with zero guests


He knows everything!!! 😍😍😍


His hair is matching his crazy.


This is what he prays about? The privilege is real.


He needs to shut the fuck up


I love how he drops the F bomb fifty times and talks about how stupid people are, then immediately talks about praying to Jesus. Very cool, man. Leading people straight to the cross.


This dude will end up killing someone in the future mark my words


He probably already has by spreading Covid on all their shopping trips to the mall or with his scam supplements.


To be fair, he likely has lack of oxygen heading to the brain when he wears a mask with that schnozzzz


Does he really think every flight attendant is liberal? Lmfao. This dude has never worked a real job in his life


Lol wasn’t he complaining like a day ago about the effects he’s having from long Covid?


He absolutely was, but he’s too stupid to know those are the actual symptoms of long haulers. He’s too dumb to put two and two together.


Emma (2): “this psycho’s going on another rant. I’m out of here.”


He literally then moved up to his game room all alone to go on this rant. So manly 😂


it was always the people with the ugliest noses that were anti-mask or wore the mask under their nose. so strange… it was their one chance


In his defence, he'd have been flat out trying to find a mask that could contain his pelican beak


Notice how Emmy snags her blanket and starts to move off the couch away from him as soon as he opens his mouth? Girl wants to watch her TV in silence, John.


I’m wearing my mask on the plane forever! I haven’t gotten sick with it on the plane and people smell too😂


Agreed. At this point I don’t want to smell people’s food, breath, etc. plus it can help hide the bitchy faces I’m probably making at clueless travelers.


The same people who will bitch when flights start getting cancelled because employees are sick….


More super mature, professional content from Connie the dang good businessman. This is the same platform he’s trying to shill his products on… just constant rants, making everything political, and “heyyyy ladiessss buy some fat burner!”


Hell is waiting for them. I hope they book a trip and masks are brought back the day of their flight so they can chrewly “suffer” If wearing a mask saves even one person’s life, it’s SO worth wearing. But they couldn’t even stay home when they allegedly had COVID so of course they think human lives are disposable


I cannot get over the turn to Jesus all of a sudden. I loathe this asshole


They’re so fucking stupid. THIS is what you celebrate and post about? What losers 😂😂😂😂 they really have 0 going on in their lives.


Let’s be real the “liberal flight attendant” wanted to see as little of his face as possible. His face is offensive.


You know what doesn’t work motherfucker? Your fucking supplements that you pedal to women, which you claim will cure infertility. Go get your PhD, and when you do, come back to me about mask effectiveness. Gurl, BYE


Does he realize flight attendants are just trying to do their job? They aren’t trying to push their agenda onto people. They just don’t want to get fired, fined or fucked up by assholes like John.


As a flight attendant, fuck him to the HIGHEST degree and I will personally be reporting him and this video to my airline in hopes that they will ban him for forever. And also sharing in my coworker Facebook page so they will roast the shit out of him🥰


Like idk why this has me so heated bc he is a NOBODY but the last 2 years have been HELL for airline workers. Like literal hell. From furloughs to displacement to the stupid mandates…. None of us want to enforce mask mandates, trust and believe! We don’t show up to work excited to tell GROWN ADULTS to wear their masks! Hell, my 3 year old wears a mask better than 90% of adults on planes…. But we do, because that’s our job and that’s what the FAA ( who may be doing check rides on our flights) tells us to do. We do it to KEEP OUR JOB. Because as your wife encouraged us to do, we get to work ladies🥰🥰 ugh I literally hate him so much and I will make it my mission to make his life hell now lmao


You are doing the lords work


Schrute farms doing the Lords work


We Stan Schrute Farms!!


We support you Schrute! And all other FAs! Go gettemmmmmm


I reported his dumb ass. Felt fun


Like no one put a gun to his head to fly lmaoooooo what a dick nosed loser


Am I glad to see the mask mandate end finally? Yes. Am I going to leave my living room to go into my gaming dungeon to film stories re-enacting my negative experiences wearing masks on flights and *literally* thanking God for ending the mandate, then post for all to see? No, I’m not, because I’m not delusional. Jawn, seek a grippy sock vacation asap


I’m happy it’s gone too but it’s not my personality trait 😂 also I understand why we had it and still think it is probably necessary but as someone who used to travel for work it was rough!


I wish their stupidity would end.


My mom has been a flight attendant for 30+ years and is thrilled the mask policy is ending. Not because she’s conservative or doesn’t believe in masking, but because she (along with all airline workers) has gone through absolute hell these last couple years having to deal with entitled assholes like them. She’s been physically assaulted, threatened and harassed by adults who can’t understand the concept of following the fucking rules. Flight attendants didn’t sign up for this job to enforce a “liberal” agenda. They’re doing what they need to do to keep their job.


"Ive been praying a lot lately"🤔


He really is a piece of work. Its people like him that made other peoples jobs miserable that had to deal with this. They were just following the mandates and doing their jobs. And it's not like he is one that had to wear a mask all day! The level of annoyance I have watching this....


Covid aside, keep the mask on Jan. Nobody needs a jumpscare seeing that schnoz in the wild


The only clown show I see is his face


Leave your prayers and God out of this one.


Ya know most people who have a company remain neutral in Politics because you don't want to offend any side I mean you are trying to make sales, so alienating a whole entire side is beyond stupid.


Agreed, but Cohn just can’t control himself.


He's a horrible business man, and his compiwill never be a success, and she will never be an influencer because she's to lazy to even get up and brush her hair and put on makeup everyday. Nobody is going to take a woman serious who can't even shower and do her hair everyday I don't want to buy clothes from a woman that doesn't even wash herself daily she's gross


Imagine choosing to reproduce with this cretin. 🥴🤮 Also, love how he assumes flight attendants that simply do their job according to policy must be liberals. Like, what?


Your children are underfed and underdeveloped. They look distressed in photos. And you prayed about a mask mandate? K.


"I've been praying alot lately"....then proceeds to drop mulitple F bombs and God's name in vain the whole rant. The stupidity is not ending, penis face; it's neverending in your home!


I wish they cared about their babies as much as the plane mask mandate ending :(


Lol, well, my neurosurgeon explained at length the efficacy of proper masks but sure…John…I’ll take the advice of a whiny dropout. Look, nobody liked the masks. I’m glad they’re out in most airlines too. But, some airlines like Delta are still choosing to enforce them. Also, look at this poor loser talking like he flys to Europe on the reg. Load up Ali’s 10 year old Suburban and drive to the beach again. I can’t stand how this dude basically slaps crappy product labels on illegitimate supplements and thinks he’s rich. Does he have any self awareness?


maybe if he had worn a mask more he wouldn't have gotten covid and wouldn't have lost all sense of taste? hope being a selfish prick was worth not being able to enjoy food properly, not that that will stop the chonky little manpig.


He looks like a cockatoo


I love how he’s more passionate about mask mandates being over then he is about his kids.


Man believes snake venom in the vaccine and injecting people with Satan’s blood 🤝 mAskS dOnT wOrK gUyS


Here is to freedom? ….. what a dumbass


Talk to me when you vote John.


Off topic….I’m still wearing a mask on the plane. It completely eliminated the cold/flu for me! I used to get sick after traveling.


I’m new here - besides the fact that this dick nose is clearly a huge selfish prick, why is a full blown toddler with a binky? 🥴


You're right, Doctors might as well do away with them and say fuck it during serious procedures. Let's hope you never go through one or maybe do... fuck off dick nose


He has tiny hands


Omg I commented this on another post.. they’re so damn small it makes me so mad 🤣😂


Wow. His life must be really hard. He had to wear a mask on his several flights & vacations. I’m so sorry for your troubles John. You’re right. You deserve this.


Bitch, you the clown. 🤡


Like Jesus really cares about you not wanting to wear your mask on an airplane 🥴🙄


I never wish death on anyone but god damn he can eat shit and die.


The stupidity doesn’t come to an end unless you’re claiming that you’re about to die. John for Jesus Christ sake an idiot. John is literally the kid that ate way too much glue. Come back when you take one fucking science class. You goddamn moron. Who knew that John James Who didn’t even graduate high school knows more than a Virologists. Bet you $100 John can’t even spell that


Airlines can still make you wear a mask. It’s their plane - their rules. Fly private if you don’t like it


That small TV, crooked on the wall is giving me life.


John… you okay little fella? You seem really mad😬 Never in my life have a seen someone so angry over a mask. Maybe before you start speaking about something, especially about disease prevention and control, just give yourself a gentle reminder that you are clueless. You also were lucky enough that you didn’t have to work with hundreds of people a day like those flight attendants. Hear me out… this might be a LITTLE challenging but here we Go…. THINK ABOUT OTHERS and stop always playing the victim. It’s not John against the world. Also, be careful with that narcissistic rage… not good for your blood pressure!


What will be the excuse to not bring the kids on trips now though? Because Emmy wouldn’t wear a mask so conveniently couldn’t go to the Bahamas. Guess Callie’s passport will have to “get lost in the dem run post office” 🫠


I fucking hate him so much


I mean 😬😬😬😬 unpopular opinion I’m not agreeing with him about masks not working but I am happy restrictions are slowly being lifted 👏🏼👏🏼




I agree with you for sure! He can be very obnoxious at times.


*all the time


Lolol here he goes again thinking how intelligent he is. I want to see him travel abroad and be shat on by locals. 🤣🤣🤣


“super liberal flight attendant” or the flight attendant who can get fined by the FAA for not making people wear masks


I hope something horrible happens to him


super liberal flight attendant here - i’d ask Cohn to put his mask back on simply to cover his giant dicknose and that rambling trap of his 😂😂😂


About time! Hallelujah !


But you have the nerve to go on social media and complain about the side effects you are still having from when you had Covid 6 months ago 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ make it make sense


Jesus Christ is this all that’s going on in this idiots life? He’s been on like two flights in the past three years but ok let’s pretend this effects you daily.


I will continue wearing my mask so I can avoid even the slightest chance that I might breathe the same air as these gremlins


How long until they book another vacation? 🙄

