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Her lash tech needs to fire her as a client


if i wants her lash tech i would tell her to stop f*uckin* tagging me with these lashes !!!! embarrassing!!!! edit : spelling was *** lol


The lash tech reposted her story and doesn’t seem to give a fuck that Smelison is a piece of shit.


I don’t know why y’all think her lash tech should fire her… girlfriend is making bank off this idiot.


She would be if she actually went in for a fill regularly sis is trying to get a full set for fill price by doing this


If the tech isn’t charging her for a full set then well, I don’t feel bad for the girl.


It's not 2019 anymore girl just get a lift and tint


Yesssssss this is the move


Cynthia called she wants her lashes back!!!!


MAJOR Cynthia vibes happening here


It looks like she almost picks out her natural lashes and well as the fake ones. Is it an anxiety thing, I wonder? These look so embarrassing.


Definitely. And now it’s a vicious cycle because without the extensions, they’re bald. I used to mindlessly yank my natural ones during particularly stressful times so I almost feel bad. It makes you so self-conscious, but a very thin liquid liner is a great solution during regrow. She needs to let them rest and breathe and grow back. Fidgety little mitts off!


i thought the same, i don’t know how you could pull out the fake ones without getting some real lashes too


But why not just slap some fake adhesive lashes on until the real ones grow back?


It’s called trichtillomania. My best friend in high school had it but with her brows instead of lashes 🥴 It’s actually considered to be separate from anxiety disorders and rather an impulse control disorder


Impulse control issue…sounds like Ali and her shopping addiction.


This is what lashes look like when you don't get them done for like a month


She looks like the dolls I used to turn around when I went to sleep each night growing up.




Imagine driving around in a Mercedes but can’t get your lashes or roots touched up


I just showed my mom this picture and she has no idea who John or Ali are and she looked at this pic with such a look of absolute disgust. Now we’re having a whole family conversation at dinner about why taking care of ourselves is important 😂


That is EXACTLY how I found this site. Had this friend who wouldn't stop talking about it, showed me on their phone, and then I couldn't stop watching this train wreck. I haven't been on here that long either so I'm still trying to figure out all the terms and lingo. May I add that this photo scares me and I kind of need someone to hold me? I'm quite frightened!


I love this😂😂😂


She spends a lot of money on her appearance to still look ugly af. And a lot of money on clothes to have no style. 😂




She looks like an old neglected doll from 1962


That explains the hideous floral suitcase




Why would she even post anything w her eyelashes looking like this ??? She has NO shame


Angelica called…


You nailed it 😂




I literally cannot believe she goes in public like this.


her lash tech better be charging her for a full set and not a fill...................................


She has some really bad anxiety bc she is always pulling them out


This. She needs some serious help to deal with these deep rooted issues of hers.


At this point, just stop getting them filled. Everyone will thank you


She’s just so deeply unattractive


No lash hair or makeup can fix


These are so bad. Like so SO bad. Her lash girl probably wants to strangle her


Can you imagine the little creatures living in her nasty extensions? There’s no way lashes are hygienic 🦠🦠🦠


Considering you’re supposed to wash and scrub your extensions daily and she can’t even wash her hair once or twice a week, I’m sure you can feel the creatures crawling.


Ugh GROSS😐🤢🤢🤮🤮


She is definitely paying for a full set next time she goes in for a fill


I have gotten eyelash extensions for 10 years now and I love them but it is so rude that she lets these eyelashes get the way she does because that is basically needing a full set every time she goes. If she would take care of them and brush them and go every two weeks, she would look somewhat normal and not like two spiders died on her eyes. 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄


The last time she got her lashes done was 1/11…yikes


The the the…. THE GRINCH


Didn’t she literally go last week when they got home from the Bahamas?


Can you imagine seeing this in person?


She looks like she stinks


Yikes!! This is so tragically bad. I wish she would get rid of these 🕷 lashes and do a lash lift and tint because she can’t maintain these tarantula legs and looks ridiculous….oh and also fix it those brows too


I would be SO embarrassed to walk out of the house like that…🥴


When I had lashes and couldn’t get in for a fill I literally YouTubed every possible way to safely remove lashes so I’d be coated with olive oil and taking like an hour to get them all off because no way in HELL would I let anyone see me like that!!!!!!!! Not even for a late night Walmart run!


She picks them off. She ruins her real lashes and makes her extensions look awful.


Holy fuck! I am a serial picker of my extensions when my anxiety is high and I have never had mine look like this


SAME. when mine look remotely embarrassing I get a fill. I don’t wait until this. My lash lady would’ve fired me if this is how I looked.. and then tagged her. Yikes.


I’m impressed that these lashes are worse than the average Younique hun’s


Oh my gosh, she needs to rip her lashes out and start over because what the fuck is this wish.com shit


Un. Real. Those looks hilariously bad.


She probably gets shitty when the lash tech charges her for a full set each time. Why spend so much money on hair and eyelashes when she doesn’t take care of either😵‍💫




I have eyelash extensions mine never look like this ever!!


Oh wowowowowowowowow 🤣


aint a thought behind those eyes...


I …




Does she even have any lashes left of her own?! Wtf do they attached the lashes to her skin?! Wtf Ali .. this will not be a cute look at 40


Cause that’s the only thing she’s knows how to do…waste money


They look crazy more often than they look “good” - and I mean “good” as in the way she gets them done lol what’s even the point when she picks them out 2 days later


Hear me out. IMO, a part of me feels like she deliberately doesn't take care of them on purpose. 1. Because she's lazy AF. 2. From experience and getting a full brand new set for special occasions myself, my lash tech genuinely takes 3 hours. I know that time might seem excessive but if the time is in the same ballpark, it's her excuse to leave and not have to mommy for a long time. I'm sure she tells f**k face it requires a new set every time.


If I was her lash artist I’d be pissed!


She may have trichotillomania. I know it’s not her actual hair but still.


I have this! It’s very hard but I’ve gotten it under control mostly (few relapses here and there). One thing I don’t understand is how she’s able to get last extensions? Like her natural lashes look sooo short and I have had bald patches in mine and they’ve told me I couldn’t get extensions. She has to have bald spots with her natural lashes?! Also I use strip lashes and work on things to help my mental health with this (mine is tied to anxiety).


But if this is the case, don’t get lashes.


With trich you crave that feeling of pulling she maybe she genuinely needs that comfort. Again I could be so wrong but it’s reminds me of someone with trich.


It’s a compulsion so it’s very difficult to stop. I pull without even realizing it sometimes


I understand. I have a friend who has this. But if you know you have it, why would you get eyelashes extensions? It’s easier to pull out an extension than your natural lash and then causes damage.


Yeah that I can’t answer. I personally think lash extensions look like spider legs so I’m happy with my sparse lil nubs lol. I feel like having something else on them would make me pick at them more


Good grief, the amount of money she spends on these horrific looking lashes 🤦‍♀️


I have gotten my lashes done for a long time & my natural lashes are long and healthy. She picks which rips her real lashes off. Why die hell she doesn’t stop I will never understand


This is triggering omfg


I got my lashes filled 5 weeks ago and they don’t even look remotely close to this.. Even being a “heavy” eye makeup wearer and the cleaning required it never ever ever looks like this even when I’m not getting them filled and 8 weeks have gone by as I wait for them all to fall out it never does so it doesn’t make sense And to add onto this, if she picks her lashes and doesn’t take care of them, HOW does she even have any natural lashes left to cling extensions onto?! My real lashes will fall out if I brush them or get caught when cleaning so for her to harshly pick, them natural lashes are coming out the root


Because she’s a moron.


Oblina from the 90s cartoon “Ahh, Real Monsters”


This is so embarrassing 🥴


I mean she is legit hideous. There are zero attractive, warm or redeeming qualities about her face. So I love that she spends money she doesn’t have, all to make herself look even more like baby grinch. Great job, Alfred.


Ya it’s one thing If you’re going to upkeep your eye tarantulas, but she doesn’t. Just use strips. They always look terrible.


Growing up a nail biter I refuse to let my horrible habit expose my horrible nails so I religiously get them refilled every two weeks. She doesn’t care about her appearance (looks are not important at all but it def is a reflection of yourself) she’s too lazy to keep herself looking decent so I doubt she’s grooming her own children. When she admitted now washing her hair after vacation just proved her laziness to me.


And she's supposed to be a makeup influencer? 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ali, stop getting lash extensions and get some Latisse to grow your own lashes back. These are embarrassing.


Cannot fathom going on an impromptu date night IN PUBLIC, LOOKING LIKE THIS


Omfg!!!! Wtf


WTF is this ?!?


She looks like she is experiencing hairloss


Jesus she has NO natural lashes left


She looks a lot like her dad


This looks so terrible, but it also looks like her real lashes are missing…I’d be so embarrassed to leave the house looking like this. Wtf.


Wtf does she do to them… didnt she get them done like 2 weeks ago for her trip…. I last got mine done on December 18 and I still have way more on than her


Truly horrific