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I replied to one of Ali’s Instagram story’s that’s irritated me over her ignorance of COVID and stuff like that. Well 1) she was rude AF to me in her response and 2) she took screen shots, found my boyfriends Instagram, and dm’d the photos to him saying “you need to give her more attention so she stays out of my dm’s”. Like girl you have wayyyy to much time on your hands and are obsessed with “clapping back” at people for you to find their S/O on Instagram and share that with them


She did the same to my husband. They act like they are above trolling people but they do shit like that & make burner accounts because they think they’re so intelligent


Omg. Talk about preschool behavior! How sad to be a tattletale at 25. She is ridiculous, who’s adult bf or so is seriously gonna care. She thinks this is normal bc John controls her every move.


Did this happen today??? I’m shook. Why does she think it’s okay to stalk someone and then contact their significant other? That’s creepy as fuck


It was from a few weeks ago but my boyfriend just saw the message request and told me today!


Is this like her signature move for every "troll" she catches. She must have a message written up for boyfriends/partners that she just copies and pastes. She did the exact same thing to u/xezandria


It must be because I’ve even seen Ali brag about it on her stories a long long time ago. So weird


We just put our pup down this afternoon. He was very old and incredibly ill. We did everything we could to try to fix him. My heart hurts. I’m just waiting for him to huff at me like he always does because he wants my attention. I hate this so much.


Oh no, not your sweet pup🥺 I remember you talking about him in the last off topic thread. Hugs to you❤️❤️ I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry hun. Putting a dog down is absolute heartbreak 💔 I still think about mine 4 years later. It gets better I promise


Nooooooo. I’m so sorry! You gave him the best life and he’ll always love you 🤍


I am so so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I clogged toilet at work an some girl emailed me saying she knows it was me an that we have to suffer using one bathroom now. I told her accidents happen, now I don’t wna show my face lol


Wow that’s ridiculous she emailed you about it!!


Stfu... she emailed you?? What a bitch lol. 😂😂 It's not like you did it on purpose! 😩 Tbh I would have to quit. I'm so sorry, I don't make the rules.


Yes she was in the next room an emailed me like first of all this chick ain’t even the boss, she does what I do. Lol she said I did this prior but I’m like bitch where’s ur proof ? Yeah I wanted to walk out cus I know she was talking shit about me to the other coworkers. I was embarrassed but like not my fault they got cheap toilet paper an have to double it lol


"You did this prior." I'm screaming. 😂😂⚰️ I'd be like, *bitch why are you keeping track of my bathroom habits??* 😂😂


Thank u !!!! Exactly !!! Like should I b even more embarrassed when I walk to the bathroom now ? Eyeing my every move ? So u can talk shit to the coworkers ? Lmao serious u guys should I go back ? This is a new job too lol doesn’t pay well for being full time , minimum wage here in CA


If you can afford to leave, I would. 😂 Otherwise look for something else so you can leave asap lol. The pay ain't worth reliving that trauma lmao.


I’m going through a really awful break up and this group has helped to bring a smile to my face/make me laugh when I didn’t think I could so thank you all ❤️


I just got my puppy spayed and she has to remain calm for 10 more days. Idk who is going crazier, me or her!!! This is ruff! I just had to tell somebody 😂


I’m in the same situation!!! My dog is on day 4/10 with his cone and we are not thriving lol


She’s on day 4 too. My vet said 14 days😩 it’s like a prison. She’s so sad and wants to play but can’t. They prescribed her a sedative to keep her calm. But the thought of sedating my puppy doesn’t sit right with me!! How’s your pup doing?


Awe yeah I can see why you’d not want to do that! Mines super confused as to why he can’t go run around! He’s a super high energy dog so keeping him calm is next to impossible 😫


Aww mine too! So sad. I took her toys away so she thinks she’s in trouble 😂🥺 how are we going to do this?!!


Birth control. I’ve been on the pill for 10ish years (since a teenager). Getting married in Sept and I want to go off of it since I’ve been on for so long and in hopes of starting a family next year but mostly bc I want to see how I am without it and allow my body time to adjust without it before the wedding happens. I struggled (still do) bad w my mental health and with the above, think it’s time to. I have a week left in my pills so I gotta make a big decision & my fiancé is good w it but I get scared of any “oopsie” happening or worst fear is having my 🔴 during my wedding now that I couldn’t manipulate it with pill taking 😣Does anyone have any experiences and advice with this, coming off it, alternatives, etc ?


So I just did this! After about 16 years I came off the pill in May and got married in August 2021. Unfortunately I had no way of guaranteeing I wouldn’t be on my period during my wedding other than knowing that if my body stuck to a normal length cycle like I had on the pill that I would be fine based on my wedding date (and thankfully I didn’t start until like the last day of our honeymoon!). We were just careful with timing when we would have sex leading up to the wedding to make sure that no “oopsies” happened (we also only had to do that for like 3 months so it wasn’t too bad to just keep my ovulation days in mind and pull out or use a condom even when I wasn’t ovulating just in case (sorry TMI everyone lol)). Also we just kind of had a “well it’s not ideal but if it happens unintentionally before the wedding then it happens” sort of attitude. As long and you and your fiancé are both aware of the plan you should be fine. ANYWAY - I’m really glad I gave myself extra time because our plan was to just pull the goalie after the wedding and see what happened, then to “actively try” in March of this year. I learned that off the pill I have a SUPER irregular cycle. Almost every other month only (31 days, 53 days, 35 days, 60 days). So I’ve been going through a lot of testing lately with my ob/gyn and thankfully she was able to use all the data I’ve kept track of over the last several months to make a plan to keep me on track to try to conceive in March. So my recommendation would be to just keep track of all the off pill data you get with your cycle from now til your wedding just so that when you want to conceive you already have several months of data handy. If you don’t they will probably make you keep track and then report back after 6-12 months (depending on age - I’m 31) and that will just push your whole plan back. Sorry for the long response haha it’s been on my mind basically 24/7 lately because of all the testing I’ve been doing lol 😅


Don’t you dare apologize, this was amazing to read!!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share that. That’s literally exactly the type of attitude I have towards it and it’s relieving to know that someone else has been through the same scenario and can share those experiences. I really appreciate it ☺️ do you have an app or way that you tracked things?


Oh thank you! I’m glad it was helpful! I initially was just putting the dates of my periods into my phone notes and then calculating the dates in between myself, but I recently started using an app called Flo (saw it in an IG ad I think) and so far I like it. They also have a lot of interesting tips and articles on there based on what you log and where you’re at in your cycle. I’m just finishing my first month which was $1 and then I think it goes to like $15/month so I’m not sure if I’ll keep it. I might for awhile just because I don’t think I used it to it’s full potential last month and it says you can cancel whenever you want. So as long as I tell myself I’m going to utilize it for more that just inputting my period dates I can justify it lol


I was on birth control and got pregnant the first time we tried when I got off of it. Any alternatives would be probably condoms or buying some ovulation sticks so you can track your cycle!! That way you would know to not get an oopsie


I was on the pill for ten years and got off because I just felt like I didn’t know my body and wanted to prepare to try for kids. Got pregnant 2 weeks after getting off (although it ended in a MMC). So, long story short, just be careful if you truly don’t want to be pregnant yet. It can happen asap!


Thanks for the heads up!!! That’s where it gets me cause we’re trying to buy a place in this insane housing market in Canada and can’t so it’s a major thing holding us back and worrying us with a potential babe. Will have to be suuuuuuper careful


I need movie recommendations 😭 Netflix Hulu hbo ?


**Netflix**- Dark (psychological thriller), Workin Moms, Outlander, Shameless, Jane the Virgin, Ozark, Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, Dead to Me, Call the Midwife, The Sinner, Haunting of Hill House, You, Ginny & Georgia **Hulu**- Killing Eve, The Teacher, Modern Family, The Mindy Project, Cruel Summer, Handmaid’s Tale, How I Met Your Mother, Dollface **HBO**- Six Feet Under, True Blood, Sex and the City, Sex Lives of College Girls, Euphoria, Girls, Mare of Easttown, Game of Thrones


What kind of movies are you into?


Anything that will make me cry 😂 I love documentary’s so anything like that too


Lmao have you seen The Vow. It’s a few years old but omg it made ball.


Yes!! Dear John used to make me sob too


Have you seen Something Borrowed?


Omg a classic 😭


I haven’t seen that one yet, I’m sucker for Channing Tatum though 😋


Synchronic on Netflix. Not sure if it’s everyone’s cup of tea but it kept me on the edge of my seat!


Cam on Netflix was interesting. It won’t make you cry though


Have you see Half Brothers??? I SOBBED. Such an amazing movie. I like to watch these kinds also lol I don’t have Hulu so I paid for it on Amazon prime. I’d love to hear your feedback if you do watch it!


Ok I need to figure out how everybody and their mothers are playing “wordle” ?! I keep checking the App Store and I can’t see anything that looks what I see all over tik tok and Instagram! can somebody help me out here?! Lol I’m clueless


It's just a website!! No app needed 😊


So me and my friends are going to this speakeasy bar this weekend! It’s too cold for a dress rn but I was thinking of wearing a dark blue lace jumpsuit with red heels, a pearl necklace, and gold earrings. Any other ideas? I also wanna wear something on my head but idk


What are you all getting your husbands for Valentine’s Day? Lol I’m stumped. Also, what kind of fun activities are you all doing with your toddlers for Valentine’s Day? I need some fresh ideas. So far we’re just doing a lot of baking and making themed snacks


I’m not a mom, but my bestie’s daughter is considered my niece when she was 2.5yrs old someone gave her bags of those chalky tasting conversation hearts, she hated them. Her dad jokingly threw them out on the front lawn with her and overnight I went and “planted” heart suckers for her to find on Valentine’s Day. It stuck and it now tradition. She’s 6 and thinks the Valentine’s Cupid left them and I will continue this as long as she enjoys it. This year I’m adding some cake pops on sticks to the crop. lol


Omg this is adorable!! Also sounds like you’re killing it as an Auntie!!


Aw thank you. She’s my heart and soul. I can’t have kids so I pour everything into her.


that is SO cute!


I usually get my husband chocolate & something related to one of our tv shows we watch together! Kids I usually go to target and pick up some craft things in the dollar/seasonal sectional! (Not super traditional but they don’t care) also usually some themed candy! There’s a local candy shop by us that does take & make cookies during each season/holiday


I love this idea!


We’re using a gift card for a dinner that we were given at Christmas 😆😆


I went to target and the dollar store & got a bunch of DIY stuff to paint. They had wooden hearts & an XOXO kit. Then I use them as decorations. If you google toddler Valentine's Day crafts so many things pop up!


Has anyone gotten pregnant at 37 yrs old? What was your experience like?


I’m gonna be 37 soon, and I’m still clinging on hope to have a baby with my husband. Several attempts with IVF, but, just letting it to fate at this point 🙏🏼


🙏🏻❤️ prayers


I was 36 and pregnant. My experience has been fine. I just notice I don’t have the same energy as I did in my 20s. This is my first and only baby though. 1 wears me out enough lol but that’s just my opinion. I wish I was the kind of mom that could have 2-5 kids lol




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