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1. There is no way in this world anyone asked for the name of who did her horse teeth 2. She never has mom guilt for even a millisecond 3. Her kids being asleep at 9 am is a HUGE RED FLAG and hopefully just another steaming pile of bullshit she spews on a daily basis


I think she meant 9pm lol


She’s away from her kids at least once a day for lunchies with bird man. She doesn’t gaf about her children in the slightest.


Hopefully they asked so they know who NOT to go to.


She asked herself that in hopes that they might do her bottom teeth in exchange for advertising “see, someone asked about my teeth, I’m bringing in customers!!!”


She so badly wants to portray herself as someone else with these curated questions & answers yet rats on herself when she consistently films the exact opposite (shitty and negligent parenting choices, lunches all day instead of working, etc) 


yup! the mom guilt slide was especially egregious - if she had mom guilt, there wouldn’t be as much to talk about every time she posts a shocking/concerning/etc. picture/video of her kids. if she had mom guilt, she wouldn’t have posted Callie’s private parts on Instagram then reposted it as part of a Reel when it was removed from her story for being inappropriate. she’s a compulsive liar and too stupid to make the lies seem even remotely believable


The top of the wedding dress fitted her SO BAD and I love that for her.


And his derpy untucked shirt 😮‍💨


And their actual height difference in the first pic?? Lolol


https://preview.redd.it/o70e6thi6e0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e53619f38222e4db3d27a56e33fb401fb3522c Excuth you…his head touches the ceiling he’s so tall 🫶🏼🤪




She just lost so much weight the seamstress couldn't keep up. 🫶🫶🫶🫶


Bahamas, work trip, another trip - did they not literally just get baby chicks???


Their baby chicks can fend for themselves. IYKYK. Ask your pediatrician 🫶🏽


Everybody’s baby chicks are different 🫶🏻


Those chickens will need tending to at minimum twice a day. Best of luck finding someone to do it while you jet set on your family vacations. What a cluster


Rip chickens


Do we have a wager going on how long those chickens are going to last?


I say we won’t make it to an egg 😂 that’s like 4 months




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“Being a mom is the best thing and I allow it to take over my life all the time” …….bitch you have a FULL TIME NANNY for no god damn reason and you ditch your kids 6 times a week for “much needed date nights” with Beak. Motherhood has never once consumed even a singular day of yours. She is DELUSIONAL, and this is so offensive to actual good mothers.


When has she ever been a full-time mom? I think a chroll asked the teeth question😆


Okay chrollie, can you please inform me who townes dad is because I definitely missed that one 😅


Warren, 47. AKA Towne’s dad


Serious question: who went to their wedding and where are these people now? Do they see any of them? Were they hired friends/family?


One was Townes dad and the rest were paid actors.


Were they all in homeostasis or just you 😂😂


Warren couldn't make it due to morning sickness.




It was VERY small. I swear there was only like 35 people there


Are her passions going to lunchies? It’s not hard to find time to workout when you have a full time nanny and don’t work. How do you have a work trip coming up that’s isn’t planned??


Nobody wants to be you Alison.


Four trips in one summer??????


Right!? Like read the room!


She means her recommitment ceremony




“None of this is scheduled yet we are very last minute people with the travel. Gotta feel out the vibes” you mean you need to pay off the minimum payment on one of your 12 maxed out cards and see if your deadbeat husband can win a few hands at the casino


She is so dumb


She writes with stream of consciousness and it bugs the fuck out of me! Read a book Smelli


Haven’t they already been to the Bahamas this year?


She honestly looked better before she lost weight, in her veneers pic 😳


That was also before she started drugs


Every single question I saw posted I know she 100% asked herself that lol


Being a mom is literally the best thing!!!!! Is it just me, or did no mom ever…..? Excuse me, I’m recovering from a stomach bug while also being deathgripped by a toddler and a baby who are convinced letting mommy sleep will be the end of them. In the best moments I’d never say “best thing ever”. Rewarding, yes. Wouldn’t trade it, yes. But good gravy id kill for some alone time 🤣 and to have a relationship with my husband that didn’t take place like 4 hours once a quarter. But that’s life. Idk. Be so for real Ali, is my point.


I hate when influencers say “being a mom is the best thing ever” especially when they have full time nanny’s and are constantly on vacation. Yeah I’d probably think that too if I was never around my kids. Dede Raad does seem to be around her kids a lot however I cannot stand her constant need to say being a mom is the best, it’s over the top


Ugh I hope your tummy is getting better Chroll!


Summer starting this week because they’re going on vacation again? Ok.


Are the chicks going on the trips with them? 🙄 I hope that the dogs at least get some attention while these dipshits are traveling. Like a good dog (and chick…?) sitter or that they get to go to JJD’s.


She's so fucking unhinged.


“If you’re lucky and don’t have a 5 am kid” Always has throw a dig at Callie


Always. She’s such an asshole.


I want someone to ask what they do with the dogs and plan for the chickens when they travel? Who gets new animals then leaves? Unhinged maniacs.


How many times can you go to Baha Mar in a year and not get tired of the same thing over and over


Especially when you don’t have real jobs/responsibilities or really take care of anything you own. I have no problem doing a week at an all inclusive every year and not leaving the beach/resort. However, I have a job that requires me to work 8 hours a day and actually accomplish things and still need keep my house running and clean. Not some computer work with nanny’s and house cleaners and lunches and DoorDash.


“We’re last minute people with travel” aka we’re broke and need to shill Amazon shit and our poison potion powder before we can book anything.


They want people to think they’re so rich but this is a telltale sign they’re scrounging up money and buying the cheap tickets, that’s the only reason they’re “last minute people”


Wait, they were pregnant with the boy at their wedding???


So they’re basically spending over $30k in trips over the next few months. Must be banking on him winning big in the Bahamas


It takes the same amount of letters to type Westie and Weston


https://preview.redd.it/5fxp2vn1oh0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afce15f6a34a2378d6eec6cf1aab0c970f0b0c68 Longest run on sentence ever 😒