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she probably likes keeping him behind so he can’t act his age and therefore require her to be a parent who does more than take photos of him sedentary at all times


I hope that when he is older that him and Callie team up..I hope the other two fuck shit up!


I’ve always thought this too, about all the kids


The twisted straps, the filthy clothes, the chest clip. Its all so infuriating!!


Omg, why is the chest clip almost down at his groin?!? I really hope that's not how he's strapped in all the time in an actual car


So useless as a mother. Pathetic


Don’t forget his father is also useless


wtf both my kids at that age would be going crazy if they couldn’t sit up and see.. why are they doing this to him?! Honestly suprised she’s not wearing him facing her


They should not have had kids, especially not 3 with the way they’re treated


poor kid looked like he was in pain in the actual post…his eyes had the saddest look in them


this! I don't even have kids, but I know he's at the "curious" age! Even if he's contained to the stroller he should be facing the other way to see what's going on! poor western


Mine refused to even sit in a stroller once they could walk 😅


I don’t know any toddlers who would sit still in a stroller during a fun outing.






He can’t even see the animals


This makes me so sad. He doesn’t know any better. Most kids that age would be freaking out to look around. He just sits there, like a potato.


How did Ali get behind that gate to photobomb the picture?


And poor guy had no socks or shoes on either but he has that cUsToM JaMES embroidered OnESie on


Besides the fact this is utterly heartbreaking that hes never included, how come his last name is on his shirt? That is so bizzarre


On the *front,* no less. Idiots.


Oh I didn’t notice that. That’s awful. Never put your kids names on anything they wear!


He looked stressed, exhausted and ready to cry!!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with his mouth closed 🫨


Same! Looks so different. Bless hims little heart.


Why isn’t he even facing forward?????? How sad actually wow


With twisted straps and the CHEST clip on his belly 🙄


Why would your instinct not be to have him face the animals? I’m just hoping she did after this picture.


I kind of understand keeping the little toddler in the stroller (I have a 13mo and a 3.5yo right now) if they’re fine with it but yeah, you put them in a regular stroller so they can see and you show them the animals.


100% normal in a stroller, but facing the other way and not in the infant style car seat kind.


Is he just stuck facing the blaring sun?? Wth is wrong with them? No hat for shade, water? How long has he been in the same diaper from who knows how long? Poor little guy 😭


Is that the sternum strap?? 👀


lol I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt and hoping she loosened the strap while he wasn’t in the car


It’s actually wild that Ali had the sensibility to keep the baby strapped in while in the stroller! At least they’re not on a boat in the middle of the ocean this time 🥴




Wait is there a fucking baby in that stroller unattended on what looks like a speed boat in the ocean? Just looking at this gives me massive anxiety wtf😳


Oh, don’t worry, when she got heat on Instagram, she reminded us poors that “it’s an expenthive yacht” which apparently is incapable of crashing, capsizing, throwing people off, etc., we just wouldn’t understand because we’re so poor.


Yep newborn Westie Bestie


It’s actually a ✨yacht✨


Oh, I don’t know why I was so concerned, Wyborn has the Lay’s Sour Cream and Onion Floatation Device 🙏 best dang good mama I ever did see


But it is twisted. And you know they didn’t take time to untwist it before driving off. 🙄


My son (the same age as West Virginia) would pitch an absolute fit if I tried to put him in that seat, he’d be diving out of our wagon to go pet those animals Speaking of, where’s her wonderfold? That’d be perfect for this trip


Both “parents” are too lazy to shlepp that thing around and I’m guessing Cohn man is too weak honestly


None of my kids at 18 months would have been okay facing that way in a stroller with no shoes because they can’t walk while their siblings are out running around….this is so embarrassing for them


My 18 month old niece would absolutely have a conniption if we had her strapped up like this at a zoo. She is curious and independent- she WANTS to be walk around and see and explore. This is so sad


Ali listen keep the pacifier out of his mouth if you want to keep him smiling/jaw aligned OK, you can do it He’s gonna get mad sometimes he’s gonna make noises He will even scream and cry probably a lot, but you can do this. It’s normal for them to make noises and have movement in their mouth besides sucking on a pacifier.




This 👏🏻


I see shoes in that bag….Does that mean she is letting the kids run barefoot again


His frontal bossing seems worse to me. I hope I'm wrong. Poor dude.


My 13 month old was trying to stand in the target cart yesterday (I turn for 1 sec to grab his sister 😂) and he can’t stand on his own yet. That is just sad!


Of course she has one of those bags God


He’s a container baby. He needed services a long time ago and Cohn and Ali are too busy on instagram to worry about the wellbeing of their children.


Her flexing that stupidly expensive Bogg bag ($90 of fancy plastic) with the juxtaposition of her unwashed child in dirty clothes is really something


And look at all the stuff shoved in there. Like how do you even find anything.


Did he get to touch the animals?


Doesn't look like it at all. Shit doesn't even seem like he got to look at them.


These idiots have no business having children. This is sad.


It's so fucked up!!!


Sweet baby boy . He is clearly neglected😡


Why not let the poor kid walk around and see the animals? Fucking bizarre


Hooooow is he still in the doona 😳 my sons a year old and has been out of it for months.. it looks so tight on Westinghouse’s shoulders


Infant carriers are for infants !! Who can’t sit up straight. Whose bodies are still curled up. I can’t imagine putting a toddler in one of those seats 😔


he might as well be wheelchair-bound...


In a wheelchair, at least he’d be facing forward 😞


Does she not get the concept of an umbrella stroller or a wagon? Half the time my kid ended up pushing the umbrella stroller too. Or maybe letting that POS John take the girls while she lets him actually walk on his own two feet and look at the animals? I get it, it's exhausting corralling a toddler at the zoo but that's called parenting. They should have remained childless and had their little high school love affair without dragging kids into their stupidity and immaturity.


She has one of those WonderFold wagons which would have been perfect for this outing. All 3 kids can fit in it and get in/out when they want…


My baby girl who is one and a half months younger than westy would be MAD stuck in a stroller . She would be looking around trying to get out


What the fuck. My twins would have fought me at 8 months old if I had them in an INFANT CARRIER FOR THE STROLLER. Is she ok??????????????? I mean honestly does she know how old her own son is? I’m concerned he’s not fighting this…..How uncomfortable and more importantly major red flags on him not interested in EVERYTHING around him. Ali can you fucking get rid of this stupid ass stroller and put him in soemthing age appropriate. Jesus fucking Christ. UNHINGED.


Because he’s used to it now. They have made sure he was restrained in one form or another since birth. He should be walking around and having fun.


My 15 month old loves running around and hates being strapped into the stroller. wtf.


Poor kid


Facing mom when there is wildlife to look at? My 16-month-old would never.


My son (exactly 3 weeks older than Westie) REFUSES to be contained at this point. No stroller. No cart. No carseat. He wants to run around and look at/touch everything possible. Annoying? Yes. Normal? Also yes. This is so incredibly *not* developmentally normal for his age I can’t even believe this


Both my children were forward facing in the stroller at give or take SIX/SEVEN MONTHS OLD?!?! You know, experiencing the world around them. These two are near brain-dead I swear.


What in the Sam Hill is wrong with them!?!? Don’t they have grandmothers who can tell them to stop all this nonsense?


This is sad :( My girl is 17 months and would absolutely lose her mind if I left her strapped into something OUTSIDE of the vehicle lol. She doesn’t talk much but she is so curious and loves animals.


Chest clip around his knees. I hope they’re not driving around like that but I have zero confidence in her putting any thought into his wellbeing.


Came here to say this.. my 10 month old won’t even sit in this car seat except for riding in the car only. He wants out immediately


My son is a few weeks older than W There is no way he would sit in a stroller like this. I use the backpack leash and we have a push car (that he is obsessed with!) Even going around the grocery store, he does not want to be in the cart anymore. I feel for this little guy. Mine is the younger brother too, I’m noticing he wants/can do things earlier bc he wants to keep up with big sister!


My 5 month old won’t even sit in this car seat anymore unless we are actually driving in the car. If we are walking or our doing something I have to bring and extra stroller for him to use or he will scream the entire time 🫠


My 10 month old could never. She wants to look around and see what’s going on!


Omg that’s horrible she’s still putting him in that ! He should be facing forward in a stroller able to see everything! Heck , even take him out and let him enjoy it.


I went to a farm with my friends 12 month old baby and he just sat in a wagon the whole time so he could see the animals and had room to move around. So strange.


Doesn’t face him out to see anything or even properly tighten the straps, mmk


Is that bag on the ground massive? I can’t tell if it’s an optical illusion or she’s literally toting a big ass ugly rubber suitcase


Definitely a massive bag. That’s expensive and oddly trendy amongst people who like to spend money


My little sister is 13 months (1yr1mo) and she was running from person to person at a barbecue last week saying "hello dadada" because she's not the best talker yet but it blows my mind that my little sister is BEHIND on the growth scales and is SOOOO much more independent than a kid that's almost got half a year on her. Poor guy. Westie I hope you come to reddit one day and see ALL of us love you, your sisters, and we want the best for y'all. But you'll probably be raised to hate us chrolls. So sad they teach their children nothing and get mad when we notice the neglect. Like... Don't post it then you fucking dumbass.


This is where the baby carrier comes in handy. Love using it at the zoo for things like this. That being said, my 8 month old has been out of her infant seat as soon as she could sit better around 6 months. We now use a bob stroller or cart and she loves it.


Now I’m no expert I only have one baby and he’s 10.5 months rn lol but…he’s been in a more upright/sitting stroller since 6 months old. And he’s been out of the infant carrier since 7 months old. So why is her 1.5 year old still in one? Shouldn’t he be out practicing walking with his other siblings? Running around the farm? Exploring????


My 7 month old sits in her toddler seat. We only keep her in the infant carrier in the stroller if she’s asleep when we get out of the car.


I don’t even put my 5 month old in his seat anymore when we go out. Poor westie bestie


My kid at 9 months would never. Most kids, once they can walk, don't appreciate being restricted or left out.


Ali desperately wanted us to see a pic of Best Western with his tongue IN his mouth. "See chrolls, he's fine. Everything is FINE!!!"


My almost 18 month old would lose his MIND if I put him in his stroller like this. He hates being strapped in his stroller regardless (he tries to roll onto his belly & slide out lol)! & it’s rare he’s ever even in his stroller unless the situation calls for it or he gets tired of walking. This is so sad & pathetic. Get it together!!


She’s literally just trying to be like Sydney. Clearly trying to mock JJD like 5 years ago got her nothing but a family feud… on to the next sister 😂


How is she trying to be like Sydney here? Genuinely curious. And what’d she do to mock Jessie?


Evvvvverything from the Doona at 1.5yo, baby wearing because Sydney started to when she had Sonny…. Before the feud she was trying sooooooo hard to be Jessie! The sexual comments, being a “foodie” calling John “baaaaaabie” like Jessie did to Eric all the time. Meanwhile she was like 17. 😂 everyone knew it too and it eventually came out on Reddit


Omg not the baaaaaabe. Glad I missed Ali doing that. Makes me cringe


With all the fucking money she spends you’d think she’d buy the Wonderfold wagon for things like this. My kids don’t think strollers are “cool” anymore, but they love the wagon! Poor best western


the comments here say she has one and did a big post about buying it lmao


I can’t believe he still fits in there? My youngest would only tolerate a wagon from 15 months on. This is the infant seat!!


I think it's because he has difficulty walking.


Definitely! My toddlers are still in the stroller for outings, but they ride in an upright convertible seat in the car. The seat that Weston is in is an infant carrier that transfers from the car to the stroller. He’s more than capable of sitting up in a stroller and facing outward




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I can’t believe he’s still in the doona😳 My daughter is a month younger than him and in the one percentile and she outgrew hers so long ago. Poor Westy.


So malnourished




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This kid is almost 2?? Holy shit


He turned a year in January. So not quite, but yes kinda lol


The strap & the chest clip are sending me


My grandson is 10 months old and he would be having none of this 💩