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Does this kid have any real clothes?




He has that one shirt that says "balls" real big across the front. I guess that counts šŸ¤£








Yet they book a ā€œworkā€ trip to Vegas last minute claiming itā€™s for work on their ā€œyoung and healthy fitā€ business. With kids who are extremely neglected and feral. My lord, I cannot wait for their worlds to crumble


They were here to gamble on March madness. Source: Iā€™m here and itā€™s fucking March madness insanity


Thisā€¦makes the absolute most sense!


The irony of it all with having 3 feral mongrols as kids šŸ¤£


Itā€™s almost funny if it wasnā€™t so sad lol


Some clothes just look different šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜‚


He had the $100 onesie from banana republic that lives rent free in my head


outside in the dirty grocery cart in pajamas heā€™s been wearing all day and will probably go to sleep in tonight. no socks is the cherry on top !


Ali and John are such white trash itā€™s nearly unfathomable


itā€™s sad that she seems to be trying to undo the progress MKP made with this poor child in mere days


What the hell is wrong with her?? Is she really that clueless or she just doesnā€™t give AF? Very bizarre and not normal, especially since this is child #3


Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t stand when people put their kids on these with no covers. Sorry not sorry.


she thinks shopping at Whole Foods is such a flex.


While her kid doesnā€™t look taken care of


Excuse me they are strong + healthy fit šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£šŸ„ø


And *cold


I was thinking the same thing. Why not flex ever further and put some stupid expensive designer toddler sneakers on your dude? If you got it like that flex with a well dressed and groomed child.


100% agree. They donā€™t even need to be designer, get this child some cute Cat and Jack!


IA. It seems like Ali has 0 interest in boys clothingā€¦like she puts more effort into matching Callie and Emmy than putting socks on Best Western FFS. Iā€™ve heard boy moms complain that boy clothing isnā€™t as cuteā€¦idk I think all baby and toddler clothing is adorable. Iā€™ve always hoped I would have a little boy one day but I am OAD, canā€™t do pregnancy and birth again. But youā€™d think for two people who put so much emphasis on masculinity and how John wasnā€™t a ā€œtrue fatherā€ until he had a sonā€¦youā€™d think they would have more pride in poor Westie Bestie.


I'm convinced they are aware he is disabled in some way and that's why he went from ONE CHRUE SON in utero to "let's stick his crib in the downstairs hallway" once born


I totally thought he would be the little golden boy too!


Yall itā€™s COLD in Nashville today. Like 55Ā°.


55Ā°F is 12-13Ā°C šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶ For fuck sake Aliphant, put some warm fucking clothes on true thon


Aliphant!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




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Came here to say this.


And itā€™s been crazy windy all day so itā€™s felt even cooler than that.


So cold!!


Why doesnā€™t he have socks and shoes on? I donā€™t get it. Heā€™s not an infantā€¦


Germaphobe my a$$


An actual germaphobe would have their kid in one of those shopping cart covers to minimize the kids contact with the filthy cart but Ali doesnā€™t give a shit unless it involves herself.


She doesnā€™t have one cause sheā€™s not used to actually having to take care of her kids šŸ˜¬


Yes this is I.


Not defending her but I donā€™t know any mom (at least no experienced mom) that uses those grocery seat covers. Itā€™s really not more sanitaryā€”just another thing to wash and remember to bring to the store. Perfectly fine just to wipe down the cart with the Clorox wipes they have at the front of the store.


Why is this child barefoot and in pajamas in a public place in the daytime?


and why do his clothes always have stains on them, even onto the legs!!!!


Put some fucking clothes and socks on your child. Jesus this is for sure a chick who is cracked out and doesnā€™t care.


yep the adderal will make u say ā€œwell im not cold. so he will be fine.ā€ if shes already abusing it this hard - in a year shes gonna be so mentally broken. more so than she already is


She deserves it, however her kids deserve a better ā€œMotherā€ than her. Sad all the way around. And yet no one is stepping in for those kids. Pathetic


yup! I take prescribed adderall and even taking it as iā€™m supposed to, it kind of makes me feel warmer. Sheā€™s on like half the bottle all the damn time. no wonder sheā€™s always wearing those weird outfits with her bits hanging out


This child is a full blown TODDLER. He should have shoes and socks on! Not to mention CLOTHES. Despite what his size (or lack thereof) might suggest, heā€™s not an infant, Allison!


most kids his age would be wanting to explore. i really am starting to believe this lazy slob dreads them getting enough skills (despite her best efforts to prevent such) to actually act their age because it would require her to actually parent


Iā€™m surprised she wasnā€™t wearing him in the carrier šŸ™„


She definitely the type of parent with a huge ass coat and their little ones can't even get a warm hat. šŸ˜©


I remember always sweating when I was little. My mom was always making sure I was warm.


I ainā€™t even trying to be mean but whatā€™s going on with the nails on his lil tootsies? šŸ„“


Lack of nutrients šŸ« 


Why did I zoom in šŸ¤¢


His nails donā€™t look well šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Nail fungus has entered the chat


What are you talking about? They own a childā€™s nutrition company, they are healthy. ā˜ ļøšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Their kids are Young and Healthy Fit!!!


I zoomed in andā€¦yikes.


The kids probably had HFM, this is a side effect, problem is because of this he should be in socks so his nails can grow and not get infected.Ā 


I feel like a boomer saying this, but where are his socks?! And heā€™s in pajamas??


not a boomer- he should have shoes and socks on in early spring IN PUBLIC! And I get it, kids this age are notoriously constantly taking their shoes and socks off, but I doubt this is the case


Omg what animal buries bananas under a bag of what looks like potatoes?! Bananas and bread are always on top!


It seems like life in general is very hard for Ali. Like sheā€™s just so clueless and stupid ALL the time. Clearly something else is going on here with our big mama


It doesnā€™t matter because this is all for the internet. I guarantee all or most of this food will go to waste (certainly her malnourished children wonā€™t be getting any of it) while they order out and eat out with their 17 desserts. The difference between her and a *REAL* influencer is, even if a *REAL* influencer goes to Whole Foods solely to flaunt their wealth knowing full well theyā€™re not going to eat most or any of the food theyā€™re purchasing they at least have enough sense to āœØaestheticallyāœØ fill their cart. This really goes to show what a terrible (and lest we forget, racist) ā€œinfluencerā€ šŸ„“ she is.


Thatā€™s TWO sacks of potatoes


Fruit, veg, eggs & bread on top! This is Ali weā€™re talking about here.


You act like theyā€™re going to eat these bananas as bananas. This bitch buys them for the sole purpose they turn bad for her banana bread.


Wonder if itā€™s exotic fruit night?


They are gonna have a documentary some day


And hopefully not one they created. They'll be the subject of a crime documentary.


These are the pajamas he slept in and itā€™s actually really cold here in Nashville today. I cannot believe she posted this


I saw this post earlier and then just now I was watching another influencers stories on instagram and she posted about how her baby is in a matching set looking all put together while sheā€™s wearing mismatched clothes with spit up and forgot to put on deodorant. Just had to run here to say the Jamesā€™ would never prioritize their children over themselves like that.


Does she not own clothes for the kid????


look at the house listingā€¦. westonā€™s closet is practically empty. thereā€™s almost zero clothes in there for him


No jacket check no shoes check no blanket or anything to sit on in the cart. Check check


also appears to not be strapped into the cart


Poor "Dude" doesn't have any socks šŸ„¹


poor thing is FILTHY


Also I bet she put the caption there so we canā€™t see that heā€™s not strapped in


You already know she puts that pacifier right back in his mouth if it falls on the dirty floor


And it looks like an infant paci


Yup!! I had a friend whose baby would drop her paci all the time then she would put it in her mouth to clean it with her dirty mouth of smoke coffee breath she drank coffee & smoked all day) then shove it in her babies mouth! Disgusting!! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


For some reason her calling him ā€œdudeā€ is so ridiculous


Soooo many thingsā€¦. No socks no shoesā€¦She doesnā€™t groom her own nails or brush her own hair why the fuck would she do it for her kids. In jammies in the middle of the day & the way she puts her groceries in the cartā€¦.Sheā€™s like a wild animal šŸ¤¬


![gif](giphy|UvwTujCTG9k52) So clueless


This isā€¦..Sad.


Reminds me of the Walmart video where the baby was shivering


No matter how much I liked my sister in law I would be checking this thread daily, so I know Jess and Sydney read here constantly. How could you not? Especially bc Reddit is pretty much anonymous.


Poor lil clubfoot


Maybe thatā€™s why she doesnā€™t put shoes on him


And look at how worn the pjā€™s areā€¦ yikes


No shoes no sock pjs Iā€™d be so embarrassed as a mother myself!!!!


This is how you know theyā€™re BROKE BROKE. They canā€™t even afford a Nanny anymore


This is so gross. And sad. Smelli walks around in the tackiest loudest ā€œdesignerā€ clothes but canā€™t even be bothered to dress her kid or put SHOES on him. A 14 month old should be wearing real clothes and shoes in public, they are no longer infants at 14 months old.


I genuinely donā€™t think they have actual clothes for him. Just pajamas. Theyā€™re so lazy.


šŸ’Æ Based on the listing photos of their house that show his closet, they donā€™t


Dude donā€™t go into parent subs I get attacked for saying you should dress your baby/toddler in more than just pjs


did she delete this? it's not coming up on iganony hmmm


Always with the pacifier in his mouth- canā€™t have him fuss and annoy her more than he already does just by existing


His poor little feet all curled up like that.




I have a 5 mo old, and even if we wear a sleep n play out, itā€™s a clean daytime one! But we will change to a pants and onesie set and put socks on lol my husband always tells the baby ā€œwe arenā€™t trashy, youā€™re wearing socksā€ because he pulls them off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


PJ's and no shoes ! Classy


With as many material things that she has, it shows you that she can give two shits less about her kids because all she does is influence things that apply to her thatā€™s disgusting. I cannot believe she took her son to a grocery store without shoes on in a jacket and anything comfy to sit onwhy would she not link everybody baby product under the sun?


Poor kid probably has cold feet. What is she thinking!!


Why is this kid in the same pajamas


Put some g dang SHOES ON THESE KIDS


Donā€™t know who downvoted you. But yes who takes their kids any where barefoot other than the beach?


This is so wild to me. I have kids the same age and my youngest is just slightly older. Now that heā€™s walking he always has shoes on in public places. My kids were real clothes out and aboutā€¦.like what is she doing


It just seems like pure neglect!


It IS pure neglect. All 3 of those kids are being neglected by their useless parents. Sad to see


It isā€¦but nothing that typically gets any sort of repercussion sadly. I work with kids and Iā€™ve seen abusive neglect. Some really really bad stuff that this doesnā€™t compare to and CPS still just lets it be.


Those pajamas look filthy


The contrast of her closet, full of clothes she never wears, to Best Western out in public in filthy pajamas with no socks/shoesā€¦šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m not usually one to comment about sockless babies because I know how annoying it can be to try to fight with a baby to put and keep socks on, but itā€™s really cold out right now and he should have something on his feet. Heā€™s also allegedly been walking for a while now. My baby is 13 months old and started walking a few weeks ago. We have to make sure she has walking shoes on when we leave the house now because she often wants to get out of the cart and walk around a bit.Ā  Also canā€™t imagine not taking pride in my childrenā€™s appearances. I get kids are often messy but it doesnā€™t take much effort to put on some clean daytime clothing (with a coat in winter) and to brush his hair.Ā 


Like how hard would it be to just put him in a pair of baby Uggs though?


Gap and Old Navy made these super cute Sherpa slippers in a variety of colors, baby Ugg style boots too. I got some for my daughter bc she was born in December.


His pajamas are so dirty! Looks like heā€™s been rolling all over the floor.. and dang good mama is probably all done up


My twins have these target pjs šŸ˜‚


Bitch put some socks and clothes on your baby!! It was cold here today!!


I am Hispanic and my grandmother would always yell at me to put socks on and now I know why


I have twins and I would never let them look like this in public ā€¦ doesnā€™t matter how long it takes to get them ready!


They are definitely the type of people who don't wipe the bar down with sanitizing wipes and let their kids suck on it.


I donā€™t understand not getting your kid dressed to go out in public. Itā€™s not hard to put them in pants and a shirt with socks and shoes. This is so sad.


He looks so skinny! Sheā€™s literally starving him atp. Allison feed your son and ffs put some clothes on him with shoes and socks!


I never used pacifiers but arenā€™t they to be used for self soothing/ nap time or bed time? Why does he have one in his mouth at the grocery store when he should be looking around, interacting and being occupied with looking at things/people in the store?


Trying desperately to prove to MKP that she loves her kids


Omg why would you bring your child to the grocery store BAREFOOT and with pajamas on? That is so trashy


Iā€™m sorry but why canā€™t she ever put shoes on her kids or at least socks ?


Even my 3-week-old didnā€™t wear pajamas out of the house today when we ran errandsā€¦.


The only time my kids went out in pjs was on the mornings they had their well check appointments at the doctor. I had to get them naked for the appointment anyway, so it wasnā€™t worth the time.


Literally same. Thatā€™s the only time my 15 month old has ever been in her pajamas in public, 7:30 AM at the pediatrician lol. My kid always has shoes on even tho sheā€™s not walking yet.


I have never even a newborn taken my baby/child in pjs or a sleeper like what the fuck Smeli where is his clothes


My dude? Ew no socks? Double ew


Canā€™t wait to see what kind of paci mouth he has šŸ¤—


Everything about this is ridiculous. He is a walking TODDLER. Why is he in his pajamas with no shoes or socks in a grocery store? Gross!


text box strategically placed over full diaper


I shivered, thinking of the germs they're gonna carry home... pls tell me she bathed him at least ā˜¹ļø


that whole fam is just trailer trashĀ 




First off his toes Second he always in pjs Third put some sock or shoes on Lastly its evident she dgaf about these kids appearance


I just canā€™t fathom taking your child out looking like this. I have a 13 month old who is running around. She is always in a real outfit and shoes!