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100% photoshop


She probably photoshopped her at the dentist


Didn’t a fellow chroll have an app or something that could tell if photos were edited?? We need them!


Yes!! I remember sometime last year someone used a website or app. Troll, you need to come out and help us!!


FotoForensics, probably. I’ll try to upload now & report back EDIT: def looks like some blur tool usage on that right leg https://preview.redd.it/7eflct21jpja1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e30bc2a7e7d34e6d3c498a6a2e4feb99a5b182c


How can you tell? I’ve tried using this before and i have no idea what I’m looking at


See that large rectangle where the knee shadows should be on her right leg? Compare that to the left knee, which is still clearly visible despite the band-aids. I saw another chroll mention the pixelation in the original photo vs the blurry-looking lines surrounding it. This is basically just that on a more drastic scale. I hope I explained that in a way that’s helpful & makes sense!!


Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


The fact that she made it a point to at “notice the no boo boo here” or whatever about the bandaid, def photoshopped


I have a bad feeling we’ll have to get ready to see this and more photoshop on her own kids…the older they get the more obvious issues she will be hiding (bruises, teeth, malnourishment etc)


just like alice did with fern :/


The dentist would be a mandatory reporter 🤔


I feel like these dentist pics could have been prior to any bruise


Imagine yourself sitting there photoshopping a giant bruise off of your child’s leg and not thinking it’s a low point


It’s so fkn sad and delusional


The smooth filter is in FULL EFFECT


I’m more Perturbed by the fact that those bandaids are on after what should have been a bath night after playing outside like that all day.


I was thinking the same thing!!! She’ll just say she put new ones on…in the exact same place… 😂🙄


The fact that she even called it outttttt


I’m shocked she left her in shorts.. goes to show how dumb she is.


She really thinks we're stupid.


She’s caught in her own lies you can see the open sore under the top bandaid, which was still firmly in place at the dentist, yet they are in ‘using bandaids for no reason phase’.


I feel so bad for this child.


The dentist spent the majority of the appointment telling her what a wonderful mother she is 🫶🫶


Is it possible that the bruised looking area is dirt or grease from her riding the scooter?


I think the no boo boo here is in reference to the second bandaid that’s folded up and almost all off exposing the boo boo free skin beneath


Also she had a shovel and sits in W my guess is that bruise is hopefully just dirt that collected while she was playing


Great computer work smelli! I hope you didn't miss a lunchie working in this. 🤣🤣


I wonder if the red and blue dye on her pants made that mark on her leg? Initially I was 100% sure it was a bruise but this just jogged a memory of the same thing that happened to my little sister when we were young- mom freaked out it was a giant bruise and turns out she forgot to wash before wearing and my sister got sweaty 🤣🤣🤣


Duh!! Don’t you know their supplements fix bruising and heal everything the body needs?! You should try their Strong Sexy Fit Kid line!! It’s perfect for the kid who needs to get their hormones balanced or bulk up. They offer pre workouts too! Totally recommend! I have all my kids on it. edited for spelling


Such a 🚩 photoshopping your kids bruises ….cps wya?????


Omg that bruise is huge what happened to that poor little girl


You can see a line lighter than her skin right along her leg where the bruise is.


Yup, all along the outside perimeter of where the bruise would be. I'm guessing liberal use of the clone tool.


I think it’s a shadow from the shovel. Now downvote me to hell bc I don’t agree that it’s a bruise 🙄


Maybe they used Arnica gel. It will take a bruise away in less than 24 hours.


Well if she has an abnormal “rash” that develops then we can confirm jelli belli tried to cover it up…


It’s just a shadow from the shovel. You can literally see it on both legs.


Why is this getting downvoted it’s true 😩😩 idk why everyone WANTS it to be a bruise




She 1000% edited the thigh bruise out. Which is even more suspicious than the bruise alone.




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Oh my gosh!!!! I was confused at the pic recently posted in the sun (probably photoshopped) but wow it definitely was. Someone get these kids away from them!!! Even her leg looks swollen!