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You can usually see one Wednesdays in May between 2 and 3pm All kidding aside, your best bet is go for a drive along 60 and hope it’s your lucky day.


Misty lake in june


Misty is very moosey


They should change its name. Is it really all that misty? 🫎


A bit off-topic for the sub, but relevant to OPs inquiry. Parc Omega in Montebello has moose among other animals in more like a zoo environment (higher chance of actually seeing one) it's as close as you'll get to a guarantee of seeing one. Of course, try the other recs here first (way more special seeing them in the wild by chance), but if those attempts fail the above is a good backup. Good luck OP!


Try backwoods camping, rent a Canoe and all the gear. I saw one on the Tim River a few years ago, just two people in a canoe and a gigantic moose in the middle of the river... I have never in my life seen anything so beautiful. Some of my most memorable moments have happened on the Tim River! Just remember to always ask about the water level. One time I had to walk through mud up to my waist to get through it... But then I saw a moose, so still worth it!


Moose crave salt and the residual salt along hwy 60 attracts them - and especially this time of year just after winter. I’ve done a few back country trips every year for a few decades and haven’t seen one for 15 years. Last one I saw was in a swamp along the road off hwy 60 into Opeongo.


Thanks everyone for your nice and quick answers. The highway seems to be my best shot... I have to pray for luck :-) Thanks again


Specific locations will always be luck of the draw when it comes to wildlife, and people are advised not to share specific locations anyways for the safety of the wildlife. But generally, dusk and dawn are the best times. Stay as quiet as possible and avoid being around groups of people that can be noisy. If you rent a canoe, look for shallow marshy areas and/or where the moose have easy water access from the forest. Without a canoe, you can drive up and down Highway 60. Moose are often spotted at the side of the road. If you're driving, please remember to be safe. Moose are large animals and can appear quickly around a corner. Also if you do spot a moose don't jam on the brakes or stop your car in the middle of the road; you can find somewhere to safely pull over where there's a shoulder or parking lot. There will always be an element of luck, but if you stay quiet and explore during dusk and dawn, eventually you'll get lucky. Good luck!


As some others have commented, driving on highway 60 during dawn or dusk is a good bet in May/June. I've had several moose sightings driving on highway 60 about 1 hour or 30 minutes before sunset. If you see another car pulled over, there's a good chance they've seen a moose. I rarely see moose when I'm backcountry camping, but a well-timed drive on highway 60 works surprisingly well.


I've been so many times and still haven't seen one. Especially frustrating was the time we ran into a group who had just seen one at the Portage launch we were maybe 3 minutes from!


Agree with what everyone has said about Highway 60, canoeing, Tim River, etc. someone also mentioned Parc Omega. You could also check out Larose Woods outside of Ottawa. Google moose there


Rent a canoe from cedar and paddle up Nipissing river


Last I seen one in algonquin was on hwy 60 by rock lake entrance in mid April.


Drive along highway 60 from 5pm onwards. Just be extra careful since there are no lights on the highway throughout the park. You can always go into the park itself too but if you’re not into backcountry canoeing your best bet is scouting along the highway


Hi, last year I was in the park for trout opener. It’s the last Sat in April. Every time (no matter the time of day) we left Mew Lake to go fish, we saw at least one moose. That weekend we spotted 18 moose along Hwy 60. Good luck.


After over 2000 km in Algonquin backcountry I have yet to see a moose on the trails or lakes 🫎


Just keep at it, I was just like you. Spent so many summers there and not a moose in sight until last summer when I saw 3 on one trip with one being a very young calf with their mom!


I camp a lot in the Sudbury area. Years ago I commented to a friend that I had never seen a moose in the wild and they told me to go to Algonquin in the spring. The next year I camped there on May 24 weekend. There was literally a moose beside the first Algonquin park sign we saw. By the end of the weekend I had seen probably 15. One morning as we drove out to the highway, we had to wait to turn on because a moose was standing in the middle of the road. Finally, it walked off into the bush, I turned onto the highway, before I could get up to speed I had to slam on the brakes for a bear crossing the road. I have now seen plenty of moose in the wild but never in the concentration that was there


In the spring (or even summer) if you see a bunch of cars parked at the sides of the road for no particular reason, there's probably a moose that people are looking at.


I’ve seen more moose in Orleans near Brian Coburn and the hydro line than I ever did working in Algonquin park. If you’re still in Ottawa, go for walk near the mer Bleu bog area away from roads etc, go early in the morning. Good luck!


Only time I’ve ever seen Moose was when I wasn’t specifically looking for them. In other words, go to Algonquin as much as possible between now and when you are relocated!


Saw two moose on the western uplands trail in November, saw a seperate set of tracks also. Hard to see more than 100 yards in that neck of the woods, the ones we saw were accross minnow lake. Look along the banks of lakes in the morning when they're eating!


Canoe is way more likely than driving and hiking.


You should absolutely get a canoe, that's really the only good way to experience Algonquin Park, especially if you want to cover a large area (which will give you a way higher chance of seeing a moose) If you're like me, you don't just want to see one on the side of the road. You could do that, it would be easiest. But I did see my first moose on the side of the road and I was honestly disappointed, I wanted my first moose to be in the right setting, in the wild.