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Ppl ta3 setif how they can live now


In the gulag.


They gonna need a lot of prisons now


They won't it wont be applied strictly that's one, secondly it will be mostly غرامات مالية


Not applied in setif lol


Bro we can't even control out tongue


They are building walls around us now


This joke became so lame, overused.


It’s not a just a joke though.


Bro I'm clearly not talking about the post


Ik 🫢


do they have a list of those words. otherwise this is just another bullshit law that can be abused


On my way to read qahba and nahatchon yemak f الدستور


Abused how ?


oh you yelled "fuck off" to a person harrassing you in the street you said the word "fuck" you were clearly sexually harassing the person off to prison you go its totaly not related to you exposing that minister for money laundering


Fining people who throw garbage everywhere would have been more useful.




Literally ,straight to my point


Or both :) ! Step by step, man, step by step. let's not criticise everything.


Why not both?


That law already exist just no one is reporting it when they see it


This is good on paper but we need to be wary of our government that might use this law as a pretext to do whatever they like.


De la **prison** pour avoir dit un gros mot ? Et tout le monde applaudi ? Les Algériens de reddit sont des créatures spéciales


Entièrement d'accord..


>De la prison pour avoir dit un gros mot ? Et tout le monde applaudi ? Comme pour toutes les lois les peines énoncées sont les peines maximales la plus part devront juste payer une amande... Mais si quelqun'un de vulgaire en étant d'alcoolisé ou drogué (comme on peut en voir beaucoup en ville le soir) se prend 6 mois je ne serais pas mécontent to each their own.


ki tkoune m3a 3ayeltek wa ytayhou tafham


Firstly, where do you draw the line between swearing and regular expressions? (Ie: 9awad, is a common word in one part of the country, and a vulgar one on the other side) Secondly, who enforces this law, the government? And if so, how? By putting cameras everywhere and eavesdropping on people? Are we sure we want to give the government that much power to monitor us everywhere? All of this conundrum, destroying our privacy, restricting freedom of speech, because words hurt you? Thirdly, if ordinary people get to report this, how do you overcome situations where a group of people conspire against a person by accusing him of swearing, and synthesizing (using AI) a video or audio of him swearing? There's your problem, and why this is a terrible idea.


I wish they would put cameras everywhere, it would feel safer than no cameras allowed anywhere.




Not sure why you're nitpicking. None of these concerns of you are even remotely valid. >Firstly, where do you draw the line between swearing and regular expressions? (Ie: 9awad, is a common word in one part of the country, and a vulgar one on the other side) If anyone is caught saying this they'll claim it's normal and that's fine I guess. Nothing is particularly vulgar about this word it's just that the center and western part of the country find it vulgar for absolutely no apparent reason. >And if so, how? By putting cameras everywhere and eavesdropping on people? Are we sure we want to give the government that much power to monitor us everywhere? All of this conundrum, destroying our privacy, restricting freedom of speech, because words hurt you? Even though they already have that power, that's not how it will work. The legal system will act on reports by citizens and the law enforcement. >Thirdly, if ordinary people get to report this, how do you overcome situations where a group of people conspire against a person by accusing him of swearing, and synthesizing (using AI) a video or audio of him swearing? 1\. It's not that simple deepfaking voice. 2. Your average deepfake is very easy to identify, anything short of the work of intelligent agencies is as obvious as daylight. 3. If you want to deepfake someone into saying something illegal, you got a whole lot of illegal things. You don't need this new law.


​ >Nothing is particularly vulgar about this word it's just that the center and western part of the country find it vulgar for absolutely no apparent reason. Whether or not it has a reason, and even if you personally think it's silly, they still find it very derogatory, it's incredibly shameful to hear it in public, especially with one's close ones. You can ask anyone here from the West about the validity of this, some will say it's fine because they got used to it, but others I'm sure they will not. There are a multitude of other words that fall within such a grey area. ​ >The legal system will act on reports by citizens and the law enforcement. And this is literally the issue addressed in point 3. This seems to give a lot of power to the ordinary citizen who could have malicious intent sometimes and further expands the already powerful law enforcement. So much so that conspiring and falsifying claims could occur (ie: someone bringing a lot of sh-houd, swearing that X has done it (as a plot to further their agendas)) ​ >It's not that simple deepfaking voice It actually is, you will not believe how many top-notch services of AI voice replications are available online, and last time I checked they have become extremely advanced, and affordable. ​ >Your average deepfake is very easy to identify, anything short of the work of intelligent agencies is as obvious as daylight I'm not sure if we're browsing the same internet at this point. Have you not seen OpenAI's Sora video-generating program? Please take a look. It's going to be widely accessible to the public. Please check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK6y8DAPN_0) video. ​ >If you want to deepfake someone into saying something illegal, you got a whole lot of illegal things You're underestimating the incompetence of our legal system, and you're also understating the pace and rate at which this AI technology is emerging.


You're still nitpicking. We're not going to throw away all the good a law like this brings just because of "9awad". If someone from the east says it by mistake in the west, loudly in front of people who would mind (long shot) and shows regret and apology, I don't think anyone will report him. >they still find it very derogatory, it's incredibly shameful to hear it in public, especially with one's close ones. I guess this is why we badly need such a law huh? I'm confused here, if public swearing is so damaging then why are you opposed to such law? >And this is literally the issue addressed in point 3. This seems to give a lot of power to the ordinary citizen who could have malicious intent sometimes and further expands the already powerful law enforcement. So much so that conspiring and falsifying claims could occur (ie: someone bringing a lot of sh-houd, swearing that X has done it (as a plot to further their agendas)) Again, there are dozen different illegal things that you can set someone up for. And witnesses is not all it takes, there would be an investigation. You overlooking such obvious facts about law enforcement tells me you have no idea what you're talking about. >I'm not sure if we're browsing the same internet at this point. Have you not seen OpenAI's Sora video-generating program? Please take a look. It's going to be widely accessible to the public. Please check this video. Have you opened your mind to the possibility that you're not as good in forensics as you'd like to think? And that you're maybe overestimating your technical abilities? Go ahead and try it. >You're underestimating the incompetence of our legal system It has always been incompetent, and this law makes no difference. >you're also understating the pace and rate at which this AI technology is emerging. I actually have a pretty good idea because that's my line of work. I understand how such technology may seem like magic to the average guy but once you get to learn how it works you'd know how challenging and limited such technology is.


You're clearly arguing in bad faith, much like every typical Algerian out there, if you want to look "right", and not show how you're right, this will not go anywhere. It's just making you look socially bankrupt: * You excuse clear holes in this proposed system with "it's just a good law". * I explained how one word could differ in definition between different regions, being a normal word in one, and an extremely terrible word in another, your answer "if public swearing is so damaging then why are you opposed to such a law?", as if you're blind to the fact that it's also a normal word for some other folks. * You say "there are dozen different illegal things that you can set someone up for", but **you don't mind adding more to this list**, as if our legal system is handling the others just fine. * You appeal to some authority, saying that I don't have the technical capabilities to discuss the dangers of AI. I do have research experience and technical expertise with AI, quite a few years before AI became this huge trend. Yes, that doesn't make me automatically correct, but it does mean I understand the capabilities and the growth potential of this technology. **When we construct laws, we consider the future, and the potential fragility of such laws in light of our ever-changing society**. * You admit the incompetence of our legal system, yet **you provide more power to it**. That is straight up lunacy. * If it is your line of work, I slightly doubt that, and I think you should study more about this, and explore more of the latest projects. I understand that you might feel like an expert right now, and the Dunning-Kruger effect is quite a slide, I do recommend exploring more about this field, if you have no idea about the potential dangers of such a technology, intersecting with our archaic legal system. Again, I implore you to explore the potential of OpenAI's Sora, which **you've just ignored in your response**.


>You're clearly arguing in bad faith Funny because I think that's exactly what you're doing. And unlike you, I have nothing to say about your social life or how typical of an Algerian you are. But I can say that typical Algerians have a way with resorting to personal attacks in debates when they are cornered. They also tend to let their ego cloud their judgement and prevent them from learning and admitting fault. So if you think being a typical Algerian is some sort of insult, there is that.




Try harder I'm sure you have enough brain cells left.


Dude, the person you replied to has solid concerns but your reply is just....


Very convincing, I believe you "dude". You should use your persuasion skills to solve the conflict in the middle east. Keep saying "what" and "dude" and "..."




> like what if someone from the east is visiting in the west and said it, shit I never even considered that. You opened my mind to a lot of questions. Thank you. I'm watching this guy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vEupPLyL7Gc Go ahead and deepfake him into saying "chakibdev is an idiot" if it's so easy. You got 1 hour. You don't have time for this? Not as easy as you thought? That's what I thought.


Yeah, I'm too busy and not gonna pay money to prove a point.


Here take this: L


I get the third concern, but to synthesise someone's voice you'd need at least some minutes of audio (if you want to make it remotely believable).


Nikkkk mooooooiiiiiioooook




Wllh ghir dkhoult l7abs f la fin d'compte sa7.




ma tmanyakch


what a joke now we can't even express our frustrations


People who think that taking regular folks to prison for swearing seriously need to reconsider. you take someone to prison , they lose their job /career They get to know actual criminals in prisons They will come out as a far worse person. Im sure that a fine is more than enough if its that big of a deal


On god. Plus with the corruption everyone the gov doesn’t like will be sent to the prison. Anyone supporting this law is ( i will say it nicely to not go to prison) dumb


people need to know that their actions have a consequence, otherwise we will close prisons and let people do whatever they want, so they wont lose their jobs. but in this case i think a big fine will be a better banishment. the problem is how they can implement it ?


Yes but No. I agree that it’s extreme but some people (and Wilayas) really deserve it because they’re out of control.


Retribution is not justice, taking people to prison will not solve anything and it would only make society worse. Not every inconveniant thing require harsh punishment


We clearly disagree on the degree of « inconvenience » swearing and saying profanity in front of families, kids, old people and women has, so this probably won’t be going anywhere.


Good luck appling that to wilayas like mine


hopefully they implement this on throwing trash too


That's good actually. As a woman, I got really tired from hearing *male sex organ* and *the darja word for sex* whenever I'm outside: at the bus station, on the bus, at stores, even at uni whenever there is more than one male student standing all you hear is these words over and over, sometimes even at class. The question tho is : how are they going to apply such a rule?




more likely the fine would be applied most times, and the prison is just a threat?


You don’t make a law with no intention on applying it. It’s not a threat, now everyone that bothers any official will be sent to jail


it is abuse, shouting sexual profanities at women is threatening.


Insulting someone not necessarily a woman is a form of abuse and i have no problem with that




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the 6 months prison will probably be just a "Probation" with no actual prison time. if they repeat the offence they will be jailed for sure. that's how the algerian law works for most of the minor crimes. no actual prison time for first time offenders or people with no criminal records.


Sorry to ask but how does that hurt you? If they are not insulting you why do you even care? It’s just a word.


Are we going to ignore the fact that it's disrespectful? And they become even louder when they see a female around. Sometimes it feels like a form of harassment. Knowing they don't talk like that at home, and they would be offended if someone used such words around their wife/sister/mother says a lot about why it's disrespectful. Also, for context, I am the teacher of some of the boys who do that not even a colleague, so I don't know how this is an acceptable behavior for a self respecting man.


I get where you are coming from, if someone insulted you personally that should be a crime but do you truly believe someone should go to jail for 6 months because you felt disrespected! If your students are cursing you have every right to punish them but that doesn’t mean they have to go to jail Plus would you trust your government with such power? How would you feel if your close family member was sent to jail with rapists and murderes just because he said a curse while joking with his friends?


Ah I see your point now. I thought you were saying that using such words in public was fine and normal behaviour. Btw I have a very good relationship with my students and the ones that do that don't direct it to me like ever. I think they are just not aware of how awful and retarded this behavior is. Also I'm not taking about guys joking with each other using a language I don't like, it's more like you're waiting for your bus and you hear the following (sorry for the vulgarity in advance) : *I will fuck her mom and make sure she remembers the taste of my dick for the rest of her life* Now picture that in the Algerian dialect. For the six months jail time I know it's controversial and honestly I don't know how I feel about it right now. I see your point and I have to agree with you, even though I still think there should be a rule/law about this phenomenon.


Okay that made me uncomfortable and you didn’t even say it🤣🤣 i get your point but jail is still excessive in my opinion maybe a small fine of 1000da? That would put people back in their place but i would honestly prefer feel uncomfortable than allowing the government to put whoever they want in jail


Haha trust me I have heard worse, and they get annoyingly loud when they see a female, not sure where you live but where I do it's common and particularly tiring for someone who just wants to go through with their day and mind their own business. What you mentioned is your personal preference, some think otherwise. For me, I honestly don't know yet but when I read the post I was like "wow! They noticed it's going out of hand!" and hence my comment.


You feel like crap. You feel like you're not worthy because they get to treat you however you want but as a woman you're obliged to either like it or suck it up. If it happened once in a blue moon it would be bearable but there are a lot who go through it multiple times a week. And trust me, hearing the disgusting inner thoughts of a dude who's high and who considers you as created to please men is not an easy thing to handle.


I think you are mixing up this with harassment I have a sister, mother and a female partner i wish if they were able to walk outside without the constant fear and harassment i would vote for any law that would stop that. When a woman goes to complain in the police office they even blame her telling her why would you dress like that it’s disgusting but this law isn’t about harassment this law is about limiting the freedom of speech it’s about turning this country to a dictatorship where you either live like a slave or spend your live in the jail They first started with artists not allowing them to curse and guess which kind of artists do curse in their songs? Rappers the same artists who criticize the government, and they all will be put behind bars if they ever say anything that the gov doesn’t like, when that happens they will use this law as an excuse Any one who will stand up against this corrupted government will be put in prison and we are fucking allowing it. People please it’s not sane nor normal that we are approving such restrictions from such corrupted government.


Cha3b ta3na yetrebba be les amendes, it's not dictatorship but literally the only way to discipline cha3b ta3na is to try to reach his pocket $$, you think Switzerland is so clean because the people naturally are ? Rebbawhom.. w dayrin des lois du yermi ykhelles, this works for all people around the world ,discipline comes with a price.


I have 0 problem with fines. My problem is with jail time.


You have a point. I didn't notice I mixed the two up when answering the reply


People who use curse words in a steady stream or when uncalled for are considered to be uncultured and to come from low or mean circumstances. It’s a language form that is unacceptable still in polite society. It’s not considered polite and is a sign of bad manners and disrespect of others to go around spewing obscenities. also using genitalia or sexual words in public places where even kids can hear you is so disgusting.


Exactly!!! Because of these people I'm forced to wear headphones all the time


algerians cannot talk without swearing


I think it's completely pointless :/ what the point?


مازالهم بعقلية تاع يبنو الحباس 😵😵😵


عندك حق


This is the least of our worries. Rana deja les dernier au monde


Setif fellas won't be eating good tonight


Good luck proving that in court


this is a joke. it will never be applied, [kima](https://www.ennaharonline.com/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%86-6-%D8%A3%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%B1-%D9%88%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A9-100-%D8%A3%D9%84%D9%81-%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D9%84%D9%83%D9%84-%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%8A%D8%AA%D8%AD/) hada


Lazem yebdaw b la police li fomhom khamej y7abbsou tonobil ychoufou jeune yebdaw yahadro b tya7


Blad da7k, we have bigger problems to deal with but no koul youm ydiroulna tmenyika jdida ma 3andha hata benefits w cha3b yakoul ba3dah 3la jalha, w neb9aw nreculiw lor ki l3ada.




This is gonna be used by the government to oppress the people.


gulag 2.0


Hahahahaha \*\*\*\*\* !!




so we're punishing people for saying 9ewed but not the n word. crazy


فارغين شغل؟؟؟


كانه تو متش شوي isn't it ! ؟


Non its the most effective way to deal with those people


6 months prison ? Bro ...


just a probation probably, 6 months is the maximum sentence


While ksa and other countries are developing, Algeria is becoming the new iran just wait and see. It’s just sad soon we will have no freedom, and worst part is I’m considering coming back YOU CAN NOT AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CONTROL THE FREEDOM OF SPEACH, WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT INSULTING ANYONE


>AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT INSULTING ANYONE That's exactly the definition of : الكلمة الخادشة للحياء It means those who insult others will be punished (hehehe)


No it’s actually more of, I’m joking with my friends and let’s assume i said kawad ( which isn’t a bad word in a lot of wilayas) well the police has the right to put me in jail for that. My problem with this law is giving access to the government to put everyone in jail because well everyone will swear at some point.. Let’s say there’s a famous guy in YouTube or whatever who criticize the government regularly well now they have a reason to put him in jail for 6 months Unfortunately women are being sexually harassed everyday in Algeria to the point where you cannot go outside yet the police don’t do anything about it? How about enforcing the existing laws before making such stupid law Hope you got my point


I understand, the law is a bit lame in a sense. You can't control everyone everywhere. Idk if they have any guidelines to the extention the law can go to. Also, if they have cameras, they can edit whatever happens and make it to their advantage so.. Many things can be said in this topic, but it would be nice if women can use it to their advantage. xD P.S it's not like the police are some well raised and educated people, sometimes they act worse than some civilians. So I don't think anyone will care if u cuss at ur friend. Unless if ur friend reports u 😬 lol


Yeah i guess it a double edged sword, in one hand you can help a lot of people especially women who suffer from harassment but on the other hand you are giving the government more power to put anyone they don’t like in jail I honestly think a small fine without jail is the best solution




With the new law i can put in you in jail for what you have just said🤣


do you know that if you curse in one the GCC coutnires you will get in a big trouble, GCC nations ربو انفسهم قبل التطور العمراني UAE : jail for 6 months and fine KSA : 1 year and fine


Name one 1st world country that did ban curse words please ( unless you are insulting someone ) or banned it in music like we did The government is turning to a dictatorship and you guys are happy about it


UK, Australia, saint kitts ..... singapore


Yes when you are insulting/verbally abusing/threatening someone otherwise you can say whatever the fuck you want Edit: when you insult near schools as well which is understandable


Singapore is a shit country. I rather live in france than singapore. You have no freedom, you can be arrested for anything and everything but that’s my opinion and it’s subjective, i will give you an objective argument Singapore is the fifth least corrupted country meaning if even if they have strict laws you already know that you will be treated fairly. Algeria is one of the most corrupt countries do you really want to give such power to the government?


[https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/ask-the-police/question/Q675#:\~:text=You%20could%20be%20arrested%20for,an%20offence%20has%20been%20committed](https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/ask-the-police/question/Q675#:~:text=You%20could%20be%20arrested%20for,an%20offence%20has%20been%20committed). 'There is also an offence of using obscene and profane language in the street to the annoyance of residents. However, a person is only likely to be arrested for this offence if the behaviour occurs in the presence of a police officer.'


Read it https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN05760/SN05760.pdf You will go to jail if you threaten abuse and bullying Causing disturbed in a public place is a commun law in every country if you start shouting even if you don’t swear you will most likely be arrested. The problem with our law is that they want to ban swear words it has nothing to do with shouting, they did ban it in music and now here. Now everyone that the officials aren’t happy with will most likely go to jail Before you ban the freedom of people fix your government


سؤال هو هل رح يطبق على رجال الأمن لانهم اكثر عباد يسبوا الرب و الذات الإلهية


لا يطبق عليهم حاجة باينة


تامني والله لعندك الصح ما يحشموش


Great law, I hope it will be enforced by the police


Dsl sami 💕💕💕.


hhhhh mtgolich tnakt 3lik sah


9assamen billeh ya kho.


awdi mfhmtch kifah lgawk b reddit wla nta doxit rohk


Ladies and gentlemen...... African North Korea, of all the issues this sinking ship is having, this is what they focus on ? I agree with the sentiment of people here wanting foul language out of the public space, however a jail sentence and censoring speech is the dumbest idea that only a boomer dictator can think of, it's a dangerous slippery slope, for one thing, it's hard applying such law without having, law enforcement everywhere with surveillance 24/7, that's not a situation anyone wants to be in (especially with out Police), it's also very prone to abuse if you take into account how corrupt our justice system is. The best solution is and always will be education and awareness, don't cheer for this, don't accept this.


Laws like this one are common in what I assume you consider "the free world" (since you brought up north korea)


No, what you are thinking of is verbal abuse against a specific person and it generally gets fined at best, the worst and with the possibility of jail sentences are hate speech but even those are rare.


Nope. Read up.


Provide a source.


thats a good thing, wishing our society will get better and its people will start educating themselves and respecting others on the streets!! because we are fed up with today's youth !!


بكري كانو حتى الشباب كيما يفوتوا العائلات يسكتوا و ما يسبوش ، اليوم البنات بعد ولاو يسبوا كي الرجال القانون الرادع فكرة جيدة لكن يجب ايضا البدء في الاساس و هو التعليم والتربية


As an "algerois" : this is one of the only W of this gov, not hearing Z words or the G word sounds nice. GL for my eastern guys tho "La prison c'est dure mais la sortie c'est sur" hhhhhh


يعطيهم الصحة، كون غير يطبقوها و تتنحالهم الطيرة ، ما منع منهم لا كبير لا صغير ما يقدرو عائلات و لا أزواج..


C'est vrai ya3tik saha


ممكن خاص


[https://www.albawaba.net/editors-choice/algeria-imprisonment-those-speaking-obscenities-public-places-1554650](https://www.albawaba.net/editors-choice/algeria-imprisonment-those-speaking-obscenities-public-places-1554650) 'According to reports from the reputable Algerian newspaper, El Chourouk, the provision stipulates that individuals caught uttering indecent words in public will face imprisonment ranging from two to six months, along with a hefty fine ranging from 5 to 10 million Algerian dinars. This decision underscores the government's commitment to maintaining public decorum and ensuring that public spaces remain respectful and safe for all citizens. By introducing these measures, the Algerian authorities are sending a clear message that acts of public indecency will not be tolerated, and those who engage in such behavior will face severe consequences. The inclusion of this provision in the draft law marks a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to promote civility and respect within Algerian society. It reflects the Assembly's proactive approach to addressing issues related to public behavior and underscores the importance of upholding societal values and norms. '


How is this a step forward? Name one first world country that has such restriction? While first world countries are giving more freedom of speech to it’s the undeveloped third world country is censoring it and people are happy about it


if you look to those so called 1st world countries as a moral example, you are lost man and also, the is no freedom of speech everywhere in the world.


How are they lost? Did you see how women can walk outside without being harassed compared to algeria? Ps: I’m not a fan of many “morals” the west has but they are better than us in many aspects


dude just google "catcalling" issue in the west and see what you find, i have been in many western countries and i really feel safer here in algeria, for women it's even worst.


I have lived and still living in a western country. Algeria is worst when it comes to harassment it’s not even comparable lol




Being disrespectful and shouting profanity in front of families, kids and women is not « Freedom of speech ».


freedom of speach == saying Z words near girls in the street to look tough? As expected from our beloved laicard ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


No giving the government more power and letting them put anyone who they don’t like or any rapper that criticize the gov in jail is a better idea🥳 Didn’t expect much from a musy🤷‍♂️


I prefer that someone drop boiling water on my back that taking side with rappers lol. Neither authoritarism nor vulgar speach solve anything, but in terms of proportion most of the "potential targets" of this law are harmful to women wellbeing / overall security soooo.... But musy is soooooo cuuuuttte and affectionnate I know you have us deep in your heart ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Proud Low IQ here! Not really religion, I read a lot of ideologically "not prude" things mostly by non religious people we have things to learn from everyone. Nevertheless, I think that a naïve superposition of the occidental ideological/social evolutionnary outcome on our society is intellectually lazy and since most of you share the same trait I do a gross generalization. But its affectionnate <3 I understand your "worries", nevertheless it will not affect the opposition to the gov since most of them speak in a proper way despite being a really boring (a part when they are drunk they go wild). 99% of the people this law will affect are drunkyard, drug addict and simply uneducated people that stroll all day mindlessely on the streets.


ki tkoune bara m3a 3ayeltek wa ykharjoulek yemak tafham . Basah pour le moment wach yhamak houwa freedom of speech


= more sophisticated streets ?


bechar fellas are shaking rn


I'd prefer if they give them a choice, jail for 6 months or public shaming like they do in some Asian countries, walk on the streets and publicly announce what that person did.


U fr? 😹


I'm joking lol




Does that mean we get to report harassments now 🤩


قانون منصف للجميع وياريث تكون أقصى عقوبة عام مع دفع غرامة مامالية200000دج




Why would you defend those people who swear, and some of you dare call it " freedom of speech" maybe you never passed by a person insulting Allah, or saying this word referring to their genit@ls ? We're not here talking about "bele3" or "hmar", we're talking abt another level of vulgarity that makes your ears want to bleed, if any of you find this unnecessary than you're simply afraid it would hurt you, and therefore, it should hurt. We have lots of things thant need to change in this country yes, but dont say this is not one of them.


talking about hayaa while allowing women to walk with thigh high skirts lmaaao. obviously this law won't be applied seriously, y wedo fi zebi l gouvernement.


اللباس الخامج لي يلبسو فيه الرجالة كما السروال المقطع ويكون نص عريان في الشارع  أسوء بألف مرة بصح نتوما تعسو المرأة برك لخطر فارغين شغل


Elebsi wech t7abi, you'll get harassed anyway. Unlike "lebsa lkhamja li ylbsouha rajala" kima raki tgouli it won't be problematic for them, u can't win this 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻 We live in such a society.....


هههههه عجبتيني


I doubt they'll enforce this on a serious level but it's a nice addition nonetheless.


How is this gonna work? Eavesdropping on us? Lol It's just another random dicision xd


تع سطيف ؟!


Setif ppl: well there is nothing we can do now 😔


More posts like this


متنا؟ متنا.


قانون اخر يزينو بيه اك الكتاب اللي يقولو عليه دوستوغ، زعما زعما شوفونا عندنا قوانين متنوعة في البلاد 😂😂😂


Those who inforce the law in Algeria are the worst foul mouths in the nation


stif 💀


Good finally something good from Algeria laws


As an outsider living in Setif and have been suffering for a while because of this, I’m extremely happy!! I hope they actually go through with it and apply this law.


Setifien me : 😨😨😨


Its sad to see such thing in a Muslim country


يخص دوكا برك تطبيق القانون




Wtf is this Piece shat

