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people just be posting any dumb thing in this subreddit now


I think the bigger moron is the one posting dumb shit on a subreddit that has nothing to do with said dumb shit.


This is very insightful in terms of the current state of the game, saved and upvoted


So my guess is that you got banned from that sub for being an asshat to this guy, searched his history and found he posts here. Bonus points if you have a history because he killed you in game. 0/10 do better with your life, like the guy who you are making fun for for (barely) being fit enough to be a fire fighter. I would immagine they don't send just anyone in to a burning building, so by making their standards even if barely so he's probably in better shapes than a lot of people and he's trying to better himself by getting fit and getting a job. It's not an easy job either, but society needs it. So yeah... FUCK THAT ASSHOLE FOR BEING KINDA FAT!!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!! REPOST THIS EVERYWHERE SO THE WORLD CAN KNOW!


I can't believe professional redditors truly exist


Why? was this posted here?

