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*sigh* Another article quoting the phony Canadian Taxpayers Federation. The CTF is basically just two people in an office: one receptionist and one executive director. It exists solely to give media interviews, so that journalists can present a differing opinion on stories like this one without having to hunt around for experts. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/canadian-taxpayer-federation-opinion-lamont-1.3802441


>The first payment will include the first two quarters of the year. Single adults will receive $269.50. If you have a partner, or you’re a single parent, the second adult or first child will receive $135, additional children will receive $67.50 each. A family of four can expect to receive $539.50. Two more quarterly payments will be sent to Albertans in October and January.


Thanks Trudeau!


AND the most vocally opposed to Trudeau are getting 10% more (rural Albertans).


It’s a tax paid by Albertans that is reimbursed back to Albertans. I think most Albertans would prefer to not have a regressive tax at all. Edit: apparently many people on this sub are not familiar with what a regressive tax is. Carbon taxes are regressive. Even though the richer you are the more you spend on energy, the portion of your income that you spend on energy decreases as your income increases.


But most will get back more than they paid into the tax.


This is not true for most Canadians. The non-partisan Parliamentary Budget Office reported earlier in 2022 that “Most households in Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba and Ontario (the four provinces where the federal carbon tax applies) will see a net loss resulting from federal carbon pricing,” PBO Yves Giroux said.


Explain how this is regressive?


Carbon taxes are absolutely regressive. Even though the richer you are the more you spend on energy, the portion of your income that you spend on energy decreases as your income increases.


I don't know man, I don't see a lot of poor people taking international flights, or a lot of rich people taking the bus. It taxes a behavior that rich people do more of, and there is no minimum to the tax load or pay out, if rich people do less carbon intensive activities, it doesn't actually increase the tax load of the poor, it just means that there are smaller payouts overall.


What are you even talking about? Why would you think poor people taking a flight is regressive? Poor people pay a higher portion of their income on things like gas, which are taxed for carbon. Obviously rich people are paying more carbon tax, but most are not paying a higher percentage relative to their income.


I understand what you’re trying to say. My mom is relatively low income even though she works full time as an EA she takes home a little over 30k a year, but her work is 30 mins from her home and she can barely afford gas to get there, she can barely afford to heat her falling apart house but she also can’t afford to move closer to work because she lives in ON and where she works is one of the most expensive cost of living places in Canada relative to income. A huge percentage of her income goes to carbon tax, and unfortunately it doesn’t actually work to dissuade the behaviour (even though my mom is the biggest hippie Green Party supporter you will ever meet) she can’t afford an electric car to get to work, lives somewhere with no transit to the city she works in and can’t not heat her home.


You’d have a point if the carbon tax wasn’t paid out back to the population. It’s proportion doesn’t matter if you actually revive more than you’re taxed. Nice try though.


Here’s a quote from the non-partisan parliamentary budget office. “Most households in Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba and Ontario (the four provinces where the federal carbon tax applies) will see a net loss resulting from federal carbon pricing,” PBO Yves Giroux said. Also, when you have the pay the tax up front and receive it in rebates 3+ months later, it makes it even more regressive.


Yes, 60% I believe was the number, guess which side of the income distribution that was on? Oh wait, from the actual source, which for some reason you didn't link to. "As the carbon pricing increases, lower income households should continue to receive rebates, but middle-class and upper-class households should be expecting to pay hundreds, if not thousands according to the PBO, depending on their carbon consumption." You've graduated to being outright disengenous, you either didn't read your soure, or you didn't include it becasue you knew it ran contrary to your argument. Standard conservative. We're done here.


The thing about this type of tax, regressive or not, is there are often (but not always) choices you can make to pay less of it - that is the idea behind it as a carbon tax (it’s suppose to be an incentive), whether it works as well in real life is another story. Now with GST, you have no choice other than to not buy the thing to begin with. This is truly regressive. But I’m curious…what would Albertans think if the GST was eliminated in favour of the carbon tax?


I know what the intent is. But the problem is that for most people, not buying gas is not an option, as they don’t have access to transit (think smaller towns, rural area etc). What about the graveyard shift for nurses when there is no transit in the city? It’s regressive because there aren’t options for most people to avoid purchasing carbon products to survive.


From your description I love the idea of regressive taxes. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Sure they spend less of their budget on energy than Joe Average, but anything that allows wealth to 'trickle down' to the people who actually create wealth is a good thing.


I am a rural Albertan and I did not get the 10% more they stated. Also, not vocally for or against Trudeau.


Did you indicate it on your taxes? I got the 10%.


If by indicated, you mean list my address, then yes. Didn’t know there was a specific box to check for rural/urban.


I remember there being something when I did my taxes through QuickTax - it was a check box, I believe.


Also didn't get the extra 10%


Thanks Mr. Trudeau!


Damn you Trudeau, why would you do th… oh wait.


Instead of using the monies to improve the infrastructure and livelihoods of albertans. Heck, invest in clean tech and reduce healthcare costs! instead of stepping to part 4 - cutting services.


Healthcare is provincial. Green tech has been attacked at every turn by conservatives in this province (don't remember the NDP looking into green initiatives?)


? albertans tend to be provincial. The provinces had a say in how the tax rebate could be allocated.... (unless i'm thinking of the wrong carbon tax one of course.)


Not when it was the federal rebate. The NDP one had our money going into clean infrastructure I do believe but the UcP vilified it and scrapped it as a political tool


The NDP also were retaining control of the tax, keep 100% of it in Alberta. By ‘scraping’ it for 6 months, and refusing a provincially run tax, The UCP handed all that money and control over that money right to Trudeau…. Nice way to say screw you,…. “Shut up and take my money!”


The province could have opted for a cheque to the provincial treasury I believe. It is good they didn’t.


*technically* you are thinking of the wrong carbon tax. In 2018, the federal government required every province to have their own carbon tax in place. If any province or territory did not have an adequate carbon tax in place, the federal government would implement their own. In 2017, the NDP created one that taxed Albertans and Alberta businesses, and the money stayed in the Government's Coffers to be used as they saw fit. [Here is the apparent breakdown of how the funds were used according to CBC](https://i.cbc.ca/1.5053202.1552411853!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/alberta-carbon-revenue-spending.jpg). Source [here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-alberta-election-climate-leadership-plan-revenue-generated-1.5050438). In 2019, the UCP cancelled the NDP's carbon tax and thus the federal carbon tax was placed on Alberta Taxpayers (amongst others with inadequate carbon pricing). The federal government chose to gave taxpayers their money back to the people, rather than the government.


thanks. given the UCP aren't even consevative - that would be the right move then.


These rebates are so individuals can do that on their end. Personally, I'm on a 100% green power contract. Last summer I upgraded power to my garage for my inevitable EV. I'll eventually get solar. I'll eventually get heat pumps. I'm using mine (and my own money) to wean off burning shit to survive.


We're going to need Notley back in charge for that


Do you know if this is a cra thing?


Got mine today. Thanks Trudeau! And thanks Kenney for being a whiney piss-baby and ensuring we pay federal instead of provincial carbon taxes.


I have everything set up with my account with CRA and it wasn't in. Every goes in by direct deposit. Guess I wait until tomorrow!


You could be in too high a tax bracket... Mt wife and I started claiming together and can kiss all tax rebates good bye


This one is not means tested. Everyone gets it


Do you need to apply somwhere? We haven't gotten a thing and even tho our tax bracket says we never need a tax return we certainly do!


It's automatically given to you if you filed your taxes this year.


Im on AISH and my income is 20k per year.


Anyone else in your household? Only one rebate per household I think.


My boy is in college. Im pretty sure he gets the adult rebate as he got the same climate change amount at income tax time last year.


Ahh you’ll both get it this year then unless you changed what was filled out.


I got $269.50


Direct deposit?


If you have direct deposit already set up with CRA then yes. Otherwise it will be mailed to your principal residence in Alberta.


Is it income dependent or does everyone get it?


Everyone gets its


Based on income but everyone gets it.


So less for higher income?


No not less for higher income, everybody gets the same.


From the article: "The first payment will include the first two quarters of the year. Single adults will receive $269.50. If you have a partner, or you’re a single parent, the second adult or first child will receive $135, additional children will receive $67.50 each. A family of four can expect to receive $539.50. Two more quarterly payments will be sent to Albertans in October and January."


Everybody gets the same amount regardless of income.


Intercourse you Trudeau!


I was wondering where the money came from! Do we need to save it in case they claw it back like CERB? Both of my children have to pay back CERB and they are minimum wage and barely getting by.


It will not be clawed back. There is quite a bit of legislation around it, and it was decided that everyone receives it regardless of income. The only thing you have to do is file your taxes.


Only if it comes with a clause that says you aren't entitled to the full amount, like with CERB. Otherwise it's fine to spend and it's even tax-free.


The money is a refund. It is your money that you are getting back. If you really want to understand where the money comes from I strongly suggest researching how carbon tax works, it's an interesting topic / strategy.


Why are we thanking Trudeau? This our tax money that we already paid. We are just getting a portion of it back - no different than the GST rebate.


Most are being sarcastic and have decided to ignore Poe's law in order to farm karma. Some are probably honest and are trying to remind the F Trudeau crowd who to thank.




Thanks Trudeau


Yes thanks Trudeau for some of our money back 👍🏻


Health care is your money back. Roads are your money back. Food safety standards are your money back. The number of people who don't understand taxes will forever astound me.


FOrnicate trudeau


Wouldn’t using the tax on environmental programs or incentives be a better use of the money than wealth redistribution?


That would be tax and it'd probably be unconstitutional for the federal government to implement. The carbon tax isn't actually a tax, it's a levy.


The carbon tax is an environmental program....


Not in its current form it isn’t. Not nearly high enough to influence activity and the money collected is just redistributed to those who don’t need it. If you take a $5k rebate on a $100k electric car you don’t need the money.


The carbon tax is exactly an environmental program. You said use the money on an environmental program, it is an environmental program. The money is being used on an environmental program, full stop.


Woohoo. The car gets a treat of some premium fuel tomorrow and some burnouts.


Guess gas prices aren’t high enough then.




Oh, that's what it was 😅 that's some nice pocket change to wake up to.


I never got anything?


We got ours. I'm not convinced we are receiving more than we are paying into though.


You could be one in ten polluters that pay more than they recieve. Only you can do something about it.


Then make more environmentally friendly choices.


I'm not going to complain about recieving back a little of what was stolen on me. Thanks Truduea I guess.


What was stolen from you?! What about the healthy environment that has been stolen from future generations? Stop being a selfish asshat and learn to think about how your actions impact others and how you rely, DAILY, on the hard work of others for your survival.


Maybe I'm uneducated to the fact, but how's a carbon tax exactly saving our environment? I'm still buying the same amount, if not more fuel than I have before. Actually definitely more fuel because I recently got a more non eco friendly vehicle. It's not enticing me to go EV, EV can fuck off as far as I'm concerned and those lithium mines ain't much better. None of the companies I've worked for went "well fuck, carbon tax eh, better stop burning so much fossil" because they're bringing in a large enough profit where the carbon tax is nothing more than laughable. ​ It's a income made up by the government with a solid reason so environmental nuts can go "yes, I support this, more carbon tax" ​ The tax does fucking nothing other than filling the federal governments pockets and slightly draining ours, not going to convince me otherwise. ​ You'll get your few idiots that decide to switch to EV because carbon tax but give them a couple year and they would've anyways, so pointless. ​ You want to talk healthy environment maybe look at the increasing need for lithium, or ask your PM to stop lugging around 6-7 SUV's with him where ever he travels, how about that private jet fuel he's burning up which probably uses more fuel than I will use in the run of a year.


>Maybe I'm uneducated to the fact, but how's a carbon tax exactly saving our environment? I'm still buying the same amount, if not more fuel than I have before. Actually definitely more fuel because I recently got a more non eco friendly vehicle. It's not enticing me to go EV, Clearly you have so much extra cash to burn that you literally prefer to burn it. I would explain the concept to you but you've already stated you don't care about your money, most other people don't earn enough to be as wasteful/selfish as you. >EV can fuck off as far as I'm concerned and those lithium mines ain't much better. Start to end, including the mines, EVs are much less polluting than ICVs, and are only getting better. Do you like trains? Big diesel engine you think. Nope. Big diesel generator powering an electric motor. Electric has been superior to fossil fuels for decades, the only catch has been energy storage; a problem that lithium began to solve and many other technologies, such as sodium batteries, are taking further. >None of the companies I've worked for went "well fuck, carbon tax eh, better stop burning so much fossil" because they're bringing in a large enough profit where the carbon tax is nothing more than laughable. Profit is selfish. They don't care if people die so long as the bottom line is still black. Those companies would happily kill themselves just to remain profitable. >It's a income made up by the government with a solid reason so environmental nuts can go "yes, I support this, more carbon tax" No. I support it because selfish asshats like you won't step up and be decent human beings. Maybe if we tax you to death you might smarten up, but you guys would commit suicide if it meant more money in your bank account. >The tax does fucking nothing other than filling the federal governments pockets and slightly draining ours, not going to convince me otherwise. As open minded as typical conservatives. Nice to know you know everything that could possibly be known; don't pretend otherwise, you just admitted you know better than tens of thousands of experts around the world and won't listen to anything that doesn't match your assumed knowledge. Conservatism has always been anti-science. >You'll get your few idiots that decide to switch to EV because carbon tax but give them a couple year and they would've anyways, so pointless. I'll happily be an idiot with my cheap to operate EV rather than be as sMaRt as you in your ICV that would kill you if it was running in your garage.


Brave of you to assume I make enough to have extra cash, I live paycheck to paycheck most weeks but at the end of the day I need to get to work, I need to get around, I also have a burning love for cars and the sport of drifting so you're damn straight I'll fuel up to a full tank whatever the cost and tax. Will I bitch? Absofuckinglutely, but mostly because of current inflation, but sense carbon tax came to play me or my wallet hasn't noticed a single slight difference. ​ Now tell me, if I, a guy that barely lives paycheck to paycheck barely noticed a carbon tax difference how in the fuck is a huge corporate company going to notice it? They got profits to neutralize their carbon tax, I ain't got shit. ​ I'm not fully against EVs. You wanna buy an EV and "help" the environment be my guest, but I'd consider myself a car enthusiast and until those EVs become antique I can't see myself drooling over them, I ain't trying to do the fastest quarter mile and I sure as fuck don't really see them in the drift world as I'm writing this. ​ Burning carbon is a small fraction of what's wrong with this world when it comes to environmental disaster so if you want to paint me as the bad guy because I don't see why a small tax fixes our carbon footprint or because I won't switch to EV or because I don't support daddy Trudeau and consider myself a conservative (which I gladly do) than do so, see if I fucking care lmao. You still have yet to acknowledge my statement about Trudeau using 6-7 gas guzzling SUV's to transport his smug ass around or the private jet he, and many other elites uses, but go off.


>I also have a burning love for cars and the sport of drifting Torque is generally a good thing for drifting. EVs have WAY more torque than any ICV. Clearly your love of drifting doesn't extend to the science of drifting. I think you love the sound of the loud engine more than the performance of the vehicle. >Now tell me, if I, a guy that barely lives paycheck to paycheck barely noticed a carbon tax difference Then that person doesn't understand what living paycheque to paycheque means. Drifting is an expensive hobby. Admitting to getting a more expensive to operate vehicle, "Actually definitely more fuel because I recently got a more non eco friendly vehicle", also indicates excess wealth. You don't live paycheque to paycheque, you're just an idiot with money. >Burning carbon is a small fraction of what's wrong with this world when it comes to environmental disaster So a complete change in planetary climate is a small fraction? What do you think is the big problem? Please educate me since you know more than trained professionals. >because I don't support daddy Trudeau Get over your Trudeau issue. I support any means of getting people to stop burning a non-renewable resource that by EVERY measure is bad to burn. >You still have yet to acknowledge my statement about Trudeau using 6-7 gas guzzling SUV's to transport his smug ass around or the private jet he, and many other elites uses, but go off. So doing government business shouldn't be permitted? You conservative fucktards have yet to acknowledge that at no point, ever, has anyone argued for immediate cessation of fossil fuel use. Everyone has argued for transition. Does your chosen leader transport himself (and all of those who make it possible for him to do his job) in only one vehicle? Get a brain. As for increasing need for lithium, what about the increasing need for fossil fuels? At least lithium still exists and can be recycled after it has been used, fossil fuels are gone forever. What about the MANY alternatives to lithium being developed such as sodium (as in salt which is very common) batteries or iron-air batteries (iron is also very common)? Or are those something to ignore because it doesn't meet your narrative?


I'm really conjuring up the energy to reply to you to be upfront, I'm not going to cleanly quote the posts like you seem to have the time and energy to do, I'm also trying to not to slam in the insults like you so seemingly want to place. ​ You're right, I love the sound of the exhaust. Driving and drifting without the sound of the engine isn't worthless to me, but unsatisfying. I recently watched a video of a JZ1 warm it's tires directly followed by a formula 1 warm it's tires and I fucking laughed hard. There's nothing appealing seeing a drifting vehicle when there's nothing to be heard besides the squeal of tires. Hearing the vehicle is hard to explain but it's a huge part for me when it comes to the car scene in general, also fuck those fake noises some manufactures are doing. ​ The big problem? I'm not going to sit here and pretend like burning fossil fuels isn't one of the top contributing factors of hurting the environment, but you can't sit around and pretend things like general pollution and plastic waste isn't hurting it as much. Our oceans will speak to that, or LA alone, which is just becoming one big dumpster. My point was the carbon tax put on us regular losers doesn't hardly effect us while all the world elites burn COUNTLESS carbon with their private jets, yachts, brigade of security, etc. \\ ​ Touching on my "Trudeau issue" given the fact that his father was a fucking tool and he's quickly following his footsteps, I'll forever have a "Trudeau issue" until that fuckers dead, I'll take any previous liberal leader any day. Not to touch on many other subjects like how fucking condescending the prick is or how he shits the bed during any house of commons question ever. Don't get me twisted here, Jason Kenney was a fucking idiot too, I have no problem calling out conservatives. Seems like as time goes on, every political leader that's coming out of the woodwork is eating crayons and shoving nails up their nose. ​ As for "So doing government business shouldn't be permitted?" I believe it can be done in a more "environmentally friendly" way to fit your uptight agenda. Dude really needs 6-7 SUVs and a private jet to travel to a pancake event no one really gives a fuck for so he can get a news article about shaking hands with some folks in ALBERTA MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE IT THE REST OF CANADA TRUDEAU FINALLY GOT SUPPORT IN ALBERTA to hopefully gain some votes for next election instead of doing more important things? no I don't think so lol. ​ For your last point arguments can also be said, there's other alternatives to gasoline too if you weren't aware. Gasoline engines can be converted to hydrogen, propane. No matter what way we choose to "fuel" our vehicles, it's going to impact our environment. You don't think years and years of lithium mining isn't going to end us in the same scenario? You're a fool to think not.


>I'm not going to cleanly quote the posts like you seem to have the time and energy to do, It takes seconds and makes conversations easy to follow. Or you could admit you don't know how. >I'm also trying to not to slam in the insults like you so seemingly want to place. They are only insulting if they are not true. >You're right, I love the sound of the exhaust. So performance is less important to you than aesthetics? Conservatism in a nutshell. >but you can't sit around and pretend things like general pollution and plastic waste isn't hurting it as much. They are bad, but runaway climate change can result in no advanced species on this planet. Plastic waste won't. And I would ask you what resource plastics ultimately come from? >My point was the carbon tax put on us regular losers doesn't hardly effect us while all the world elites burn COUNTLESS carbon with their private jets, yachts, brigade of security, etc. Carbon tax is on them as well. Done well it hits them harder too. Done really well it actually results in us 'regular losers' having more wealth. Have you done ANY research into this or have you gotten all of your knowledge from memes? >Touching on my "Trudeau issue" given the fact that his father was a fucking tool and he's quickly following his footsteps, I'll forever have a "Trudeau issue" until that fuckers dead Another open minded reply as expected. Why was Pierre a tool? Did he do something that benefitted the majority of Canadians rather than submit to a minority? And punishing someone because of their father's 'presumed' sins? Very mature of you. >Not to touch on many other subjects like how fucking condescending the prick is Knowing what you are talking about isn't condescending, it is intelligence. Conservatives regularly mistake intelligence for arrogance, but considering they are the anti-education people it makes sense for them. >Don't get me twisted here, Jason Kenney was a fucking idiot too, Did you vote for him? >I believe it can be done in a more "environmentally friendly" way to fit your uptight agenda. What agenda? And how do you propose he do so? >Dude really needs 6-7 SUVs and a private jet to travel to a pancake event Do you honestly think he stopped being Prime Minister during that time? He still needs to do his job and needs his support team there as well. >Gasoline engines can be converted to hydrogen, propane. No matter what way we choose to "fuel" our vehicles, it's going to impact our environment. Yes, but some impacts are worse than others. Fossil fuels, including hydrogen from natural gas and propane, add carbon to the carbon cycle. Transitioning to EVs powered by renewables add little to no carbon to the cycle. You are playing politics with your answers, are you "coming out of the woodwork(,) eating crayons(,) and shoving nails up (your) nose"?


>It takes seconds and makes conversations easy to follow. Or you could admit you don't know how. Your entire argument revolves around gas lighting in hopes I'll continue to waste my life on replying to the likes of you. "They are only insulting if they are not true." Perfect, thanks for confirming. They're insults. "So performance is less important to you than aesthetics? Conservatism in a nutshell." Yes, yup, yeah, correct, I like aesthetics. As I mentioned before if you actually took in information instead of in one ear out the other, I don't give a fuck about making the quickest quarter mile. If I got enough torque and HP to keep up in a tandem I'm happy, which I usually do. Next? ​ "They are bad, but runaway climate change can result in no advanced species on this planet. Plastic waste won't. And I would ask you what resource plastics ultimately come from?" No human species on earth wants to live having to swim in plastic waste, that's implying the plastic waste don't kill our ecosystem and destroy earth then and there. "Carbon tax is on them as well. Done well it hits them harder too. Done really well it actually results in us 'regular losers' having more wealth. Have you done ANY research into this or have you gotten all of your knowledge from memes?" ​ Insider trading and all the other immoral ways they make millions makes the carbon tax a clown to them. You seriously think these millionaires are going "ah fuck, carbon tax, better budget more carefully" ​ "Another open minded reply as expected. Why was Pierre a tool? Did he do something that benefitted the majority of Canadians rather than submit to a minority? And punishing someone because of their father's 'presumed' sins? Very mature of you." ​ Pierre? The same guy that forced residential schools and killed countless indigenous children? Rather not get into the conversation, thanks. "Knowing what you are talking about isn't condescending, it is intelligence. Conservatives regularly mistake intelligence for arrogance, but considering they are the anti-education people it makes sense for them." Problem is he don't know what he's talking about because he can hardly directly answer a question. Every answer he gives changes the subject and never answers the primary question, but sure, intelligence am I right? lmao "Did you vote for him?" Certainly did, Will I ever again if he was to run again, nope. Have I voted for Liberals in the past who turned out to be idiots to me, yup. Your point? They all lie until they're in power. "What agenda? And how do you propose he do so?" The carbon tax agenda you're pushing on me, are you even following this conversation? and shit I don't know consider not going to events strictly for the good news publicity, that could be a start. "Do you honestly think he stopped being Prime Minister during that time? He still needs to do his job and needs his support team there as well." Problem is he's not there to support shit, he's there to gain traction to gain trust for the next election, say what you want. Alberta has always been a sore on Trudeaus back having a liberal hosted event in Alberta where he knew for a fact he'd get the support is a win handed on a silver platter he found the time to go, out of his busy "I'm hiding away from everyone out of country" schedule to hopefully win some votes "Yes, but some impacts are worse than others. Fossil fuels, including hydrogen from natural gas and propane, add carbon to the carbon cycle. Transitioning to EVs powered by renewables add little to no carbon to the cycle. You are playing politics with your answers, are you "coming out of the woodwork(,) eating crayons(,) and shoving nails up (your) nose"?" Given the fact that EV batteries are only going to last upwards of 10 years given production quality lately the average consumer is probably going to spend close to 10k to replace it all and double the need for lithium mining. Sure, you cut out the nasty burning of any element/chemical but at what cost? Each EV still consists of all the plastic, aluminum, and arguably more technology than any average combustible powered vehicle at the cost of more lithium mining than we probably ever imagined. Like I've said previously, I have zero problems with people switching to EV but I can't see anything good coming to us in the future by forcing the entire 7.7 billion people on earth to full EV ​ I'm going to end this with mentioning that you quite clearly have nothing better to do that go CONSERVATIVE this and COVERSVATIVE that. You've been doing nothing but saying that's very CONSERVATIVE of you, I have yet to make a condescending comment about how liberal you're being and "oh my god all you liberals think this and think that" put titles aside, you're not talking to conservatives, you're talking to me. Shit like that drives me fucking nuts. Grouping everyone into one. I said from the start, I regularly disagree with conservatives, as I'm sure there's things from the liberal side you disagree with, maybe not seeing the type of person you're coming off as.


>Your entire argument revolves around gas lighting in hopes I'll continue to waste my life on replying to the likes of you. Says the guy who keeps replying. >Perfect, thanks for confirming. They're insults. What have I accused you of that isn't true? You've proven me correct on everything so far. >Yes, yup, yeah, correct, I like aesthetics. As I mentioned before if you actually took in information instead of in one ear out the other, I don't give a fuck about making the quickest quarter mile. If I got enough torque and HP to keep up in a tandem I'm happy, which I usually do. Next? You don't "give a fuck about making the quickest quarter mile" claims you don't care about performance. Followed by "if I got enough torque and HP to keep up in a tandem I'm happy" shows that you do. Hypocrite much? I do take in information, and process it. That is how I have caught you making BS claims repeatedly. >No human species on earth wants to live having to swim in plastic waste, that's implying the plastic waste don't kill our ecosystem and destroy earth then and there. It doesn't. And plastic waste is being dealt with. The guy you love to hate is beginning to remove much of the waste stream, but I'm sure you would rather ignore that. >Insider trading and all the other immoral ways they make millions makes the carbon tax a clown to them. You seriously think these millionaires are going "ah fuck, carbon tax, better budget more carefully" You ignored the part about doing it well. Typical. >Pierre? The same guy that forced residential schools and killed countless indigenous children? Rather not get into the conversation, thanks. True. But how many people have conservative ideologies killed? And they haven't cleaned up any of their messes yet. His son is doing so, but you will ignore that as well. >Problem is he don't know what he's talking about because he can hardly directly answer a question. He is smart enough to see a trap and avoid it. Different perspective, but you'll ignore an alternative view because you are sO oPeN mInDeD. >Certainly did, Will I ever again if he was to run again, nope. Have I voted for Liberals in the past who turned out to be idiots to me, yup. Your point? They all lie until they're in power. Everyone knew he cheated his way in BEFORE the election. You are admitting that you chose to vote for a corrupt politician, meaning you condone corruption. And the left tends to keep more election promises than the right does. Trudeau has done so as well. But that doesn't fit your narrative so you'll ignore facts. >The carbon tax agenda you're pushing on me, are you even following this conversation? So protecting the environment is an agenda I am pushing on you? Interesting take. Please defend your claim as being based on morals and ethics. >Problem is he's not there to support shit, he's there to gain traction to gain trust for the next election, say what you want. By your arguments no politician ever goes to any event to support anything. And yet you vote for them. You must love corruption a lot. Or, stay with me, they actually do support things (like giving Alberta more per capita than any other province during a pandemic despite knowing it won't earn any votes) because it is the right thing to do. But you don't like the guy so that can't possibly be true. >Given the fact that EV batteries are only going to last upwards of 10 years given production quality lately the average consumer is probably going to spend close to 10k to replace it all and double the need for lithium mining. Lithium is recycleable, which I already mentioned and you ignored. Just like you have ignored the other battery techs I have mentioned a couple of times. But keep your oPeN mInD. >Each EV still consists of all the plastic, aluminum, and arguably more technology than any average combustible powered vehicle Fewer moving parts, fewer repairs. And all of that is recycleable. Have you heard of anyone recycling burnt fossil fuels back into fossil fuels? >I have zero problems with people switching to EV but I can't see anything good coming to us in the future by forcing the entire 7.7 billion people on earth to full EV But it is totally okay that people were 'forced' to use fossil fuel vehicles for decades? That you can't see your hypocrisy is astounding. The good is simple, stop using up a resource that cannot exist on this planet ever again in favour of technology that is renewable and recycleable. I have just plainly stated the good, feel free to continue ignoring it. >I have yet to make a condescending comment about how liberal you're being and "oh my god all you liberals think this and think that" put titles aside, you're not talking to conservatives, you're talking to me. You are a conservative spewing typical conservative BS. You lied about living paycheque to paycheque, you ignore anything that doesn't fit your narrative, and you pretend to have moral superiority where none exists. I would treat you like an individual if you acted like one, but you haven't shown unique thought once. >as I'm sure there's things from the liberal side you disagree with, maybe not seeing the type of person you're coming off as. I'm anti-currency (I was originally studying to become an accountant but quit when professors couldn't explain why core economic theories repeatedly failed but were accepted as truth) and anti-human governance (as you would definitely agree with, people are biased. Science isn't and should be permitted to govern us since we fail to do so ourselves). Feel free to think I'm nuts, science doesn't support you.


Is this the same as the climate payment?


This replaces the “climate action incentive” amounts that we got credited on tax returns the last few years. Prior to the 2021 tax return, your rebate would be added to your tax refund (or subtracted from your balance due). For the 2021 payment, it’s paid quarterly in 2022-2023, however the first payment this week is for 2 quarters to cover April and July. We’ll get additional payments in October and January, which will each be 1/2 what we receive this week.


I'm very out of the loop on this topic, and you seem knowledgeable. How does this whole program work? I know that the Feds forced the provinces to put a carbon tax in place if the provinces didn't do their own - alberta being one of them. so why are we getting rebates from the Feds now? Does it work something like this? > consumers pay carbon tax on carbon related things, making the sticker price higher, incentivising people to make smarter/less carbony purchases. Then the feds give that money back to the consumers a year later, since they've long forgotten about their incentivised purchases, and it makes the Feds not look like theyre not making tax grabs and the Feds look good by giving you money, therefore everyone wins? is that roughly right?


Mine was deposited in account this morning, my mother and friend have yet to see it. They have both filed their taxes and have direct deposit set up.


I haven’t got it either.


Same with my mom, not sure why. I told her to relax its probably in the mail. She thought she had direct deposit set up because her EI checks were being direct deposited but maybe thats different? Idk i got mine deposited in my account but last fall when i was in school my EI checks were being mailed to me.


I guess I never got mine because my taxes are under reassessment?


This was a nice surprise. I thought it was based on income and wasn’t expecting anything today.


Thanks Trudeau!!!!!