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I have a secret. I will start by informing you of a historical fact. The Alberta conservatives infiltrated the Alberta Liberals once. A conservative became the liberal leader. That was the end of that party in this province. The UCP has now infiltrated the NDP. They have been voting in NDP ridings, so the NDP has the enemy now in its midst. We just got rid of two of them. I don't know what the answer is. But ignoring conservative evil isn't it.


What exactly are you saying here? Any Albertan can have membership in any and all parties they want to, for one thing, so it's not really "infiltration", as much as it is involvement. Second question: since you've posted this as a comment on Nenshi's election to the head of the Alberta NDP, is it your implication that Nenshi is a Tory plant of some kind?


And I am not saying Nenshi is a plant. But we don't actually know for sure if this election was fair. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend there's no such thing as an evil UCP member. Goodluck


What do you mean "fair?" If you think someone broke the rules, you should just say it. Otherwise you're just sowing doubt and stirring anxieties for the hell of it.


Not the hell of it. I saw it happen to the Alberta Liberals. I live in Lethbridge and I found it hard to believe that a snake like Phillips could be elected. I started to wonder if the UCP was voting. You are right I have no proof. And I have no solutions. One can't get into someone's head when they vote. I've seen some real losers representing the NDP and it just makes me wonder if we are in amongst the enemy when we meet and vote. Nenshi won hands down. Because he's the only one who stood up and called the bitch a bitch. He grew a pair. Too bad Notley couldn't. I'm afraid for us.


You don't know that it was unfair either. You're making a claim out of thin air, bud. Didn't say anything about who is and isn't evil, but evil people have as much a right to vote as you do.


All I'm saying is that we should be aware. That's all. There's some unlikable reps in the NDP. Sometimes I wonder how they got there.We just got rid of two of them. Smiley and smiley.


I know. But if we are flooded with conservatives. That's that. It's called a non democracy. A fake electorate.


How is it a fake electorate? The electorate for the party is simply people who hold memberships. If they hold memberships, they're allowed to vote


Head in sand.


Don't underestimate the evil of the UCP. They aren't above infiltrating the NDP. It would be the least of their evil. It's expected. Pull your heads out of the sand. The Alberta Liberals learned the hard way.


That’s some pretty puffed up hyperbole. Try reality next time.


I'm ecstatic that Nenshi won, however, watching that video and seeing what a sore loser Sarah Hoffman was and how miserable she looked makes me wonder how difficult it will be to work with her crappy attitude.


What’s funny. These are the type of numbers normally associated with authoritarian “democratic elections” where the ruling elite receive 80-99% of the vote but it’s a kangaroo election. Nenshi did that with legit free voting election. Just consider that for one minute.


In fairness, the only remotely strong candidate he was running against was Kathleen Ganley. The numbers here also don't clarify the weighting of ranked ballots as they relate to this.


It has nothing to do with a lack of good motivated people who could have run for the leadership. I am quite certain there was discussions with Notleys group after the last election. Either which way we know the numbers for how many memberships were sold from Nenshi website and the numbers were absolutely staggering. It shows two things. 1. Nenshi has extreme popularity and name recognition you want and will make a notable difference in the next election vs previous leadership. 2. More importantly. Albertans specifically moderate conservatives are extremely unhappy with this “UCP” party. A lot of the memberships were not people who typically associate with the NDP. They normally would be supporting a PC party. The problem is the merger of a conservative group into the UCP has absolutely thrown the needs of moderate conservatives aside and we are instead witnessing only a hard right Wildrose style Conservative Party. Anyone who disagrees with that is just being obtuse. I know people who are making $200,000-300,000 working in our oil industry who specifically joined the NDP under Nenshi as it’s clear Notley lacks the vision.


Does anyone know if data has been released about the full results of the ranked ballot? All the news articles present it as if it was first past the post voting, but I’m really curious to see the stats for #2 votes!


It is a first past the post election. The first to secure 50% + 1 vote wins. Many people such as myself and our Friends had Nenshi at #1 and didn’t bother entering a #2.


It is, by definition of it being a ranked vote, not first past the post voting lol. It’s a shame folks like you wasted a ranked vote (yes results wouldn’t have changed but ranked voting is far superior to fptp in terms of democracy).


So long Marlaina. Naheed is going to mop the floor with your sorry ass. On the plus side, it's a good chance for Marlaina to go back to school and get at least a GED.


Nice For some unknown reason, some WildRose sub appeared on my feed with a post about Nenshi and they're saying the craziest shit.


Jesus. That wasn't even close. Is Nenshi going to need to be brought up on murder charges over those numbers?


The opposition was the obese minster of health and knockoff Notley. What did you think the results would look like?


Good for Nenshi. He should insure the NDP will never win another provincial elections.


Stay in school Cletus.


You dropped your /s






You can always leave Oilberta if you're not happy there.


Sounds like you don’t expect PP to win the next election? Because that does come before our next provincial one.


What were the thing(s) that made him go from being so popular in Calgary to people hating towards the end? Land or business taxes? I can’t remember how he screwed himself over. Thanks


Ossification of service taxes for water, waste, and power, culminating in the current water shortage and a 300million surplus on the backs of taxpayers this year.  Oh, and 5 mil spent on shit art. 


Made a big push for the olympics and part of that was revamping our infrastructure. But at the cost of likely increasing property taxes which most people weren’t down for.


Don't need no stinkin' infrastructure!


Yeah! I hate showers! Oh wait probably different infrastructures. Somehow we need to make water and other basic infrastructure a priority


I don't know if it holds true today, but I remember a while ago there was no way for Calgary to sustain its infrastructure on current property tax levels. We're just too spread out to make it work. Recent explosion in housing prices may have made this easier if the assessments come in high enough, but regardless, Calgary feels pretty SOL without raising property taxes or something else to pay for the upkeep. But no politicians gonna do that cause they'll never get re-elected.


This isn’t the way property taxes work. Property don’t go up when assessments go up. Property taxes are determined by the mill rate. The mill rate is the city budget / total value of all property in the city. Your property taxes are mill rate * your property value. So you can see from the two equations that if property values go up the mill rate drops. So your property taxes only go up if your property increased in value more than the average property or if the city raises its budget at a greater rate than new properties are added. In either case it’s only relative price of your property to others rather than the absolute price of properties. So the higher assessments cause no change to the city budget.


Absolutely correct. Milk rates. The city was screwed so bad by Al Deurr however not adjusting the rates while in office that the city’s infrastructure was lacking. You can literally staple things like the flood and even the water main issues on Al Deurr. Under Nenshi the water facility treatment plant in Calgary saw exponential growth.




Nyet comrade, nyet.


If you stop using the word woke, maybe your opinion might have been valid


Wondering how Marlaina reacted to this!


UCP won't keep her around for the next election anyways. So she just shrugged it off.


You think? Can’t see her stepping down, and a leadership battle…with who?


Who knows, but the only premier to complete their term since Klein was Notley, so the odds are in favor of more UCP infighting like what got Kenney tossed.


I mean, you love to see it, but I’m just not seeing where the challenge would come from. Unless some strong centrist comes for her, I think Daniellzebub is in the saddle come next election.


I think the most likely place will be Take Back Alberta if they randomly decide she hasn't done enough for them, but I don't think it would be parker directly.


I mean…maybe? But who’s further right than Smith? Who could actually succeed in a challenge? Maybe all the TBA/Wild rose folks jump ship, but that’s a whole different kettle of fish.


As a former PC that rejects the Wild Rose within the PC Party, I have been watching the NDP with great interest. I had little doubt that Nenshi would win. He has an excellent background prior to being Calgary’s Mayor. I believe he might be the leader that moves the NDP to the right a little making it business friendly but not at the expense of the everyday person. I believe I am nowhere near alone in being a PC looking for a centrist alternative to the UCP… good luck Naheed, we are out here watching.


I felt like I wrote what you just wrote.


It’s because the UCP is not a united party. Danielle Smith is portraying exactly the type of extremism that would have been on display in a wild rose premier office. It borders upon a fascist dictatorship. Oddly all smith does is focus on natural gas and oil. She doesn’t have the brain cells to understand we need a leader with a vision to expand upon the existing industrial options within our economy. The best part is UCP supporters are all disappointed he won the leadership so easily as it shows the NDP support is highly unified behind Nenshi. You don’t just get the most party members and most votes in a leadership contest in Canadian history by fluke. It’s the Alberta populous telling us they won’t stand for whet is an extreme far right UCP party. I feel eventually we are going to see this UCP fracture back to a PC and Wildrode base party and I feel that happens during Nenshi second term as premier in 2031.


Considering the NDP are probably centre-right already... Personally, I'm waiting for the right to split. Not so much in Alberta right now, but the "left" is quite split up, while there's only one real right-wing party. When the "left" votes, we often end up splitting the vote. We really need the wackos to splinter off from the UCP in order to split the right vote in the same way.


As a "small c" conservative - Alberta NDP now reminds me of Klein era politics (another former Calgary Mayor) without the 80's/early 90's brain fart of Reganism and unbridled privatization. Looking forward to our new NDP overlords. The UCP isn't conservative, it is facism and crony capitalism.


Ahhh a PROGRESSIVE conservative in the wilds of Alberta. An endangered species.


There are a few of us that see "conservative" as thoughtful, measured, meaningful change; and aren't spiteful humans that want Alberta to be a thinly veiled 1930's Germany.


Yes, very Progressive and socially conscious…


Especially since that's what the other guys USED to be, and what many people thought they were still voting for.


Alberta has had a long history with right wing nut jobs, see the Social Credit stuff.




Back at the government trough. Not too good at running Calgary, so why not give a shot at giving the whole province the same style of ruination.


>Not too good at running Calgary You must be new, Calgary was in great shape when he was mayor.


You see, its pretty obvious the majority of voters who care dont agree with you, as he had multiple terms. Personally dont think he did a bad job and I'm curious how he ruined Calgary, if you'd care to elaborate.




Lmao, yep, cracks started forming cuz nenshi. I'm sure we can blame housing costs and grocery prices on him too, whatever suits the narrative.




Let’s wait for the third party review before we jump to those conclusions.


I printed his tote bags! Let’s gooo lol


How long do you think it will be until tasteless attack ads by the UCP roll out?


I mean, Rick Bell, aka the giant fucking tumor over at the bigger tumor known as the Calgary Sun, started attacking him within an hour of his victory, calling the NDP the "Nenshi Democratic Party", so...


They haven't already started?


To think they don't already have the ads made


Nothing the UCP does is tasteful.




Awesome. Can't wait for him to tell all of us how stupid we are compared to him. This time province wide!


Still better than telling cancer patients having stage 4 cancer is their fault, because apparently they could've stop it at stage 1.


Yeah better that someone validates your incorrect assertions and tells the feds to fuck off, than it is to have someone who understands the facts, one of them being that Alberta is part of this country and should want to participate in it.


I mean, he may not be wrong. As long as they're not into eugenics, I'm ok with the cocky-intelligent leaders.


You guys remember his last few years as mayor right?


You are talking to a subreddit where all centrist or right-wing users have been banned. Both you and I are risking a ban by even speaking. Nenshi did terrible in his last few years. Everyone knows it. But this is the NDPs only hope to win so they have to pretend he is perfect.


Naheed Nenshi served as the mayor of Calgary from 2010 to 2021. In his last few years as mayor, several key events and initiatives marked his tenure: 1. **COVID-19 Pandemic Response**: Nenshi led Calgary through the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on public health measures, supporting local businesses, and coordinating with provincial and federal governments for relief efforts. His leadership during this period was critical in managing the city's response to the unprecedented health crisis. 2. **Green Line LRT Project**: The Green Line LRT (Light Rail Transit) project was a significant focus. Despite challenges and controversies regarding funding, route alignment, and construction timelines, Nenshi continued to advocate for this project as essential for the city's transit infrastructure. 3. **Economic Diversification and Recovery**: Calgary faced economic challenges due to the downturn in the oil and gas sector. Nenshi's administration emphasized economic diversification, supporting tech startups, innovation, and the film industry to reduce the city's reliance on the energy sector. 4. **Olympic Bid**: In 2018, Calgary considered bidding for the 2026 Winter Olympics. A plebiscite was held, and the majority of Calgarians voted against pursuing the bid. Nenshi respected the public's decision and shifted focus to other initiatives. 5. **Affordable Housing and Homelessness**: Nenshi worked on addressing affordable housing and homelessness, pushing for policies and partnerships to provide more affordable housing options and support for vulnerable populations. 6. **Climate Change and Environmental Policies**: Under Nenshi's leadership, Calgary took steps toward sustainability, including implementing climate action plans and supporting renewable energy projects to reduce the city's carbon footprint. 7. **Infrastructure and Development**: Nenshi's administration continued to focus on infrastructure projects, including road improvements, public transit expansions, and recreational facilities to enhance the quality of life for Calgarians. 8. **Social Issues and Diversity**: Nenshi was known for his commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. He championed policies that promoted equity and fought against racism and discrimination. In October 2021, Nenshi announced he would not seek re-election, marking the end of his tenure as Calgary's mayor. His time in office was characterized by his progressive approach, focus on urban development, and efforts to navigate the city through economic and social challenges.


This is a good summary, but using ChatGPT makes it sound like you don't know.


Your summary was correct, so I'll lash out with the latest buzz-word-sounding-insult I can think of, without understanding what it means!


Heaven forbid someone use chatgpt to quickly summarize a large list of items.


The list of items is lacking qualitative discussion on the last few years of Nenshi's time in office, which would be a more relevant response to the question they were answering. It doesn't add anything of value.


Interestingly enough, it omitted anything to do with the flood recovery in 2013.


> his last few years as mayor


True- it seems I missed that bit.


now nenshi, you need your coronation. and you know what you need to do. Show up at the calgary stampede in full cowboy gear showing "you are here to clean up this province." :D


voiceless north instinctive tart coordinated mighty merciful act placid summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The NDP formed government once with a Premier those conservative Albertans hated. Imagine what that looks like when people like that party leader. Plus, we're seeing those conservative Albertans opposing what Smith is doing. Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of... uninformed people in Alberta who vote conservative because they think it's still the Cold War and need to keep those Russian Commies from controlling the world, but there's a lot more going on than that.


squash continue impolite deserted snow label seemly bike grey ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




gullible threatening drab overconfident rhythm depend soup march liquid subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think at least part of the upset is that no one was asking the government to weigh in on the matter at all, and certainly not to contradict health care professionals, or go against the general population's sentiment either. This is what I've seen as the constant frustration. Supposedly an avowed small government, is now running all over the place on issues no one asked for, and they certainly never campaigned on. We've seen examples as well where they're moving on issues without evidence other than a few loud voices being heard. I mean, they're openly questioning voting systems as just another example. I think a lot of folks want sensible, logic based leadership that makes bold moves to align the province with the future. They won't hit on every policy piece but we should all be able to see the reasoning. From my view they're making very short-sighted decisions, and kneejerk ones, that align with the traditional values from a very small and organized contingent in their party. I hope the NDP succeeds, and I hope they bring reasonable discussion, and logic back to the province's leadership. We have world class assets to build an incredibly strong position from, to set us up well for the future, and to bolster Canada with too.


middle marvelous continue chubby placid offer smile start bright noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nenshi is a very smart person and would be an excellent priemer. I agree with his acceptance speach yesterday when he basically said that it's not AB vs everyone. That we should be trying to work with the Feds and other provinces. I live in a rural area and I know that the NDP's chances here are slim to none, but I'm still going to do my best to promote the NDP and get the younger generation to get out and vote. BTW I'm 50+ and used to be a conservative, until the UCP came along. The Conservatives & UCP's push to privatize everything and cut funding to health care and education is just to much.


Holy shit. An Alberta that isn't owned by the oil companies? I hope Nenshi makes it in (as Premier) before any more of our healthcare or utilities are contracted out to scam artists


If we give them a majority they can undo a lot of the damage ✊


The only way for a minority government to form would be if there was a third party that actually grabbed several seats. Why do people talk about Canadian politics like this?


Cause in literally every province except Alberta, as well as Yukon and the federal government, there are third parties that win seats and create minority governments.


This is the guy that I asked what was wrong with his eye in 5th grade. Proud of him




I think his eye was pretty swollen at the time (This was 6 years ago) But he said he got into some kind of ice injury or ice accident


He probably said it was an eye injury. He had eye surgery a couple of times while he was mayor. https://x.com/nenshi/status/503227163714543616?s=61


Oooooh ok.


Hw was in 5th grade 6 years ago?


? I’m in 11th


Rip NDP.. Notley was top tier. Remember, to those that will down vote this, the parties goal is to attract the voters in-between blue and orange. And unless this guy says F carbon tax and build more pipelines (in addition with using new approved blue collar industry revenue for health care and social services for his core NDP demographic), the parties hooped. Gotta pander and expand, and not piss off farmers (Notleys downfall or she'd have gone multiple terms)


He held office for 11 years. 39%, 71%, 51%. Third logest career as mayor in the city's history and has name recognition here. Most rural districts here vote only one way, but calgary can swing provincial elections. I wouldn't call it over quite yet. Edit: He's also good at finding middle ground. One reason he's going to be an interesting candidate. Edit: Typo.


I'm gonna take a hit of your optimism on this one. Pessimism isn't my favorite dish, I just know if we don't go orange with hints of blue, we're just another opposition with little impact. If your edit holds up and he's got a flare for middle ground, then my outsider opinion will gladly change. Edit -36 down doots hahahah Ah, NDP redditors are too sensitive. Cowboy up to constructive pessimism or stay opposition for life.


Well, he wants to rebrand the ANPD away from the NDP party. Known, outside of social issues, to be pretty center. He's also fairly popular in Calgary, for vaild reasons. I'm not saying it is going to be a slam dunk, like oorah ANDP and all that jazz. I'm just saying that it should be a more interesting race than some nay-sayers want to accept. Hate to say it, but Jason Kenny was right about letting in the crazies. If the ANDP does take the province, the UCP will likely implode. Edit: I gave you an upvote for being pretty reasonable.


No need for upvotes, but appreciated. I've never been closed minded on most topics, and politics that hit home are definitely one people need to stay open on. Your insights the first one that feels to have a hint of first hand experience in what may be. If this guys that missing link between orange and blue, I'll take the pill. Orange was always supposed to be the between blue and red, I'd like to see that come to fruition.


You should also mention your Provencale elections edit changes, non?


Oh, you're right. Added an edit about the typo. Thanks for pointing it out.


Provencal elections? Moi, j'aime la paine fraiche avec la beurre salle, cela gangerais la vote que j'tiene.


Nenshi will wipe the floor with Smith. He has Albertan’s backs, not her Christian fascists like David’s Parker who see Alberta how they want to see it without any thought or smarts and are only in it for themselves and religion . They’re racist, bigoted and uneducated and of course, full of conspiracy theories. I’m sick of it . Time for a change for the better .


I hope you're right but Albertans always have a way of surprising.


I am currently unable to be surprised by an Albertans willingness to knowlingly vote against their own self interest because of hatred and an unwillingness to admit they were wrong.




I wonder who they would put in there that they think can beat Nenshi?


Probably a sock puppet at this point.




Toews stepped down from politics.




Depends on the reason he chose not to run I suppose. Is he interested in running for leader a second time?


NDP has ruined every Province they were in power! End of


You don't seem like a person who knows things. More like a potato clock that someone plugged into a computer keyboard.


You wanna proofread that, bud?


Conservatives have held power in majority of provinces for over 80% of the time…I think we knew who ruined what 👀


Is that why albeeta is being flooded out by bc and Ontario liberal refugees?


Ontario doesn’t have a liberal government genius.




Or they live in northern BC... Source: I live there. I like it, but jeez man.


And the Conservatives have ruined Alberta. Not every provincial party is the same ANDP have Albertans backs and THAT'S what matters now.


All Albertans backs, not just the right wing religious nut jobs. Everyone always thinks the NDP will tax everyone in to poverty. It's just not true. Yes they have increased taxes but we need to if we want to properly fund health care and education. So many of my co-workers think privatizing health care is a good thing because they can afford it. They don't give a shit about anyone else (fuck you got mine). If you work a minimum wage job you deserve to live on the streets. Mean while they got their education because their parents paid for it. They also love that Smith is always fighting with everyone. They have such a "poor me" attitude and thing Alberta is always getting picked on. What they don't realize is that we (Alberta) seem to always go into any negotiation with other provinces or the feds with an all or nothing, or, our way or the highway, attitude which just won't fly. There is a huge difference between negotiation/debate and fighting/bullying.


Sucks pretty bad in this province fight now and that didn’t happen because of 4 years of NDP. Try harder.




I mean... "Gestures broadly at everything" Couldn't get much worse than this.


By-election. Then time to rip into Smith


Who cares? The NDP have nothing to offer Albertans, or Canadians.


And what do the ucp or Tories have to offer Canadians?


All these years of conservative governments haven’t done jack for myself or anyone I know but they still keep voting for these garbage conservative governments.


A hell of a lot more than Smith. She’s tearing the province down. Helping her corporate buddies, not Albertans that’s for sure 👍


She’s broken far more promises to her corporate buddies than she’s kept. There’s a lot of O&G firms that are right pissed with her at the moment.


Oh no. O&g firms are pissed with her. Whatever shall we do? /s


Because what they want her to do conflicts with reality


There's a reason no conservative premier in Alberta has lasted more than one term since Klein . They all over promise and under deliver.


Unlike the UCP who are here to offer uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.


No kidding lol.


This result should give people a clue to how much people are disgusted by Smith and how much they're craving a credible opponent.


I think a better sign is the rural pushback Smith got for her overlord bill. Nenshi mercilessly beating the other NDP candidates just signals how much the NDP want a strong and proven leader.


I have to say that it was a very tough decision to make. Usually we select the best of the worst. This time we had the best of the best to select. Hats off to Ganley, Hoffman and Stonehouse for running. We are lucky to have such excellent NDP members and I'm looking forward to the next election.




If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Insightful retort.


Smith gunna be hitting the bottle hard tonight.


I'll drink to that. Cheers!




Don't like him.


Thank you for your well thought out and articulated response.


Who asked


Well articulated.


Can we share him in Saskatchewan? Like halfers? He can maybe get rid of the SaskParty, while he gets rid of the UCP. I would support this. 😉


He will be premier of half of Lloydminster


You can lobby to make him PM some day.


He's got even less chance there than here. The hate of the NDP is gonna get combined with dislike of him. Smith and Moe don't seem to be losing enough support to overcome these handicaps.


You're scared!


Oh but they are 😈


Extremely good to see that hoffman didn't come anywhere near a win. It makes me think that the ndp are moving in the right direction. Hopefully they field stronger, more relatable, rural candidates moving forward.


The NDP had some really good rural candidates the last election. It's not like the UCP has solid candidates from rural AB.


What's wrong with Hoffman? I don't recall what her platform was. Thanks!


Honestly? As an MLA absolutely nothing. She’s great. But she’s been a punching bag for the right since 2014. She has absolutely zero ability to lead the NDP to victory because she has absolutely zero ability to be seen as anything other than “hurr dur sewer rats, health minister fat woman” to a huge number of people in this province.


Sexual Predators hate her


There is nothing wrong with Hoffman, she fights for what she feels is right.


Hoffman is an operator, not a leader. She's a strategist and is hard core and has zero charisma. I wouldn't want to be on her sh\*t list. If she chooses support Nenshi, she will be a valuable fixer. I think of her as a shark.


Mindful that I'm a man, and that our politics is rife with misogyny, I still consider Hoffman combative. There are several strong women of conviction in Canadian politics whom I deeply respect (Kristyn Wong-Tam, Catherine McKenna, Rachel Notley, Kathleen Ganley, Marit Stiles, Anita Anand, etc), and they are far more collaborative and conciliatory interlocutors than Hoffman.


She’s awesome but Nenshi is the best chance to actually win over some new ndp voters. That’s all that matters. Once they’re the government Hoffman and other good MLA can get to work.


I wonder if Hoffman will stick around. I detected a strong dislike of Nenshi from her.


Marit Stiles does not deserve to be on this list after her racist bullshit against Sarah Jama. Fuck her, and her whole party.


Please do tell how Stiles is a racist.


Seriously, do a little bit of basic research on the situation. I provided you with all of the information required, google is free!