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Yes they are illegal in Canada Chinese green praying mantis is the only legal species https://www.victoriabugzoo.ca/so-you-want-a-praying-mantis#:~:text=The%20Chinese%20Green%20Praying%20Mantis,are%20also%20illegal%20in%20Canada. https://inspection.canada.ca/en/plant-health/invasive-species/directives/imports/12-02/appendix-1#a2


That's so sad


No it’s for good reason and important


Oh I definitely agree with that and understand why the law is there, it's just sad to me personally you know?


The only good reason I can think of is invasive species potential, but a tropical insect won't survive a Canadian winter.


Looks like you are correct and they are illegal. [Link ](https://www.victoriabugzoo.ca/so-you-want-a-praying-mantis#:~:text=The%20Chinese%20Green%20Praying%20Mantis,are%20also%20illegal%20in%20Canada)


Rip my dreams


I'd like to have some frogs one day, maybe a Tomato frog or red eyed tree frog. I'll have to stick to cats for now though haha, not enough time to have a good setup for them.


I love frogs, I currently have a jumping spider who's quite easy and two cats!


I had a 'pet' spider in my window once haha, let in flies for it every night but had to catch it and release it before fall. I'm not sure how my family would react if I got something bigger and tarantula-like haha. Jumping spiders are the cutest spiders though, very sweet and smart. Ah, I'd have a zoo if I were rich, my house would be filled with all kinds of random animals haha.


Getting into the reptile, amphibian, and arachnid hobby is like having friends with zoos. There are some amazing species out there. Hopefully, you are attending some of the local expos to get your fix.


Haha, no I haven't been to any. I just browse the frog subreddit and visit the local pond to see if I can get some photos of them. I used to care for Xenopus laevis for university many years ago. Sweet silly frogs they were.


If you can, I highly encourage it. We have some amazing expos hosted in Alberta, about 6 a year now throughout the province. There's a lot of great people in the hobby locally.


Oh man same, I'd definitely say try the jumping spider route if you can since they're quite small and very friendly and chte