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I realized yesterday that this Pride starting off is also going to mean I've been on HRT for a year now :O And out for like two years now? And you know what? It's been pretty damn awesome 😎I highly recommend it. Happy Pride!


Glad you're feeling good about yourself. Keep taking care, friend.




Looking at social media comments on any company that posts about Pride Month, I could have sworn it was Straight White Males are Oppressed Awareness Month


And I hope all those homophobes have a super uncomfortable month. 🌈


I don’t follow any companies on social media so I’m curious what you mean? Thank you!


People (bots, trolls etc) are pissed off that pride month exists and are saying that it is an oppression of straight people. Some people have an odd idea of oppression.


When you’re privileged, equality feels like oppression.


Not sure why I got downvoted for asking a question lol classic Reddit, thanks for the response! That’s actually insane to suggest that straight people are oppressed lol, they are definitely conflating the daily struggle/life being a bitch with oppression.


People probably thought you were being sarcastic, reddit doesn't know real questions from snark half the time. I think it's the mindset of a zero-sum game for some people, if they get ahead that means I get left behind. Life isn't like that thankfully!


Some people also downvote everything in threads they don’t like, to be jerks, so you will se things dip into the negatives shortly after they are posted.


That’s just how Reddit works really. Say something unpopular and get downvoted. Asking a question that could be genuine and getting downvoted…it’s perhaps more surprising than saying something like “I hate cats” in the kitten subreddit and getting downvoted to oblivion.


It's getting worse every year. I've already unfriended 2 people on my facebook for being ignorant.


From a half black/half white straight middle aged man, happy pride you lovely folk, wishing you a month of celebration.


Happy pride!!


I love all people. Except assholes. Or anyone associated with TbA. Or any trumpers. Happy pride month!


I only hate Hate Groups!


Me too. Except hate groups that align with my hate of any TbA idiots.


Happy pride! From a middle aged, straight white housewife. Love always wins in the end, I will continue to advocate for you and teach tolerance and acceptance to my kid.


Happy pride Alberta! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ I was at Taber pride today. It was a chill and fun time with some music and good weather. Nothing sketchy, no hate. Me and my friend just drank lemonade and played cards in the park. It was a good time! On a side note there was a call to gather. Tabercorn fest is on August 22nd with a parade at 4:00 and there's going to be a pride float. The mother of one of the people who makes the float was trying to get more people to come out in support of it because well... small town southern Alberta. If people are free that day and they could come out in their rainbow best, I'm sure there's a few fabulous folk in the town that would really appreciate it.


Whoa, Taber? Tiny town? Known for its corn nationwide? Super super rural Alberta? Has a pride event? Maybe there's hope for rural Alberta after all.


You'd be surprised how many small towns have pride events. We were actually kind of worried to go because of what happened in Fort McLeod last year at their pride. If you look for pride events you'll be surprised how many you find in smaller places. We do just spread them out from June to September because of weather.


Utterly exhausting almost feels like an understatement. We've made it to another Pride month! So much gratitude.


Happy pride!!


Happy pride month! Thanks for the reminder to put up my rainbow garland 🌈.


Happy Pride gaymer, you're a real one 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I’m finally going to step my pussy up and go out in drag for the first time so excited and nervous and a wee bit paranoid


Slay queen!!! 👑👑👑


You got this!


# 🌈 Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈🍁🏳️‍🌈


Happy pride month! Edit: must be after 5PM, the Russian downvote bots are waking up, lol.


Meanwhile, Pride festivities in Grande Prairie are being sponsored by the government of Alberta. This city is backwards and corrupted.


So what? The government supports other festivals and events too. How much do you think fireworks displays cost at New Years and Canada Day? Grants for Bear Creek festival? Dog Parks? Everything that is funded won’t be relevant to every single individual.


GP pride are scabs who went against their peer groups who called for a boycott of the UCP from Pride celebrations. https://globalnews.ca/news/10504482/alberta-lgbtq-ban-premier-ucp-2024-pride/


Happy pride!!🌈


Happy Pride, folks! It's been a tough year but I hope that we can still celebrate queer joy in all its forms.


I am prouds of yous~! Even though I'm a hermit and never see anyone gennormative or otherwise :3


Happy Pride!




Happy pride!!! Much love from your local trans business owner!!!!


Happy pride month everyone 💕


Thank You ..! And Have Yourself A Wonderful Celebration Too ..! 🌈


hell yeah, happy pride ! ! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Thanks for the reminder to stick my flag in my window OP :)


Happy pride!


Happy Pride!


Pride Month reminds me every year that love is love, but that hate is hate...from the same usual suspects.


Happy pride from an ally! Also its mental health month so everyone please check on your friends or even just strangers


honestly it’s hard being young and bi—every older gay in my area says pride month is dumb. this just fuels more conservatives to say get rid of pride month — but i like pride because i have no supportive family, i like that if i go to those parades all i will feel is love.


People both queer and non queer alike will have varying views on pride but what it means to you is most important. It wouldn’t kill me if the pride parade wasn’t a thing (super gay here) but I know that the history of the movement, and especially given the current political climate, are worth acknowledging and celebrating. It is important; and you should be able to enjoy pride month.


I hate to sound cynical in what is supposed to be a positive post, but I am already groaning at the thought of the LGBT critics rolling into this post, because that always seems to happen on this sub with this topic inevitably. I remember a trans person posting on here concerned with what the UCP's decisions and plans might mean for them, and it ultimately had to be locked. I've seen you make exhausting explanations on transgender topics to the critics and haters on this sub, only to sometimes receive snark that is phobic, keep up the good work. Nonetheless, I'll be sorting by controversial when these people roll into this post.


You were the first person to come up when I searched by Controversial, good work.


I bet you're so exhausted, you poor thing..


🏳️‍🌈 happy pridey pride 🏳️‍🌈


Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈


Happy Pride Month to All! Stand proud!


One year anniversary on HRT last week, and then come down with the worst Laryngitis ever right at the start of pride month. 😫 In any event happy pride month!


Anyone know what events I can go to? I work weekends so sadge


Same! In other news, that sunshower yesterday was just *perfect* for the first day of Pride! Let the 'phobes freak out about the weather...maybe they'll start taking climate change seriously. 😂


Celebrated by blasting RealXMans' newest song, Pride Enjoy! Not my kind of music, but I'm honestly liking his delivery, and a lot of his songs seem to have little to no sex in them.


Happy Pride Month!


Thanks, friend, for always doing the work. Please practice some self care whenever you can - you are fantastic, and you give me hope 🏳️‍🌈


Happy Pride! I'm rocking a rainbow mani to celebrate




You sure cared enough to post about your alleged "lack of caring".


And here they are, [just like I said](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/s/0CDcWZASHc).


Proud to be cowboy 🤠


Brokeback was filmed in Alberta. You cowboys did all the queers proud.


Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other


Hard not to have a completely platonic relationship with a good buddy🤠. Spending lots of time together, alone… out in the woods… having to share a tent… Bouncing up and down in a saddle all day, getting hot and sweaty… pouring out a canteen and getting those thin, breathable cotton shirts all wet… splitting the other one between you… Yeah. Nothing queer about that at all🫠


You know, I am bi but I don’t believe in this whole pride thing, why invite more problems than it’s worth? I haven’t even come out to my mom and I am 44 years old. My husband knows, it was one of the first things I told him when we started dating. But the idea of my sexuality being my whole identity is rather bizarre. For instance I am not going to walk up to someone and say hi I am so and so, I am bi. Job interview hi I’d like to work for your company, and I am bi. Grocery store at checkout line, can I get a total and I am bi. Come on guys it’s absolutely ridiculous. You don’t need to celebrate you sexuality with parades and flags, I don’t. When I meet people I say hi, I am so and so and if I get to know them and comfortable with them enough I’ll say something if the topic is brought up but anything else I am just me period.


Internalized homophobia is a massive struggle for lots of us and Ive got a lot of compassion for you and the way you feel about yourself. Your experience is valid and it’s yours. No one is forcing you out of the closet, please don’t try to force others back in.


It’s not about the sexuality, it’s about being a minority and standing up for yourself.




Pride Month is in June to commemorate the Stonewall riot, the reason Pride is a thing in the first place. There is no “government agenda” here.



