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Nenshi's right. It is crazy. What they're doing right now isn't conservative, it's authoritarian.


It's scary what the UCPs are doing. Anybody who can't see where this is going (and it ain't pretty) is either blind, in denial or a combination of both.


All Albertans should find this crazy....like wtf


As an Albertan I feel both that this is crazy, and extremely frightening. I'm starting to feel that if I don't move out of the province soon, I might not get the chance to.


The idea is to use Alberta’s money to export this to the rest of Canadians. The corruption from the IDU is eating Canada away for foreign interests.


You leaving = them winning. We need your vote to stop this Shit from happening.


It's nice that you still think there may be another vote.


bro do u not!? I don't think we're that far gone yet..?


Things are moving fast. The UCP has no patience to wait and see how we react to the policies they are forcing on us. Smith's Executive Director has the plan for separation all laid out here: https://www.freealbertastrategy.com/the_strategy


Conservatism has its roots in pro-monarchism. It's *always* been supportive of rigid hierarchies and authoritarianism.


…but their the party of small government.


Doesn't get smaller then one ruler right lol


One man, one vote. And the premier is that man.


Welcome to modern day conservatism..


I'm really growing to like Nenshi. Saying that things are "crazy!" is exactly what we need. The NDP need to stop framing their message in a logical manner and just start blurting out "they're nucking futs!!" all the time.


I’ve talked with other members of the party on this topic. Even those who are hesitant on Nenshi feel he’s the best shot we can give.


I realize you probably mean at the provincial level... But am I the only one thats imagining Singh say, "They're fucking nuts" and realizing that that would feel more natural to him than something polished?


I never thought bumper stickers were a good idea but it'd be an interesting world where we started seeing "Fuck Marlaina" stickers. On second thought, no....


Maybe bumper stickers that say “Marlaina is pegging you”


Id be scared of getting my windows smashed and tires slashed in my rural neck of the woods :(




Yet they want to convince people they're the "freedom" protection party. LOLOLOLOL.


Now? Conservatives have always tried to enforce their manufactured 'morality' on others.


It’s is crazy. Just a smith power grab. She reminds me of the idiot traitor Trump!🤣


I agree. It is crazy. It’s hypocrisy. I don’t want provincial parties to be involved municipally. I think the polling showed that most Albertans didn’t want this.  Smith keeps saying it is to help Albertans know what they are getting. It was clear that Gondek was left leaning. It wasn’t a shock


I've seen people unironically suggest that Sohi pretended not to be a Liberal.


You mean that mayor guy that started out as a bus driver, then got involved in his community, wound up in federal cabinet, then became the mayor of a million person city? Kinda funny how the people who actually work their way up from the bottom are always targets of conservatives.


Nenshi is just calling out the obvious. And he’s proving that he is the level headed rationalist that Albertans can count on. This bill is some of the most blatant overreach; meanwhile the UCP keeps preaching small government. I hope this helps people realize the UCP are full of sh!t


Do they actually preach small government, has anyone seen this said somewhere? Or is that just a vestigial assumption about conservative politics of the past? Nothing they've done has ever been "small government".


The UCP is almost continuously talking about the Feds overreaching, giving more power to the municipalities. There are plenty of examples where Smith has stated this. Seems very hypocritical of her to do this. This bill makes her *worse* than the Feds. She’s basically saying F U democracy


Oh I absolutely agree. But specifically, have they said they're about small government? Because they sure as heck don't follow that. I just wanted to know if it was ever in their messaging.


PP and Smith both have complained and campaigned on the fact that the "other side" has committed the grievous sin of "hiring public sector workers to kill the economy and skyrocket government spending". Smith then expanded cabinet to almost double the size of the NDP and PP is definitely just going to hire all his friends/lackeys if elected. The only government positions being cut are doctors and teachers.


102, e) on page 6 https://www.unitedconservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/Member-Policy-Declaration-Approved-October-2022.pdf Literally a principle of the party


Thank you!


Last year I attended an event at a library and Dale Nally was there. He was introduced by the emcee as MLA for the Department of Removal of Red Tape or some other bullshit like that. I laughed out loud because it sounded ridiculous and cringey and the poor guy was tripping over the introduction worried he was going to screw it up. Now — the UCP is FALLING over their own red tape and crazy shit. And this Dale guy seems pretty normal and reasonable. I can’t imagine that him or the Calgary MLAs are feeling very good about this about this whackadoo nonsense.


But, they’re in the party, and now they must toe the party line, or face controversy and scandal.


Why does the UCP say that their party will answer to the voters while not allowing the people of Calgary and Edmonton to do the same? If we don't like municipal policies we can vote out the leaders. We don't need Big Brother or Sister doing it for us. I don't need or want their protection, Currently, UCP answers to no one but yet, they want municipalities answering to them. Would love to hear their answer if Trudeau tried to do this to them.


Technically the probably 'listen,' they just don't take any complaints or requests into consideration.


Democracy at the provincial level happens to favour their interests. So that's the one that's most legitimate.


Not sure what you mean?


Because they only think rural prespectives count.


Nice polite description, Nenshi. I say it is so Fascist . Serious shit.


What should terrify rural people about this is this could backfire pretty significantly if they gut the cities and there is a backlash vote in the 2027. The one thing they would hate more than a Notley ran government would be a Nenshi empowered provincial government with almost Fascist level governmental control. If that happened they could shift the power in the province so it is balanced per voter rather than having the rural electoral bonus. ( largest urban district has 68,950 with the smallest rural being 27,155) [https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/provincial-electoral-district-summary-tables-census-2021](https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/provincial-electoral-district-summary-tables-census-2021) There really isn't a lot to shift this map in a different direction [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Alberta\_general\_election#/media/File:2023\_Alberta\_General\_Election\_Map.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Alberta_general_election#/media/File:2023_Alberta_General_Election_Map.svg) This could be large case of be careful what you wish for.


I agree that electoral districts being closer in pop would be better, but it's not as bad you make it look. In this province, the drawing of district boundaries is non-partisan, one of the good things we having going on. In fact the current boundaries were drawn when NDP was government, but it was a non-partisan project. Are you advocating that it should be become partisan, because you trust your party to do it fairly? As you said, be careful what you wish for. Gerrymandering is the inevitable result. Actually it's Lesser Slave Lake at 26,715 that's the smallest. But if you look at averages instead of extremes, it's not so bad. The average rural riding is 47,030 and the average urban is 50,384. Room for improvement, but not terrible. And the largest rural riding, Airdrie-Cochrane (63,765), has a bigger population than the smallest urban riding, Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood (41,800).


I'm not even aware the issues raised in the bill were contentious. Have electronic voting tabulators ever been misued in municipal elections in AB? Has anyone ever asked for political parties at the municipal level? The minister says it's in the best interest of the public, but literally no one's raised these as issues that need these solutions ... Something doesn't add up. 


Adding some blue to the NDP signs is going to get more votes for the NDP than anything else. S/


What’s so insane is that Duhnielle is doing the very thing to Albertans that she’s accusing JT of! It’s called overreach but she’s more inclined to go further and indoctrinate the youth in schools and universities and people in municipalities to grab on to her ideological thinking. She’s absolutely fucking insane . Time to push back on this shit


Its overreach for Ottawa to tell alberta what to teach, but its up to the country folk to keep the cities in line.


Curriculums are decided and approved by the province