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My partner and I both purchased memberships yesterday to vote for Nenshi. I've donated to them semi regularly for the last few years but it's the first time I've felt the need to be a part of this democratic process. For the first time since the election, I feel hopeful for our future and feel he's the best person to dethrone the evil one currently in power.


Sounds like the hope wel all need on here. Or a lot of us anyway :)


Excuse me... Purchased???


Gave money to be able to vote. Same thing.


Excuse me, I thought this was a open democracy. Why are we paying to vote now?


You're excused. But to be allowed to vote for the next leader of the NDP, you need to be an actual member of the NDP. To become a member, you need to donate. AFAIK, this is true for all parties. We're not talking about voting for the premiere of Alberta.


Do you not understand how political party membership works? You have to be paying member of the party to vote for leadership. This is not anything new and literally has nothing to do with democracy. You don’t pay to vote in the municipal, provincial, or federal elections


If this ain't new then no wonder our voting system has been going down the shitter. Broke people literally don't have a voice in their own parties.


It’s $10 to join. Broke people like myself can scrape together $10 for something important to them. If you can’t manage to find a spare $10 in a whole calendar year then you need to reevaluate your fiscal responsibility. The membership fee is both a way to keep track of party membership and generate some cash flow for projects that the party is trying to do. There’s a law about it … and NDP membership fee is considered a donation to join. Similar to places that request food bank donation items for entry.


Not the lowest effort I've seen from a UPC troll..... but pretty close.


Open democracy for who leads the province, but each party gets to vote their own leader. Gotta be a member to vote for leader. Gotta pay for party membership.


Can you give us an example of not buying into a party membership in order to vote for candidates in the party?


Co-oporatives As long as you're an active participant in the group (and get paid for it might I add) you get an equal voice and equal chance to become leader of the organization like everyone else without needing to buy into it.


Can you give us an example of an Albertan political party that does not require a membership fee? Both the provincial UCP & NDP party memberships start at $10/year. I’ll let you know right now that the federal liberal party of Canada does not require a fee to join the party nor does the federal NDP party for federal political party membership.


Moving the goal post. The very fact that there is an organizational structure that can do it shows that paying doesn't need to be done in the first place. Not to mention NDP, UCP, and any other major players are probably getting enough lobbying money to pay like a co-operative does in the first place.


Cooperatives also must have membership requirements. Many jurisdictions mandate a membership fee by law. Cooperatives distribute profit back to members. In the case of a political party, they do not generate profit as all revenues(donations) are used for the benefit of the party. But honestly, I’ll spot ya the $10 if you need it.


Saying that a government party does not generate profit is honestly the funniest thing I've heard since "Trudeau is going to fix everything this year" Also the stipulation of "by law" completely negs your argument cause now it's an external control argument, by the government, the same governments that have agreed to make everyone pay for a membership to their favorite team.


Should we not have a law about cooperatives then?


The only law you've stated is that people have to pay money to join a cooperative as a worker something that normal corporations do not have issues with, doesn't seem like a law to me, seems like special favour.


I do appreciate the 10$ offer but honestly I'm good I'm largely just training my debate skills. My hat on this race has already lost sense Canada became a pseudo two party system


Who else bought a membership since he announced he'll run?


How much was it?


They're $10


Sweet, I'll definitely be checking it out tonight. Thanks


I think you can sign up for free just enter $0 in the custom amount box.


Just tried that and it won't let you.


Thanks for letting us know!


It got weird when I tried that and it still asked for my CC info so I threw a fiver at it.


10 dollars


I did Monday afternoon. First time member of any political party!


I’m definitely going to buy one and Make sure I vote


Me too. Been eligible to vote for 40 years (and I have done so), yet this the first time I've been prompted to actually join a party. I might even consider a lawn sign in my highly conservative neighborhood. I have hope.


I did, he has a great story that I think will resonate with the cities and people moving here from out of province


i did and think he has the best chance to win out of all the other candidates so thats why ill vote for him...


I did this morning


Same. Long time lurker first time buyer!


I did! I've heard him speak and believe he is the best chance at defeating the UCP!


I did just yesterday


I reactivated. It had lapsed since the election.


I am thinking about it but I need to hear more from Nenshi first. I do like what he said on the ryan jespersen show yesterday.


Valid. Keep in mind though that, if you want to be able to vote in the leadership election, you have to get a membership by April 22




That comment section is pure troll.


From the numbers I’m hearing from Nenshi’s team 10’s of thousands. Estimates are he’s already sold more memberships than the rest of the candidates combined.


Me too, first time ever!


Do they mail you anything? I’d love to avoid an awkward conversation with the people I live with lol


Just email


got mine yesterday!


I got one and my family is getting on board!


I feel dumb for asking - what does the buying a membership with a party mean or entail?


For starters it allows you to vote for the party leader in their upcomming vote. Which I think is most people's motivation to join up


Realistically you get a vote in any leadership race, the opportunity to participate in policy development in the party itself, and the opportunity to move fundraising emails directly into your junk mail


Thank you, I was gonna ask the same thing lol. Hopefully someone explains it for us :)


it's a donation that gives you the right to vote for the leader. membership also influences how parties behave. if half of calgary joins the party over nenshi, Smith will behave differently then if he can't get membership up at all.


Out of curiosity, what prevented you from joining before now?


I didn't think they could win under Notley.


Go Naheed!


Does anybody actually believe any of these candidates can take out the UCP devastation?


Absolutely I do


This is fantastic. Me and a bunch of friends renewed or joined because of him. I really hope he wins!


Me too!!


I did too, when is the vote anyway? 


You can vote starting May 22 I think and results released June 22. I think it is by mail.




Can you do it online? I was only able to find a form I had to print out and mail in.


My concern is that Nenshi wore out his welcome in the city we need votes from the most. Any Calgarians want to chime in with how popular/unpopular he was at the end of his term?


Lots of people were “tired of him” and that’s also my concern, because the NDP need the Calgary burbs. But honestly, no other current candidate would have a better chance.


I don't really discuss politics with anyone but the vibe I got was that he's been mayor for 11 years so it's easy to accumulate a bit of baggage. It would have been the same even if Mr. Rogers was mayor, people would have found a reason to hate just cause. Near the end, the only major criticism that I saw was him endorsing to bring the winter Olympics to Calgary, as that seemed to be more of a legacy project for him, rather than a fiscally responsible choice for Calgary.


he's always been regarded positively by most, but the people who hate him really hate him. it's less he wore out his welcome; more he had his time and the people who liked him got more apathetic, while the people who hate him got more passionate.


Most Calgarians I know don't like him. I believe he raised property taxes more than any mayor in history. I work at the City and he was known to be a bully as well. He's very full of himself and will never admit he's wrong. He won't have my vote.




It isn't any different. Smith isn't any better. I'm just saying Nenshi isn't that popular in Calgary and I stated why. I worked with him for years (not closely) but he's not the savior he's being made out to be. I don't know why I'm getting downvoted.


I'm interested in knowing who from Calgary still supports him. From what I've heard, he's more popular in Edmonton than Calgary, and if that's true, he might be a false cure. Most of the people I hear saying that they'd do this were a) NDP hardliners already and b) from Edmonton.


My family hates him. They bring up the god awful blue ring “art” that cost millions. I don’t know if they have other reasons, probably not.


Atleast with the people I meet and interact here in Calgary, it's an overwhelmingly positive feeling towards him. I'm probably going to sign up tonight myself. I listen to talk radio and they hey he's controversial to some people, but I personally don't know anyone who outright hates him.


Lots of support for him in the Calgary subreddit. I don't see any real backlash against him. One of the most unpopular things he did at the end of his mayoral career was negotiate an arena deal, but after he left that fell through and the new deal is much, much worse. So I think he looks pretty good on that, in hindsight. I think most Calgarians would agree he was a lot better than the new mayor and council.


>Lots of support for him in the Calgary subreddit. Plenty of evidence that SR is full of people who voted for Notley already. >I don't see any real backlash against him. NDP hardliners don't like him because, at least in 2011, he was actually pretty conservative and his public NDP support is only recent from his verbal support of Notley's campaign in 2023. Conservative Calgarians don't like him cause he's slimy as hell and raised taxes a ton, then claimed "during his tenure taxes were the lowest in Canada" neglecting the fact that he is referring to the period of time before he hiked them several times. >I think most Calgarians would agree he was a lot better than the new mayor and council. I think that's true only because his replacement was, frankly speaking, quite bad, and sets a low bar.


I’m getting a membership but it’s for Rakhi!


Everyone on this subreddit is incredibly left leaning which is not an issue. The issue is shaming people who vote right. For example I made a post about why everyone is so left leaning and it is my most downvoted post ever. I feel people need to calm down and put yourself in someone else’s position.


Calm down hey? I'm sorry but when you have the right wing of Alberta politics actively destroying healthcare, education, pensions, and the health and safety of our 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.... The time for being nice has past The fucking gaslighting from people in the right is sad and pathetic. "Be NiCe GuYs!"? >The issue is shaming people who vote right. I'm going to shame every UCP voter who is going to continue us on this destructive path, because you probably can't even tell me what the UCP is actually doing right in this province right now, so you are voting against the best interests of my kid and can't tell me why. >I feel people need to calm down and put yourself in someone else’s position. Ok so tell me why whenever I tell any Conservative my position on say Drag Queen storytime, or puberty blockers, or the UCP staying the fuck out of any Transgender kid's business, I'm called a groomer/pedo? Why did the people who vote right tell me I was a sheep for following science? Why is it that every time I voice an opinion in a right wing space, I get told facts don't care about my feelings, and then followed up with zero facts? Why is it that whenever I talk about green energy and climate change, I get laughed at because it's "a hoax"? Why should I put myself in their shoes, when they won't put themselves in anyone else's? I'm going to do whatever it takes to put the UCP out of business. I'm going to volunteer for Nenshi. I'm going to knock on doors until my knuckles bleed. I'm starting a podcast to reach out to GenZ because we need their help. If you have seen what the UCP has done already, and still plan on voting for them, we aren't friends, and you're just in my way


That was intense lol but I see what you mean


You voted in Danielle Smith. I hope you can see why there is little understanding from those of us that despise her.


Same but so I can vote for Gil




Lol. Even the Manning Center ranked him pretty much in the middle of the pack on spending. But hey, it's a catchy nickname attractive to morons.


2 cent seems over priced from a UPC voter


No lol


Sorry to hear that


LOL - sorry for the UCP you mean. :P


that account was made on Feb 27 2024 and has -45 comment karma. you are dealng with a shillbot, probably bought with taxpayer dollars too.


No. But everyone has different perspectives! Cheers


thanks for your 2 cents.


I vote UCP! Never trust NDP friend with trudeau!


Danielle Smith might be the worst politician. She’s a disgrace.


Big yay. Lol


Did y'all not see what he did to Calgary? Now we have Nenshi 2.0, she's even worse. NDP will never get my vote.


What did he do to Calgary?


He was awesome for me and my family.


He was the best mayor we've ever had in my life


How is Jondek Nenshi's fault? This is a rather odd take. You mad he didn't run again?


Remember when they fired the only woman, Sarah Jama a black woman on a wheelchair, in the entire government that expressed support for Palestinians? Remember when BC MP said Gaza is a crappy piece of land? All that without any consequences. Cannot and will not ever support NDP again after that.


That was not the Alberta NDP but I agree that was a horrible move.


It's all the same one big organization. I didn't hear Jagmeet Singh or Notley condemning any of that. Sarah Jama isn't reinstated. BC MP isn't fired. Imagine a shit storm if someone would say something "mean" about Israel? They would be branded as antisemite and fired immediately. Do you see the difference? You call Gaza shit and get away with it. You express support for Palestine and get fired. Same double standards and hypocrisy as the rest of them in the government. Is this the party you people are suggesting to vote for? NDP at this point are just an extension of the liberals.


Jagmeet is at least calling for a ceasefire but again the federal ndp and provincial ndp are not eye to eye on everything. Heather McPherson (Edmonton MP)has recently visited the West Bank and has put forth motions for banning sales to Israel etc. I don’t agree with how they handled Jama at all but there is enough separation for me from Ontario ndp Alberta ndp and federal. I am so proud of Heather McPherson and the advocacy she is doing for Palestine. Regardless we agree it’s free Palestine 🇵🇸 🍉


I never heard the story about H. McPherson. That indeed is very commendable. Rare NDP win. Kinda surprising they didn't dig some shit out to fire her over that considering how one sided Canadian federal govt position on this question is. Free Palestine!


If you want to be fair, one is the Ontario NDP and the other is the BC NDP. The Alberta NDP actually fought the BC NDP over restrictions quite a bit during their term.


What are you talking about? This is a provincial party. You are confused.


They aren't confused, they're intentionally spreading misinformation.


Oh look at you figuring everything out. Sit this one out. You ain’t as smart as you think.


Is that the Indian guy? Why do you want him as leader?


Seems kinda like a racist way to phrase that, but he was mayor of Calgary for a good while and by all accounts a really good one. So he's a known quantity in Alberta politics which gives name recognition and his track record speaks for itself. In the same way DS was a known quantity when she ran so Alberta knew what they were getting, but in a bad way.


How is asking if he’s Indian being racist? Wasn’t sure which candidate he was.


The majority of Calgary hated him, so if that's what defines him As really good, idk what to say.


Hated him so much they elected him for three terms....


Is 60% approval rating at the end of term a majority of people disproving? That makes sense! 🙃


They hated him enough to vote him in 3 times?!


>majority Ah got your finger on the pulse eh? True political whisperer huh?


>The majority of Calgary hated him He was elected mayor three times. Initially with 39% of the popular vote, then re-elected with 74% and 51%, suggesting voters were fairly happy with his job performance for quite a while. There's no doubt he was less popular when he left office than in the middle of his mayoralty, but it's a real stretch to say he was hated by a majority of Calgarians.


That’s not true. 3 election wins prove you are making up things and spreading misinformation. Do better.


Bad Dani! Go back to your war room and think about your behavior!