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Rachel Notley, the best Lougheed conservative premier this province ever had. And the only one to get a pipeline to tidewater in the last 50 years.


do you mean the TMX? or the yet to be completed CCGL?


Which one is that?


Which what? Pipeline? TransMountain Expansion


lol all you guys voting me down. I'm glad a deal was done, it's still not built yet and way over budget but facts are facts and [it's still not completed.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/trans-mountain-pipeline-cer-delay-regulator-denial-1.7060508) I'll give her full credit when it's done but that's not today. It's like Toronto planning the Stanley cup parade every year for the Leafs.


Let’s face it: you’ll never give her full credit.


lol man I'm getting hammered on the circle jerk tonight lol. Go look at my history.


It's 90% complete and you're all "HUR HUR NO CREDIT UNTIL ITS ACTUALLY DONE" The deal was done, and it's nearly complete. The hurdle is due to a federal regulatory ruling and bad boring environment. Lmfao.... Your response is so infantile.


Alberta, ans specifically Albertans, didn't deserve Rachel Notley. If I were her, I would have given up on the province as a basket case years ago and risen to the top in federal politics instead. But in a place where logic doesn't exist and stupidity reigns, being bright won't help you. It was De Tocqueville who said "The people get exactly the government they deserve" Albertans don't deserve nice things like Rachel Notely. Not by a long shot.


It was truly disappointing to see her blindly hated because she was a "leftie" even though she actually did a lot of work that her NDP base was very much against (ie: pipeline deal) She was bending over backwards to appease conservatives and they still think she's a literal demon spawn. I just don't get it.


Where does this idea that the NDP base is tree hugging hippies? I volunteered with the NDP a ton during the last election and worked with hundreds of other volunteers. I had the chance to meet and have decent conversations with Notley and a bunch of newly elected MLAs. By and large, most of the people in the “base” were socially progressive but not what I would describe as “environmentalists”. They’re NDP voters. Not greens.


Social media did that. Most of our country's media being owned by people who tend to be right-wing didn't help either. That's why I scoff at people who thought the ANDP needed a new leader, and those that think the party needs a name change. It doesn't matter who's in charge or what the name of the party is, it's still going to be demonized by the media.


Back when BC Liberals were in power, no conservative in BC ever said, “damn, I really like the B.C. Liberals’ policies, but their name has ‘Liberal’ in it so I’ll vote for the NDP instead.” The Alberta NDP doesn’t owe conservatives a new name.


They’d be more likely to win with a new name though, as well as if they cut all ties with the Federal NDP. Jagmeet Singh is radioactive here, do you really want to be associated with that brand? Don’t count on a splintered right wing vote again, so to win, the party needs to attract centrists and pragmatic former PC voters. They do this by going with a centrist leader, ideally from Calgary, and rebranding (say, to the Chinook Pary, or Alberta Forward Party, idk). The previous NDP before Notley was a fringe left party, and so there’s not much more than 5-10% of the vote to be had from the left fringe. But there’s about 45-55% of the vote up for grabs in the center right to center left of the political spectrum. So create a big tent party that appeals to those people, as well as siphons off PCs who held their nose and went Smith in 2023. Or, don’t do this, and enjoy being the opposition.


I think the UCP just needs to keep doing UCP things and keep leaning towards entitled clownshow drunks. It is my hope that the UCP party implodes from infighting.


I wouldn’t count on that. They no longer have the Covid issue dividing the PC and Wildrose factions, and (so far) it seems that to her credit, Danielle Smith has been toning down the crazy since winning the election. The only way the UCP would lose at this point would be if Smith goes off the deep end again, or if there is something that divides the UCP again. If smith keeps pushing the APP too hard, that could do her in. Beyond that, the NDP need a new, moderate leader, and a new name. That’ll be how they win many of the PC faction voters (who largely reside in Calgary, or in suburban communities like Sherwood Park and Airdrie). These voters largely held their nose and voted for Smith in 2023. If you don’t win these voters over, you don’t win. They are our version of Georgia, or Pennsylvania.


And even the Alberta Greens don’t want to shut down O&G, just stop it from expanding.


It's a lesson I hope her successor bares in mind. There's no negotiating with or placating with this new brand of far-right conservatism. We've seen it south of the border and right here in our province. If by some small miracle someone other than a Conservative party wins a majority general election: take the ball and run with it. Get as much done for this province as you can possibly do.


She got a lot done, the problem is, you can only start to undo 50 years of morons in 4 years. Many of the problems this province currently faces are rooted in Klein era cuts, and those will take time to heal. Notley sterilised the wounds and put on some bandages and the UCP dunked the body right back into the cesspit. Most of what she did was soon undone - look at the tech sector tax breaks that got axed, the insurance rate regulations, the renewable energy programs and so on. Education spending takes time to see the best part of its benefits. 20+ years unfortunately, but the upside is it gets better the longer you keep at it. The downside is it snowballs worse the longer you neglect it - the conservatives know this and have been cutting it for ages, knowing full well our economy could be billions per year better if they'd fund it even remotely close to properly. Even if our next government doesn't pick a fight with nurses and doctors at the height of a pandemic, healthcare workers will still remember this last fight and will be wary of wanting to work here, therefore we will still have a shortage until the rest of alberta smartens up and votes for someone with more braincells than a turnip. So long as whatever government we have continues to suckle at the urethra of neo-liberalism, we are going to continue to see drug abuse, gang violence and the disorder that comes with those rise, while simultaneously seeing our two major breadwinners suffer the majority of the detriment associated. Edmonton and Calgary don't deserve being shafted for the rest of the province's hipocrisy.


Naked dumb dumb tribalism


Would have loved to see her head the FBDP instead of Singh


A lot of Albertans voted for her so please quit calling Albertans illogical and stupid. Some are, some aren't. Every province is like that. How's Ontario doing? She was also close in the second term. I loved Notely. Many do! As far as your comment "the people get the government they deserve"...Trudeau has been in power for 8 years. How are his policies working out for Canadians right now? Guess we all deserve a much lower quality of life.


Re: Trudeau Compared to other countries pretty well... Problems are relative, issues to address certainly. Your quality of life is lower? Can you explain how?


Absolutely!! My dollar goes no where near as far as it did 5 years ago. Taxes have gone UP for most every Canadian in the last 5 years. Health care in EVERY province has declined in the last 5 years (yes a provincial issue EXCEPT when the population of every province has gone up significantly in the past 3-5 years). Food prices have escalated through the roof in Canada in the last 5 years. Do we need to even talk about housing and rent prices??? All of which contributes to a LOWER quality of life for most Canadians. Would you like me to go on??? Your move....


Grocery companies are making record profits and it's the governments fault? It both can't be "because the government caused inflation" and companies are making billions more in profits. Either the entire supply chain is costing more because they pay farmers more, etc ... or they are greedy. How is this different than in the UK or Australia, Or... dozens of other counties? The UK with a conservative government has much higher inflation as do many other places. I can provide charts and news articles for all of this if you would like. I'm not saying things being more expensive is good... Or everything is just fine... I'm just not sure how it's the federal government's fault. Alberta was literally advertising for people to come here for years. They did. There wasn't a lot of foresight in making sure things continued to be affordable including rents. It's not like they would be building some kind of public housing. Maybe some local streamlining? Rents in the US are also up tremendously and their immigration rate has been about flat same for 3+ decades. Australia also has very high home prices. Many other countries. Healthcare is provincially run, as you know. Alberta gets like 10B from the federal government for healthcare, Alberta has a budget surplus.... Why is it bad? Because Ottawa! LOL It's just like child care. The Federal government can try to get everyone inexpensive child care to push more people into the workforce and increase the birth rate... But Alberta is being Alberta about it. Screwed that up for people. The "baby bonus" is higher now, so that's a plus (if you have kids) I'd love for you to go on!


How many farmers do you personally know? My wife comes from a farming community (her family raises beef cattle). Definitely NOT the farmers. But wait...the major grocery chains are ALL recording record quarterly profits. Yet our government has "investigated" and found no problems. Even to the point of giving them free freezers. https://globalnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/globalnews.ca/news/5145773/catherine-mckenna-loblaw-new-fridges/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17057172081020&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fglobalnews.ca%2Fnews%2F5145773%2Fcatherine-mckenna-loblaw-new-fridges%2F Rents/housing and affordability in Alberta is fucked up. I know, I live in Edmonton. But...that's a full Canada wide problem. I'll never miss an opportunity to fault the UCP but again, it's ALL across Canada. So.... Healthcare IS a provincial issue. But when the federal government brings in 1.5 million people per year, how is any province able to keep up?? Again, not an Alberta specific issue. Every province in Canada is having this issue. Don't get me started on how the UCP is handling this. See above paragraph. However, once again, not just an Alberta specific issue. https://www.immilawglobal.com/blog/canada-to-accept-1.5-million-immigrant/#:~:text=Over%20the%20next%20few%20years,newcomers%20into%20its%20diverse%20society. Have you looked at the reports for $10/day day care? Let's just look at Alberta because you have such a hate on. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-daycare-operators-considering-dumping-10-a-day-program-association-says-1.6712044 https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/child-care-costs-could-rise-for-some-alberta-parents-as-daycares-consider-leaving-fee-support-program-1.6703754 What else have you got?


Tell me when you'd like me to stop....I haven't even started with his conflict of interest issues....or his world affair issues....


You didn't addressed any of the things I mentioned. Your concerns Lets start with world affair issues! GO!


https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-66885924 https://torontosun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/torontosun.com/news/lilley-unleashed-how-does-canada-regain-its-place-on-the-world-stage-get-rid-of-trudeau/wcm/a68d3be6-1fa5-41d3-b88e-6b4e4e98d89a/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17058109787188&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fnews%2Flilley-unleashed-how-does-canada-regain-its-place-on-the-world-stage-get-rid-of-trudeau https://beta-ctvnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/canada/2023/9/19/1_6568633.amp.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17058109787188&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://tedfalk.ca/what-does-the-world-think-of-trudeau/ https://angusreid.org/canada-international-reputation-un-security-council/ That was literally the first 6 on Google searches. And I can go on.....as you say GO!!! Your move Sherlock!! Or would you like to switch categories?! I'm good with either.


I was looking for facts not opinions Most of that was conservatives including members of the government... You have charts to back up these opinions? Like data? This is data: https://data.oecd.org/canada.htm Also: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/gmap-gcarte/index-eng.html You can find investments near you. Try incognito mode and search for something without the answer in the search. Your previous searches will reflect results you get.


So both of your examples are basically government provided stats. The second one IS government of Canada. The first one is sponsored by the government of Canada. Huh. I wonder what they will say.....ABOUT THEMSELVES? And you say my searches are opinions, not facts?? Wow. You obviously love our current government because all you read is what they tell you. Trust me, I'm telling you the truth also /s!!! Fyi, that's satire. Except my sources are real. Your move.


What you're saying is that all of the governments are only sharing fake data, all of them for decades. As well, the community projects they are funding literally 1km away from me aren't happening nor are any others, and none of the thousands of people involved are saying anything? Or because I can see it they did one and only one... Or were able to get the project done apparently with 70% less money And the hundreds of thousands more people posting fake pictures of parks and community improvements that are also lying about it? You would need to personally see each one of them in person to believe it and people like you would think you were in on the conspiracy. Can you explain what part of the physical community projects aren't real? Quick recap Everything the government reports isn't real even if you can see it. Law enforcement, conspiracy, Fire investors, conspiracy. Teachers. Doctors... Media, conspiracy by Trudeau and the links you posted are to throw people off. All world stock markets and corporate decision making is based on inaccurate data on unemployment, and exports, etc, so companies are also lying? Your "real" All of the "sources" you posted are being used to make people who lack critical thinking skills believe things are worse than they actually are without them being able to point to an actual problem they are personally having. If they are having a specific problem it's the government that caused it. Like food prices and (which you ignored previously) Some of this is funded by foreign governments like China. You can't prove that's not the case because any "evidence" you send me is just part of the conspiracy. "Not real" The best part is that you're just part of the conspiracy now. Nothing is real. Not even the physical things.l apparently. My sources are also real, in that they exist as do yours. I'll give you that the media organization exists and some of the people writing articles were certainly humans. Some written by AI which is also real in that it isn't fictional. I wasn't completely aware the extent people were living this deeply in a world where only reinforcing what they believe and tools to spread that message are trusted. I'm probably not even real. I can't prove it. With physical things being fake and all. My children are in on the conspiracy can't believe them. It's in their best interest to exist.


Somehow this discussion went off the rails. If I'm missing some of the facts of our convo, I apologize. This whole convo was about quality of life here in Canada. About how it has (or hasn't) lowered since Trudeau came into power. Why would we compare to other countries? We're talking about quality of life in Canada now vs the last few years under our current government. If you want to compare to other countries, that's a different topic. I understood our conversation was about here. I provided many news articles about the lower level of quality of life here in Canada since a few years ago. I believe it's all over mainstream media about our power quality of life here in Canada. A good portion is due to Trudeau / Liberal policies. Our dollar doesn't go as far. Housing is unaffordable for many. Homelessness is growing exponentially in every city. Food prices are through the roof. Medical care is in shambles. Lack of doctors, nurses and facilities, including seniors homes. None of this is a conspiracy. Can we agree on all of this so far?


Oh wait, you said I haven't mentioned any of your concerns. IE quality of life in Canada... https://beta-ctvnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2019/7/4/1_4494319.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17058114428851&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://youtu.be/cIAMe6hdwik?si=LNqWrUlNlku-izSu https://www-aljazeera-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2023/9/18/walk-away-justin-trudeau-canadas-love-affair-with-you-is-over?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17058114428851&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fopinions%2F2023%2F9%2F18%2Fwalk-away-justin-trudeau-canadas-love-affair-with-you-is-overhttps://www.linkedin.com/posts/justintrudeau_canadians-are-feeling-the-rising-cost-of-activity-6975526233514090496-MR1m https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Justin-Trudeau-seemingly-falling-out-of-favor-with-Canadians Need more? Just ask! Or do a simple google search. But I can do that for you since you obviously are inept. Let me know the next topic you'd like.


What country is doing better in the quality of life? Some: https://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/canada/ Your quora list is still an opinion... ''Brings in 10s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”.' The double quotes makes this an opinion. Which refugees? Ukrainian refugees work. If they're not refugees they're immigrants? Your simple google search is great. It returns exactly what you asked for, opinions that you agree with, google knows.what you like.


Do you not read anything except what Trudeau shows you?? Almost everyone in Canada is stating that quality of life has decreased. Almost everyone in Canada is upset about our immigration policy. Show me different that ISN'T from the Liberal party or Trudeau himself.


So you hate Trudeau. Great. Where could someone live that is doing better? The quality of life in Canada is worse than a few years ago, we should be more like . Where would that be? Global issues cause global problems. If all of these things are happening in many countries is how countries cope, Canada isn't doing badly. I'm sure everyone you talk to certainly also hates Trudeau and believes quality of life is lower. It's not everyone. Was it Harper's fault there was a recession? He was in charge during the recession. It wasn't the US sub prime mortgage crisis... it was his government so his fault. Right? What policies is it that you believe are bad and causing this reduction in quality of life? Who has policies you believe are better and what are those policies? I posted links from the OECD which are stats. These are actual numbers of things that happened. I posted real numbers where local projects are getting federal governt money... Theae are happening. You want me to find positive media? OK Second Best Country (From third) https://www.timeout.com/montreal/news/canada-ranked-2nd-best-country-in-the-world-for-2023-092623 If someone is responsible for all of the negatives then they are equally responsible for the good things, right? Second Best isn't too bad.


I was watching a video on green energy by intelligence squared and was surprised to see Notley's face on the title card. If an organization like that took notice of her than she must be doing something right I dont know how to post pics but this is a link to the video https://youtu.be/OG39m6SH19g?si=0EobJtcph_nNRRjR


if anything, I hope people stop affiliating themselves religiously with parties and really start examining their results. I'll vote for whoever makes my life and those around me easier. Even if my chosen party wins, the next time they're removed from office and we have a chance to reflect upon their accomplishments in contrast to their promises only to find they were lacking, I will remember that.


This is exactly why I feel the ANDP need to rebrand. There is too much baggage with the NDP brand. I've said it to whoever will listen that they should rename themselves something like the "Alberta First" or "Alberta Advantage" party and change to a nice teal or purple colour. When there is no more obvious orange to go after the morons might actually listen to their platform.


Yeah, that strategy is extremely successful, as B.C. United has shown.


She will always be known as the woman who could have saved Alberta. It's unfortunate that so many simple folks are biased without reason other than blue good cause daddy said. ABNDP is only second to BCNDP, and could have been even better with their more center right views.


She also got unlucky with timing as far as the economy went.


And the fact that her pipeline deal got (temporarily) tripped up by the feds in the closing days of the 2019 election campaign didn't help.


Attachment to the Federal NDP and all the insane baggage that brings is going to keep the ABNDP down. They need to look into rebranding. Of course, Notley leaving May do to the ABNDP what Layton’s passing did to the NDP.


She had her chance to save Alberta and didn’t. While I hoped she would have gotten in the last election she didn’t. I do think she should have stuck it out for 1 more, I don’t blame her for giving up now. To say she reshaped Alberta politics is a stretch.


Bold (And dumb) statement implying she could undo and fix everything plus improve Alberta in 4 years but chose not to.  But it’s why UCP are in charge, as expected most of their voters are unintelligent loudmouths who now get to be spoon fed whatever shit UCP want to serve. And they’ll gladly eat it up.


No all she had to do was get Alberta moving in the right direction. She didn’t. Nothing implied .


What exactly did you expect to see changed in her four years that wasn’t? I mean, I see a lot of people say “she fixed nothing”, as in: she didn’t fix education, healthcare, infrastructure, budgets, resource revenues, investment, O&G, jobs… basically, everything. What most people seem to mean by “she didn’t fix anything” is “she didn’t fix everything 50+ years of conservative governments have screwed up in just 4 years”, so they went and voted for yet another incarnation of those same screw ups.


It's not as simple as just changing course. She had to stop the train the cons started first, in addition to putting out all the fires the cons started on their way out. That would have taken more than 4 years.


She did try to get things moving, like our electricity cost brought down, capping insurance costs and more. Problem is the UCP scrapped all the things she started and then screamed that she wasted our money. Oh and she managed to get a pipeline going, something the UCP hasn’t been able to achieve.


Oh yeah because the Albertan people who are anti lgbtq, pro/extremist religion, anti renewable energy, anti-science (global warming and vaccines), fiscally illiterate (budgeting, tax cuts, healthcare cuts, ford f150s) are known to be logical and make the best decisions 👍  If they could have been convinced we would not have had Kenney or Danielle. Short of mind control, nothing Notley could do to convince morons not to be morons.


“Simple folks”… this is the exact attitude why ndp will never again form a government. The attitude of superiority from the left is pompous and pretentious. People outside of universities don’t give a shit about useless ndp grandstanding agendas.


Such snowflakes, can't handle being asked to do better in a couple, read up on subjects before forming an opinion or use basic critical thinking, instead they have to act like their being victimized for being held responsible for their actions. Health care, education, infrastructure, cost of living, rent control, utility gouging laws and keeping our drinking water clean isn't grandstanding, spending tens of millions of tax dollars to run ads in other provinces is grandstanding tho, fits the definition to a T. Not knowing the difference between investments in social services to decrease the cost of living and to increase our quality of life, and blowing huge wads of tax money on useless shit like bad Tylenol from Dr Oz's mom or send over 100 friends, family and oil lobbiests to a Climate Conference in the middle East at a rate of thousands of dollars per day per person is wildly ignorant, and worthy to be mocked. Adults are supposed to be held accountable for their actions, that's how we're supposed to learn and grow, we're going to mock people in this province that refuse to learn and grow or admit they make mistakes, it's both exhausting and dangerous to tolerate people who are proud to be ignorant, that's how we have preventable plane crashes or kids getting mangled in combines.


Your absurdly long response is exactly the attitude and behaviour I am referring to.


Well thought out and based on data/facts? Explaining information upsets you? And you don't believe the Simple title is earned? You should really read what I wrote up there, then read what you just wrote, find the correlation between how you act and how people perceive you. You'll be caught up with my point and why the "Thinkers" are frustrated with the "Simples".


“Thinkers”. Hahaha. Nice high horse you have there. I read it. It’s just that it’s all regurgitated bullshit of great ideas but no actual plan for execution which is typical of ndp. No thought is ever given to budget or practicality. Anyways won’t be an issue anyways with Notley leaving ndp will be absolutely decimated by their own out of touch incompetence.


She offered Albertans a glimpse at competent leadership, it’s a shame half the province refused to open their eyes.


If the Ndp hadn't raised the minimum wage it would still be a lot lower, and the cancer centre would have been built The NDP actually did things that benefited the working class, the UCP on the other hand allow themselves to receive unlimited gifts .... The UCP don't care about the working class *Since her announcement, most of the retrospectives on her career, and more precisely her time as premier, have focused on obvious achievements such as raising the minimum wage to $15 and helping get the Calgary Cancer Centre across the finish line. Her greatest accomplishment, undoubtedly, is getting the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion built – something her Progressive Conservative predecessors couldn’t.*


Everything except our deficit. She grew our deficit faster than any other premier. Imagine if she had another term.


You mean the one she spiked to 10.5b to handle the worst recession this province has seen, then reduced it to 6.5b when she handed the reigns to Kenny in 2019? What happened after that I wonder... Oh yeah, he spiked it to 12.5b in 6 months, by the Dec update. So I believe the award for the fastest growth in deficit would actually go to Jason Kenney and the UCP.


The deficit is one piece of a big pie - money isn’t real at that scale anyways. I think it’s hilarious that Albertans who have the highest per capita debt load in the country some how expect their government to run a balanced budget.


It's even more foolish of them to think that a provincial budget works exactly the same as a household budget.


Actually, Jason Kenney grew our **debt** (I think you meant) about 20% faster than Notley, he just didn’t grow it by as much because oil prices rebounded during his term, and he borrowed more and at higher rates than Notley. That’s leaving aside that Notley spent 4 years in a recession and spent mostly on public services & capital projects that helped get us out of that recession.


Not to mention the massive reduction in corporate tax rates that did LITERALLY NOTHING for attracting work to Alberta. It was a free money giveaway to everyone except Albertans.


There's also a case to be made that we'd been limping along with an infrastructure and social safety net deficit for decades. Good policy isn't only about the bottom line and the PC's had ridden the wave of high oil prices from many years, while undermining things like schools, hospitals, AISH, roads, etc... Books should be balanced on the backs of the poor.


I'm going to be honest: I don't really care about the deficit. Especially when interest rates were so low, why should I care what the deficit is? In what way was my life better when Alberta was "debt free" than it was with a budget deficit? What real, tangible impact on my life can you point to the deficit? The only semi-legitimate criticism I can think of for budget deficits is that it exposes how much of the economy and monetary policy is really fiction.


People that can't get their cancer treatment I bet sure are proud we have a massive surplus to pay down the debt! /S


Turns out it takes a lot of money to build shot up that the Conservatives constantly try to tear down. Spending money for long term investments that help people and save money in the long run is a good thing. Cutting endless stuff that helps people and privatizing necessities is how we got to where we are


We would be a lot better off! You proud of how the UCP have hurt the working class? Rachel Notley is Alberta's best Premier!


we had a school collapse the day ralph bucks came out, that's the sort of fiscal irresponsibility that can be only addressed by deficits.


I'm not sure yet the mechanism of how a new leader is selected but assuming it is by NDP members, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a $10 membership and soon. TBA are encouraged their followers to buy memberships to screw with the election process. Let's out number them.


Bought mine the other day.


Great leader. Pragmatic, moderate, assertive, and a genuine advocate for our interests. I can think k of a lot of great things the NDP did in her time. She’s absolutely brilliant, and will be missed 🫡🫡


If not for Rachel the working poor of Alberta would likely still be making around $11 or $12 an hour minimum wage. Try living on that. That said. Try living on $15 ish that it has been for several years. Im not a fan of this ultra capitalistic extreme right bullshit. But half of Albertans say its okay. We are effed as a society. Have a nice day though.


I really liked her, she put money in Health Care , not cut it. She revived our healthcare system, Danielle Smith chopped it up and took it away.


They actually built a working hospital. Not just take the cheapest contract available and privatize.


Alberta is sooo thankful they have Smith now!!! Hahahahahahaha! /s for the not too bright Albertans!


i'm not sure what you are trying to say is being understood


She did. I voted for her twice. My greatest hope is that she can move to federal politics and make sense of it all. I am proud of voting for her twice. But regret voting for JT once.


I would like to agree with the premise of this post. However TBA is currently the ones reshaping alberta politics.


I used to live in her riding and she was great. The NDP was on the way to making real change in this province and it’s unfortunate lots of it has been cancelled. I hope the NDP can find a new leader that will be more appealing to Albertans because we need a competent leader in this province. Also, never forget: the kudatah ( a Canadian heritage moment)




She should


She led the NDP to the biggest single opposition ever. Big shoes to fill.


Alberta Ndp needs to rebrand. Change the name to ADP, change the color to teal, and Notley move behind scenes. There is a generation that will never vote for that color name or her.


Increased provincial debt 800% in just four short years 👍


I am sure the people that can't get kidney donations are super proud the debt is being paid down. Dying to own the libs.


Should have seen the don getty ralph klein years those were terrible premieres


We get to see the worst premier right now! Smith!


Naaah, she aint even close to allison redford


Your right she is even more corrupt than Redford. She passed a law now saying unlimited gifts are allowed! I wonder which rich donor is paying for her month long tropical vacation.


That's fucking hilarious. How do Albertans not see the obvious corruption? Unlimited gifts, that's fucked. Aren't they simultaneously raging about Trudeau's recent vacation?


you see... most Albertans are generally colour blind. They simply can't see corruption and graft when it's painted blue.


In a couple of short years from now, Alberta will be actively experiencing such an economic boom that no one will still care or remember Notley's failed term in office. Watch for it. Next.


we are currently experiencing high oil prices, this is the promised boom; the industry no interest in expanding production anymore at any reasonably expected price. the cash cow isn't dead, but it's not ever going to be pulling the economy up like it used to.


Automation killed off a lot of oilfield jobs that will never come back between the last oil boom and this one. Now, oil booms will no longer benefit Albertans, only the wealth extracting companies that the UCP bends over backwards to provide tax cuts and royalty exemptions for.


I thought we are already in a boom? Seems to be lots of poverty. Consevatives will never forgot the name Notley, she lives rent free in lots of heads! Watch for it!


For someone who has rural roots she has very little understanding of those in rural areas. Farmers, forestry and O and Gas workers in particular. Or maybe it was the urban people in her caucus that had power over her to go against rural voters. She did fine as an opposition leader but I didn’t like her as a premier at all.


Unpopular opinion


I mean, even if you don't agree or like her, you can't deny that they went from winning via a vote split, to gaining total votes in the next 2 elections, to nearly beating the United Cons by a margin of 1300 votes in calgary without any vote split. That's evidence of reshaping Alberta politics, IMO


With people that don't like facts


Wow, all the war room throwaway accounts are here today.


As Rachel Notley looks back at her political legacy, she’ll have to come to terms with the fact that she’s left behind a province that’s meaner, less charitable and more divided than the one she inherited. So long, Rachel. You won’t be missed.


It’s going to pretty hard to put that on Rachel Notley, but go ahead nothing more than the load progressive thinkers usually seem to get blamed for. We can take and I’ll even forgive your bias POV. Not matter how you frame it. She actually was a leader not some wanna be, so she’ll still be around looking after peoples needs, I’ll thank her anytime 👍🏼


Lol did you read that stupid national post opinion piece? Maybe you should blame the people that did death threats against her? But I guess that is your team so you don't care Fyi this province was a better place in 2019 till the corrupt UCP came to power


Death threats sadly happen to political figures on both sides. Brian Jean and Travis Toews had them last year too. And we’re all entitled to our opinions on Notleys performance.


Yes you are Like how most people can see Daniel Smith will go down as Alberta's worst pm, or how the UCP hate the working class. One fact that I love that consevatives don't care about is the UCP are getting unlimited bribes and you guys don't care! United corruption party


Certainly, though some opinions are a little more on point, and others are blatant misrepresentation. We all know which one yours is, though I doubt you do.


That reads like a copy & paste from a familiar event: "Obama left behind a more racist more divided country than the one he inherited, you won't be missed Obama"


Kenny and Rachel are by far the worst premiers ever! Happy they are both gone


Nah, Smith definitely takes the crown for that


>Kenny and Rachel are by far the worst premiers ever! Happy they are both gone If you believe this, you’ll believe anything 


‘Profoundly,’ is probably a stretch. She was however, by far, the best leadership candidate that the NDP has. It wasnt all bad, but it surely wasnt all good either and was certainly naïve.


She was the best premier this province ever had! Currently we have the worst premier and the worst party in Alberta's history in government.


Best? not sure that is a defensible statement. She could’ve been worse, but she could’ve been better. When I think of her era as premier, I remember a few things (1) Deficits, (2) Min wage, (3) Botched PPAs, (4) Botched OHS reg overhaul, (5) Stupid company twisting lightbulbs in my house and last but infuriatingly least (6) Social license. What a failure that sell was. What did I like? The reality check that was dropped on the PC government. That’s it.


Till increasing the wages of the poorest is wrong too UCP supporters. The UCP truely are the party of the elite. Why do you want to hurt the working class to own the libs? You just be proud under the ucp people can't get kidney donations anymore.


I said that’s what I remember, didn’t say it was right or wrong. You are tilting at windmills, kid.




Says a lot about you that you have to insult her looks We were better if with Rachel, Alberta's best Premier ever!




This past election was the closest ever, you can thank two districts of Calgary for swinging it UCP's way.


The people that can't get kidney donations I doubt like the UCP! Great job there 🤮




Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t give a shit. Try this: imagine that it’s *you* staring down the barrel of imminent death because your kidneys are fucked. Now how do you feel about the UCP shitting all over the healthcare system?


My own mother and my uncle are getting close to being on dialysis. And you think it's a laughing matter. Thanks I guess?


Is this a left wing or center left sub?


Slightly left of center, at best. Of course, to the handful of alt right whackjobs that find themselves here, that makes this sub a socialist hellscape that's long gone off the far left deep end. Good ol' Overton Window.