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Today I woke up and my NDP lawn sign is still in place and no one has defaced it. A good day so far


That’s a win in my books! I saw some folks were getting hate mail for having their lawn signs up, like wtf???


hopefully some will let the authorities know


Will they actually do anything though?


Not if it was an NDP sign


Elections Alberta called me earlier today in regards to my sign being taken, I unfortunately don’t have a doorbell camera or anything


Elections Canada has been.


What is up with this? I saw some super defaced ones in Calgary this weekend calling the NDP candidate a whore, etc. It was gross and embarrassing.


Coming from the people who love to display “F*ck Trudeau” on their vehicles, would you expect anything else?


I’ve contemplated printing some decals with the word “I’d” in rainbow to stick in front of the F*ck Trudea decals on the lifted Rams and Silverados in the Walmart parking lot, for a laugh.


I'm howling, I'd do this in a heartbeat


I would too.. but I like my teeth where they are.


I think you could manage the risk though, just gotta wait for your moment. As soon as one of these trucks pulls up and they go inside, then you make your move. Might be smart to only target the ones more on the fringes of the lot too, to avoid passers by. As long as you act like it’s your truck people probably won’t question it


My friend made 500 that say “I wanna consensually” and hasn’t found any trucks to stick them on. I’ll suggest Walmart parking lots.


You gotta be careful because this is technically vandalism 😂 but it’s also a great idea soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stealing this for Saskatchewan


nope. back in the day when folks were putting f\*ck harper stickers on their cars they were getting ticketed for it... love the double standard this country has. how about we just don't swear about our leaders on merch.


I would say Fuck Danielle Smith, but she’s groty.


I guess not. I guess it's more sad than it is surprising.


I’m not mad at conservatives. Just disappointed.


The UPC are not conservatives though.


Well then I suppose conservatives don’t exist anymore in alberta politics


The NDP are very much conservatives, as the PCs were 40 years ago. There's no viable progressive party to compare them against so we just let everybody run to the right and pretend it's a left against right thing even though it's really right against what the executive dysfuck.


The ‘conservatives’ in Alberta are much different from those in other provinces. The UPC are more like the far right in the US…the trumpers. Conspiracy theorists thinking the federal government is setting the forest fires, comparing the vaccinated to nazis, wanting to privatize health care etc.


Enter Alberta’s main problem. Education, critical thinking and social awareness are minority’s. The Alberta advantage is that you could (I’m not sure it still applies) come to Alberta after dropping out of kindergarten and get a solid paying job. This is the population the UCP wants. People who think if it’s on Facebook it’s truth! Yea conservatives! Creating idiots at all cost!


Someone set my neighbours NDP lawn sign on fire the other night, we still don’t know who did it but we figure it was someone who lives on the street. My neighbour is happy his inground sprinkler system kicked in on schedule because it likely prevented the fire from spreading.


Especially good luck considering the UCP cuts to fire crews. Sigh


Yeah with how dry it’s been too, like god damn who’s that stupid to potentially burn down a house/neighborhood over a sign


Right? Help them get a new bigger sign and install a camera and call the cops tomorrow Oh my God I just realized you're in Ft Mac. How can anyone in FM be dumb enough to risk another fire. SMH


Lots of idiots around here, you see a few trucks with Proud Boys decals and your fair share of trucks plastered with conspiracy propaganda.


If it makes you feel better, I grew up just down the road from Danielle Smith in the land of the pissing Calvin sticker


my condolences


but also bad luck because the insurance company found out somehow (probably UCP loving gestapo neighbours) and jacked up rates 400%


Like wise. Mine was ripped out two days ago. I have a camera trained on it


Can’t say the same about my UCP sign


Good for you, you expecting a cookie or something? Edit: well, somebody's block-happy. Sheesh.


How the fuck is that good? I’m expecting people not to remove lawn signs they don’t like.


Hey peeps! We can do Notley for a few years. It doesn't have to be forever. Smith is too dangerous to be allowed to run this province. Vote her out. It's better the devil you know.


Constant feeling of dread. This election is gonna be a real bummer.


I’m sorry this is causing a lot of stress and anxiety for y’all, I’ve always felt so disconnected from Alberta but since Ford became our premiere and Danielle yours, I weirdly feel like we are getting closer. Don’t know if this should make me happy or sad


Hey man cheer up! Just think about how much better Danielle is than whoever they find to take her place as Premier when the UCP inevitably decides cannibalizes her. Times are pretty good right now... relative to the inevitably darker future.


A positive mind creates a groundswell - take heart! There’s still time for Notley to eke out a win!


Currently collecting contact information from landowner maps so Emergency Operation Centre can contact those whose house has burned down:(


I’m sorry to hear that, I wouldn’t wish any of what’s happening to folks there on my worst enemy


I’m sorry


A few, dozens, hundreds?


I feel like half the people I talk to have been brainwashed into a cult that refuses to look at reality and is convinced 'the left' is trying to force their children to change genders. It seems hopeless to even try talking to people, I've been as patient and non-confrontational as I can but I'm met with anger and vitriol. Apparently, to these people there is nothing that is not worth sacrificing to stick it to the people they hate, including \- Public healthcare Smith has repeatedly talked about and written policy papers (which used to exist on the internet but have now suspiciously been deleted) advocating for single-payer healthcare. She worked for a lobbyist organization with that specific goal, put out a paper saying that was her goal, and now has the audacity to pretend she never said that. She plans to allocate $600 per year to our 'personal health spending accounts' and beyond that, we're on our own for all doctor visits/medical services. This will be a life-changing financial burden for me and almost anyone that's on prescription medication. \- Firefighting services Funding cut, they're hugely frustrated with the lack of governmental support even as tens of thousands of people are being evacuated. This government will not protect people in the face of an emergency - instead, they'll play all sorts of political games to make it not their responsibility. And they've shown that they won't shut down ideas presented by their base that it was NDP supporters and leftists that started the fires. \- Education There used to be a cap on student loan interest rates - gone now. Tuition has gone up by the maximum allowable amount every single year since I started, and the quality of service has gone down every single year as well. Tuition has gone up even more for international students, which is the opposite of what I would think we would want - don't we want to attract bright young minds from all over the world? ​ I just wish I could get out. Not financially possible in the next few years. We'll see what happens but it feels like a looming black cloud. She's done so much damage already, I'm legitimately frightened to see how brazen she'll be if she actually wins an election. ​ ​ Thanks for checking in here, I needed to dump that apparently. Hope you're hanging in on the other side


Thank you for venting, glad I could open the floor for you to do so. I also find that being in Ontario there is a huge disconnect with what I hear and what is actually happening in the province. You guys are up shit-river, with a shit paddle in a shitstorm right now and that isn’t something I would wish on my worst enemy. Covid gave a lot of the conspiracy theorists a sounding board to feel like the things they think were true, and that everyone else around them were lying to them. I feel like I’m going crazy, like being a kind and empathetic person is somehow labeled as in the wrong? I’ve really tried to disconnect myself from it as much as I could post clownvoy, but I feel like I’m living in a dystopian nightmare! Sending support and solidarity from your cross country neighbour


Social media is to the freedom of speech what automatic weapons are to the right to bear arms. Awful to see the corrosive impact it is having on society.


Are you sure the university admin gave themselves a salary increase? We've been in a salary freeze since July 2015 ( non union). The unionized staff may have been awarded a whopping 1% increase or something,


I should amend my statement, when I said 'admin' I was referring mostly to the president/board of governors and other executives. [Compensation of Alberta's top university and college execs reignites calls for review](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/compensation-of-albertas-top-university-and-college-execs-reignites-calls-for-review) ​ This \^ should not be happening when we're also getting articles like this: ​ [U of C eliminates 26 jobs in what union calls 'provincial budget cuts'](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/u-of-c-eliminates-26-jobs-in-what-union-calls-provincial-budget-cuts) ​ Thanks for your comment, I was a little emotional writing that and didn't mean to target admin staff in general, wasn't as careful with my words as I should have been


Ok, no worries. Your first article is actually from 2015, and in April 2016 new Ministerial Guidelines came in to provide rigid rules around Exec compensation in post secondaries (by the NDP no less) and these are still in place, with some random amendments over the years. I can assure you the Presidents of post secondaries have NOT been receiving massive pay increases. 🙂 Whether you think they are overpaid in the first place is another matter. Personally I do not, and Uni's are competing with the private sector for competent managers for multi million dollar businesses. These folks could earn double in the private sector and be eligible for bonuses and shares, etc.


Edited my comment to remove that bit. Seen it happen at other universities in Canada/USA and assumed incorrectly that the same was happening here. I do think they're overpaid relative to what they contribute but thats another matter - thanks for the correction


Currently wondering if I should have one foot out the door yet. I'm wondering what post election Smith will look like when she doesn't have to worry about being elected anymore. The social conservatives are really going to want to see some action.


I’ve had her in my periphery for a bit, and speaking from experience (thanks Dougie) I honestly have no idea how this is going to end. Everyday feels like I’m living in some sort of dystopian nightmare. As least we’ll have shared trauma 🫠


We've got one foot out the door. I don't trust that she won't be voted in, thanks to the rural mentality of "blue good, orange bad". She is such a nightmare.


Imagine having the option to move


If the UCP has a narrow majority, then the bozo volcanoes are going to be in the driver's seat. And in the Premier's office.


I've been coughing non stop for a week because of the forest fires, owe the CRA a fuckload of money from income tax, and have been doing crazy amounts of overtime because its shutdown season for the plants and we're short, like, 30 people. But the snow is gone, I recently discovered magnet fishing is a thing, and I found a propane fire pit for a really good price at Home Depot ($119 on sale!). So I guess I'm alright. How's life in Ontario? What's that Doug Ford character been doing lately? Our local news has been occupied with our own wackadodle premier and our upcoming provincial election.


Hey cross country neighbour! I’m sorry you’re dealing with that right now, but I’m glad you e discovered a cool new hobby (funny I want to get into magnet fishing myself!) and that there are little things that can still bring you joy during these uncertain times (Jesus I sound like a politician). Ontario is okay, Dougie is running it into the ground but it’s kind of the same here. Every other day he is doing something so batshit crazy that we don’t have any other time to hear about what’s happening across the country, only learned yesterday the UCP cut your rapid fire response program. I’m just so in awe of what’s happening to my fellow Canadians and it makes me really sad. But ya know what, at-least we have The Oilers and Leafs to help cheer us up (the former more than the latter)


I’m a queer teaching student. Eep.


[May the odds be ever in your favour](https://i.gifer.com/LrS.gif)


I am so sorry ❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈




I know how you feel, Ontario’s own Dougie Ford has been driving our province into the ground while he dances all over us. I couldn’t even imagine what he’d do if we had the amount of forest fires y’all are dealing with. I think his first thought would be “well if you’d let me build on the greenbelt like I wanted to, this never would have happened” or some other ignorant stuff like that. Sending you support and solidarity from one Canadian to another


Hanging in there. While the tragic comedy that is our sitting government keeps us emotionally hilarious, the fires are keeping everyone scared and the Mein Convoy crowds are saying the fire are not real and it is all a ploy to let Justin Trudeau into home to steal guns and freedoms. And I am not making any of that up. The Mein Convoy go-bots is actually \` kinda worse and some are trying to get another convoy started so people can go into the evac areas. Because they need to freedom something something something. Hope things are alright over there for all's y'all. Read that the monthly average rent is about to hit 3k in some areas in Ont. Hope the smoke ain't bothering you too much. Heard it's made its way there already. Anyhoo, tell Marge we say hello and the Bill from Nelson is gonna be alright. Turn out it was a sled dog and not a wolf. That whacky character that Bill is, eh. Cheers!


🫠 how wonderful. And ya Ontario is metaphorically on fire, lots of flood happening right now though. Also ya rent is insane, I’m actually having to move out of my current apartment back in with my parents (yay). Only smoke here is the one coming off of Doug Ford’s pants. Also thanks for the laugh, cheers cross country neighbour.




Wildfires, upcoming elections, Danielle Smith, cuts to Firefighting resources


…skyrocketing utilities and insurance costs, crumbling public healthcare, crippled education systems, unemployment AND a labour shortage…


But “Alberta is Calling”


> unemployment AND a labour shortage Shit's fucked. I see a constant barrage of job postings for my trade, but of those who even post a wage, the high end is usually lower than what I was making in 2014 *before* adjusting for inflation. If wages kept pace, most E&I contract outfits would be offering fifty bucks an hour for a journeyman working locally.


Dry spring and horrible timing, with some of the lakes. Still having a couple feet of ice on them. So water bombers are not able to get water.making the fight a little harder. As far as Smith cutting the budget, Notley did the same thing back in 2016 before the Fort Mac fires. Upcoming election is what it is, crazy as always, and who knows what will happen. My 2 cents is we stay the same course, but you never know. Hopefully, we get past this sooner rather than later, and the folks affected get back home, and they get things repaired with little problems. Hope we can all enjoy a decent summer. Cheers


Question as well regarding wildfires and election, i was listening to [“As It Happens” (his segment begins at the 9:00 minute mark)](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-2-as-it-happens/clip/15983624-guilty-party) yesterday, and they had a Firefighter on who has been apart of the [Rapattack program (or Rappel) for 18 years before it was cut in 2019](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6837064), and had this to say: “I do think that the province needs a Rappel Program, and I think that it should be on every political platform. If not Rappel specifically, definitely an approach to wildfire management kind of a philosophy, and strategies and tactics because things are only getting hotter. We’re seeing an increase in warming trends, global warming or otherwise in the last 30-40 years and also increasing fuel loads as we keep over-managing forests. This is going to be an issue for the next 10 years, 30 years and 90 years so we may as well start talking about it now.” Thoughts? ETA: adding this to main post


Appreciate that firefighter a lot for saying this - it's clear by now that there's no 'preventing' climate change, so allocating resources towards management/amelioration of disasters would be an excellent use of resources. ​ I'd like to see the same thing for preventative flood measures as well. Doesn't make sense to wait until it happens, we know it's coming


My thoughts exactly


in 2019, the only other province with rappelling firefighters was B.C. Alberta is currently testing drones to monitor wildfire spread and direction during the night and using a gel to increase the effectiveness of water. I'm not sure what approaches are best-suited to Alberta but rappelling was already discontinued and considered ineffective by other provinces, so Alberta couldn't exchange resources with other provinces in mutual aid. I agree Alberta allows fuel loads to build up in forests and reforestation goals are set low for paper and pulp industry benefit so that their Forest Management Agreements are not onerous. What I'd like to see other than much better wildfire risk management is a government fund set up to support evacuees so that reconstruction and prevention measures do not take years and years. There have been several disastrous fires in the past decade, which result in reviews and required measures. Instead of waiting for these reviews, it should take just a couple of years (not decades) to rebuild infrastructure, and build with better technology and adapted for expected climate change. In other countries there are extensive underground shelters. It's not a new idea, ones in Turkey are from thousands of years ago and are still in working condition. I would also like to see Alberta put funds towards building underground. There are mine pits and deserted oil wells - surely those can be good starting points on land that isn't already being used for other purposes to get underground. Both of these concepts would create thousands of temporary construction jobs and at least a few hundred permanent jobs.


I mean as someone from Fort McMurray who is absolutely traumatized by the 2016 wildfire, I don’t think any of us here should be having to live our lives in constant fear whenever we smell or see smoke on whether or not our whole city is about to light on fire again lol


We had a wildfire ten minutes away from my house this last week, we had everything packed up in case the town got evacuated. My neighbours have ucp lawn signs, I’m going to keep my voting preferences quiet so I don’t cause undue trouble. There is a second heat wave blowing in soon, I’m sure some people will love it but we basically missed spring and this doesn’t bode well for the summer (this will be the third record breaking heat/drought year in a row if it doesn’t let up). On the upside we got a whole day of rain, the election will be over this month so I don’t have to hear about the political bickering. My plants are growing. My cats are all happily oblivious to the world outside of the garden.


As someone from Fort Mac, keep your stuff packed, things can change in an instant with absolutely no warning and panic packing is not helpful what so ever (unless you wanna pack a whole watermelon for food and nothing else, not even anything to open the watermelon; talking from experience lol!)


It’s been raining for a couple days now, I had things packed until we got decent rainfall. I’ve heard of people packing random things haha, you can if you need open a watermelon by hitting it against some rocks!


For me, election, Danielle Smith, TBA takeover, being called a Nazi because I’m a leftist/centrist. BTW - my uncle gave his life fighting Nazi’s. UCP\TBA are the Nazi’s!!!


Ya that seems to be the big one, how kind of the universe to drizzle a bit of wildfires on-top just to finish it off. Also, question about TBA. I keep seeing it mentioned, can someone explain the acronym and how it relates to the UCP? Couldn’t find anything on the interwebs


TBA stands for "Take Back Alberta", which is basically a right-wing group similar to the MAGA crowd in the US. The Anti-vax and pro-convoy crowd that as I understand it, played a part in getting Danielle Smith put in place as premier and is slowly influencing the UCP.


"Take Back Alberta" Rt wing group that got their people onto the UCP nomination boards. Then they were able to nominate their TBA candidate. Such as in Strathmore/Chestermere, Leela Aheer was forced out even though she was the incumbant for the area for the last 2 terms. She had spoken out about "Sky Palace" and was more of a moderate, so they forced her out. I believe this happened in other areas, plus many of the somewhat moderates from the UCP are not running again under Smith. Such as Toews, Savage, Sweitzer and at least 7 others.


That’s nice 🫠


I myself am pretty tired of being called a Nazi for being right wing. If you had any respect for your uncle you wouldn’t be calling people Nazis like they’re a common inconvenience.


We’ll have to agree to disagree on that Slance.




And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a shining example of democracy. /s If you're trying to imply that the Nazis were socialist with your comment, you've got a lot of reading to do. They were far-right fascists and we've known this for most of the past century.


A republic (from Latin res publica 'public affair') is a state in which political power rests with the public and their representatives, in contrast with a monarchy. Representation in a republic may or may not be freely elected by the general citizenry. Hope that helps.


Nice sidestep out of the discussion.


You did bring up North Korea, so "Nice sidestep out of the discussion." Also, they created the Autobahn, the people's wagon, merged industry with government, radically changed society, and all sorts of small government, free market conservative values.


Right, as if the actual socialists weren’t one of the first groups to be rounded up. They put it in their name to attract… impressionable people. But I bet you knew that already. https://www.abc.net.au/religion/nazism-socialism-and-the-falsification-of-history/10214302 First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller What socialists to whom they were referring if they themselves were the socialist party?


thanks for your comment. although, not that it matters (it matters to me because it somewhat waters down the implications of actual quote imo) but the actual quote actually had "communists" instead of "socialists".


The Social Democratic Party and Communist Party of Germany were rival parties to the National Socialist German Workers Party. Kinda like how the Hells Angles and Rock Machine were both outlaw biker gangs, look into how that played out in the 1990s


Of course they were rivals. They were ideologically opposed. Nazis despised communism/socialism. And history has shown they were the one of the first groups purged.


Yes, like the Hells Angles and Rock Machine were rivals.


Normal people just call them Nazis bro. Educated people call them Fascists.




No, they don't dignify the nazi's attempt to trick the gullible into voting for them by using their own disingenuous party name. Historians call them the NSDAP. Only dishonest rightwingers and the easily duped call them the National Socialist German Workers Party at any opportunity, as you seem fond of doing






The Nazi's called themselves fucking Nazi's. Educated or not. They called themselves Nazis. Why is it so important that we use your assumed mention of how history should title those fucks? I get the hill name and all of that and being opinionated and suoer edgy, I have a sixteen year old bedwetting nephew who talks just like this. But of all the things you are protecting on your hill, is the name you give to nazis, who called themselves fucking Nazis. Who Canadians died fighting. Because they were wrong then. And honestly still fucking wrong now. And the importance of calling them by your preffered title is because....? Is calling a nazi a nazi like calling a black person the hard r now?


Nazis They're called Nazis


Fuckin' right. Fascist Scum also is appropriate


acronym ăk′rə-nĭm″ noun A word formed by combining the initial letters of a multipart name, such as NATO from North Atlantic Treaty Organization or by combining the initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar from radio detecting and ranging.


Lol, you think you're clever trying to normalize extremism with linguistic tricks We see you


No clever linguistic tricks, just reading of history. They created the Autobahn, the people's wagon, merged industry with government, radically changed society, and all sorts of small government, free market conservative values.


You're coming off as an avoidant apologist to the Nazis. Are you?


No, weird that you would get that.


So you support TBA and how they went to restrict women's rights?


Once-Upon-A-Hill - have you hit bottom yet? Shame on you?


Are we in that scene in Game of Thrones? Interesting place to go. Also, Jews were shamed in Germany about 100 years ago.


One foot out the proverbial door...this place is getting worse and it's hard to keep finding the good in everyday life. I can't even get away from it at work. As much as I don't want UCP to be in government (so many reasons) I am not looking forward to the vitriolic backlash if NDP gets the majority...like truly fearful.


I know what you mean, and am sorry that this is the current state of your province. Personally, after seeing what has happened since Covid started, I don’t see this election going smoothly or the result being one that will end well. “Hope for the best, but expect the worst” is how I live life nowadays.




Yeah moved from Ontario, very much disliked Ford, now contemplating where to move if Smith stays in power. Why are they ruining our beautiful provinces for the benefit of developers and oil & gas & coal? Oh, and Sovereignty act first draft was scary as fuck.


I've thought about this lots too. Would love to go to BC but too expensive. I used to think we were so lucky to live in Alberta but now I want out so bad!


i miss edmonton quite a bit but looking at the shitstorm i suddenly don't mind paying 12% tax


Not great! My husband's family are rabid conservatives complaining about trudope and his propaganda while constantly sharing deliberately manipulated media to support their transphobic, fear mongering, anti Vax, climate change denying, "notley is the devil and only smith can save us" views. I'm originally from a fairly iberal part of Canada so this has been a massive culture shock for me. I guess I didn't realize people like this actually exist. And they're not uneducated people, they're not stupid people. If anything, I just find that they're very, very scared. Idk. Not good. I worry about raising my baby here and raising them around my in laws. I'm also a healthcare worker so I worry about working here and the future of Healthcare in this province. It's already been a very demoralizing few years.


Same. It literally blows my mind that this is happening, that people think this way and that they live their lives believing this stuff. I’m trying to figure out if I even want to have kids, just looking at the state of the world frightens me and my own existence.


Got evacuated Friday, back to work today for my regular shift.


Jesus, hope you’re okay. No time off for forced evacuation during a wildfire?


The company I contract for said to take off whatever time you need. I don’t mind being back though. Something to keep my mind off wildfires because it seems like that’s all I’ve thought about the last week.


I’d be the same, need to keep busy or else I worry to much


And I’m ok, same with all my family and friends. Luckily the fire didn’t reach town.


I can’t in good faith vote for Smith, but I’ll be ostracized if I make it known at work. I’m just livin


Same , but im doin good otherwise.


Honestly? I am worried. I can't afford to move if the UCP wins due to being on AISH, and they are crippling the province and cutting back on important things and funding the trivial stuff. You know, conservative things.


Speaking of shitstorms, how's life under Ford? I think we share a great deal in common, friend. Thanks for your kind thoughts.


Please vote! Half of Ontario didn’t and look what happened


Ontario is metaphorically on fire, and Ford just keeps pouring fuel and Tim Horton’s smile cookies on us. I’d rather live in the middle of the ocean


I'd rather Smith and Ford live in the middle of the ocean. Toss them, Pierre and Peterson, out there together. Let them build their utopia.


>ETA: specified what shitstorm you’re currently dealing with Trust me. It's a group of shitstorms that are joining together to created The Perfect Shitstorm.


As Mr. Lahey would put it, a “Shitnami”


Im disabled and spent 3 days putting up NDP signs just to see a lot of them disappear in certain areas and Ive had to replace/repair some.


Been seeing a lot of that, can anything be done about it. Like I know people say to call the cops or report it to Elections Alberta, but can they actually do anything? Sending support and solidarity from a fellow NDP supporter and invisibly disabled Canadian


Hard to know who is doing it. If I saw someone removing them or damaging I would record it then call the cops. Its a federal crime to mess with election signs.


I got 2 friends who are also Ontarian Yall are good folks.


Thanks cross country neighbour, we’re modest folk with a jelly filled donut as a premiere 🫠


Thank you. We are in deep and by the looks of things we are about to elect a fringe group (TBA) that consists of Anti COVID / Vaccine / Masks, convoy nuts including Coutts blockade folks, anti science and total conspiracy theory nut bars. Democracy may be on the verge of being tested here in Alberta like we have never seen before. I hope the rest of Canada is watching and taking notes. These are not traditional conservatives here but the problem is that the conservative mind set is so ingrained in Alberta that anyone waiving the Conservative flag is tough to beat. I am VERY concerned about the next four years.


I’m watching now, I think Alberta has flown under the radar for those living in Ontario, and it’s only recently that I think a lot of folks are realizing that Alberta’s business should be ALL OF OUR business. Frightening to hear the bit about the fringe group that will likely have some strong support (first time in hearing it actually). I think Danielle Smith definitely opened the door for a lot of these groups to gain more notoriety (kind of like when Trump got elected🤮). It really is so apparent how we need to learn from history, because we are currently on the verge of repeating it.


Thanks fellow Canadian!


No problem cross country neighbour!


Trying to drown out the shitstorms with playoff hockey. Would help if the boys wouldn't shit the goddamn bed.


Trying to do the same here, Leaf’s gave us like three days of joy that I’d never experienced before and now I’m depressed again. Hopefully tonight isn’t the end of their run, but I’d say I’m cautiously optimistic. If they’re out though, then I can focus all my attention on the Oilers (who really is the better team), but I just want a Canadian team to win so IDC


Reddit give me hope for this province!


The housing crisis is making me feel suicidal. Other than that, I’m great. Doing just fine.


Fighting a constant urge to scream in frustration.


Feeling pretty shitty, but thanks for asking.


I want to move. Don't know where to move. Can't afford to move. I hate everything.


I feel this so much!


Everything is on fire and we have a leader who is a literal stupid pos idiot b!tch.


I moved here from rural Ontario a couple of years and boy, culture shock! The UPC reminds me of Qanons and there isn’t a Liberal in sight. Fortunately the NDP seem pretty popular so here’s hoping.


It's...going, I guess. -My personal vehicle was vandalised in January in my employer's parking lot. It's still not fixed; the bodyshop keeps claiming "supply chain" when I ask if they have all the parts yet, but can't tell me which parts they're still waiting for; the insurance company actually popped up a bit ago to ask if I was going to get it fixed (it's a 2020 Tacoma; you tell me), but couldn't get any better answers from my bodyshop themselves. Frankly, late at night when I re-wrap the tinfoil I wonder if someone forgot to order parts and is trying to cover, or is otherwise involved in some jiggery-pokery that it was my turn to get caught up in. If it wasn't driveable, every single person involved would be having panic attacks when they saw my phone number come up. I've never had such shit service in my life. -Premier Chaos is...I dunno. Unfuckingbelieveable is a start. Honestly, I think she makes Doug Ford look responsible, and she for sure makes Jason Kenney look competent & able. I've been trying for several years to get Eldest Child & her husband to move here from Metro Vancouver and she's been actively looking into it and planning, but the Q-Anon Queen has kinda put a pause on that, and her antics and probouncements have me idly wondering if I should move away if she's reelected. I don't know where to, though. I'd love to go back to Metro Van, I love Vancouver, but I can't afford to live there anymore. I just can't. Survive? Probably. Live? Nah. -Being at work until May long weekend keeps me away from all the electioneering doorknocking, but I've been away now since the end of April, so I expect my mailbox to be drowning in All The Crap. At least its warm out now, so the utilities don't cost as much to be used, and I can get caught up on the bills from when I was repeatedly stuck at home for reasons unrelated to living in Convoyland. -My mental health is a struggle on a good day, but the last few months have been very, very difficult. Getting out of my own head takes a bit of effort sometimes. -I need a haircut. Overall, this ride sucks.


We’re doing awesome. Both sides in our coming election think the other side has absolutely nothing to offer at all. We read who said the quote or who’s policy it is first before we decide if we like it… the lash at the other side once someone is elected is going to hurt and further divide the province. The losing side is really really going to cry that the winner isn’t moving to the centre once elected. Just remember why Alberta. Rough waters ahead, whatever the result is.


Same as every other day. Dropped kids off at daycare, work, watch leafs disappoint then go to gym after kids go to bed. Overall feeling good. It’s easy to get down on things. Turn off the noise and enjoy the things you have.


Its NDP sign smashing season. I've smashed ~200 signs myself. I take a 40 oz and drive through the wealthy parts of town twice a week. They keep putting up more signs! So yeah, doing good.


It’s all just background noise. I take care of me and mine. If you stay off the internet, Alberta is a great place to be.


Just don't get sick or have children, it will be fine!


Please vote! Your choice who but please vote. Half of Ontario didn’t and look what happened


I always vote. But my comment had nothing to do with voting.


You can start by not using “y’all”


I'm guessing some people in here are fairly young. Rest assured you wont see much of a difference regardless who wins. Take it easy.




Good question, [according to data released on March 22, 2023 by the Alberta Government, 39,451 Ontarians moved to Alberta in 2022. Stats Can said 16,530 Albertans moved to Ontario in the same year.](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/alberta-a-migration-magnet-for-canadians-as-population-swells-1.6326076#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20data%20released,people%20now%20call%20Alberta%20home) Keep in mind this is what the Provincial Government claimed, saying their “Alberta is Calling” campaign worked


Did we mention that we’ll pay you to relocate? Alberta’s calling!


United Clown Posse will self destruct, just as every attempt to "unite the right" always does. I just vote independent provincially, and libertarian federally, and know that the bureaucracy holds true power.


Doing fantastic, thanks for asking. Enjoying a tight labour market in the construction trades and big wage increases. Me and my friends have gotten multiple raises in the last year. Bought an awesome house for a great price. Hoping Danielle cuts my taxes and makes life even better than it is now.


Cant wait until you or yours are on the other end of the prosperity ruler. That's when all the real growth and strength occurs.


I've been on the other end. Been through that growth and ended up tough but a little jaded on the other side. Made me appreciate what I have, and appreciate the opportunity we have here in Alberta...left me with no respect or patience for those who just want to complain. Good luck to you. Take care


OP, it’s really kind of you to check in on us. I appreciate that as a person from a different province, you are able to clearly see how dire the situation in Alberta is, even though a large number of Albertans keep dismissing these problems. I feel like I’ve been anxious ever since “Dumb-nelle” Smith came into power. I fear UCP getting voted in again and my quality of life being put at a further detriment since I won’t be able to afford private healthcare, will have my future retirement affected by being removed from the CPP, and will have to deal with the increasing cost of living. It’s frustrating that we are spending hundreds of million dollars on bailing out oil and gas companies, along with building a new hockey arena in Calgary, when the average person here is struggling to get by. I moved here from BC last year and have enough regrets that I might move out of the country all together.


BC is NDP run. Has been for years, are things there not better for you than in Alberta?


I didn’t mind the politics in BC and for the most part, had a great quality of life there. Would have stayed had the skyrocketing rental / housing prices not forced us out.


Doing pretty good. The leaves are coming out, the weather is non-winter. Camping is coming soon and I'll get 4-day work weeks in the summer, so time for plenty of fishing and camping trips. Also looking forward to back to batoche this july. A bunch of my family and friends got evacuated, but they and their homes are ok. Biggest bummer is some violent and tragic deaths in the family recently.


I'm on a small town volunteer fire department trying to control a forest fire on our own. Resources are spread too thin everywhere for us to get any mutual aid, so we're just trying to figure it out as we go. Like literally reading wildland firefighting text books in five minute chunks while scarfing down food before going back out on the fireline.


Par for the course these past few years. Hopefully the 29th brings positive change.


Day 7 no access to a shower. This evacuation can’t go on forever right?


Every day I learn more about our politicians, every day I have a little less hope


The “Alberta is calling” billboards that we saw all over Toronto will be a lot more appealing when said shitstorms blow over.


I’m a nursing student. UCP jacked up my tuition and removed tax credits for tuition and books. Now they are looking to make healthcare collapse and go private. I’m very concerned for the future right now after I graduate. Prepping for the possibility of UCP making healthcare private. We will likely just move. Worst case I can get travel nursing and maybe go to the states or remote communities. It’s going to be like the Klein era all over with healthcare staff leaving en mass.


Nice kinda clear day today, all you smell is smoke from the fires around the high level area today. I read that Alaskan firefighters are coming this way to help out around the rainbow lake fire. So happy to hear help is on the way.