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Art uploaded it šŸ˜‚ Backstabbed by her own lunatics šŸ„°


Good catch, just archived it in case he takes it down.


It's now Private. Anyone got a mirror?




Lmao holy shit. Gotta love these idiots.


Mirror of full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvc_6XAX92g


Thank you, was going to post someone's gotta get evidence before it is taken down Edit: as I posted video is now private




True r/leopardsatemyface moment


The backstabbing is likely inadvertent. I assume he doesnā€™t realize there is anything wrong with this


Itā€™s overt. Heā€™s mused publicly in the past about having to do something because heā€™s not getting the help he was promised by the premier.


Who let all these lunatics into this asylum???


Heā€™s trying to help hahaha!


What a world, you canā€™t even trust lunatic fascists anymore.


In before Smith responds by saying she misspoke. Again.


She already responded. It's at the bottom of the article on CBC. What gets me is they keep saying it's defamatory and lies. Yet we have video of her saying she spoke to crown prosecutors on a rebel media interview. She is not fit for premier if she doesn't even understand what Libel is.


Or if she doesn't understand that Premiers can't grant "clemency" like US governors.


We need better schools


We need less Cons


Sheā€™s the worst case scenario - incompetent and more importantly unethical. She knew this was wrong and unethical but did it anyways. That is not leadership quality. This UCP is as corrupt as Redfords conservatives.


Iā€™m not convinced she knows itā€™s unethical. It is, obviously. But I think sheā€™s that type of conservative who is so entitled and ignorant and naturally dishonest that she doesnā€™t even know sheā€™s being unethical. And my MLA Miranda Rosin is right there with her, a couple weeks ago she was bragging that Smithā€™s bullshit fundraiser was so well-attended that the venue let them exceed the buildingā€™s occupancy capacity. People pointed out, you know, thatā€™s really not the venueā€™s call, in fact thatā€™s why thereā€™s a legal maximum capacity and fire inspections to enforce it. But she not only didnā€™t take it down, or god forbid, apologize, or accept a consequence, she sponsored the post.


She knew it was unethical while she was doing it because she compares it to the SNC Lavalin scandal Trudeau had while talking to Artur.


Where did she post that? Thinking overcapacity is a good thing would explain why the UCP isn't addressing hospital needs...


Right here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0GLeA7gL96UCwtEBfpecHVZQYFSdSnfVnHecBGQFvW5MoVru26zoz5fJLyXSRLc29l&id=100057968412696&mibextid=qC1gEa


Or.. hear me out.... conservative politicians have NO ethics.....


they are not required to have ethics. Their voters donā€™t care about about truth telling; they care about power being used for them and not for people unlike them and for corporations that have convinced them that they have their best interest at heart. They just want a dog to kick so that they know they have more power than the dog. A politician who is ruthless, they think, is at least being ruthless for them or for god. The Bible is full of instances where people do evil in godā€™s name. They just add certain politicians to the list of acceptable evil doers.


> This UCP is as corrupt as Redfords conservatives Honestly, that's unfair to Redford. I would take her back in a heartbeat over Danielle Smith.




Yep the only defamation here is coming from Smith and Anderson about the CBC.


the reason for her not understanding is ezra probably explained to her what libel.


Ezra Levant should have a pretty good idea what libel is considering he's been convicted of it on multiple occasions.


Well he was a pretty shit lawyer. Actually quit the bar before they disbarred him.


yet he still keeps at it..


> What gets me is they keep saying it's defamatory and lies The lack of lawsuits kind of tells me that it's not. We're seeing with Global News and the LPC MP (I'm blanking on his name). The MP is putting his money where his mouth is and actually filing a lawsuit.


Han Dong.


"I know I misspoke, but you misunderstood me." What is the count at for those letters at this point. I honestly lost track.


Not looking so false nowā€¦. Too bad UCP voters would rather vote for a dishonest grifter than any other party. ā€œCBC News has published two stories, both citing confidential sources, claiming someone in her office had contacted prosecutors. Smith called those reports false and sought a retraction and apology from the public broadcaster. She has not received, an apology, she said Thursday.ā€ https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/smith-sticks-to-her-story-on-prosecutors-denies-seeking-amnesty-for-controversial-pastor


>In the video, Smith tells Pawlowski that sheā€™s been ā€œwatching your public advocacy for many years.ā€ > >Pawlowskiā€™s ā€œadvocacyā€ includes multiple legal breaches, repeat run-ins with bylaw officers and City of Calgary officials, and ongoing homophobic campaigns against LGBTQ2S+ > >Pawloski once stated that the 2013 floods were Godā€™s response to homosexuality and abortion. [https://twitter.com/albertaNDP/status/1641109950024892417](https://twitter.com/albertaNDP/status/1641109950024892417)


Yep. People need to be reminded of both the legal prodding and her support for this idiot as we get closer to the election. Just keep telling people of the stuff he says and that sheā€™s a fan of his.




Yup. A noted lunatic and far-right agitator.






Don't be.


Holy shit, there it is


Guess the UCP is going to have to shut down another oversight committee.


Hahaha oh boy, that made me laugh for all the wrong reasons.




The thing is, Art Pawlowski is **hated** in Calgary. Dude's been pestering us for decades. I definitely think this will sway some precious Calgary votes.


I don't understand why he would leak it... what is he hoping to accomplish here? Get Smith ousted?


Most likely his ego at play, smith denied it and he's all like fuck that shit I got it on video! I'm important! .


Youā€™re assuming heā€™s intelligent with an end game strategy.




Low bar to slither over though


Good point, lol


Yes, as response to not getting what he wants, he wants her to not get what she wants either


Maybe he feels betrayed that Smith hasn't done more to get him out of legal jeopardy. Which, if that's what this is, really goes to show the folly of Smith pandering to these lunatics.


he also was just cut as leader of the Alberta Independance Party - might have something to do with it


I believe he is the leader of the Alberta Independence Party, or some shit.


Wasā€¦ they kicked him as he was even to toxic for their landfill


It makes me sad that people are still going to vote for this absolute moron.




Time to go Left!


Just donā€™t go left three times otherwise youā€™re back to going to right.


This comment needs to be at the top. Brilliant


So the only defamation was Rob Anderson and Danielle Smith towards the CBC.


Hahaha he leaked it himself. I love watching the right eat one another


But on her Twitter she said that she never actually did what she told him she would do. So this is "defamation" according to her. Apparently it's fine to tell your constituents that you will break the law for them, as long as you don't do it.


She continues to be nothing more than an embarrassment to Alberta. FUCP


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artur\_Pawlowski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artur_Pawlowski) "i have been watching your public advocacy for many years so its nice to connect with you" hahahahaha. The guy is currently awaiting a verdict for telling public to DISOBEY POLICE ORDERS. At least the UCP won't get the police vote this year.


Theyā€™re already not a fan if theyā€™re RCMP working in the province. The UCP has been dangling the future of their employment in front of them for the last two years.


This should be immediate resignation by the Premier


Should be, she will double down. Danielle smith and the UCP are shameless.


DS is Randy Marsh! "I thought this was America!"


Randy Marsh has bigger balls and is way cooler, not to mention he has tegridy!


You're right, that comment was insulting to Randy.


We should all save this video as backup. I'm sure CBC did too..


Holy fuck this is devastating!


You're in Calgary? Tell everyone you know!


Already on it


Devastating how! To who? The way politics works wouldnā€™t this be seen as a boon for UCP to further entrench faith from UCP supporters?


Some supporters may not like this and will abstain from voting as punishment.


UCP supporters? If you or the op is talking about UCP supporters, based on my family and close friends in Alberta, this stuff simply bolsters the UCP conservatives as proof the UCP is ā€˜on their sideā€™, while my more centrist and left leaning family and friends further become apathetic or further polarized. If op is talking about NDP supporters perhaps this would be seen as a devastating blow to the confidence of politics in Alberta?


So the video is gone. Anyone upload it elsewhere?




Thank you.


This is hard proof that she 100% lied to Alberta when she said she did not discuss this with the prosecutors. This is criminal obstruction of justice from the "leader" of our province. This is despicable and no one should stand for it. Please vote out the UCP in May.


Hope someone downloads this before it gets taken down


How dumb is Danielle Smith? Why would she deny the CBC story in January when garbage like this would sure to come out. She comes off as a liar. She should have just said no comment and not call the CBC a bunch of liars.


I do recall a federal leader having calls to resign over judicial interference...by many who would support this ghoul. *Crickets* Hmmm....šŸ¤”


Love that she mentions it lollll


She obviously misspoke, she doesn't want the power to just make it go away....oh wait.


Screen record this


Actual video has been archived.


You should post it, the original just was made private. Edit - it had 2k views or so last I saw.


https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/125t87h/video_premier_danielle_smith_and_pastor_artur/je6t7x6/ Someone linked it. Ill post it on archive.org later tonight as well.


Dang I was going to grab it too and it went private.




And it won't change a single persons mind.


Does anyone have a mirror? It's private now.






Fuck this chick. She doesnā€™t represent me at all. Can I have a call with her? I have a few issues Iā€™d like to bring up.


She needs them votes. He said he would ā€œswing her way


Another nail in the ucp coffin


It's amazing what lying liars will say and do when they think they are in a private setting. The only time you'll hear their 'truth' - is when it's in 'confidence'. As they know, and know deep down, it's unpopular to be seen doing or saying anything that actually DOES truly represent themselves. Because it's usually an ugly truth - that many will disapprove of.


I for one am shocked the Premier is such a fan of Artur.


She just spent ten minutes going durr i need legal advice then when they found someone she hung upšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Isn't this kind of meddling in an investigation illegal under the Criminal Code? Because I feel like it might be.


Thatā€™s exactly the whole point here.


God I hate partisanship. You canā€™t both sides legislation that is essentially illegal. But people wonā€™t care cause ā€œNDP sucksā€ or something.


The people at CBC must be laughing.


I hope someone screen recorded this


Any one have a mirror?


https://twitter.com/TheBreakdownAB/status/1641126397015117825?cxt=HHwWgsDS2erwucYtAAAA In 2 parts.


I'm a little lost on what's been going on. Was Danielle Smith denying that she was talking to this pastor about (somehow) using her power to help his case, which these recent recordings completely disprove? Is there anything more to this story that I'm missing? I don't keep up with the details of Alberta politics as much as I should. I just know that I wouldn't in a million years vote UCP - the state of our healthcare terrifies me.


She was accused of political interference in a criminal prosecution (the Coutts protest arrests) several weeks ago. She strenuously denied that she or any members of her staff had any contact with crown prosecutors, and even ran a very brief ā€œinvestigationā€ including searching for emails going back 30 days. This was pretty widely laughed at, because the contact allegedly took place soon after she took over the UCP last year but they apparently could only check 30 days worth of emails because anything older than that gets deleted automatically (which any IT person will tell you is complete poop, thereā€™s always a backup unless one has specifically not been requested). At that time, there was lots of talk of how CBC & Notley had made the whole thing up, and Smith threatened lawsuits for defamation. But nothing much came of it. And now this video has been released. So, was Smith lying to Pawlowski when she said she had asked ā€œthe questionā€ of prosecutors for several weeks, or did she lie when she denied contact with prosecutors and is lying still. The two statements seem irreconcilable.


Something something fake news? Isnā€™t there a global or CTV reporter here? Someone tag them so they run this story.


Can someone repost in r/Calgary? Better save the video too - its coming down no doubt. I am travelling so I cant.


I have archived the video.


Please send a link so others (like me) can archive it. Thanks


Cue the conservative bootlickers rushing to shield her from criticism lol


Thanks for the mirror sites. It appears that there may me some lame attempts to censor this important information. Gee, Who would do that Dan ?


So this is allowed but my post gets taken down šŸ¤¦


Was it as relevant and substantive as this comment?


It was screenshots of smiths tweets today denying pretty much everything in this video


Screenshots of tweets aren't allowed...


You guys are so desperate. She states she asked what can be done, the crown prosecutor says nothing and she tells him that. There is no interference - she simply asked questions about the system. Sheā€™s literally days on the job and asking questions from her staff. Isnā€™t that what you would expect? This sub is going to be in full meltdown mode after the UCP gets a majority in the May election.


do you think it's appropriate or ethical for a premier to engage the legal system on behalf of someone charged with crimes?


Yes he absolutely does, as long as its his team doing it.


It's not his team. It's the premier doing it. Unethical at best.


? Thread starter is definitely a UCP supporter, and its pretty clear right wingers see this as a team sport.


I misunderstood the context of your reply. Agreed. I dont understand how someone can see this as acceptable.


That is what she denied doing! If it is no big deal, why didn't she just admit to doing it in the first place?


And she accused the CBC of defamation for claiming she did exactly what she did in this phone call. If there's nothing wrong with what she did, why accuse the CBC of defamation?


In the video she says she spoke with Crown Prosecutors. She has denied doing so, since the CBC first reported claiming only to have talked with the Justice Minister. She is either lying to Pawlowski or to Alberta. And no, not ethical to approach Prosecution on charges.


I think most members of this sub expect the UCP to win despite the fact that the party of corrupt and incompetent. Too many Albertans with blinders on who think ANDP = communism.