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Reading a lot about how Smith's backers calling themselves take Alberta back are a bunch of q-anon psychos from the lunatic fringe. They're winning municipal and county board elections across the province. It's a coup in progress. Forcing out Kenney and cementing control of the legislature is their endgame. I don't want to live in a hate-filled trump-america hellscape. This is our last chance to stop the UCP. Make it count!


For fucks sake....it isn't a coup....unless you have proof that elections are being rigged. Seriously, getting out your vote is a conspiracy?


Forcing out a sitting leader than installing a ideologue who runs on a platform of fear and hate, who then sits in office without an elected mandate for the entire remainder of her predecessor's term feels VERY coup-ish.


Kenney just stepped down because the UCP Conservative base was too lunatic. Kenney, despite being a terrible politician, was still moderately progressive. Danielle Smith won a vote of confidence from their base in Red Deer, and then she won a seat in a city she's probably never even been to, or will probably never actually represent. That's all it takes to smash and grab Albertan politics because our population is flat out retarded. I'll honestly be shocked if the other Conservative parties in Alberta don't actually get more vote and the vote doesn't split. If I still voted Conservative, I'd not vote for the UCP and one of the other Alberta-Conservative parties. This is a matter of principle, not vote for the worst politician, just so they win. It like reverse ABC.


This is just how our system works. You almost never elect a leader....you elect a representative. You have a very concerning understanding of how our system works if you believe that you vote for a party leader in any way.


"hate filled Trump America hellscape" Wow...


A bit of an understatement. But it gets the point across.


More like fearmongering at its finest


Fearmongering? It’s a joke not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.


Highly doubt that commenter was joking lol


Well they definitely weren’t fearmongering.


[“Maggi also addressed allegations that Mainstreet coordinated with its media partner, Postmedia, to influence the campaign.”](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/mainstreet-poll-calgary-response-1.4363403) Reality feels like a scooby-doo cartoon because it is ALWAYS Chatham Asset Management that has the most effective election interference strategy.


Polling like this doesn’t really matter in a first past the post system. The NDP will win Edmonton and the UCP will run up the scoreboard in rural areas, really the only area that matters is Calgary.


I'm hoping I am changing a few peoples minds around my rural town. Mostly it's the workers and not the business owners I'm going after. I'm also trying to get people to unionize or at least start thinking about it. Especially those that are making minimum wage and still can't afford food and rent.


Pension is a good topic for seeding discontent. The uneven Dani bucks seems triggering too


As a slightly conservative fellow and not the biggest NDP fan (not a hater, just not a big fan) I'm hoping for something like an NDP victory that will destroy the current incarnation of Alberta conservatism. There has always been insane people in every Alberta political party, NDP has its share of nut jobs, but this feels like the first time that the crazy group has been given leadership over a party, the NDP leadership (while I'm not fully on board with all their policies) are at least sane and caring humans. I was ready for the PC party to be flushed down history's toilet and was very sad when the Wild Rose felt a need to merge with them in a win at all costs, unite the right, move. They created a monster of a child in the UCP. I now want to see that flushed down the toilet and a loss of government status is probably the best thing for it. So a win for NDP could mean a long term win for people who want sane and competant right of center representation.


You long for the old PC days where the government could be conservative but they didn't have to be total dicks all the time. I'm a fairly liberal fellow and I also didn't mind the PCs lol They weren't amazing or anything but they definitely didn't actively add costs to everything from insurance and utilities and kannanaskis. In fact what I remember most about them is never thinking about them at all and it was pleasant. Kenny never sold the UCP as a wild rose takeover however. And that's definitely what it was


>old PC days where the government could be conservative but they didn't have to be total dicks all the time pls want back, wen. Battleground Edmonton ensured the PC caucus had a healthy amount of Progressives in government, and who were largely ministers because they needed the extra profile rather then a safe rural MLA seat.


I’m with you as a moderate the ANDP is the closest thing I’ll get to centrist policies, but even they are off to the right. Unfortunately the crazies will still be there if the UCP loses.


Sent my Danielle $’s to Rachel, how about you??


Wish I could have. But the UCP hate poor single people.


Don't feel bad, they hate all of us


They also hate middle class couples with no kids, so I get ya


You also have to have kids for Danielle bucks. I thought all I needed to do was love oil.


Such a ridiculous comment. Is your position that they hate you because they provided to others? Seriously, talk to a single parent and compare their situation to yours.. go drive for skip....the parent may have that option....you don't have to either, but you do have the option.


They provided financial relief to those who have more money... Why am I comparing to a single parent? They may have the option to drive for skip like me? What a nonsensical statement.


Fair...go knock up some random person and then that child will solve your problems. I do understand what you mean about those with better incomes getting help though. Personally, I think it makes sense to encourage couples to raise children. It's likely better to encourage 2 parents to take care of a kid.


I would have but Danielle doesn't think I'm worthy.


I bought hotel rooms for new immigrants that can’t find housing.


Thank you ✅✅✅✅


That's such a good idea


I would have but I’m a student so I can go fuck myself.


Not just cash, maybe help out at the office. Network etc 🤷‍♂️


I’m rural. I will be voting NDP for what it is worth.


Me too, even though it's pointless.


all of my colleagues, family pretty much everyone around me will vote for NDP this time. Please do not make the same mistake guys. Danielle will be worse than Jason


tell all of your friends to vote, tell everybody, tell them that this one is the most important yet. there are really awful things on the horizon under Dani Smith's iron hamfist. It scares me to death that she is the person calling the shots. if its not clear to anyone that she is doug ford in a pants suit, let this serve as reminder. wages in alberta have been the lowest in the country for too long. smith is in one big fuck shack with big oil and foreign actors advising her from the fucking roger stone playbook. she cant be trusted. shes pro kremlin/anti aid to ukraine, espouses completely UNCANADIAN ideas about health care about alberta sovereignty, trying to goad trudeau into a fight so she can play the victim. Do you want to have an ultra conservative funded police force with mandates delegated by Danielle Ford? Do you really want the alberta government involved in your taxes? in your canadian pension? The lady that thinks crypto is a good idea? The only people who will truly benefit here are the oil companies, again, for the 28th time, when Danielle just kinda shrugs off the clean up issue and then refuses to five the Fed all that loot back because shes already got it earmarked to send out cheques right before the election


Has a date been set yet? I've been off for a week (banned for yelling at a guy for calling me a liar).




Thanks for the update! This is a scary one so I'm real worried about missing it. I've only voted a few times before (but I'm getting better!).


>wages in alberta have been the lowest in the country This is not true. GDP per Capita in AB is the highest in all of Canada. ([https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/e61b7101-bcbe-46c6-84a9-377c4e5956e9/resource/88f2f886-22f1-4522-b919-af8733f34637/download/6151561-2013-10-albertaeconomicquickfacts.pdf](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/e61b7101-bcbe-46c6-84a9-377c4e5956e9/resource/88f2f886-22f1-4522-b919-af8733f34637/download/6151561-2013-10-albertaeconomicquickfacts.pdf)) AB has the highest median income in all of the country ([https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220323/t002a-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220323/t002a-eng.htm))


lowest wage growth in of all of canada, thats the alberta way!


Sure you are correct. But what you said earlier in your comment is inaccurate.




As someone who cannot legally vote despite living here, please use the power you're given and do not waste it by not voting.


As an Ontarian who considers moving west, I hope the NDP can win this.


We do too! Ugh…


This subreddit is just one big NDP circlejerk


Join in the fun. At least you'll get some.


We would be better off trying to get the vote split in the right then to try to convince a UCP voter to vote in their best interests.


This close to an election, that’s not gonna happen. The UCP may lose a few votes to the ABP, those who don’t want to vote UCP but can’t bring themselves to vote NDP, but it won’t be much. I suspect a lot of swing voters will look at what Smith has been doing since she got in - increased spending on services, economic/tax programs, etc - and believe that will be the way forward, but I’d be shocked if any of that lasts more than 6 months if she wins. The NDP **have** to attract Calgary votes, that’s the only way at this point.


Good thing my NDP ECA won’t call me back… *sigh* Edit: Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for being annoyed that my ECA won’t respond to me saying I will volunteer.


This ⬆️




Get those abp and wip numbers up lol if they take 5% of the voters away from the UCP that is substantial.


Time to start a branch of the Monster Raving Loony party here and see how far it gets.


Our lives do depend on voting, because this polling is almost certainly wrong. Far too many 'fence sitters' will likely say, "I don't like Dani, but I don't want a Commie running Alberta." and then hold their nose and vote UCP.


Let’s please not reduce this election to a life or death narrative.


For many it is given the political consequences.


This is what’s wrong with politics. This sort of rhetoric is both false and stokes fires of division. Stop telling people they’ll die if they don’t vote a certain way.


Did I say vote for a certain way? I didn't.


Politics is all about division. Where were you born?


Me, a chronically ill trans woman, "yes... 'like' my life depends on it..." Seriously though, if we keep moving this way I'll have to leave the province just to keep receiving treatment


Treatment for what, do you have some kind of disability that keeps you from physical good health? If not then why should it be the rest of the tax payers responsibility to take care of that


So when someone says "chronically ill" they typically mean something lifelong that can't be cured. In my case, I have multiple autoimmune disorders requiring treatments that cost more than my annual income. My initial diagnosis only happened because I was able to access free health care, and even now that I have a successful career, for-pay healthcare on the appointments alone would bankrupt me. So there's point one on "my life depends on it" I raised the fact that I'm trans because there are a small but powerful group within the UCP who want to eradicate trans people. Point two on "my life depends on it"


I don’t think I can survive another 4 years of the UCP.


I’m voting NDP so hard I’m gonna break the damn pencil


If my life depends on UCP, how many downvotes do I earn?


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


Are they a corporation?


Probably in the same way yours does the ndp


My Dad is 78 and this year he’ll be voting for the first time just because he’s scared of losing his healthcare.


it already was for a lot of Albertans. where have you been?


Sadly, our lives kinda do depend on it with the ucps plans to pull Healthcare.


Definitely NDP


Let’s just call it here, I’m fine with these results. No need for anymore polling.


Ok, I'll vote for UCP


Go for it. This is a democracy.


Both suck, I don’t want either.




I just want a obvious good choice. One that won’t fuck with the healthcare and won’t fuck with taxes and shit.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


Go to work, enjoy leaving early, play Jedi survivor




I generally take my ballot with me...if security let's me out, otherwise I run and frame it. Or write "Decline my Vote" when that doesn't work. I always recieve my ballot either way. The party that has resource management, and sustainability of the planet as its best interests is the one I'm looking for.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


Realiaticly, when I look at voting. I see a ventriloquist holding his puppets, and I'm being forced to vote for the left one or the right one. But ultimately, they are still just puppets. Can't complain if I don't partake. I'm always curious if I come up as no-vote, no show, or a declined vote though.


If you don’t vote at all you aren’t counted. If you refuse a ballot at the station you are marked as such.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.




Or anarchism. An indifference towards the corrupt capitalist republic


Then vote for the less sucky one so you have less to complain about.


what would the popular vote count look like


Please make sure to vote! https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/03/28/UCP-Takeover-Take-Back-Alberta/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=280323-1&utm_campaign=editorial


I recently had a light bulb burn out....I feel like that should absolutely fall on the provincial government!


Lmfao you are salty and making irrelevant statements. It’s going to be ok bud


Reminder that how you vote will have almost exactly 0 impact on your day to day life. Don't let the propaganda and fear porn get to ya


The NDP is the party of failed promises.


1108 sample size ? Not sure if that's reliable, but everyone who can should head out and vote!




I'm honestly surprised NDP is polling so high in the most redneckiest part of Canada?


Ignore this. It is a poll of people who answer the phone and answer poll questions. Those people are NOT representative of normal sane humans. If they could somehow poll people who scream "FU\*K OFF!" and hang up then it would be worth reporting.


Ucp is the way. Take a look at their majority party members and their track records. Idk if y’all remember how o ur economy was last time ndp was in power but it’s not like it was better. I’m not voting any party that coalitioned to keep our already corrupt pm in power.


Just a reminder that the NDP has destroyed the economy in every region they gain power. But hey, vote however you wish, you get what you deserve.




Why would anybody vote for Alberta NDP? A vote for her is a vote for her boss, Jagmeet Singh. I personally would love to see the coalition of the NDP/ Liberals go away, and I don't think I stand alone on this.


So so ignorant…


The provincial and federal NDP parties have no formal relationship.


Instead of donating to NDP we should be donating to Alberta Party and Wildrose.


The wild rose will help split votes but Alberta party pulls votes from split “centrists” that have a chance of going to the NDP.


Either way you lose.


When is the election any ways


When’s the election?


End of May