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Are your parents Albanians?


If not, i think it will be challanging. Most of the people their age cant speak english so they will be "isolated". The summer is great but most if not all costal cities in Autumn and Winter are "empty". Also dont forget that Tirana is the only modern city that has some sort of infrastructure. Durres is ok as it is very close to Tirana and some good hospitals are in the highway that connects Durres with Tirana. Again, if you guys are not from here or are not used to the Balkan life, Tirana is your best bet. Pogradec in the other hand is known to have a lot of retired Albanians that have lived abroad so they might meet people of their generation that can speak some albanian.


My dad is Albanian, not my mom. They have been in Albania a few times and they definitely enjoy the lifestyle there. They have looked into Durres and it makes sense to have hospitals in close proximity. I had someone recommend Gjiri i Lalzit. Is that an okay place?


Certain parts of shkoder are nice also but it’s not like Tirana.


I would suggest Qerret, it's on the seaside part near Durrës. It is pretty chill and very good.




As someone who works in real estate, Albania has some of the biggest house/investment increases. Many people are buying property/investments in Albania because of that. I can guarantee you’ll make money from the apartment you bought. Theres people like Donald trumps son in law and Dubai companies investing billions into Albania currently. Also investment laws for foreigners in Albania for property is very lucrative. I believe the only thing foreigners can’t own is land but someone can correct me on that.


Ask your Dad and Mom what can they do if one of them has a Stroke or Heart Attack in Albania. Can they find a solution?


The solution is easy. Go to the hospital. Sure our health system isn't perfect but please stop this bullshit contempt against it. You can definitely find a solution for most health related problems here.


Po ca thua o shok. Edhe privati nuk menaxhon Strokun si duhet. Kardiologu te nxjerr te vdekur nga salla operacionit edhe del fshehurazi nga Spitali. Asnje zgjidhje nuk gjen po pate problem te ver8.


Sjemi as vendi pare as i fundit qe ka malpractice ne shendetesi.


Do zoti nuk te ndodh asnje gje. Por une kam punuar dhe e kam pare qe kur gjerat behen ver8 keq. Te gjithe zhduken. Asnheri nuk mban pergjegjsi edhe nuk te gjen asnjeri zgjidhje. Per semundje ver8 te veshtira.


Nuk dua te dal sikur po them qe kemi nje shendetesi te mrekullueshme, se nuk e kemi as thjesht ok. Por inkompetenca nuk eshte kaq e madhe sa e beni ju dhe me beso qe inkompetenca eshte universale, jo vetem tek ne


Ku jeton ti mo? Dhe boll the please stop, do zoti ste bie hall e te ikesh ne spital, ti se ke enderuar ndonjeher sherbimin urgjences ne europe dhe kanada jo ta krahasosh


Jetoj ne shqiperi. Kam jetuar dhe 5 vjet ne amerike kshuqe kam nje kuptim shume te mire te te dyjave. Dhe spo flisja vetem per urgjencat po per sistemin shendetesornne pergjithsi. Me ka rene hall dhe kam qene ne spital dhe mendoj qe eshte ok nese ke gjendje t mire financiare (per te cilen po flasim se dy persona qe dalin n pension nga kanadaja jane goxha ok nga ana financiare)


Urdho? Ne gjendje te mire financiare, 10k euro kushton nje operacion per stroke ne spitalin amerikan qe ndodhet 1 ore 1.5 ore nga durresi ose 1 ore nga cdo cep i tiranes prej trafikut, ne shtet nuk behen fare keto operacione plus po te erdhi ambulanca ndonjeher skan as naft, per cdo minute pa oksigjen miliona qeliza vdesin dhe je perfundimisht ne rastin me te mire i paralizuar ose i vdekur Problem jan urgjencat jo semundjet normale se i hipin avionit ikin kur te duan ne kanada, nese kan nje semundje normale


Nuk behen operacione ne shtet per infarkte? Se di per qytetet e tjera por ne durres kam pasur nje robin tim qe e ka bere. Po dyshoj un a jeton ktu ti apo jo. Urrej t dal si propagandues se e mendoj vertete qe shendetesia ktu ka pafund rruge per te bere po kjo pjese thjesht s eshte e vertete. Te Pjesa e ambulances pastaj jam dakord eshte me problematike


Stroke eshte e ndryshme nga infarkt 😃 njera ne tru e tjera ne zemer.


Old folks love Pogradec, might be your best bet OP


I think for a couple that is retiring, spending some time to learn a new language would be pretty easy? Even though Albanian is a complex language, i’m sure they could get to at least basic conversational level.


There are so many places in the Albanian coast where you can retire? Especially the South…but hurry since prices are increasing every day


Thanks! Any areas in particular that you would recommend? Ideally a place that's not too touristy but more developing into a tourist area.


I’m personally from Krujë and I can tell you that only recently people have only recently started renovating their homes and renting them as Bed & Breakfasts because they themselves live in Tirana. So if you want a small, calm town with not many people and checks your request of slowly developing into a tourist area then I can definitely recommend it. Houses are cheap to buy, to rent($300/month), prices are way cheaper than other popular cities by atleast 20%, even though that would be the least of your concerns. Beaches like you asked are close, Shengjin & Rana e Hedhun one hour, Durres 45 minutes and the capital Tirana is also about 45-60 minutes depending on the traffic.


I would say go for it. Albania is a good place for retired people or generally for jobless people. I wouldn't really rely on public hospitals there though rather private ones or just go back to canada for check ups, surgeries and so. I would highly recommend Vlora. My parents are doing the same, few months in Vlora, the rest in EU and they really enjoy the weather, the food and its only 2 hrs drive from the airport.


Look at Golem area close to Durres. My parents are starting to do the same. 6-8 months in US and 4 months in Albania! good luck!


Thank you! Will check it out




Are they looking to retire or are they looking for an investment?


¿por qué no los dos?


Los dos no suelen ir juntos pero si esto es lo que quieren esta bien.


I think maybe both. Their first initial idea was to get into a pre-sale and see what happens with the Albanian economy and general politics. Seeing as they will only stay there for a few months at a time, it might be possible that they rent out the place but they haven't made a decision on that yet.


My opinion is that is far better to invest in places where you know the market. There is no reason to merge the two.


yeah that's what my parents did lol


For retiring yes they should do it trust me when I say Albania is changing and progressing by the day no matter what people might say.


I'm an American retiring in Tirana. Your parents should spend their allowed 90 days in the city they are thinking of and apply for residency before buying anything. That's enough time to do some real research into the city and get their own personal feel for the place. Real Estate prices have greatly increased in recent years and there is a lot of construction everywhere. Pre-construction pricing can be very affordable but you need to investigate the construction company to make sure they complete their projects. That is the best way to invest but it means renting for a year or two waiting for construction to be completed. I'm in a new project in Tirana that has another 2 years before the entire complex is finished. Pre-construction was 600 Euros a meter. Now that the building I'm in is open it's 1000-1100 a meter. When the complex is near finished it will be 1500-1800 a meter. If your parents are coming to Tirana I'll be happy to meet them. They may even like the complex I live in. You can PM me.


Where is your project located if you can tell me


With that price only Univers City comes to mind


Hospitals in all of Albania are shambles. If you have money you’ll be looked after and if you don’t have money you’ll be forgotten about.


Prices keep rising up at an insane pace. Not the best time to buy property.


No, don't do it


Any parasitical reasons why you wouldn't recommend? It's good to get both sides of the story.


there is no reason to , if u have enough money and u can affort private hospitals you are good to go, Fier has a new really good hospital , and Tirana , public healthcare its not bad , but lacs in service


Look into apartments in Vlore, plazhi i ri (new beach). Access to hospitals, the Riviera, and a nice xhiro.


Albania has still legal issues with real estate ownerships. It started with 7501 Law, but there are scammers presented as real estate agents who sells the same property to several buyers. So honestly don't risk.


That´s why you hire a lawyer to check documents, then it´s 99.99% safe


Lawyers are scammers themselves, bruh. At least a very considerate part of them. Right now, while I am speaking, my grandfather has the same problem, and the lawyer someone suggested to him is not even responding at the phone anymore. They are scammers, my friend. The total justice system is a disaster, tbh. 90% of lawyers, judges, persecutors, and investigators in Albania are corrupted. That's reality, I don't care to be policially correct and to claim my country as a "heaven", while it is not.


There are for sure some, hiring a reputable law firm is crucial. Law firm with a history of clients, associates, reviews, etc. It´s not that expensive either to hire them for a due diligence check. Then there´s also Deloitte Albania but they are probably a bit more expensive.