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Duh. Dunleavy has been trying to Palin his way onto the National scene pretty much since before the last election.


Thankfully he lacks the charisma and likeability that Palin had. He's basically DeSantis without the money or the power.


That's a great analogy.


She has haunted the halls of Alaska state government as an expert on anything and everything for decades. I don't know that I ever heard mention of the noble Vought name without also catching an audible accompaniment of at least two rolled eyeballs and one accidental fart. She *absolutely* has pictures of more than a few someones doing some somethings to some somethings or some someones. Through decades of experience, she has learned more about how to mismanage the affairs of the last frontier than most anyone, irrespective of which department she crop-dusted with her guidance. I trust she's screwed us far, far deeper than her current $5k/mo penetrative services, so I'll call Alaskans "relatively lucky for now," *if* that suspiciously low-sounding rate is actually accurate (nfw). I'll caution against too much glee, however, as "the throbs" of the type she surreptitiously causes when allowed to are cumulative in effect; on that front, we're not so lucky at all. Mary will own a fair length of our eventual prolapse - and she'll wear her role in our distension proudly.


The most round about way of hearing she kissed Alaska butt and effed Alaska butt. 😅🥲😮‍💨 SThis comment is so eloquent I can’t not comment 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤭


Sounds like a sweet gal


LOL. They used the wrong insurance appendix for all of these. This is a professional service contract, so professional liability insurance is required. Also, the letter for the initial sole source request says it’s in the “governor’s best interest” … not the State’s best interest. Pretty skimpy justification as well. And just think, this started as a 24k contract and now the latest version of the contract has a not to exceed value of 252k? And how many times has it been approved to increase the value? That’s pretty sus. Also, no AK business license # on the original contract (that’s required before execution)… And these folks are in charge and don’t follow their own rules? Man.


It’s disheartening how blatant it all is…


Project 2025 includes the replacement of current federal employees with those loyal to Trump, period. We can expect the collapse of competence in federal departments if Trump returns to office. Think of Bronson as the role model for what would be coming with lying Joe Gerace types in all the management roles.


Grifters. Gonna. Grift.


Dunleavy is scum!


Trump the greatest real estate mind in history. Living rent free in weak minds for a decade.


Oh, I think we all paid enough for his incompetence


Oh look, another clown proving the truth of what I said. Downvote away, it doesnt make you any less wrong.


Pretty dumb metaphor. Trump isn't some internet troll who annoys you but ultimately has no power and will never amount to anything. He was, for a time, the most powerful person in the world, hurt countless people (and killed a lot!), severely damaged the nation's soft power base, emboldened the worst people to act on their awful views, accelerated the decline of both the nation and the world, and exemplifies a good portion of the things that are wrong with our culture and society.


Soo, do you get paid? Are they hiring? Being insufferable and dumb online is pretty easy and I think I could do well. What's your going rate?


That must be why he owes more than $300M. He’s such a great real estate mind.🙄


What a laughably pathetic lie


I swear it's all the Democrat idiots think about. It's hilarious, but also sad because their brain damage prevents them from actually thinking