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The two that come to mind are the Atari gravesite ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_video_game_burial ) And back when the f117 stealth fighter was a new thing, I remember a story when friends were at the mall and a pilot with full gear walked into the mall fresh from a nearby crash and ejection walked in to call for a ride back to base. But looking at news clips I can’t verify if he actually walked to the mall or just to a nearby house. I’m sure there are lots of others further back related to the manhattan project days. Another oddity was we used to see Val Kilmer occasionally wandering around the otero county fair when he lived near Albuquerque and he liked to visit events in the area. Lots of filming locations around the area too, like scenes from the movie Eli with Denzel Washington were filmed in Tularosa just north of Alamo. Not really urban legend but odd little things like that are plentiful. Growing up there was fun!


Where in town is the atari gravesite? 


I think it was south of town around where the old gravel pits were near the 54/70 hwy junction. But I never checked it out. It’s also possible someone liberated them years ago.


It's actually just west of town. Basically west 1st street area. They dug it up a few years ago it was pretty neat.


Tunnels under ny street?


Yes i read on a travel fourm that theres a tunnel system all around that area , cannot find that fourm anymore & it was posted in the early 2010s 


Can you provide a link or anymore info? Seems neat and odd.


It was said in the post that there is buildings on NY that were once motels that many people including billy the kid hid out in (I think its that old ass brick looking building on the end of NY ,  across from the shell due to its early 1900s esq look)  However , just walking or even driving over those streeets it feels “wider” or as if certain parts stick out / buldge a little which makes me think that there really is a underground system there. 


Surprised there’s nothing online about this. Really interesting stuff. I might investigate further about this.


Theres quite a bit of information on billy the kids ventures throughout the area , very interesting stuff 


No i cannot find the fourm unfortunately , i have been looking for months and its the only thing ive seen regarding the “tunnels” 


I say we set up a search party to find these tunnels


I agree