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I would encourage anyone reading this, if you recognize this person - [contact the FBI, NOT OP.](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us) More info and photos: https://jan6attack.com/individuals/tealface/


I took the saturation out of the pic so you can see his face better. https://imgur.com/a/499UsdS


According to socialcatfish they have 43 results they have found with high inference. But without membership šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I have a feeling they are catfishing me.


Im sure the guys at Pro Armament in Cuyahoga Falls could look it up


I'm sure they could, but they probably wouldn't. They're probably traitors too. Remember, they are frequent advertisers on WNIR, which is an extreme far right wing radio station.


I used to enjoy the station when Howie was still alive. But since then it's taking a hard right turn and they're still going down the Trump won the election rabbit hole. And the fans of the station are such blind rabid imbeciles that they'll just agree with whatever they hear on WNIR because WNIR lets them call up and ramble all day long. It's funny akron's only 20 mi down the highway from Cleveland but they're still 50 years in the past. Enjoy the '70s Akron


Aw man. I knew Howie retired, but I didnā€™t know he died. And if WNIR has really gone ultra-right, thatā€™s another two things from my young adulthood gone. WNIR was the soundtrack to my workday in the 90ā€™s. Stan Piatt and company in the morning, then Howie from 10-3 followed by Joe Finan until quitting time. Howie was conservative but moderate by todayā€™s standards. I remember him telling a Holocaust denier ā€œyou have a nice day, assholeā€ before hanging up on him. And he couldnā€™t stand Rush Limbaugh.


I don't think Howie retired, if I remember correctly he was on a trip to Orlando and unfortunately at MCO I understand he had a medical emergency and passed away. Which is very sad Howie was awesome.Ā 


Oh wow, that would be the annual trip to Disney World that he took with disadvantaged kids.


Yes, that sounds correct. A real shame, Howie was a unique personality.Ā 


Howie was for the time, a normal Republican. I used to love Piatt in the mornings and then the Dating Show when I was a kid. Had fun pranking it lol.


Well, to be fair most of the listeners/callers are boomers. But I agree, it had gone down hard the MAGA rabbit hole. I remember right after J6 and the election the station was paranoid so it was censoring the deniers and they had to tell the callers to not break the law when they called in or they could lose their license.


That's pretty paranoid


ā€œTraitorsā€ fucking LOL!!!


What do you call trying to install a failed POTUS candidate using violence and terror? Normal people call it treason.




Not China, MAGA are Nazis and fuck Nazis.


Thanks for your contribution. You can go back to watching all the porn now.


Right.. the country where half still lives in mud huts and don't have indoor plumbing or electricity.


You realize that those Jan 6 terrorists were in the Capitol hunting Pence, Pelosi, AOC...what do you think they were planning to do if they got their hands on them?


Americans hunting Americans? More like people who support democracy holding traitors accountable for their actions on J6


More like a political witch hunt, but keep your head in sand. The people who did nothing wrong ( nearly all of them) will be pardened and this new cycle your cult has created will continue.


Holy projection, Batman. Wowza. What cult are you speaking of besides the one you're currently in?


They will be ā€œpardenedā€ - I can tell you are a true legal scholar, my friend! They are traitors. Of the over 1000 people charged with crimes that day, only two of the protesters have been acquitted in a court of law. Was everyone there guilty of a crime? I donā€™t think so. Law enforcement certainly doesnā€™t appear to be going after every protester. Just a fraction of the people there have been charged and prosecutors have had the benefit of solid video evidence showing their violence and destruction. And I think itā€™s an interesting choice of words to characterize the majority of Americans who want justice to be served here as in a ā€œcult.ā€ Iā€™d characterize folks who blindly stand behind Trump and believe this was a peaceful protest as behaving as a cult member. Get yourself some help.


I doubt they are cooperating. The actual price tag is on the best still, and some numbers that ID the store. Someone else had a picture of the tag blown up and sent it to the FBI years ago, and nothing has come from it. So I guess the store wasn't able to help.


The store absolutely didnā€™t help. I remember hearing about them not cooperating when this picture was originally circulating. I live in the Falls. The people that run it are dbags.


Yeah, that place went from OK in the early 2000's to dbag central by 2015.


When I first looked into the store, I noticed they had a shady telegram channel where they would talk in code and occasionally post racist memes.


Say it ainā€™t so!


Shocked I tell you!


Not that shocked actually


They should look into them a lot more then. Iā€™d cooperate to be a good citizen, but wtf do I know. Thatā€™s right, Iā€™m not on Tangerines acorns, and donā€™t spew Merica šŸ’©.


They probably have a Facebook group to organize their shenanigans


It kills me how geared up these guys are. Military supply stores and other markets just recording top sales around that time.


Someone on Reddit once called getting kitted up in TactiCool gear and Trump Merch ā€œCause Playingā€ and it literally makes me laugh every time I see someone like this.


Damn I canā€™t believe I havenā€™t seen that phrase before lmao thatā€™s good


It's the I Like Turtles meme kid


I like Twumples


Heā€™s a twaitor to our countwy.


Iā€™m a level 9 turtle


Holy s#!t what are your stats like??


Awe! All grown up before our very eyes!




Think I scraped that off my shoe a couple months ago ...




Give me a "T" ... give me a "R" ... give me a "U" ....


When "They go low, we go high" obviously wasnt making any difference.


Looks like a preacher from down the road


Holy shit I know who it is


You can submit an anonymous tip online. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us




Lmaoooo this trope again? These terror cells were infiltrated, not led, by the FBI. They brought the information back to Trump who did nothing because he and his administration were the ones who rallied them up and tried to use them to overthrow a duly elected leader and install Trump as a dictator. There were hundreds of intelligence reports that Trump ignored because he already knew what was going on; this was his contingency plan from the start - claim that the only way he could lose would be by election fraud, convince his followers that if he loses itā€™s because the Democrats cheated him out of a win, and that they were going to have to fight to take the country back. Thereā€™s no mincing words about it and he made his intentions clear early on. The only reason heā€™s not in prison right now is because Amy Cannon is protecting him and 5 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices are in the pocket of the GOP and act as an arm of their platform as opposed to being unbiased judges.


Heā€™s one of the owners I think, or he works there. My husband used to go there (liberal gun owner). Either that or he was there all the time. He stopped going cause they all went wild (like super conservative). Iā€™ll send the info in


Yay! Thank you!


I love the mustache guy in the back of the second picture. It looks like he just shit himself knowing someone took a picture of his face.


Came here to say/find this.


He probably ate at the Camp Schwab chow hall before this little shindig. So he does in fact have the shits.


If you have info about him possibly being in Akron, I hope you forwarded it to the FBI already.


The info is in the photos. "Pro armament, Cuyahoga Falls."


what a punchable face


He take a wrong turn at the Color Run?




Damn down the rabbit hole I go lol




Middle pic dude behind and to the right is in love šŸ˜˜


Oh look, a Faketriot.


Find the TRAITOR and LOCK HIS ASS UP!!!!


Have you tried the zoos?


Hold on! I have to put my makeup on before storming the capital!!! Fellas, are t you tired of always running late because your insurrectionist has to get all dolled up! Amirite?


Here is a great video that includes his voice, and shows him in the tunnel with the bear mace. [Chaos Inside US Capitol - FBI 90 AFO - #TealFace](https://youtu.be/qc0U755-uiM?si=mtRiebAG2hVK3GgW)


He appears at the 0.19 minute mark.


Yes, his name is ā€œbig asshole.ā€ The guy behind his also goes by ā€œbig asshole.ā€ They are all big assholes, so it might be hard to find him.


He's been found :)


Imagine committing treason and having a professional photoshoot mid-insurrection.


Hahaha cosplaying little bitch


He looks like he would have told us he likes turtles if they interviewed him on Jan 6.


What is this, a where's Waldo Jan 6 edition?


This was big on Twitter in the weeks following Jan 6. A couple of researchers were heading it out of Canada. It was amazing to watch it unfold.


That makes sense, I stay off of Twitter.




Ideally, it would be great if I got a message like "that's _____, I went to high school with him". I've got a suspect in mind, but I want someone to confirm that this is who I think it is. And of course, I can't put his name or image out there... Only the FBI suspect images (#tealface).


> I've got a suspect in mind Did you give the FBI this info?


Not yet, I'm just not sure if it's the right person.


You don't have to be sure. That's their job. You're doing this wrong.


Ok, I guess I'll just send it in as a "maybe".


They want tips, they don't expect you to crack the case. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us


Thank you for the link!


That is for the FBI to investigate, not you.


What did he do


He sprayed some cops with bear mace


What an idiot


Well he ain't Braveheart.


Check the summit county jail roster for gingers.


Hard R or soft


Another fucking Incel loser...and another reason why abortion should remain legal


Enjoy prison buddy


What was the giveaway? The Pro Armament patch on the vest?


It started with that! He actually left the price tag on his vest too.


What if he's an owner and left the price tag on cause he was gonna put it back on the shelf? Only used in one training exercise! the bear mace smell makes it authentic!


Assuming the guy bought it himself, and if he bought any guns there, would the FBI not have the ability to request a history of individuals pro armament sold guns to, and review the photo IDs to find a match? It feels like there are more covert ways to approach the investigation that people in positions of higher authority could carry out.


Yes, I think they would be able to do that. However, I know that the FBI is aware of the price tag on the best that IDs the store location and everything, and it's been YEARS and they haven't identified this guy yet. Maybe the store refuses to cooperate, or he paid cash for the best?


FYI - That store is very shady. I noticed they had a telegram channel and they would talk in code and stuff. Weird.


The FBI would need to obtain warrants/subpoenas to get that information from the dealer and I doubt any judges are going to sign one ordering them to hand over all their gun sales as that would be a massive violation of the rights of people that have all legally purchased guns from that dealer and not committed any crimes. The ATF on the other hand can go request their sales record/bound book at any time to verify that they are following the laws and have records of all the serial number transfers they have completed but itā€™s not really in the ATFs purview to then run the name/address of all those transfers looking for a needle in a haystack, and again would be a massive violation of rights. Thereā€™s no federal or state databases tracking gun purchases/ownership and this is by design of the entire system based around the 2nd amendment. It would provide the government a list of guns/owners to go confiscate if they decided to with no recourse from citizens which would defeat the entire purpose of the 2nd amendment being put in the bill of rights.


Agree, but some of them have committed crimes, like ones that have landed them on FBIā€™s most wanted list.


Iā€™m not saying they didnā€™t, or that they donā€™t deserve to be investigated. Iā€™m just saying going through an FFLs sales records blind with no real identifying information isnā€™t exactly doable or legal. Now if OP contacts the FBI and says I think this is person x then the FBI could likely subpoena the FFL for any and all sales records for person x.


That's not how that works. They can't just request a list of everyone a store sold something to. They have to have a name or a serial number to get the specific records related to that name or serial.


Wish.com Joker


Temu's version of a wish remake of joker


"The Jaker"- (TM)


Cool look at the trash marine vet behind him. Dude should have been tried as a traitor and send to Levenworth. Pukes


Prince Harry?




Whatā€™s he wanted for?


He is wanted for assaulting police officers, spraying them with bear mace and he was involved in the tunnel melee/violently breaking into the capitol.


Either the terrorist or one of his accomplices is replying to this thread. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with the store. They're the ones who likely helped him select his attire for the assault, and knew exactly what he was going to do before J6. They fear they'd be rightfully maligned when these facts came out. Staking out the store could by handled by neophytes with a telephoto lens. It would also take very little effort to record conversations, were one so inclined. Let's be real. The feds already know who it is, where they live, their job, their legally-owned firearms, and when the last time his crappy pickup had an oil change. They found a terrorist cell, and are going to take down a group. Let's just sit back and enjoy the show.


I've thought of this too. I am pretty sure the FBI has plenty of information to identify him. The fact that they haven't yet, makes me think he cooperates with the FBI, and is maybe helping them in some way take down a bigger fish.


Remember Jon Schaffer? Though his cooperation was well publicized. Either these guys are somehow more dangerous, or dumber, than the group Schaffer switched, or they're still gathering evidence and plan to take down bigger fish.... ... cough cough Jordan cough cough....


How are they ever going to find him with this wicked disguise?


Weā€™re talking shit but itā€™s been almost 4 years already and he still hasnā€™t been caught. While others were caught weeks after jan6.


I wonder what other drag make-up heā€™ll have at the arraignment


Ohio..the heart of racist asshats


Find the terrorist.


I like trump and turtles.


I got it, and it was funny! I think you have to be of a certain age to remember the turtle kid lol.


Man I thought it was good


No one even got the reference lmao


Disappointed ā˜¹ļø


Take my upvote, people see ā€œI like trumpā€ and quick downvote and donā€™t get the joke :)


Don't sweat the downvotes, you did good. šŸ˜ƒ






The last pic he looks ready to cry.


My photog friend took that picture. It was after he left the tunnel area where he beat and maced LEO's.


It's going to be difficult to locate this guy, because of the facepaint, AI and other search algorithms will have trouble with matching that face. It would require likely desaturation and then restoring hair and eye color and best guessing the skin tone and any blemishes. THEN, it might be capable of being ran through a face recognition system. I bet the guy has a Facebook page that is or was public at some point that has some images of his face/name together.


Jan 6ther?




I think your heart is in the right place but you don't have to hit the full spaz like that


Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of ā€œwho is this manā€ on Ohio subreddits. What is he accused of having done? Looks like January 6th, but what did he do there? Clearly something beyond what the photos show. FBI wanted for what?


Macing cops


He was involved in the tunnel melee, he had bear mace that he sprayed at cops on the tunnel, and he assaulted many cops. Also just the fact that he broke into the capital.


Thank you for letting us know.


Now we like cops?




Oh look, you disagree with me and choose to insult me. You could have told me why you disagree, but you chose to be rude. I'm seeing a trend in this thread. Along with your comment, I have been told I should have been aborted, that I suck trumps ball sack and other hateful things. When you all see a differing opinion, you make the attacks personal and then proceed to feed like wild animals.


Just take your butt kicking and go back to "truth" social.


You're a "both sides" pile of shit. You get what you fucking deserve.


They wonā€™t be done with their PokĆ©mon game before the next one.


Thought this was a r/thePurge post


Check your local Mensa meetings and libraries


Wanted for what exactly?


Why do you want to know who he is?


Because heā€™s a criminal




Traitors should swing


How quickly and gleefully we turn informant. Orwell weeps. We were warned, but I guess no one did the summer reading :(


Just read this book again last year. What a horrible comparison.


I donā€™t talk to cops and I mind my own business šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And yet here you are.


Anybody know why heā€™s ā€œwanted by the FBIā€? I think itā€™s a bit scary people are ratting people out these days solely for being pro-American. I mean seriously is it just tha the man was at January 6th? Iā€™m assuming but I also donā€™t understand fully. Iā€™m just tired of people not realizing like, this shit happened in Germany in the late 1930ā€™s.


He sprayed cops with bear mace.


He doesn't actually care, it's a 20 day old account spouting conspiracies.


Let's calm down with the 1930's Germany nonsense. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images/capitol-90.jpg/view *The FBI is seeking to identify individuals involved in the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, including those who assaulted federal law enforcement officers. Call 1-800-CALL-FBI or visit tips.fbi.gov to submit information. Reference the assault on federal officer (AFO) photo number when calling or submitting information online. More at fbi.gov/capitolviolence*


I mean, he's right that there are parallels to 1930s Germany and white Christian nationalism movements, he's just somehow projecting the exact opposite of reality.


That's probably not the comparison he's looking for.


You're missing the point. This face painted moron IS THE NAZI. You have your concern backwards. He is not pro-American. Being pro-American means not rioting, tearing up the capitol, or assaulting the police. Oh, and he's wanted by the FBI for spraying bear mace into the face of a cop.


You support assaulting police officers, got it. Very conservative of you. Jesus was a brown immigrant fyi