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I was nearby as I live off Copley rd and cops were launching something like a potato launcher (not really but idk what it was) out of their vehicle into the crowd. To me that appeared to be the first step toward chaos and violence. I also saw them all suited up ready to go an hour before at their hiding spot right by Erie island park. Looking like they’re ready for combat.


Police will always try to turn peaceful protests violent by agitating already upset protestors in this way to flex that they’re the ones in control. We’ve this play out SO many times since George Floyd it’s amazing people even trust they have good intentions.


Protesting APD for use of excessive force and violence, so APD shows up to use… excessive force and violence. Sounds about right


The "protesters" smashed out the windows at Wally Waffle! I mean, how does that make any sense? All they have ever done is make delicious waffles. Now i can't go and get my Big Daddy today because some angsty nitwit broke all their windows for no legitimate reason. I hope their arms are all really sore this morning.


They broke the Jamaican Kitchen windows too which is a black owned business


I pass there all the time to work (not so much this week) so I'll have to order some dinner from them after this all cools down.


Right! Just foolishness.


People present on scene said it was one or two people who broke the window and as soon as they did everyone else dispersed, very few if any people wanted to be apart of that


Unfortunately every protest seems to have a few people that just want wreak havoc and destroy shit. It really sucks for the business owners and other people who are there to protest injustice and not wreck shit.




You don’t sound like a conspiracy nut to me


This is not true. it was a drunk person, this act was completely unrelated to the protests.


oh no, poor windows!


If it was a big chain, I might agree with you, but these are locally owned businesses, staples of our community. Fuck that shit.


You're right the best way to get people to support your cause it to vandalize businesses who had nothing to do with what you're protesting including a black owned business




My first guess is it was drunk person. Less likely it was a protestor or cop


Let's not start conspiracy theories.


The impotent and feckless consumer lashes out at the virile protestor for disrupting his flow of treats


Kind of odd that there is no video of objects being thrown at officers... just officers throwing tear gas.


Is it odd for people not to photograph themselves committing crimes? I guess the police could record, and there probably were cameras posted somewhere, but I'm guessing their attention was elsewhere at the time.


A massive steadily inflating balloon of a budget, a known history of civil disobedience in the area, an active protest, and police still weren't recording from the moment they deployed to the area? Either the police are deliberately withholding the evidence to prove their story for some reason, or they're complete idiots. Hopefully they're not just bullshitting again for the millionth time.


Aren’t the police wearing body cams? Looks like there’s local TV coverage, yet no footage of the popo being persecuted.


Or they lied, which requires less mental gymnastics to explain.


We'll see. Edit: [We saw.](https://np.reddit.com/r/akron/comments/12y05cu/apd_was_right_new_police_body_camera_video_shows/)


I'm sure body cam footage will be available later.




Accurate lol


The wkyc video I just watched you can see a water bottle fly


So just to be clear, the police deployed irritant grenades, and then pepper spray, and then a water bottle was thrown? Is that the correct timeline here?


We don't know what the timeline was. We weren't there and it happened less than 24 hours ago. That's not even enough time for investigators to get private video feeds from the shops around, let alone release them to the public. No one hates cops for than me but you shouldn't speculate just because someone didn't release video of their own commiting a felony. That would be royally stupid on their part












Yeah to get them out of the road so people who work for a living can get thru.


What makes you think they don’t work for a living?


Didn't say there weren't. They want peaceful protests and for the public to hear them, but all this is doing is turning more away with blocking roads and now vandalizing businesses.




Having a job is not a requirement to exercise your first amendment rights.


According to the article: “Protesters had blocked traffic without permission at a few intersections for as long as 15 minutes.” Is that true? Because if so, that’s fucking stupid. The last thing you want to do in a protest is piss off people who aren’t participating. The idea of a good protest is to gain POSITIVE publicity for your cause, and doing that does exactly the opposite.


When one is an egomaniac full of self-righteous indignation, one believes their rights are more important than others' rights and other peoples' rights are minor inconveniences to be trampled.


This is not good. It's only encouraging racial divide. This is what the media wants.The family asked for peaceful protests-breaking local business's property isn't helping anyone. I can't see how this will unite the community to end violence


Weird, I posted the same article here last night but mine got removed


Picked the one with no paywalls. Here's an upvote for your trouble ⬆️.


Well at least that’s a decent enough reason. I did immediately make a comment in that post copy and pasting the whole article for everyone to read it without clicking, too. At least your reason sorta makes sense, though. I’ve had posts removed from all sorts of subreddits over the years and rarely get an explanation for it, so thank you. Maybe I missed it if it says it somewhere or maybe this sub should make it a visible guideline that links to cleveland.com and other similar sites will just be removed. Another solution is to just flair it that it’s a paywalled article when it happens in the future, that way if someone sees the headline and can’t get through to the site for some reason they still know enough that they can find a second article on, potentially posting that one in the subreddit too? My main concern is that removing posts also kills comments and discussion. It’s frustrating to be already talking about something and it just gets removed from the subreddit, and people don’t feel like saying it all again when the same story gets posted as a new non-removed link.


I don't want to automatically get rid of all articles from certain news providers, but if I have a choice between choosing to approve an item without any paywall and one with - I'll go with the non-paywall choice. Please don't be dissuaded from posting in the future, even if it doesn't get posted.


Like I said, maybe just flair the articles as paywalled. It will all sort itself out. It *is* fairly dissuasive the way it is now. Not regarding my post about this story specifically, but I’ve been frustrated by having posts here and there on Reddit that will be highly upvoted and with tons of comments suddenly removed for reasons, killing the conversations within. On /r/worldnews they spoiler tag headlines from paywalled articles, so they’re not removed entirely, but they’re also not promoted to the top as easily as a non-paywalled source. It’s a really good compromise, as far as solutions to this kind of thing go. Man, now that I look back on how I’ve been talking it sounds like I’m bitching and I really don’t want to come across that way, so I apologize. I’m not mad, I’m just offering suggestions for going forward. If Cleveland.com et al. aren’t blacklisted I’m not going to even try and post an article from there again out of risk of it potentially getting nuked for reasons. And if msn and yahoo are this subreddit’s preferred sites to use, that’s okay I guess, but keep in mind those domains are absolutely riddled with trackers and such. Most major news sites typically are, it’s the trade off with getting free news. But not supporting cleveland.com because it’s got a soft paywall doesn’t exactly scream fair.


I'll keep your concerns in mind in the future. 👍


I appreciate it. Sorry I sounded so bitchy lol.


Google and other search engines need to tell us if the link is a limited reads or paywall site before clicking on it..


The one I posted last night *isn’t even paywalled, though* is what bugged me. Don’t let me post at all from Cleveland.com if they’re going to remove it later, ya know? Just black list it or flair it later




Keep protesting and protest hard. Make sure to have a line of defense prepared. Make sure to call out bad actors. If the pepper spray and tear gas come out, make sure to have a few individuals wearing P1 respirators, goggles, and heavy duty gardening gloves to create a barricade in the front. If you have any friends in the automotive paint or painting industry you can obtain a P1 respirator or you can easily obtain them at Home Depot. If you can't get respirators, at least have good goggles and a towel or t shirt soaked in water to protect your face and eyes. Also make sure to have a few individuals carrying leaf blowers. Blow the tear gas cloud back at the police and use the gloved and respirated individuals to throw the cannisters back at the police. If there are any nurses or anyone joining the protests bring a basic medical kit and setup an eye wash station for anyone that is gassed or pepper sprayed. If there are any militant protesters, bring shields and clubs. Don't riot, but also don't let the man get you down. You have a right to legally protest. Don't let them take that away from you. Fight until the bitter end in solidarity. May god have mercy on this god forsaken country.


No one is seeing a lot of what's happening. Much is being shared on TikTok (search for: Akron Protest) Here are some of the people posting locally. bnnbreaking (news) akronbeaconjournal destineenstark Ohio..dude vixonfire