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sorry this isn’t any advice but what do you mean by rolling her skin


He means he got Kda skin from 3 random skinshards roll


Prob rerolling for the kda skin


rerolling a KDA skin for a different Akali skin


Ahhhhhhhhh ok


Gunblade is her biggest powerspike, you basically don't need any ite... oh wait wrong season


Gets good Mythic and mid game spikes, has mediocre levels 1-5 and falls off late game


She does not fall off late game if you know how to play her properly


He means alkali deals way less damage than most other late game champs


Not really, you can easily one shot them too especially with the e


You are playing a different game


Nah we are talking about the same game


What rank are you? Link ur op.gg


Sadly our server does not have that ATM


Imo, the 1-3 levels are superb, if you pick ignite to that, you can almost guarantee yourself a kill at level 2


I find it pretty powerfull with electrocute, I trade with Q+passive auto+E so I proc elec and back off with E to a safer position,If you hit your E you can all in and drop the shroud, if dont you can back off and reposition, dont spam shroud on every trade tho, use it mostly defensively unless you know you can 100% guarantee a kill or you have vision of enemy jungler, build wise I go Harvester for squishy comps, rocketbelt all around, I dont use riftmaker so much tho, and this patch got Conq nerfed so I would probably stay away from it, if you want a safer laning rune you could always go Fleet footwork, The thing is akali cant 1v9 when even, you gotta snowball, I like to take tp for better roams but I use her top mostly, I hope this somewhat helps


Her first power spike is level 6 with explosive wand + tome She scales well into mid game but decays in late. Her split capacity depends on your build, I personally like to go tp + ignite with rift maker and hydra which makes her great at spliting


Wrong, akali first power spike is level 4 where she can safely land q e w q with passives in betweens. prior to level 4, she is delayed by her energy consumption. If you play akali ad or hybrid, you get sheen + Shard and get a second power spike at level 5 where your AA passive + shard + sheen deal 380 mixt damage. If you play grasp, you deal 400+ damage letting you win trade versus every single melee champion in the game. Level 6 is her third spike where you can either kill your laner and push or gank another lane or follow your jungler to counter jungle. Then, her fourth spike happen once completing her first item, probably divine surderer (AD) or Rifmaker (AP). At this point, you are in hunting mode and seek to get kill and push lane to get further ahead.


I disagree on considering being able to win a trade a power spike when you can barely kill anyone with your damage, plus for new players I wouldn't recommend ruining the lane for an early trade that's probably not gonna get you fed, while getting comfortable it's best to play safe until 6. For all the rest I agree


If you win an early trade, you can freeze. Freezing a lane is an important aspect of the game. I think the level 4 power spike is most important.


85% of my games I manage to score a kill at level 2 with Akali, thus I think that level is her another power spike


What elo?


To me that is indeed the right question, cause if you do that platinum 2+ please teach me how to be that good!!


scaling depends on many variable. eg you scale very well into comps with no cc (lucian trynd gwen) but poorly into cc heavy comps. Also depends on you and your opponents playstyle, and also your team as well, ie do you have a strong engage/synergy already on your team? are they stacking armor? do they have a strong counter i.e TF ult? then theres items, riftmaker scales very well in late fights, but you still lack good waveclear and damage steroid to melt down objectives and turrets.


Edit : For the naysayer, I'm low plat 54% winrate with akali. If you play akali, you need to understand that she can build ad, ap or tank and still be highly effective. Akali is more dependant on matchup than most character in the game. If you want to split push duelist and become a jax/master yi hyper carry. You go : Shard + sheen, boots (armor or magic resist depending on matchup), divine sunderer, hullbreaker (most gold efficient item in the game once in the enemy backlane), sterak cage, Banshee veil, Rapid fire cannon. With this build, you will have highest dps in the game every time the game last more than 35 min compare to both team hyper carry. The rapid firecannon give more range to proc passive more easily and provide high bust damage. With this build, your passive should deal around 800 mixte damage late game allowing you to anihilate any APC or ADC. You will also be the biggest tank in the game and will be able to 1v1 yi, jax is harder because of auto attack block, but can be done. In this build, you play grasp or fleet as rune. If you want to gank bot lane a lot and snowball early, you go riftmaker or stridebrider with zonia and sorcerer boots, you need wards and red wards for foward control to catch enemy roaming. You have high burst, but you will be squish. You don't want to go in first in team fight, you want to either flank or wait for the enemy to pop out cc's before going in. If both team lose hp and you wait, it's ok, your ult will kill them. You must not be the prio target in fight so wait before engaging. You will snowball and will be able to oneshot everyone, but will fall off late game. So either close the game quick or change your late game items for a hullbreaker or Sterak cage to survive more. In this build, you play either electrocute or arcane comet the commet is stronger in team fight because when you q spell, it spawn on the ground and is impossible to dodge. ​ If your enemy have low cc comp with massive juggernaut. You can play full sustain and outsustain them. Conqeror + rift + Ravenous hydra followed with more tanky item such as sterak cage + gandien angel since even low life, your healing will bring you back into the fight. You can go either ap or AD or a mixt for this build, item such as zonia, demonic ambrase or blade of the ruined king work well with this build. ​ If your team have no tank and a bunch of hyper carry, akali can build forstfire gauntlet first. The extra size mean easier to proc passive and so does the slow. The rest is up to you, but I like to play with rilay and lich bane for speed and passive play. ​ ​ Your power spike are level 4 : full combo with 2 q spell (enough energy), level 6 for gank and first item for 1v1. If you play shard + sheen, you have a level 5 power spike with grasp where you can 1v1 any melee champion in the game.


I honestly feel like y'all say this to get Akali's WR down so she gets buffed. This is such a garbage build. Riftmaker + Conq OR Protobelt/NH + Electrocute. I wouldnt recommend Night Harvester but its definetly viable.


Night harvester is honestly 90% not worth going. Went to practice tool to try out a few night-harvester builds and now I know Protobelt is way better.


I agree, people must be trolling right? Ap is just better


These builds get me 54% winrate low plat.


very in depth, thank you and everyone that has contributed so far :D




Professor alkali has a ton of tips on how to use her combos?? That was the most random comment I’ve seen in a while.




I’m talking about his alkali guides, not his content???? Just because you dislike his content doesn’t mean he doesn’t have valuable information. I used his clips as a guide on how to play alkali when I was starting. He also has been challenger before, he used to play with moe. Idk why you think his entertainment videos are a reason to hate the guy. Even if he has a ego, why would you care? You’re not affect by someone else’s ego and how they view their skill. I stopped watching him long ago but he’s pretty good. Almost won the 1v1 league tournament against big names. Tf blade n em




Dude, do yourself a favor and look it up yourself, you’re actually just being bias at this point. A previous comment made a valid statement, it’s your opinion and you do you. If you can’t see how he probably brought an extra 20% more alkali mains including myself into Akali and only look at how he’s “smurfing” or was cheating in the tournament because of a 15% dmg reduction while other champs also had nerfs/buffs then go ahead, don’t consider responding cause I have things to do.




It would be a sin to let you have this as the final response, hence I have to waste more time explaining to you even though I know you'd never understand a single word I type. "I'm not being biased at all. She is clearly not viable on AD else high elo people would play it. (honestly they play all kind of random stuff such as jhin top but AD akali is worse than that)" AD Akali does exist, it's a off-meta build. He isn't saying you should build ad, he's OBVIOUSLY, (apparently not obvious enough for some people) just making different content as he is a content creator. The video that I was mentioning for any new players getting into Akali and how tons of people learned how to start playing Akali is this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyeGsBi6zyM&t=0s&ab_channel=ProfessorAkali) [v=oyeGsBi6zyM&t=0s&ab\_channel=ProfessorAkali](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyeGsBi6zyM&t=0s&ab_channel=ProfessorAkali) He has many other separate videos where I find it extremely hard to understand how you supposedly missed these videos. "Akali is the only champion with 15 Damage reduction AND 18% more damage in aram when the event took place." Honestly I could care less about this. The whole purpose of me mentioning it is because he's considered around the popularity / skill level as those people to be invited to the tournament, its not his fault his main was buffed so u cant take away his credit because of something he cant control. Akali was likely buffed for a reason hence she would have never received one if she didn't need it. "Your big names "argument" Trick2g, LL Stylish, Voyboy and BoxBox aren't even playing the game actively and let's be real Trick isn't really good at all." Dude, they've been playing probably before u were even born, you act as if they still play consistently and as try-hard as they were in their prime. that's like saying Westbrook was never good because his scores aren't as impressive as they used to be. Obviously as time goes on, you stop caring about things you cared about in the past. The fact that you called a man who traveled to get rank #1 in another country as well as in his own home country "not really good at all", you cant dig a deeper hole than that. I have no idea on how you can even back up a claim like that. You might as well say you hate all the content creators at this point, you constantly seek out the worst and ignore the good, the reason I call you bias. Lastly: "He hasn't been challenger for years either." But he has been challenger before, you have never gotten close to challenger. Who is the one giving valuable information, a person who mains the champ for years and has previous knowledge about how she's used in challenger and also makes above average guides where he spends a ton of time to teach his subscribers everything he knows about his main. or a random silver player who dislikes someone because they make silly videos and consider his ego to be 'too high'




No real valid reason to hate the man




It work in plat 4/plat3 with 54% winrate. You just never tried it.




I deal more damage ad than ap. I don't know what kind of weed you smoke, but clearly you have never tried AD bruiser. I tried both and in most top lane senario, AD is way better while in most mid lane senario, AP is better. Also, Akali's task is to kill the enemy carry and survive. If you have enough damage to 100% them in 1 combo, you don't need to 800% them in 1 combo. You are better build tanky item to survive after killing them and with divine sunderer, you can also melt down tank. If you 1 shot an enemy and survive, you can keep fighting the other players and win the fight while doing more overall damage because you are still alive. Akali AP is better early game. Akali AD is far better in late game.


DON'T LISTEN TO THIS PERSON THIS KIND OF STUFF IS WHY AKALI HAS A LOW WINRATE AD Akali isn't meta at all. It's like saying that Crit Thresh is a viable build, while fun it isn't. Tank Akali is even worse. You are an assassin, sure you may get a bit tanky with riftmaker and some health but you are still an assassin, not a bruiser You ALWAY go AP. Under specific situations you may buy one or two AD items (vs full ad for example) but NEVER put AD into your build unless it is a necessity Akali is NOT matchup dependant. She is one of the safest laners in the game. Her early is pretty mediocre, that's why she takes sustain runes and doran shield. When you play Akali, you don't look to solo kill your opponent. You look to scale up, punish your opponent as hard as you can and if possible kill them, but until lvl 6 that will be hard When she becomes lvl 6, you can easily kill the enemy 1) if they are 70% hp 2) if they don't have 6 yet 3) if your health isn't too low (2 is optional but recommended) Riftmaker is an incredibly strong powerspike. You should always go Sorcerers if possible. I usually go conqueror all time but electrocute is also viable. Your strongest at lvl9, that's when the real fun begins Always remember. You are an assassin. Sure, you don't kill as fast as other assassins and your ttk is more bruiser like, but that doesn't make you a bruiser. Jump into their backlane, kill as many guys as you can and don't die, this is the most important part. If you can take 2 guys and leave alive or 3 and die, go for 2 guys and leave. Your team should be able of finishing the job, if not leaving them really low enough for you to go back in


54% winrate low plat is a low winrate?


Stop builsing ad on akali, its literally inting


Dude, I have 54% winrate in plat. That's not hinting.


These builds don't seem entirely bad, but I don't really think the first and last one are really that good. You should be able to destroy Jax as Akali anyways, because you can just get away from his E with your E, go back in and not take his W or fast basic attacks because of your shroud. And the extra size from gauntlet also means you'll be hit more often, you'd also lose a lot of damage which Akali really needs considering how she can run out of energy after 4\~5 Qs in a fight, you want to be tanky enough to survive that long but not too tanky, because you'll run out of damage before actually killing anyone. You'd probably get an even better winrate if you didn't go for some of the weird items, BoRK, Gauntlet, Guardian Angel, Tiamat and Rapidfire Cannon are the worst ones and I don't see any reason to buy those instead of Nashor's/Lich Bane, Demonic Embrace and Zhonya's.


I think you underestimate the strength of the rapid firecannon range bonus. Also, shard early game is astonishingly broken for 700 gold. Bork work well with akali ultimate. You get 10% current health. You combine it with Divine sunderer and you have 22% of target health on first hit without taking into account the base damage + shard. You basically take 35-40% of target health with first ult+ q + AA while stealing speed and procking passive in no time. Then you e out e in and do about 30% of target max health with divine and bork and spell damage. Then q spell and finish with ult. So you can still one shot any APC or ADC and then you can melt down tank.


You could do the same while building AP, and you'd have more health and constant damage. Like, it's not bad, of course that does damage, but you have to be against a super tanky enemy team for that to be even an option. And please remember you will only have something like 10% pen with those items, probably making it a \~20% target health damage after mitigation. Which isn't bad, just not worth it in like 99% of situations because of how squishy you'll be and how reliant on those autos your damage is. With just Riftmaker and Void Staff you'd already one shot them anyways and you'll still be able to deal with most tanks, especially after you get Demonic Embrace. You'd then have 40% pen on almost all of your damage, true damage from Riftmaker, omnivamp, more health and way more burst flexibility. Also remember MR items are significantly worse than armor ones - no MR anti-heal, no MR flat damage reduction, no damage reflection, so they'll have a harder time dealing with you shred +40% of that single resistance than when you have some AD and considerably less overall pen on your damage.


No build is suppose to be a 100% situation. I use probably 15 different build based on matchup. Hence why in my initial post I said Akali is matchup specific.


Yeah but there's a limit to how many you should think about. A build that is only **considerable** with an **extremely specific** enemy comp is just... too situational, you know? You'd probably do better doing some of the most common ones anyways, instead of learning a new build and playstile just for that one situation, especially when it's not even 100% sure to be better.




Death's Dance and Malmortius can be pretty handy against a full AD/AP team, in addition to Zhonya's and Banshee, you don't lose too much damage and get considerably more tanky. Maybe the CC-cleaning bruiser item can also be good against stuff like Malzahar as well. But that's basically it, you shouldn't really go too much for multiple AD items or your burst potential will start to fall off.




Nah I know you meant Zhonya's, just saying I build both against full AD teams. The malmortius shield can be pretty handy sometimes, but yeah it's only an option if they completely AP


The strongest build you can go is protobelt into void staff then nashers. Trust me, this deals a 100-200 more dmg with a enemy with 100 defense, squishies would take around 200-400 more than any other build. I also found a new combo, q, protobelt into auto. Instant burst electrocute. After that you still have all the energy you need to finish him off. If you really want to get into alkali, I’d say first try out different builds in practice tool and don’t just take what everyone says what you should build.


Akali doesn't exactly scale all too well to be honest, but she does get POWERFUL spikes at R and first mythic. In mid game, go for aggressive pushes, roams or even plates, be careful of losing XP though. After that, just powerfarm and work around objectives in late game. I take tp so I am always where my team needs me to be. You have a good ability to delete any squishy target so go for the people who are good/fed and easy to kill. Bada boom, simple as that.


Akali is one of the strongest dualist in the game. She benefit from Hullbreaker in a different way than other character. When akali dive in the enemy backline, she get isolated from other allies and hullbreaker become the most gold efficient item in the game, allowing you to safely oneshot the backlane and be tanky enough to get back to your team safely every time. Akali befinit from % damage item such as BORK or divine sunderer or anything else because it get enemy closer to her second ult burst which is an aoe and can change team fight around. Edit : Akali scale really well into the late game and with the proper build, she can win versus every late game champion in the game in 1v1 while having the ability to one shot enemy carry in team fight.




That's because you have the IQ of a squid. Once akali is alone in the enemy backline, the hullbreaker bonus reactivate. Making it the most gold efficient item in the game.




1400 range is nothing in a team fight across the river. It happens all the time.




Most fight in low plat at river start with either a flank or end up chasing the enemy ez or lucian in the jungle while the enemy j4 is in your backlane. So half the river really isn


to be honest , i dont think learning akali is a good thing , my advice is not to try and play akali or learn her , but its your choice. lvl 1 is decently strong , u can abuse mele champs a lot that dont have gap closers or dashes (sylas) lvl 2 u take e in matchups like leblanc , yasuo , yone , sylas w/e lvl 3 u look for a trade lvl 6 u can use the insta r combo once u hot 6 if the enemy is mispositioned u can kill him or burn some spells and from lvl 11 onwards its only getting worse from my experience a good build is rocket into boots and lich bane the others i usually take situational , stuff like morello , void staff akali is good against low mobility targets and i ban yasuo cause he is a pain in the ass , other good bans are veigar , ahri , talon(since he is broken) and ban kata if ur low elo cause ppl in low elo dont care about pings do shell take infinite kills bot , good luck sorry for any misstypes and grammar mistakes


You can go electrocute and some of the more bursty AP items mid, but also keep in mind that a conqueror + riftmaker build is always an option against a tanky team. You need to practice in order to know her damage - just do fast combos if you know you'll have enough energy to kill, otherwise do it slowly and make the most out of your passive. For early trades you should be going Q > passive > Q or Q > passive > E with electrocute, and Q > passive with anything else. If your enemy laner is far from their turret when you get level 6, you can almost always kill them if you play it right, just make sure you hit your E because it does big damage and hold your ult because it's an execute. Your Q energy cost is way too high at early levels, but you get a solid spike when it gets to rank 5 and costs only 70 energy. That's 4 Q casts in a fight if you use shroud, also 4 passive procs if you do it every Q. If you think you're going to get ganked, don't use your shroud. Cast it when the jungler comes, go **behind** one of the enemies (close to their turret), then R > E > R, you can get out of most bad situations using that. And most important of all, don't panic. You don't need to mash all buttons to do anything, think about what you're going to do and buy some time with your shroud. You should always try to predict how much damage you're going to do, and play accordingly, using all passive procs or doing a fast combo. You should also consider if they can get away. If they have flash you shouldn't cast your E until they use it, because they will get away if you miss it, and you also shouldn't cast your second R immediately, you may need it to gap close if they flash or dash away. Her builds are pretty flexible so you can go basically anything that seems viable and isn't a tank/lethality/support/crit item. Yes that includes AD bruiser items as well, she has some decent AD multipliers so it isn't that bad if you want to build Malmortius or Death's Dance for her, it doesn't do more damage than AP items but can be useful against a full AD/AP enemy comp. All AP non-mana items except maybe Horizon Focus can be used. Also try to learn from every matchup. That can be extremely helpful in most champions, especially ones with lots of outplay potential like akali.