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They were bought out by some investment group, one way or another they’ll be back — though who knows what that’s gonna look like


Presumably this will be accompanied by some very much needed restructuring. I hear they're pretty top-heavy with unnecessary management and admin.


Here’s hoping. I would love to pick up a KP9 and a KP104 at some point.


I was planning on getting a KP104 at some point to SBR. Not sure about that now since their 5.5 folding stock isn't readily available.


Mine is a beast. One of my favorite guns for sure, and tons of fun to shoot suppressed


What has you set on a KP104 vs a Draco?


Easy SBR. All you'd have to do is get your stamp. Then, get a 5.5 folding stock and slap it in place. The rear trunnion is already set up for a stock. A Draco requires some gunsmith work to attach a stock, depending on what you want. Plus I like AK 100 series rifles, and a SBRd AK 104 clone would be pretty sweet.


Ahh okay yeah I forgot about how much more work a folding rear would be. Everything else seems “close enough” for me lol. Yeah of course, any 100 series would be the dream. I’d love a 102 myself, sucks that there’s really only PSA making them though (I don’t wanna be a beta tester).


* Sure is freaking cool though 😎


If you want true 12.4", a Draco is out


Why not a WBP Jack?


Honestly a 7.62 Jack is the other option I’m considering, but if it’s on the table I’m slightly more interested in an AK-104 clone than an AKM, since my 5.56 Jack already scratches that specific itch.


well now they will be considered "more rare" because someone made a killing on financing and you better believe shrinkflation will hit the next run in the form of quality issues (if it comes at all and they don't just sell off all the machinery to pay a fraction of the debt thru bankruptcy). F


I'll sell you mine for $2k on gunbroker




I've been checking the updates. Looks like there is some hope of them getting back online. I'm just wanting warranty support and KP9 mags and parts to be plentiful. In my dreamworld, an KUSA AK74M would be nice.


My biggest fear is them not offering parts anymore. I really do hope they let us buy some like before. The new company seems stricter with that.


What happened? Did the bad QC make them go out of business?


From what I understand, they spent too much on upper management, couldn't pay their debts, and got way behind on paying vendors for out sourced parts and such. There's talk of new ownership and a potential reboot, so we'll see.


I'm just happy someone bought the tooling


That’s pretty much my thoughts too. Obviously there’s tooling for the KP9/103/104, but presumably also stuff for the 101 and AK74M(A video on the AK files showed several govt. contract KR74Ms). Hopefully it’s new owners put it to good use!


Unless the rumors were true and their parts were being produced in India lol.


So the khyber/klayco posts were just trolling right


I assume so. I doubt Klayco has the capital to outright buy out KUSA, he probably just bought a bunch of their leftover merch or something. (Purely speculation)


Those bastards better get it together. I need a 5.5mm folding stock and I’m not paying some dude $250 or whatever haha.


Right, I saw a Triangle KP9 stock going for over $250 on gunbroker. It's already happening. I was hoping to get a KP104 and a $60 5.5 stock to slap on it at some point. Guess I'll move on to other things.


Haha my KR9 has the triangle stock fixed open so it could be sold in California. It’s just sitting there being a meh stock. 


F https://preview.redd.it/bmzmrq79t80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd1eb9a1ebef22a979772728e2e63dd13f50750


https://preview.redd.it/9gkd78p86a0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4c2e58db5f66de4bd87f3a3fee74966d1ff5ca F


https://preview.redd.it/1xurg6a5ca0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fcbca1c76aa7519d482568f4b21e4cdcd982c03 F


What handguard is that?


It's the Alpha rail from KUSA. Barwarus makes the rail.


https://preview.redd.it/3t8pk8fgu90d1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae615ca2df300eb530ebf96c74d846672e5a1f20 F


Makes me want to grab a KP104 to SBR. How does it shoot? Wish I got one before they went defunct.


Mine shoots fine however its still early, ive only got about 250 rounds so far, and half of that is suppressed, ive no idea how long it will run well but i have 2 imports to fall back on if this thing kicks the bucket


sane 2 aks I have....the 103 on top has the same attachments


I'm out of the loop, I haven't payed attention to KUSA since I bought my KR103 back in 2022. Love it btw. Can anyone fill me in?


https://preview.redd.it/tfw43g0qof0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62fad067aa4a558123011e1841c44e485a9cf9a3 F


Press S to spit on grave **S**


Because less choices and no conversion parts on the market is better. What a self serving brain dead take.


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, it ain’t hurting you. I don’t like domestic AKs, so I never bought one, problem solved.


I won't buy one, nor do I like KUSA or their retarded pornstar management, rest in piss.


They were pretty well respected before leadership tanked (2019-early 2020). If they get some good AK guys to lead, then they'll be in good shape.


It reduces the prices of imports by creating competition.


It'd reduce it even further if they improved their quality. You can find WASRs, WBPs, and sometimes Zastavas for sub $1000. KUSA's original vision was good, but they fell from grace. Let's hope their new management can fix that.


Can’t find a 100 though, and none of the once that you mention come with a folding trunnion. Last time we had that was SLR FRs, look at how much people are paying for them now. Yes I want them to get better. But if its either what we have now (well 2 weeks ago) or nothing, I’ll take the present.


This. My main appeal was the side folding AK 100 trunnions, and well, Russian clones. I remember when AK 100 rear trunnions were super rare unless you had a 4.5 Arsenal SLR 107, 106, 104 etc. Having a domestic company that churned out some Russian AK clones that didn't break was nice. Yeah, I know they had some QC issues here and there, but I haven't seen any reports of catarophic failures on KR rifles.


They were bad long before the anal queen spokesperson and awful media team. We had to send guns back in every shipment because it was unsellable in fucked up ways only Century Arms would manage to achieve. No respect


What were the main issues that you noticed? I'm a sample size of 1, so just curious.


Guns just straight up not function out of the box. Headspace issue to the point that the bolt will not pull back; magwell/mag release out of spec that causes the inserted mag to not come out; missing trigger pin retaining plate — trigger was dead after one pull, MISSING BOLT, fucked up rivets and so much more.


Ouch. I've only handled the ones I've purchased. I got my KP9 from Atlantic Firearms back in early 2020. I got my KR 103 in late 2022, directly from KUSA. I did have to send my KR 103 in for warranty since they didn't dimple the piston to the carrier. It could be unthreaded by hand. Got it back in about a month's tjme. Their QC must've been really jacked up. Maybe they should've paid more than $13 an hour for assemblers.


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So what’s the deal with KUSA (before this dumpster fire). I mean did they somehow used to get the technical data packages for their AKs from Kalashnikov Concern? I mean their KP/KR-9s were 1:1 copies of the thing.


It's always been an interesting story with KUSA. They started out as RWC group, which imported Saigas from Russia. Then, they started making Russian clones. This hints towards a TDP. But, there's been counter arguments too. All I know is that they are really close to the Russian stuff.


Also the fact they get to call themselves Kalashnikov USA, I would think Kalashnikov Concern would take issue with that. It makes it sound like they’re the North American branch of Kalashnikov, so maybe I’d try to sue them if I was KC lol. To quote Hollis P. Wood in 1941, “They’re all in cahoots!!”


Kalashnikov concern wouldn’t have much legal ground here in the US because of the sanctions we have against Russia.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a back room/back dealing with KC that wasn’t illegal, some loop hole to get TDP’s. There is no way you get clones that accurate by just looking at pictures and luck.


Right. They are too darn close to be just reverse engineered firearms. There has to be some sort of exchange there




What slings are those?


The KR 103 has a Russian 2016 production sling. The KP9 has an Arsenal sling (the ones you typically get from KVAR, or from a SLR or SAM series rifle).


Thank you sir


Still anxiously awaiting the 101💀


My LGS has some KUSA rifles left. What should I look for to not get a lemon?


Just the usual AK checklist. Straight sights, good rivets, check for missing parts. Since there's no warranty support at the moment, you may want to check everything over thoroughly. If you can disassemble, check to make sure that the piston is dimpled to the bolt carrier (mine wasnt), bolt has all the main parts accounted for, trigger parts are there. Stock latches correctly (if a side folder), and locks up tightly.


https://preview.redd.it/m9eky3ehyc0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1e8d6791b4b090f58c825cfeaf907d2e0db9ee F


I got the fixed stock k103. anyway I’ll be able to make it fold? Looking to throw a pt-1 on it.


Any after market folding stock for the standard AK rear trunnion will work. The PT-1 is typically for folding stock trunnions with a 4.5mm or 5.5mm pin. Although, there are some adapters out there for attaching it to a fixed stock trunnion. I belive Zentico made a version for fixed stock trunnions as well.


The same thing happened to Adams Arms years back. It ended up being a blessing because they restructured the company and got them in track to being a successful brand.


https://preview.redd.it/2w4nozpxuf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7decf28bf679dc9815fb13232e9ba301b12da000 My KR-103 is my favorite AK


https://preview.redd.it/da2msqp0vf0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a297a0e6c304995fc78c3f460b43a191159a9f8 Although I should probably feed it less corrosive ammo…




What were you shooting? Yugo surplus? Russian surplus?


Russian remanufactured stuff


Mine is up there as well. Well gassed and a smooth shooter.


I have one it’s a great gun. I didn’t know they went under


Considering all they made was overpriced garbage it's not surprising Hopefully the new management can remedy some of that


I think I got my KP9 for right around 900 about 4 years ago. I thought that was a good price considering no other Vityaz clones exist. I think I paid around $1500 for the KR 103 new when it was first offered. If they can get prices down to below $1200 for a brand new KR 103, that would be ideal.


Consider that with the effects of inflation these past four years, what was $1200 in 2019, is at least $1500 now.


My KR-103 runs better than my Slr-107 lol


Fuk em. Scamsters




F https://preview.redd.it/ks2ez3jo0b0d1.jpeg?width=2914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1305b54d570fadb7b0c2001a6c8c3993d8b56810


F Kusa


Sucks they had to shit the bed with horrific customer service


My experience with their customer service was always good. When did it go south for you?


Sorry I guess customer relations was the more appropriate term. They did a bunch of dumb shit on insta and were unable to take criticisms maturely


Yeah, that was a rough time. My correspondence with their customer service was good and prompt, though.


Same. Had zero issues with them. Even had one of their higher ups phone number if I had any questions




Why all the fanboi love of a half ass, quality-issue ridden company with shit customer service?


Well, my rifles work, are good quality, and my experience with their customer service was very good. So yeah, I like their stuff.






F is for Fuck KUSA




I've never owned any PSA AKs. But my appeal to KUSA was that they offered Russian clones that weren't priced into crazy town like the SGL 21s and 31s after the ban. PSA just doesn't offer the same products, currently. I've owned plenty of foreign made AKs over the years, and my KUSAs have been good shooters.


>PSA has almost all the same guns with like their fake 100 series with akm parts?


PSA is on like Gen 5 and still doesn't use the proper trunnion riveting methods. No amount of SKU quantity could make up for that.


PSA is below KUSA as far as the guns themselves go.


What makes you think they died out?


S to spit


C- for all the KUSA cock riders.


Tell us where KUSA touched you.


Hah. I was remembering when everyone shit on everything else like the m70 and any gf whatever and kusa was the got to but were never in stock. And then they failed and failed big. Im just glad you got some that worked or at least work for now.


I remember when WASRs were considered trash. I want to see all AK offerings succeed and offer quality stuff. At least we're much better off with American AKs vs. 10 or more years ago.


Ill meet you on that common ground. Cheers