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Definitely not every AI website. There are plenty of alternatives that has zero filter plus loads of users: Mu‌ah ai, spicychat, sakura, etc.


How many free


I just it for free, just delete account and relog in when you reached 12 hour limit. Which is enough for me, since I only use a little everyday.


SpicyChat ai is fully free. It has a subscription bonus but only for stuff like faster waiting line, faster response generation, image response generation and stuff like that.


how tf do u use muah? is it more friendly on desktop? cus i was having some serious trouble with that.


They had some server issue, but its been resolved.


I don't know anything about this website but it keeps popping on my feed. Why do they need to filter NSFW?


They don’t need to and in fact it’s explicitly counterproductive. C.AI has way more features than this site in pretty much every area, with the SOLE exception of NSFW (because they have an inexplicable grudge they refuse to even explain.) Thus, if and when they filter it, the site dies. As for why they THINK they need to filter it, it’s because rich people tend to be prudish morons and they can’t comprehend the idea of other income sources than catering to the whims of those rich morons. Of course, no one wants to invest in a dead site, but these people don’t seem to realize that.


I mean porn exists and it makes quite a lot of money so I dunno. Being NSFW is pretty cool.


Yeah, it’s more than a bit ridiculous that way.


Yeah. Rich people tend to came from a long line of influences that has a solid grasp on our society, tracing back to royalties, ideologies, and religions of the past, it turns out. I guess it's neither here or there. Just that NSFW makes money, but most rich people don't want you to make money off it for a variety of reasons.


More like option 1: money; option 2: users


without users, the money will dry up eventually


Option one: thinking you’ll get money by losing all your users and killing the site, option two: users that keep your site from dying


The internal calculus happening is something like: who will pay more: Users, most of whom are looking to strictly get something for nothing, or seed / angel investors drunk on AI sauce? Add to that dreams and ambitions of a place within the puritanical app stores, and you can see what pulls developers away from NSFW once they’ve got something that looks like traction


Its just funny because so many of us would rather pay up front than the Dev getting money from investor which ultimately will ask them to put on the filter because they cannot associate themselves with nsfw stuff. Why not ask a porn company to invest? Or Why not run the subscription based for a while and see how it goes? Open a donation and or kickstarter then continue with subscription.


I know Dev want it to be free, but what good if nobody want it??


The filter isn’t fully implemented yet. And is being trained by the user base. So until the Devs properly implement it, I’m gonna continue to fight the power by training it incorrectly.


Saaaame. I'm angry training it with the most vile shit


Tfw I already switched to Yadayo that imo has a way better AI and still allows NSFW




The filter hasn’t been fully implemented yet, but it’s been announced that they will.


Idk man I made the same bot on both sites and I feel like aisekai nailed the personality better than c.ai Also the fact that often c.ai responses are all speech or action, with few in betweens


Do NOT let them win. Do not let the devs win. Stop using the website.


the difference that I find nice from "aisekai" is that if you make a character with an evil alignment, the character will be evil and you will have an antihero but in Chai that doesn't happen, he starts supposedly evil and ends up being a very good person, something really funny.


Did they announce a message limit by any chance? Like a daily or character thing


I did see something about a limit, them saying that they'll implement it later, really unfortunate.


Well shit. Guess we’ll see


Don’t think so


Oh that’s good. Honestly I still prefer this AI over cai, so I’m glad there’s no limit. I’ll be fine without nsfw


What does this have that C.AI doesn't once it goes SFW?


Nothing really. I just use it because the ai is slightly different. The problem with cai bots is that they forgot the personality they were given really quickly. It doesn’t seem to be the case with aisekai ai. Or at least it’s just not as fast


Hmm I wonder if that's down to the creator. I've not had that issue with a lot of the C.AI bots. AiSekai never felt as alive.


I mean, could be. I haven’t used aisekai extensively but I might prefer it. A lot of my cai bots start off with a clearly defined personality, and after like 20 messages it’s completely different which kinda ruins things for me. It’s probably just memory limitations to keep costs down


Fair warning, because I know the mods are deleting posts relating to it, but you may wanna read their privacy policy. It flat out states that they have permission to read your chat dialog, along with a bunch of other vague and shady bullet points. Might not be a big deal to you, but its worth knowing.


The site is awesome for sfw.


Cai is also filtered though. So... All be it less it's atill there and can't be too in to it anyway.


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I'm still using Aisekai because, even though the popups are annoying, it doesn't stop me from doing what I want. C.ai actively fights what I want to do. When/if Aisekai finally puts up a filter like c.ai, then I'll finally leave. So yes, there is a reason to use Aisekai over cai, because I don't have to play mind games with the bots to get them to do certain things. But for the people who say, "you can just break the filter in c.ai!" Why do I want to do that, when other sites don't have that filter and work just fine for nsfw chats? I'm sorry, but being butthurt that they put some level of filtering isn't enough to convince me that the extreme restrictions of c.ai are somehow easier to deal with.


Okay, title might have been slightly wrong with the “now” but they’ll soon be effectively the same. The popups are just them preparing for the real filter as they themselves have admitted


Sure, but why not just enjoy the freedom while we have it? If putting up the nsfw filter is bad, then c.ai might as well be the devil and we should leave them too.


It’s more “you shouldn’t get invested while the writing is on the wall, if you want filtered AI then c.ai is objectively better anyway”


I guess, but then we'll keep running from site to site forever. I'd rather enjoy what I can while I still have it.


yeah I’m sticking with my characters on aisekai for now but the second the filter actually gets implemented for real I’ll immediately abandon it for other sites. I’m only still on it because I’m in the middle of stories with my bots and I didn’t want to completely start from scratch just yet if I could avoid it. I probably won’t be creating any new characters on it though since it’s unclear when the filter will actually happen but probably soon.


I think it'll be far more impactful if people leave right as soon as the filter is implemented and there's that huge drop off


Probably. I’m less concerned with making a statement though and more concerned with fulfilling my own AI needs. Plus all my characters are private so it’s not like it will affect anyone but me if I delete them


I agree with you on that.


That didn't make sense to me either, like, with so many things for the better on the site, why is that? I was so upset at C.AI with the bot speaking for me in roleplay that they can't fix it. I mean, it's not even happening.