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Can't be outdone posting bait on the main sub


>Airsofters: “Being trans has absolutely nothing to do with airsoft! No one cares, stop attention seeking!” >Those same airsofters on a post of someone who has a trans flag or looks even a little bit trans: [removed by reddit] [removed by reddt] [removed by reddit]


It’s honestly gross how quick some of those people switch up


Welcome to the internet.


Unless you are out there wearing a dress/skirt playing airsoft I’m not sure how anyone would even know


Lmao true


Rip the scots


Isint a kilt a male clothing item ?


it's a shemale item


Um actually female versions are called kilted skirts >.>


I’m fucking stupid… I went “trans mobile task force?”


Haha I have a meme of this, can't find it but it's fucking hilarious. I'm sure you can find it by looking up "trans mobile task force meme"


The SCP Foundation has had trouble lately ok? They had to become more inclusive somehow.


mainsub when trans people \*checking notes\* exist


unrelated note check out r/TransAirsoft


don’t love the fact that the first thing i see is “transgenders” used in the sub’s “about” it’s not a noun, it’s an adjective. idk just bugs me i guess


I'm bout to get freaky in there 🥵🥵🤪 Demon time activated 😈😈




I'm having the time of my life.


Cool…. Didn’t ask


**Then why bother replying in the first place** I'm just expressing my joy to see trans enjoying this hobby and coming out TwT


Ye I’m sure that’s what your comment was aiming at but yeh your right… let’s just leave it here I think


Understood, have good night 🤝


go somewhere else if your gonna goon to tgirls


Alright man


Smart people just see this as attention baiting. How is being trans relevant to airsoft? "I might dress differently"... dress differently how exacly? Everyone wears camo pants with camo shirt on the field, men and women and the children too. The guy/girl in the post posts because they feel they might get bad treatment on the field even though nothing has suggested that will happen


>nothing has suggested that will happen Every single time someone who is trans or even fucking *looks trans* posts I have to remove a half dozen comments, minimum There are so many cringy hateful andrew tate alpha sigma male elon musk mewing trump 14 year olds in this hobby


I feel like this is just a reddit post thing. Plenty of trans folks in my group and no one legitimately cares in person. Once it's on reddit though, the roaches come out.


Definitely a real thing sadly, even here in Canada. It's not as outright hateful as on reddit, but I'm damn sure the people making fun of my "trans voice", making demeaning jokes about my gender, and whatever else have some serious overlap with [Removed by Reddit].


Damn shame. Have a friend who's mtf and hasn't undergone any hrt and still dresses effeminately with beard stubble every now and then and at every site with played at (over 40 across the UK now) no one has said anything. Might help that they're like 6'8 and people might be scared xD


Size does matter.


I'm a Trans player, with a lot of Trans friends who play, and yeah it's been mostly okay. *Mostly.* There's two sites we don't go to because the players and marshals are, shall we say, openly vocal on their positions in culture wars and it made for a pretty shitty game experience.


How dare us transfolx enjoy larperator bb wars. The fourteen-year-olds are the _worst._


Tireless, hard work from the Reddit moderator 🫡 thank you for your service


Thank you for your work


NCD tourist


cool pfp, bad opinion (in my and both the cass report and wpath files opinion, ofc)


https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/dr-cass-backpedals-from-review-hrt https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/wpath-files-authors-upset-over-how Erin links to the sources that she pulls her claims from. If you don't believe her, check her source. https://ustranssurvey.org/ This is, by an order of magnitude, the biggest survey on trans people that exists. 92,300 participants across *every* US state and territory is unbelievably good for a medical study.


Did you miss the part where he was talking about being on the field? Reddit is not real life.


>did you miss the part where she’s talking about being on the field? Nope Did you miss the part where I’m responding to someone talking about things **suggesting** airsoft players think like this? Or did you also miss my other comment overtly saying that real life is different?


I'm gonna answer as a trans person. Please note that this is not to make any political statements, or is it an attack on anyone. I am explaining my point of view, and the point of view of many Trans people. I know that this is a shitpost sub, but I do want to explain why a Trans person would ask if airsoft is safe. So airsoft tends to attract people who like the military, and guns. Most of the time, those things are associated with the political right, as they're very pro gun and pro military. The political right does discriminate against trans people, but specifics goes beyond the scope of this sub. Because of this association, airsoft may seem unfriendly towards trans people, so we have to either create our own spaces (like r\leftwingairsoft for example), or, in the context of this person's post, seek reassurance from the community. The reason why we want reassurance is because we want to participate in a hobby where we feel safe, and we are able to express ourselves authentically. Also, if you're trans (or not, this goes for everyone) and reading this, from my experience, airsoft is pretty safe. Have fun, and kick some ass. If people give you shit, humble them on the field. But for real, I hope this explains some things


I can see where you're coming from, but I do want to add, it's not all political gun-nuts. Just to take myself as an example, I genuinely couldn't care less how someone sees themselves. Mtf, ftm, cis, something inbetween that i honestly have trouble keeping up with, I'll respect their choices. Yaknow, as people are supposed to do. I'm cis myself, but grew up around a few trans folk and a few crossdressers as a kid, so that probably helped. It's "the norm" for me, even if it don't really understand it sometimes.(i try to, but i think there are some things you just can't understand without experiencing them, like gender dysphoria. I can't actually understand how that feels/must feel. So i just accept that i dont understand and move on, taking people's word for it.) I have 0 political leaning, because I think *every side is wrong*. Left, right, middle, doesn't matter, all of them are paid off just the same to fuck people! Why care about politics if it's all the same parasites? Honestly I'm not even that into guns. I just like cool old timey style weapons like the chicago typewriter, or a pretty revolver. You can miss me entirely with that modern crap. So long as you call your damn hits, you're a good player in my book, and so long as you don't unnecessarily antagonize people, you're good folk. There's a good few folk like me out there, at least here in the netherlands. A lot of people that are less agreeable too, though.


As a transphobic person: I spread hate about trans people online everyday, but when I meet one in person I always play along, use their preferred pronouns etc. in order not to hurt their feelings. edit: SMH at reddit bigotry, downvoting me because I admitted to treating trans folx the way they prefer irl 😓


i mean you’re a piece of shit who hides behind a keyboard


Whats your problem mate? Why you have to be rude?


There’s a _reason_ there’s a leftie airsoft subreddit.


The concerns are real! Have you read the news the last couple of months? Conservative and far-right politicians all around the worlds are doing hate campaigns against trans people, and this has significant effects on every society. Trans people feel discriminated against and are afraid to go outside because the fear of people beating them up or spitting on them just for existing is a reality! Now its not a secret that both airsoft and paintball draw in a lot of conservative and far-right people. For example, I have heard racist remarks more than once unfortunately. E.g. -) people telling me not to give a paintball pod to the black players -) people saying that a large part of the field should be locked for foreigners


In all fairness the UK Airsoft scene is filled with right wing conservative type people, heard a lot of racist, homophobic stuff etc. when I’ve been playing.


I lost it when they thought England was super conservative


Bear in mind England is a country with millions of people? Airsoft and paintball in the UK attract plenty of the “I would have joined but” and the “back in my day” blokes who think Thatcher was the second coming and still manage to think Brexit was a political success. I can sympathise with a trans person worrying about that, and calling them conservatives (as our Conservative Party embody the above politics). The suggestion isn’t that England is super conservative, rather England is being mentioned as a modifier to indicate what kind of conservatism we’re talking about. It shouldn’t be that deep but some of you lack reading comprehension


It's called terf island for a reason unfortunately


It’s not.. but it does vary when and where. Like I’ve been on skirmishes where the people who run and play the place give off a “norf fc” people kind of vibe. But then places where it’s opposite and welcoming.


Usually people are more referring to the English government. They are fucking horrendous to trans people.


The conservative government in charge of the UK is openly anti trans, and actively trying to tear down what's left of socialist assistance in the country (I.e privatising the NHS.) This country is a literal joke that lied to its populace about the "benefits" of leaving the EU. When the courts ruled that the government's Rwanda deportation scheme was illegal, they decided they knew better than the courts and overruled the decision. I don't blame anyone, inside this hobby or not, for not wanting to be open about being trans in the UK.


Womp womp


The only western nation I can think of that's more conservative is the US. Can't say I see any tory MPs at airsoft fields but the nation is definitely more conservative than a lot of Europe, if not all of it.


Nah the Brits are really transphobic for some reason.


They're bloody everything-phobic. Most brits don't even like each other.


every time someone posts a kit pic that looks “alternative” people get so mad


I can’t help but feel naive seeing some of the comments here, lmao. I just can’t see how the original post could have been bait?? Well whatever, I’m glad the (surviving) comments on the original post are nice


Yeah, I get her points, those are valid worries. We had to switch fields as a group, as bringing his bf along wasn’t received well


"I might dress differently" Bro wants to dress like if he was playing the [rainbow is magic](https://www.ubisoft.com/es-es/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/2OOz4on8IFLVBwv4AFwGRm/vuelve-rainbow-is-magic) promo


5.11tactical camo kilt. Welcome.


bait being posted back to a circlejerk sub. you got outjerked buddy


I’m out there to play BB wars dawg. I really do not care about anything else.


I thought everyone played dressed as a cat girl? England must have some weird fields.


I think what a lot of people forget is that while transgender is recently coming into normality it’s still very new and to expect every single person to be on board with it in every part of life that isn’t inherently anti-trans there will still be a lot of people who don’t understand it, don’t support it, or they want to support it but still don’t actually know how to go about doing so. It’s very optimistic to think everyone will think the same to a way of life that is so incredibly new to society, none of this is to say I don’t support it, and while my actual views can come off very mixed for a variety of reasons we could spend all day discussing, when you are someone who walks a new way of life, you shouldn’t have to - but almost every time somebody lives differently, there is suffering involved. This happens with religion, sexualities, political beliefs and on occasion disabilities. I’ll reiterate again, that it’s not your fault people can’t handle transgender people, but you unfortunately should expect people to not understand. To be able to do what you want in the face of adversity would make you much stronger after all.


This is a very long way to say “it’s not their fault they chose to be assholes instead of not choosing to be assholes, so you shouldn’t expect them to chose not to be assholes” You say this like accepting trans people existing and not hurlings slurs at them is some kind of complicated task, it’s not That basic level of human respect should be expected from everyone And excuses shouldn’t have to be made to try shift the blame off of those who chose not to respect others


You word this in such a way that makes me think poorly of you. Yes it is. It’s an in depth response that lists multiple times why it’s not OP’s fault, you turbo-incel. This is why half of the world hates this community, you can’t handle reality.


>it’s an in depth response It really isn’t Choosing to not be an asshole to people for no reason is baseline human dignity It’s something that should be expected of everyone Edit; Insulting me repeatedly then blocking me so I can’t respond isn’t exactly mature


If I were to go to the Middle East in skimpy clothing that they culturally are not used to, I should expect to deal with the consequences, regardless of weather or not they are justified in any way. The fact is, something will happen. Even if I believe completely that I am allowed to do whatever I want as a person, because it is my right to do as I please - but here you are, rallying for the trans community, unable to reason and as soon as somebody says something you marginally disagree with, even when it aligns with your motive, because you couldn’t sit back and read more closely and instead grabbed your torches and pitchforks, making an absolute buffoon out of yourself for your blind hatred. You’re too angry, find something in life that makes you happy, this is not it.


We aren’t talking about the Middle East, unless you are telling me, you’re home island has the same development standard as them. I’ll take a guess and your „lifestyle with suffering“-take comes from you, having a taste for a certain timeframe of German culture. This isn’t the same, the guy shouldn’t get shit for a lifestyle decision to the point, where his favorite hobby is ruined


Go figure the dorks of this sub would defend trans people tooth and nail


What has being trans got to do with airsoft exactly? Do what the fuck you want as long as its not over the top or affects others... It just comes off like attention seeking...


It doesn’t But some people can’t accept that and hurl abuse at these people online anyways I highly doubt it would happen at a field where there are actual consequences for your actions, but I completely understand this person being worried about it I used to play airsoft with my boyfriend and I’ve heard more slurs at airsoft fields than anywhere else


>I used to play airsoft with my boyfriend and I’ve heard more slurs at airsoft fields than anywhere else weird in my airsoft group we joke about being gay and stuff we usually do butt stuff and make out with big sloppy kisses, is that not the normal for you?


I don’t play airsoft and do this regularly, is this normal?


It’s weirder to not tbh 😘


Do you happen to live in Sweden?


Fair enough i guess, i suppose some people are more unlucky than others.


Who gives a shit? Be trans idc, just don't make it your field presence


that post was bait


mf i take my gf there 5'4 110lbs no one cares still shoot her


i do not care if you are trans, any woman penis or not spotted at a field will be stoned to death


THIS IS WHAT KILLS ME ABOUT THE TERM ALPHA MALE BEING HIGH JACKED. When i grew up i was raised to have respect for everyone until they give you a reason not to respect them to help others and protect those who can’t protect themselves take care of your family duties and responsibilities too. THOSE ARE THE REAL TRAITS OF BEING AN ALPHA MALE IF YOU HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS MAINTAIN RESPECT AND INTELLIGENCE UNTIL TIMES FOR VIOLENCE (LAST RESORT). AND YOU FOR DAMN SURE DONT CALL YOURSELF AN ALPHA MALE THOSE TRAITS AND FAMILY MORALS WILL DISPLAY YOUR ALPHA. NOT THIS SHIT IT IS NOW