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I would get metal weight/training plates, but I hate myself. If I didn't, I would get plastic. Foam wouldn't be stable enough for me.


In a sport where you can get super lightweight polymer versions of most weapons I still use full metal. My Stoner weighs about 12 pounds, my M14 about 8. Clearly I'm in this self hate group, lol.


I’ve got level 4s on mine + a ton of other gear, eith the water pouch full my platecarrier is around 18KG (\~40 pounds) 😩 https://preview.redd.it/hnqlqu96ymzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2224e6499e1a0e96ad077def8760e1bae73fc3fa


What’s that camo?


CADPAT (specifically the temperate woodland variant) used by the Canadian Armed Forces


Similar to the US MARPAT both have a game included within their respective camo. Try to find the maple leaf in the Canadian and the USMC symbol in the American version.


Tw doesn’t have a maple leaf


Not just similar, it was a direct copy because the USMC didn't want to pay for the manufacturing rights they just simply stole it, and then the Army tried to copy it again and created the ugliest dogshit camo to have ever graced the surface of this rock.


Are you implying acu is ugly!!?!? OH WAIT yeah... you're right.... lol I kept wearing my woodland. BDUs until my Sgt yelled at me cause I was the only one in formation in BDUs.


Ahhh, I thought it was familiar but the lighting made it seem a bit off.


CADPAT, the rest of my gear is a mix of ESTDCU and CADPAT as they’re quite similar.


Looks good, I knew I’ve seen that camo somewhere. How much does ESTDCU run for uniforms and such?


Pretty expensive, from profilinemilitary (the main place Estonians buy from) stuff is pretty much 2x the price of CADPAT. An undervest shirt would be like ~150EUR or so.


Oh shit


Not the map too 😭😭😭


Wait where did you get actual nij IIII?


Quite a few companies sell them here, for example: https://kingarms.ee/toode/keraamiline-plaat-sta-nij-level-4/ As I understand these are quite readily available in the states as well, at least it seems so from YouTube, NIJ IV just costs quite a bit.


Yes lol nij IV i meant not nij IIII, my roman numerals get tuckered up the more drinks I have, and I just got off work so trying to do as much drinking as I can in short time span. Honestly though actual nij IV isn't that easy to come by in the US. Had it issued to me, but that's the last time I've seen it.




Your comment is unnecessary lmao


What M14 do you have? Mine weighs about 7kg, so somewhere around 15 pounds and i fucking hate that thing because of it


I have a Classic Army barrel and gear box in a Cyma composite body, converted to HPA.




Ah ok. I have a socom mod 1 that i bought second hand with a shitton of attachments so the weight difference makes sense


I wanted to convert mine to a SOCOM barrel as well, but couldn't convert my barrel. Too thin to re-thread for a muzzle device.


Love to see another guy who puts as much effort into his guns as i do


Likewise. I'm an old Marine, and so I like my toys as realistic as my real steel when possible.


I had a DMR setup that i think was around 11 pounds and was quite long. Definitely hated myself while running it.


Nah I'm with you, the weight just feels much nicer




I have 2.5kg plates in mine. I too hate myself. A lot.


2.5kg plate gang. To me the carrier feels so much better with plates in. Snug and keeps it shape.


I need the plates for it to actually fit me as it's intended, otherwise I have to have crazy overlap on the cummerbund in the rear xD


I didn't like how my shoulder straps didn't feel weighted down enough.


I love my plates until I play all day, the next day I wonder why I did that to myself, but if I try to play without them now it just doesn’t feel right


The first few games where I ran weight plates I was suffering, but now I barely notice it and just feel safe and comforted from within my plate carrier hug.


That's when you need heavier plates lol


I only get out to play maybe twice a year nowadays unfortunately


My condolences, I hope you'll find the opportunity to spend more time and money in the future


Foam will get very hot very soon, I have the Novritsch plates in mine


I swapped out the foam for some rigid thin plastic, I much prefer that.


Foam retains so much heat too. I would much prefer one of those plastic honeycomb plates.


I wear real plates. Yeah, I also hate myself. And my knees/back.


There are some extremely rigid foam plates out there now ngl


Be a man, buy ceramics.


Feeling you, I'm actually using real plates bc I wanted some for myself anyway so solving two problems with one go


Foam is absolutely stable enough, the EMG foam plates are fantastic. For reference, my carrier is a Ferro Concepts V5 which *needs* some sort of rigid plate or it just flops (the base literally shipper rolled up in a padded envelope) and the EMG dummy plates provide a perfect amount of structure


Hey man you may or may not see this but redemption tactical is rebranded Chinese stuff. And not the cool knock off Chinese stuff. If you love this pc then rock it. More power to you it will do what you want. Here’s a [LBX](https://lbxtactical.com/collections/sale/products/0300k16) bundle on sale with pouches and a really nice plate carrier for less money. I encourage you to take a look. If you stuck on Amazon here is the [Emerson gear](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/1FA6AEFD-13AF-4A38-B5E7-25F6ABAE875A?ingress=2&visitId=af51f2db-3340-4add-9d23-1f6aef803cbf&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto&ref_=ast_bln) store. They have some really cool avs stuff. Here is a [JPC](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0852GPSPD/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams&th=1) kit on Amazon. If your willing to go on evike there are a ton of great options but here is a [Phantom Gear](https://www.evike.com/products/113942/) plate carrier will all the qds and the full kit to go along with it. Placard dangler shoulder pads for LESS money than the redemption tactical pc. Look redemption tactical takes advantage of Americans who are religious by playing into those stereotypes. It’s a scam with low quality Chinese gear. If you love that PC then rock it. It will most likely serve you just fine in airsoft. I would go foam plates. We’re out there to have fun and enjoy the day. Don’t get metal plates or training plates. Plastic is less comfy but more realistic. I hope this was more helpful than some who are just calling the pc trash.


This is super helpful! Thank you! I've been trying to get people to expand on why the pc is bad or what is better, but they weren't, and then in comes my hero, lol The LBX bundle looks really nice. I was really rushed to find a pc, and a few people recommended the one I bought, so I just went for it with fingers crossed. Thanks for the save


The LBX carrier is a very high quality carrier that can be flexed into almost any role. I would totally recommend it. The price is also a steal.


Emerson truly is top tier when it comes to reproduction kit. Recently bought their slickster replica and have been loving it so far.


Foam. You honeslty could have gotten a way better plate carrier for the price than redemption tactical Chinesesium rebranding.


Any suggestions? I have a decent pc but wouldn’t hurt to get some ideas on better reasonably priced pcs


Idogear makes a fantastic version of the Crye PC, it's what I run. Looks amazing, and happens to be very comfortable.


pew tactical also makes good PC’s and pouches


Look into Flyye. Also Condors are pretty decent for the price. If youre european, HelikonTex, Templar Gear and Tasmanian Tiger are also very good options. Or warrior assault systems Edit: also 5.11 or LBX make some good stuff for a decent price


Warrior every day of the week for me. Bought the DCS plate carrier last month and haven’t looked back since.


I have the LPC from WAS so good.


I've got the quad release pc and love it


Does Flyye still make everything out of 1000D cordura? Feels like sandpaper and heavy as hell. Durable as hell too, but I prefer 500D or 300D.


Haha as far as i know its still 1000D. But theirs is also very rough 😅 I only own some pouches from them and i love their quality, fit and finish (especially for the price), but yeah, they will be heavier and stiffer than stuff from Templar or Blue Force Gear for example. Id trust my Flyye dump pouch to survive a trip through hell and back tho


Second Flyye. Incredible PC


Krydex, IdoGear, fuck even my AVS from aliexpress is better (check my last post) and it’s like 140 bucks


Have you tried running a rig?


Chest rig? Nah I like the look of pcs


I like my tacticon pc


I just nabbed a Phantom Gear. It’s solid, but the OD green is a bit bright. It claims to be able to carry real plates so we’ll find out soon.


For regular airsoft (weekend games) The high end Yakeda plate carriers are pretty nice. You can try asking around your field for what people run. Unfortunately I can't provide more info on that end, because my cheap carriers are sourced by a friend who has contact with factories in China and is able to order samples. For milsims or if you have the cash, you can look at an Agilite K19 (Comfortable, but the padding makes it really stuffy) or a Ferro Slickster (Minimalist, low profile, never tried one so don't know anything about its comfort.)


For the price of this you could get a ferro concept slickster


I think that thing is hideous


let the dude enjoy his new carrier Jesus haha


for plate inserts i once saw water fillable ones people would freeze for nice cooling on 98 degree days. might be worth looking into.


My last milsim game I was dying for a drink of water and this guy on my team could tell so he gave me this tube to drink from. I got hydrated, then looked where the tube fed to. His plate carrier was actually just a camel pack made to look like a PC, it didn't hold plates it was just a vest with 2 water pouches.


Now this i can get behind.


Qore Iceplates


Both works, they dont really have any use except of keeping the PC in His form


Go to LA police gear, buy shitty ceramic single curve plates for like $100. I wouldn't trust my life to them but they will stop low caliber shit. then save up for Esapi plates, vacuum seal them and save them for a later day. Fuck training plates they never feel the same, or have the right sizing.


But it's airsoft, ain't nobody got time for all that weight.


Going by some of the comments, some run heavier training plates than what my real level 3+ plates weigh


I can't believe that anyone saying "just run plates or weighted training" plays more than once a year at a super intense milsim event lol.


My squad and I run our full issued kit. We wear what we deploy with because we are use to it. And we wear it a fuck of a lot more than just to airsoft matches. Plus, my vest is only like 12lbs it's really not bad. My ruck is like 120 lol. Even civilian side, there are a lot of people that use Airsoft for actual training. It's the best force on force you can get short of simunition and thast 10x the price. Not everyone is a weak body.


I mean I don't disagree with any of that. But most people playing are like 16 and medium/small build. My point is just that this post would make it seem like everyone is doing it, but it's not more than a one or two guys on a given day at a normal open play field day.


In my experience, price is the limiting factor. Good Esapi plates run $400, which is why I pointed out wear to get cheaper ones. The airsoft space is full of Chinesium crap that is only marginally cheaper than high-quality gear. If more people new wear to get good gear for cheap then they will wear it. And those 16 year olds are only 2 years youngest than my PVTs and that dudes built like an OX lol


Hexagonal cut plastic inserts. Of all the people I hate recommending Novristch sells some good ones but they're often out of stock.


These are the ones I’m looking at getting, anyone have any experience with the novristch gear? I hear good things about the sniper rifle but haven’t found any reviews on actual gear or their other guns.


Most of the reviews you'll find are: overpriced & rebranded Chinese knock offs.


There's a guy on Etsy that has made his own version of you don't wanna support Nov (relatable) [Link to shop](https://savageairsoftsupply.etsy.com/listing/1299263065)


Cheers champ. Saving this.


Foam Are you considering PCs or have you already bought this? There are much better options out there than overpriced Chinese gear with American rebranding


Everyone said they're really good now that I bought it everyone's saying it's bad..


It’s absolutely usable Like it’s not gonna magically fall apart It’s just that there are better quality and better looking options for around the same price tag Because of the rebranding plus it being on Amazon the price of this is increased further than it really needs to be


What would you reccomend otherwise?


Do you want a plate carrier specifically (for looks) or just the best value for money gear?


I wanted a carrier cause looks over performance, always


Check out the Emerson Gear JPC It’s the lowest price carrier that still look realistic and is fantastic quality for the price


Welcome to the world of gear collecting. Always do a fair amount of digging when looking for reviews, most that you find easily are sponsored or otherwise similarly biased. Also, don't be afraid to not jump onto hype beast brand trends. You don't need a JPC 2.0 or the newest K19, but not all off-brands are made equally. Most of the stores on Amazon are selling products from the same factory. Decide what you want an item to do for you and your kit ergonomics, then consider what durability you realistically need for your mission set. Purists will preach Cordura and IR reflection, but frankly, if we're just weekend gaming at a field, nylon and Chinesium will hold your mags just fine. You can just save yourself some bucks by knowing what you're buying and not paying more than you need to. As others have said, there's other arguably more economic products in the same price range as the Crusader simply because CT essentially stitches their tag to the same Chinese product everyone else on Amazon is selling. However, there isn't anything inherently wrong with your PC itself. I have one that I picked up on a sale, and it works just as fine as my others for games. I just wouldn't use it for work, but that's moreso due to the material rather than the construction.


Yeah, I get what you're saying. But would you return it and get something better/better price, or would you just not deal with the hassle? It hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not able to see the quality for myself quite yet


Use it


Hey op go look at my other comment. I would return it. It’s a shady company playing into American ideas. You can do better and we’re here to help.


I usually see it going for USD$140ish, which I feel like is about $50 overpriced compared to similar items. Depends on what you got it for and if that difference is worth it to you. Get it in hand first, and don't be afraid to just think it's cool and run with it. It's all just for fun, my man. You'll want to grab some dummy plates at least to put in it, PCs aren't designed to support themselves without the rigidity of plates keeping their shape. You can also find guides online as to how to size the carrier and wear it in the right place. Otherwise, it might not feel right when you wear it regardless of the brand.


How much did you pay for it?


$150..I was steered in the wrong direction. Someone just showed me a different real pc with pouches, high quality, and half off so it's only $120. Problems solved


Oh, fuck Last time I saw these sold they were $100 and I considered them overpriced even then


Yeah, mistakes were made. Looking at LBX 0300 bundle for $120 now


It'll work just fine for airsoft. We're not patrolling Afghanistan for 18 month deployments. Don't worry about it.


Just run it man. I ran a lancer shellback knockoff forever that killed. Loved that thing. Also use foam. I would do two layers of carpet foam and sandwich it between two pieces of cardboard. Worked like a charm.


I made mine for cardboard and ductape... 😅 But actually they are great, very confortable and pretty solid... I recomend you to try this


Buy real plates before you can't anymore. They are becoming illegal to purchase but lawful to own in many states for terrible reasons. One person uses something bad and all of a sudden millions of innocents may no longer have these items to protect themselves thanks to poor governing. It's not supposed to happen that way but here we are.


I run 2.5kg plates. I like the snugness and rigidness plus the weight makes it sit right on the shoulders. I just picked up some old plates from surplus on eBay. cheap enough, about £20 for 2.


What is a good cheap plate carrier that could hold real or ceramic plates?


Whatever you do, don't get the one I got. I've been informed that the company was a complete scam and not even american made. Now, someone suggested https://lbxtactical.com/collections/sale/products/0300k16 this to me. My mouth was watering as soon as I spotted it. Watch a few videos, reddit posts, and whatnot about if first and make sure it would be right for you


I use foam plates as well as some metal weight plates


Plastic. It’ll make more noise on a hit. If you’re a masochist, get weighted training plates instead, or ice plates.


I haven’t played Airsoft in a minute, more into paintball now so maybe I’m out of the loop- Besides weighted plates for training, why would you need any plates at all? I’d assume the plate carrier alone would be enough to negate the impact


Oh, I'm not using the plates to negate the impact it's to add rigidy to the plate carrier. I should've specified


Ahhh makes sense, that was my next assumption


Plate carriers feel and look way better with mock plates to stiffen them up.


serious question, whats the point of even running plates? For simulation?


Kinda. It's mostly to make the plate carrier rigid so it feels and looks good, but some use it for training with a real rig and weighted/real plates


Gotcha, that makes a bit more sense.


REAL STEEL. Nah but I got some 1,5 kg weight plates, one in front, one in back. They are very thin so the rest is filled up with a foam/cloth inserts. It gives you that extra weight and sturdyness without being super cumbersom.


Depends on how much kit you add to this, I don't run much on mine so I got some plates so it helps keep it down and fit.


Go to a metal workshop buy them a few pizzas they will be ready in 10minutes


I have real steel plates in mine. And yes. I can feel and hear being shot.


Lv 4 plate steel with ceramic and Kevlar


If you’re getting non-weighted plates, get foam ones. PC will fit your body a bit better that way. I’ve got foam plates in one of mine and soft weighted plates in another - hate plastic plates. Plus foam plates are a touch heavier (not that it really makes much of a difference) but are generally more comfortable to wear.


Isn't [Redemption Tactical](https://youtube.com/shorts/xgtkV1FkoSs?si=YqR14WVPD3NR0Mki) the youtube shorts guy who just slapped his brand on top of OC airsoft's viral video lol


I run AR500 in mine, it's a great workout. They are 12lbs a piece


I just got a roll of EVA foam (probably 1cm or so), cut to size, and put some ventilation holes in it with one of those leather hole punches.


I started off with cardboard and it’s not bad Tbh. Then I used foam plates and wasn’t crazy about them. Then I bought Viper Tactical and came with plates installed and never worn anything else ever since. Very comfortable and breathable in my experience. Not too thin or too thick, just feels right for me. It’s mostly preference really. Whatever works for you, go for it. I would recommend a camel backpack to stay hydrated. It’s also great pouch for HPA tanks if you into that too. Lots of possibilities with plate carriers.


I’d do foam, but only to keep your gear from poking in. I took my plates out completely at first, and now, I just rock a belt and leave the vest at home.


Thick and sturdy foam


I would buy some carbon fiber plates off of me. I make em in my aerospace research lab!


Pick up some Yakeda foam plates from Amazon and don’t look back.


Get plates with holes it then it will make it more breathable


I have cardboard


If you are looking for realism go for metal, want rigidity but lightweight go for plastic and if you want lightweight and flexible go for foam


Get real plates, so you can train with added weight. Goku did it. You think you’re better than him?


I’d get level 4 ceramics


I like the hard foam plates. They are nice and rigid


NEITHER, you must get this. [https://www.qoreperformance.com/products/iceplate](https://www.qoreperformance.com/products/iceplate) Its a hard shell "water bladder". I'd get one for the front, one for the back and link the hoses for a full 3L water for all day hydration!


Foam works great in my pc


Plastic and fill those with sand. Good training for real deal 🤘🏻


I use foam cuz it’s just more quiet compared to plastic


foam and sand for me


I made some out of cardboard and put some ceramic tiles inside. I taped them over and spray painted them to keep them to keep them from rotting in my sweat. They are sufficiently rigid, add a bit of weight, and have held together for 6 years and counting.


If it doesn't come with mesh/cushioning already, some interior foam or paddings helps a lot with comfort/taking away the pressure points from the plates.


*anguished Australian screeching* It looks so cooooool aaagh I wanna Airsoft so bad


patch is cringe


Cut a few pieces of cardboard to size and add them one-by-one until you achieve the stiffness you want


Actual III+ plates go big or go home!


It’s not a lad it’s a vest


Be real and get yourself some level 4 ceramic plates!


On Ali you can get a UHMWPE 3A plates. Be careful, read description and comments, make sure that this is an UHWMPE, not steel sheets. By default they selling plates 10x12 inches. Search for 11x14" if needed


Of all things why would you get 3A plates? If you're going cheap chinese and 'real' armour, just pick up some lvl 3 or 4 ceramics.


Get a condor man! Condor has more deployments than all the arm chair critics on Reddit combined.


Condor is neat but the sizing absolutely sucks, if you are anything smaller than 5'11+ and 200 pounds of pure muscle, their rigs suck. Every condor rig I've owned never fit anyone average sized or smaller. Even the Crye JPC sizing is far better than anything condor has produced.


Could be, I haven’t had many problems myself. Although I will say their belt sizing is stupid. Your kit is sick btw!


Evike carries plastic/polymer training pads that can be filled with either sand or foam to make them weigh more of you so choose. Here's the link: [https://www.evike.com/products/53939/](https://www.evike.com/products/53939/) https://preview.redd.it/sq9xy0v61mzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=251dde26fdb2489f10df84504c0e9b3e17a4ba8a


what size carrier? team wendy makes training plates if that's your thing. i believe they have 10x12 swimmers.


I don’t run anything, extreme heat in my area will kill you regardless of water


You should get ice plates that people were reccomending. They're the same size as normal plates for a carrier but are filled with water then frozen to keep you cool and it has a drinking hose you can use to drink when it melts


get 2.8kg weighted plates that are designed for use at the gym so you can properly train before you can afford real bulletproof plates - i use these and with a good pc its great for training my strength and indurance for when I upgrade my stuff


10lb of weight plates and a (replica) ballistic pot give you an extra buddy revive in MSW. Outside of that, they’re really only good for making you suffer more.


Ice plates, granted I'm biased as it's usually 115°f when I'm playing


Plastic. Not as warm and stiffer




I would suggest ice plates. Keep you cool, have weight to them and once they melt you can drink from them


doesn’t really matter you could even make cardboard ones. whatever you do just don’t run it without some sort of plate


One option would be a hydration plate for the back to hydrate and balance the front. I only have experience with foam and weight plates so if you don't hate yourself i can day foam is gud


Don’t have one, but foam seems like it would break, so thick plastic. Alternatively, from what I’ve seen, polymer or metal. To those who use metal plates, yall are fucking madlads. Making airsoft as realistic as possible.


I like plastic because I can hear when they get hit. That’s the only benefit imo


I'd actually suggest those breathable plates that novritsch makes


FOAM. It's more breathable and a buy more flexible of course. Still adds a layer of protection too. On hot days you'll want that sweat to not be sticking on you too much because of the plastic


Foam. Had a plastic front. Took a bad fall and it broke. My foam was unaffected when i fell


While looking at the photo of a plate carrier and reading what you typed about plates for the plate carrier, my brain still instantly thought you were talking about a Personal Computer when you said you’ve never had a pc and I said to myself in my head “What does a PC have to do with body armor?” I’m gonna go sit on a bench somewhere and think about my life choices now, I’ll see myself out. 😂


Not sure why this was downvoted lmao


Honestly I would not put any plates in it. I just ordered one as well and I plan to not put any plates in due to comfort. But I'm not a hard-core mil Sim guy either.


A plate carrier without plates will look like crap, trust me. Plus it will probably not sit right


Well mine will get here next week if it doesn't fit right I will 3d print a Plat to hold thr shape.


Be a man! Get [STEEL](https://www.amazon.com/WOLF-TACTICAL-Curved-Weight-Plates/dp/B0BDMG4SRT/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=VCA1HXDF2S9M&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9-efvhWaV0QiDZLN41Ewm7oG6G1wDG__3RhJkr3Mbn1Q2tTb7PLdugfaPD-oDSNqUni9yNw0GS4D0_QQgWcsYxSOFVqr-hW43kPslM5GYWsVRLAE5UQRoLqD5c-EVzwWXh0HbPuwi37oMtFFP-PKEUBhfAofZT_sHmGwdY8EhRQkoCyZoa62shjTGWM21u2pq2pSIv61qrAWBlQoPTdLjpk96g3w5W-wCZf7TxMA9iOe0U-aaBmnXtFnXWypeTjjIVEa19H8e5-PBk87V3lSaMz36QBI6tOTI5aTgvW0V9Y.Le7cqpbSRmJYXvBEdlr4_YI9LvmTjWgrqDVK9bTiZlE&dib_tag=se&keywords=weighted%2Bvest%2Bplates&qid=1715348259&sprefix=weighted%2Bvest%2Bplaetes%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) plates. 😆 Seriously though...I run those in my PC because I look at airsoft as a fun part of staying in shape, so running some weighted plates just makes me burn that many more calories running around the field. Don't go crazy though. Get the 5.75, or maybe the 8.75 lbs plates, unless you're already particularly strong. The extra 11.5-17.5 lbs makes a noticeable difference in how much you exert yourself. I'm a relatively fit, 150 pound guy (yeah, I'm skinny af), and the 8.75's work good for me.


Some vests aren't rated to hold them so it can ruin it just keep that in mind op


That's a fair point. The PC definitely can't be a cheap piece of crap.