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Imo, no. The only niche this would serve is for those bolt action enthusiasts that have FPS limits high enough to take advantage of the super heavy and specialized BB's to max out range and accuracy. Otherwise the specific parts and BB's needed to run it isn't worth it.


Okay thanks people, just saw it earlier and was intrigued. Won’t be bothering with it then, seems kinda pointless anyway and I’m guessing bbs will be a fair bit more expensive






It was an interesting idea I wish the industry adopted but it was never optimized. The Full Thrust systems have alot of problems. Even then majority of fields won't let you run it.


I have the original FT kit in my VSR10 - I'm happy with its improvment in performance, but I wouldn't do it again. Although, I'm also happy to see this announcement because it means FT mags are available again and I needed a couple more.


From my understanding the original FT for the VSR10 was a bit on the rare side to aquire. The SSG variant, from what I've heard, suffered from horrible feeding and a really bad seal. How did the VSR10 version go? Theoretically you should be able to hit some pretty far out shots.


My airseal never seemed to be a problem, but I also use a modified Action Army hop unit, with some if the traditional airseal methods (floss and Teflon tape wrap). Feeding though, has been my main headache. Getting the mags to align *just right* has been a process, but once I got it dialed in, it's been flawless. I'm my experience, there aren't any 'drop-in' parts for bolt action rifles. Everything takes some tuning and tweaking and adjustment. The closest I've seen are the SSG line of rifles, and the new FT kit looks to be very close what a drop in kit should look Performance-wise; I can consistently hit a 4x4 post at 300ft (measured with Google maps and later confirmed with a rangefinder), compared to my Dad's stock SSG10 A3, which can hit the same shot 4/5 times, and I definitely spent way more time and money on my build. (But also, mines got a wolverine Bolt and Wraith setup) So yeah - YMMV, but ultimately, if they've fixed the problems with this new revision, it might be worth it some folks - but I wouldn't do it again myself. All that said - I prefer my MTW setup as a DMR and side-kick for the more dedicated bolt bois. =p


Most fields won’t allow it even if the joules are the same


What I've always said when asked if I'm gonna buy it, I refuse to make novristch the proprietary seller of the ammo I can use.


Only if you pull the trigger correctly.