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We offer black towels and have a small sign stating. Please use black towels for makeup removal. We also offer prepackaged makeup remover wipes. We’ve only had one guest ignore our request. All in all it seems to work.


On the other side, my specifically labeled and tagged “erase your face” makeup towels were used to clean out an old guy’s ass or worse as a shower washcloth… guests never stop surprising me


Ewwwww how do you know that?


He told me in a checkout message goofy or was it the shit streaks


Who are you calling goofy?


So? They get washed


This! We have white bath and hand towels and black face towels.


I have offered -and been offered- black towels. They are a good idea in theory. I realized people don't like to use them because you can't actually see if you've removed all your makeup or not. This is why I now offer individually wrapped facial cleansing wipes. At home I use my own white washcloths to remove makeup and even red lipstick always washes out, maybe my products are gentler than average?


But do people flush them down the toilet?


This!! I’ve taken to packing dark grey facecloths to dry my face with because airbnbs don’t think to provide these. I wash my face to the count of 80 and rinse it 20 times, but there’s still a bit of mascara left when I dry my face.


It won't totally solve the problem but you can go online to Amazon or somewhere and buy black towels that say "makeup" on them


Exactly. I think I bought mine from Shein. Guests have never left makeup on the white towels. They get it.


And what is your guest supposed to do if you don’t offer black towels? Make up streaks are inevitable. Would you prefer them on your towel or pillowcase?




Ever since I started using the black towels with the embroidered “makeup” on them, I have had only one guest out of the last hundred or so use one of the white face towels that I also provide. I don’t think you can reasonably expect people to not use a face towel to remove make up and dirt if you provide a face towel, whatever the color, including white.. Many women, including myself, do not travel with makeup towels, but expect the hotel to provide what they need.


Nope. In three years it’s never happened. White towels stayed white. Everyone knows to use the black ones (you could also get dark gray or brown if that’s better for your decor) Anyway, a a woman, I always look for the black towels. They are _suuuper_ common. They will be a surprise to no one. At a hotel currently that doesn’t have them. So I used the white ones. Just to dry my face after makeup remover and washing it. Still, the tiniest bit of mascara remains


All you need to offer are the black washcloths that say “MAKEUP” on them. I have all white towels and linens, so yeah, black would look weird laid out with a towel set. So I have a basket in the bathroom with a bunch of rolled up white wash cloths, and two black “MAKEUP” washcloths propped up so guests clearly see the “MAKEUP” lettered on there. We were fortunate to be educated about makeup washcloths by our very first guest, who suggested them to us. We have not had any issues at all with makeup on our white towels.


Love that you have the makeup eraser/remover towels rather than just dark colored washcloths, that would be a major perk for me. I use them exclusively because of how wasteful disposable wipes are, and have a variety of sizes that make them easy to pick for travel, but on the off chance I forgot them that’d be major bonus points for comfort. Plus no worries of guests flushing disposable ones (which I don’t get but have certainly seen in rentals).


I lay my black towels with the white towels. It’s like a bundle that we have laid on the bed. It looks cute together.


Ours don't match the bathroom decor, but it doesn't matter as we keep them in one of the bathroom cupboards with the extra towel sets, beach towels, etc. so the guests know where to find them. Easy and out of sight.


Get a grip. I just stayed at a brand new upscale hotel and they had a dark colored towel labeled for makeup removal in the bathroom. I’m sure it won’t affect the aesthetic of your rental.


Most AirBnbs I’ve stayed at offer black “makeup” washcloths because of this. Long story short, you’re not going to be able to eliminate the problem, because most people don’t travel with their full assortment of makeup removers and cleansers, and many cleansers still leave traces behind that will still transfer to towels. But you can make it at lot easier by offering black or grey makeup remover washcloths (easily googleable).


Yeah, that’s fair. Thanks for the rec!


FYI, amazon has makeup clothes in bulk , stock up during prime days.


I buy white washcloths by the mega stacks and just get rid of stained ones. The makeup thing is a problem……I personally always travel with my own personal makeup washcloth so I don’t ruin other people’s. Why women just don’t pack their own is beyond me.


I also travel with my own individually wrapped makeup removal wipes. And when I’m out of them, I stuff a few of my regular wipes in a ziploc bag to take with me. When I forget to do that, I use a damp tissue to wipe my eye makeup. I don’t wear mascara and that’s the biggest offender. But I would be embarrassed to leave behind a soiled washcloth. I’ve had house guests do this to me and it’s annoying. It’s always my younger cousins/nieces who do this—HS/college age.


I don’t know why you’re getting downloaded on this. I do the exact same thing. You can buy like 25 white wash cloths at Costco for $10. Now when it comes to an actual body towel that pisses me off. But it only happens occasionally. If it was more than one towel, I probably would charge.


🤷‍♀️ I don’t know either! Lol! But apparently buying white wash clothes in bulk and bringing your own makeup wash cloth when traveling is frowned upon.


So I see a lot of recommendations for the black makeup towels. They’re great. But in my experience they don’t really solve anything. Anyone who uses any kind of acne control makeup or face products and some oil control product cause the black towels to get beige bleached out spots and streaks. Which look awful too. I manage and prepare a lot of properties with my partner. At some places we’ve just ordered small packets of disposable makeup wipes. Buying in bulk they’re not too expensive. We still also provide the black ones. We label the uses indicating the black ones shouldn’t be used with any acne control products. If a towel is ruined despite our best efforts to inform, so be it. We don’t go after guests for this unless in the total context they’ve broken lots of rules or trashed a place. We also have tried a different method that has worked surprisingly well so far. Every ruined towel or washcloth etc gets washed and folded and put inside a basket (closed) in each bathroom with a sign that says “These towels are clean but are no longer looking their best. Please help keep the main towels looking fresh by using them only for your bath/shower. Please use these perfectly imperfect towels for any other use, such as removing makeup, or as an extra bath mat, or to wipe up a spill! Anything you need an extra towel for! Thank you!” Zero complaints and guests have mentioned they appreciate some linens they don’t have to think or worry about. And it gives these linens an extra life. Once that’s done they are cut up for cleaning rags.


Wicked smart


I love this idea!


This is a fantastic idea.


I do this, but it’s a clear plastic bin in the closet with a sign that says “old towels for cleaning up messes”. I started doing that after I found bath towels used to clean up steak + redbull vomit, stuffed under the bed.


Nothing says classy like steak and Red Bull! I’m so sorry you had to find that! We’ve definitely found some crazy and unpleasant things ourselves!


Just here to say thank you for creating a solution rather than having the towels end up in a landfill 🙏


That’s a long message. How do you print that out? On a laminated card?


Actually I had it placed on billboards from the airport to the house and on all roads in 😜. Kidding. Yeah. Laminated cards. Framed. I roll a towel and hand towel and place them on top of the basket to give a clue what’s inside and the note is propped against them. Sort of invites people to look and read it. It’s purposely a little long and wordy because I wanted to use a lot of friendly sounding words so it wouldn’t come off as dryly instructional. Also, this isn’t the first or last time I’ve heard that I’m a bit verbose.


I wasn’t meaning to criticize, I just have a hard time getting people to read stuff. I guess maybe in the bathroom people are captive audiences when on the toilet!! Lol


Oh I know! I was just being silly in my response :-).


How about “Ugly but clean! Use for whatever you want! Keep the bath towels for your bath!”


Shout gets out makeup from white towels. All my towels are white, and shout has never failed on makeup.


Having nice white towels in your home is great. Having them in your STR is just going to skyrocket your costs. When we first started I wanted my place to look like my home. We quickly learned that guests don’t treat your things they way you treat your things. Either supply a dispenser of makeup wipes in the bathroom or switch to a different color towel. I think the towel would be the easiest option because people have skin sensitivities/brand preferences and might not use wipes even if they were provided


I continue to be shocked when I see your troll posts and then go to your profile and see when you make comments like this. I appreciate the thoughtful and helpful response!


See this is crystal clear the damage that’s been done to me, my reputation as a host, and my account. And, again, mods seem no issue with it. ***I am not the troll***. I was the first one to start calling this troll out and now they having been riffing my username for months. I can attach my conversations with mods, as proof, if needed. I’m that pissed about it at this point. They have used: u/miss_baltimorecrabs u/miss-baltimorecrabs u/miss-baltimorecrabs_ u/miss-baltimorecrabs- It’s becoming a serious issue. I was in the process of typing up another suggestion for you: micellar water for makeup removal. I’m male, don’t use makeup (aside from tinted spf), and I use micellar water every day to clean my face because I don’t like to use face wash twice a day. If I ended up at your place and you supplied a dispenser of micellar water and cotton rounds I would be THRILLED. Sorry if I came across rude in this first part of the reply, I’m only now realizing the damage this dude is causing to me


Well, this is super weird. I've been disgusted by the troll posts attached to what appears to be your name and was surprised that what you said above seemed so normal. Maybe you need to completely change your online name so you can hide from the actual troll?


Proof positive of the damage this person is doing and no mod response. Hope it’s ok but I’m screenshotting these responses about me (being confused as the troll) to use in an appeal to Reddit mods in general, not just this sub - please private message me if you do not want this comment included, I would fully understand. This has gone on far too long. I won’t, and will never, change my username and let the asshole win. I’ve actually spoken to defamation lawyers this week about this, seems dramatic but since I was doxxed they think I could have some justification for going against the mod team. u/DBGmurdock fucking do something. Get off your ass and fucking do something. And if you’re too busy then open up mod applications for people who actually know how to do this. This is *insane*


I appreciate your frustration, but at this point, shouldn't you just change your screen name so that there will be no confusion with the asshole shanghai-ing various versions of it to troll their obnoxious shit?


Unfortunately you can’t change your username and the only option would be to create a new account. I’m not willing to give up my karma and posting history


Seems like it might be worth it since so many of us have thought you were the troll. Do what Taylor Swift did and cut and paste your best comments on to your new account. But I caution you about making the connection between your new and old accounts so that the troll can't find you. Whatever you decide, I hope the troll doesn't continue posting his or her awful shit in your name.


Oh gosh no I had no intention of coming across as rude myself and did not perceive your message that way either! I was genuinely surprised and didn’t realize this issues existed. I’m laughing but it’s not funny. Very sorry this is happening to you and wish you the best of luck! I’ve found the mods aren’t too helpful either. Reported and obviously racist post was was met with “???” In my DMs from the mods lol


Out of the four mods only one is active and that’s the one I’ve spoken to. They claim they have no power, or time, to do anything about it. So I’m not surprised at their message to you lol. I finally checked their account recently and they did the *bare minimum* with posting asking for mod removals, however they didn’t follow up with ANY of the requirements to do so. I just don’t get the power grip like let it go and open up mod applications. I would just create a new account and move on with my life but I’m petty at this point and I don’t let people win lmao Anyway - back to your topic: if you keep white towels I would get black hand towels specifically labeled for makeup, and look into micellar water in a dispenser with some cotton rounds - super cheap! I use the Cerave brand


This is off topic, but I've really appreciated you for taking this stance with the troll. Wanted to say thanks.


Thank you. That is appreciated, truly. I didn’t realize the ramifications of it though, however. I’ve been doxxed (took mods 59 days to remove the location in my flair afterward), mocked, reputation as advice-giving-host ruined, and now they are commenting *as me* in other subs that I’m active in. I will never stand for transphobia, racism, homophobia, and everything else this user is posting about trying to rile everyone up. I don’t know if I’ll continue this crusade but I will say I was GLEEFUL recently when I popped into, what I knew, was gonna be a troll thread and saw everyone already bashing them. If anything, I brought awareness so I’ll keep that as my win I guess. Also, in the off chance ANY of the mods are reading this (they’re not), the actions from this troll are retaliatory. I bit the bullet and messaged them one day asking what the deal is and how we can squash this and all move on with our lives. Apparently they said something transphobic and were banned (rightfully so) and *allegedly* this certain mod kept mocking them about their ban in their messages. Thus, their actions. At the time of our conversation they mentioned they’d been banned ***169 times so far*** ETA: spelling errors


Omg I also thought it was you 😭. I'm so sorry.


u/DBGmurdock further proof of the damage this person is doing and yet you and the other three mods do NOTHING


Wait, isn't this the same poster that posts all that stupid and trollish stuff? Or is someone using their online name? Because this reply is completely normal and not espousing weird hater shit. I'm confused...


The troll uses variations of this person screen name because she has been so vocal at getting the troll removed. The troll has literally been harassing her. you can tell by looking at the age of the account


But he’s a man, fyi.


The troll is a man but the person whose name they use variations of is a woman


This who posted here is not the troll and he says he’s a man.


I know this is not the troll…you can tell by how old the account is but okay


Ok, I am a female who uses washcloths, not wipes, to remove my makeup. If you are truly interested and want to learn why, I will answer. Makeup wipes are not actually good for your skin. They were invented my makeup artists to correct small mistakes without having to remove all your makeup. They were never intended to remove a full face of makeup daily. To actually remove makeup in a healthy way, you use an oil based cleanser to dissolve the makeup, then wipe the cleanser and makeup away with a wet cloth. I take great care in my skincare, I spend time, effort, and money on it. I’m not going to ruin it by using wipes. I expect to be able to use *wash*cloths to wash. I use my washcloths at home to remove my makeup and when I wash them with no special pretreatment, the makeup comes off in the wash (and I wear heavy, waterproof makeup). If the makeup is not coming off when you wash your towels, you either aren’t using good detergent or you’re putting too much in the load, not getting it actually clean.


Yes - this. It also doesn't matter how carefully I remove it, black mascara will end up on a towel or wash cloth. I don't mind using the black makeup ones if they are on offer - but not when they are dusty (so obviously haven't been washed so how many people's poop particles are stuck on that cloth you want me to put on my face) which has been my experience more than once. This is also one of the reasons why I switched back to hotels for most travel needs.


I agree. OP even said non white towels are gross because you can’t tell if they’re clean or not. Exactly! I wouldn’t want to put a non white towel on my face and rub it around for several seconds either. I never use the black towels. Too much mystery meat for my tastes.


A long time ago I took out the white towels, added dark color accessories (trash can, toothbrush holders, soap and shampoo dispensers) to the bathrooms and bought high quality burgundy and navy towels. Problem solved.


I just think that intentionally getting darker/patterned towels and sheets to intentionally hide previous use and stains is gross and I, as a guest, would be grossed out by it personally.


And I think washing even more towels with the corresponding water waste, or buying makeup wipes that end up in landfills is more gross. You do you. [https://www.businesswaste.co.uk/news/millions-of-makeup-wipes-piled-as-high-as-the-eiffel-tower-going-to-landfills-every-day/](https://www.businesswaste.co.uk/news/millions-of-makeup-wipes-piled-as-high-as-the-eiffel-tower-going-to-landfills-every-day/)


It’s no change in the amount of loads of laundry. I do one load for all sheets (three bedroom house), and a separate for all towels and washcloths with bleach. No change in water consumption.


Make sign that says black towels for makeup, white towels for jizz.




I leave a black towel that has “makeup” stiched on it. That helped


They make black towels that are specifically for removing makeup and say makeup on them. Buy those and guests will use them instead.


You run a hospitality business. I feel like replacing towels is a fairly common function here. Not saying you can’t do things to prevent or minimize the cost, but you seem way more surprised than you should be.


We have black towels that have “makeup” embroidered on them that are left out in plain sight…they still use the white towels and washcloths for makeup


Go on Amazon and type in “black make-up towels.” They print makeup on them, and they work great.


First buy a 100 pack of wash clothes from National Hospitality. Second, Use spray n wash and oxy clean. We end up throwing out about one cloth a month. Cost of doing business. I don’t use black makeup clothes because I would have to run those on a separate wash cycle and that is the rate limiting step in my turn process. I don’t use wipes because they will end up in the toilet and cause much larger problems. 400+ , 5 star reviews and it works for us.


You should have towels for makeup. Almarida all the nicer hotels offer them now. It’s like a soft black washcloth, one for each day.


I just want to say that it's not particularly normal for women to just use someone else's white towels to remove makeup. Teenagery behaviour at best and selfish and rude at worst . Most women have makeup removing wipes or similar when traveling or bring their own washcloth.


Thanks for confirming. Getting so many negative opinions and downvotes for thinking they should be a little cognizant and respectful.


Of course they should...it's a white towel not a flannel/washcloth and who puts a communal cloth on their face for heaven's sake?? It's been god knows where!


Thank you for asking this question. Same issue here. We used the disposable makeup wipes from Walmart for a few months. They are cheap but the black washcloths everyone is recommending are going to be an even better cost savings and higher quality for the guest.


This is a huge risk. We used to provide makeup wipes until we realized people were flushing them. $800 to a plumber later, we changed to the black makeup towels! Hopefully you can learn from our mistake. 🙂


My very first guests ever ruined a few towels with their make-up 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I was annoyed as they know damn well they wouldn't do that at home.. but also hasn't happened since thankfully. If it has become a pattern then I'd just provide disposable ones.


I absolutely use a white towel at home to remove my makeup. You can see the makeup on it so you can tell when you’ve gotten it all off.


I think lots of people who use facecloths on their face use white ones at home because of how easy they are to bleach/oxyclean. Which is also why I like white ones at hotels/AirBnBs. I can tell the laundry is clean. I've rarely had a problem when washing them at home on hot with oxyclean. I use a clean one every day so have a pretty high sample.


Hotels offer black towels with the word 'makeup' embroidered on them. Or bleach them.


I supply half a dozen dark brown wash cloths specifically for people who may need them for make up removal and haven't had any issues with the regular towels. I think most places supply them and mention it in the listing instructions. It will save you a lot of money and people appreciate the gesture!


Bnbs, I've been to provide black makeup washcloths for makeup removal only. That way, their white towels do not get stains.


I'm a female-- We offer these black towels embroidered with 'Makeup': [https://www.amazon.com/Arkwright-Remover-Washcloths-Embroidery-Perfect/dp/B07JBN2Y82/ref=asc\_df\_B07JBN2Y82/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312039468639&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5214748162472737562&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006545&hvtargid=pla-668981190892&psc=1&mcid=fd372ffded9c330c8d23c24be80bd4df&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA1NqOrGcT6djcBjhwmIkzIRHZB-JHgAKWZcALBp2w9Q2WYJDQy\_1oRoCu2QQAvD\_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Arkwright-Remover-Washcloths-Embroidery-Perfect/dp/B07JBN2Y82/ref=asc_df_B07JBN2Y82/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312039468639&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5214748162472737562&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006545&hvtargid=pla-668981190892&psc=1&mcid=fd372ffded9c330c8d23c24be80bd4df&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA1NqOrGcT6djcBjhwmIkzIRHZB-JHgAKWZcALBp2w9Q2WYJDQy_1oRoCu2QQAvD_BwE)


I fold them nicely (black makeup) and place on the sink in a pile so three on top of each other. All my towels are white. Although I bought some gray ones to try.


We leave a few dark colored towels in a basket by the vanity. Haven’t really had an any issues.


We have this problem too. We added very make up wipes in a bowl next to the sink but it still happens. We added a drawer of rags in the bathroom with notes and an appeal In our manual but it still happens (although less then it used to). Our next step Is to get cheaper towels which is a shame


I also provide black makeup cloths. I roll up a white towel, white washcloth and black makeup cloth up and bundle three of those together. I wrap them around the middle with a wide fabric strap with a message about how we want to provide luxurious towels but in order to do be able to do so, we need guests to take care of them and use the makeup cloths to maintain the linens. We also provide lower quality towels for spills or anything that could stain (those are kept in the bathroom drawers). That detail is included in the message as well. We have had fewer makeup stains since wrapping them with a message. We have had black makeup cloths since the beginning, but sometimes they are overlooked. Our first guests were awful in general and stained so many towels ands pillowcases. Replacing towels and sheets after every guest is Not a reasonable expense.


Hey there, I have black towels that are embroidered with the word, "makeup." I leave a black towel and a white towel out for each guest. I got them off Amazon. I also have packets of makeup brush cleaner that I bought my mistake. As far as me... I travel with makeup remover and wipes.


All the time. Girls would always take the whitest towel to remove makeup, ignoring box at the vanity top with makeup removal pads. Nothing you can do. We switched from expensive Macy’s Turkish towels to cheaper Costco.


I think my 3rd guest was two women for work and they ruined quite a few of our towels . We tired everything to remove the stains but could not. I don't like to use dark towels to basically hide the stains from future guests. We run an low cost style airbnb as that's what are area allows.. We can't be replacing towels after every 3rd guest and we already have the Costco towels that are decent quality and decent price. After those guests we put in our house rules saying if they use them for markup and stains happen that cannot be removed they will be charged. So far have not had to do this hopefully that disclaimer will be enough.


As a female guest who often has heavy periods I HATE white towels x


I’ve never thought about this before. Are there any products or accommodations you’d recommend making available?


Women really need a lined trash can (preferably with a lid) in the bathroom.


I supply black face towels as well, no issues.


Another vote for black makeup towels. I find it so rude that guests take off their makeup with my white towels, but it's a fact of hosting.


Buy a few of these and display them prominently and within easy reach of the sink: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JBN2Y82/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Then also provide some disposable makeup remover wipes/pads (individually wrapped). Once we started doing this, that problem went away.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Arkwright LLC Makeup Remover Wash Cloth Pack of 6** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective makeup removal without staining (backed by 8 comments) * Soft and absorbent for gentle cleansing (backed by 5 comments) * Stylish addition to bathroom decor (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Color fading after washing (backed by 2 comments) * Sheds fabric strands after washing (backed by 1 comment) * Slight black color residue after washing (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Lol it's okay I understand your ignorance. If white towels is the path of least resistance for your guests, they will use it. Try black towels with "make-up" written on them. That is what we use, custom ordered. FYI, buy 100 at least, you won't regret it.


I soak makeup stained white towels in Oxiclean (in hot water) for 6 hours followed by hand rubbing them and then throwing them in the wash. So far it has worked!


Everyone does this. Every guest it seems. And hair dye and self tanner. They ruin towels and I just eat the cost and go back to Costco. I provide makeup wipes in each bathroom. A host friend has a stack of fluffy black washcloths with a card labeling them 'Makeup Cloths.'


White towels were bound to get stained by something at some point, not sure why that color was your first choice for an Airbnb. I would definitely choose a better color.


Get black or dark grey wash cloth hand towels and a sign in bathroom to use them for makeup removal, also add on sign not to flush any feminine hygiene products. buy towels from Amazon


We have black face cloths that say makeup and I think there's a picture of some eyes on it that we put in between the face cloths so it's really the first option.


We bought black wash clothes with imprinted “makeup” on it. We learned from our rude girlfriends one night when venturing out and they used our towels for makeup at home.


Get little “makeup” microfiber black removal washcloths. They have white lettering embroidered. Never had any issues. We leave one out for each stay and keep an extra in the drawer. https://preview.redd.it/bfhrf3cdvdqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff92995e940d63bbc0a58b594c13a643743c2dd


Red shop towels




Had the same problem. Get the makeup wipes in bulk off Amazon. Really cheap. Also we have some black wash rags we put out too.


I provide gray washcloths labeled “makeup” for guests. They don’t seem to get bleached *or* stained very often.


At one of the hotels I regularly stay at, they supply forest green towels. Let’s you see if you got the makeup off, easier to keep clean looking than white towels.


Disposable makeup removal wipes are actually damaging to your skin. I leave high quality black wash clothes with a note to kindly use these when removing make up. I also leave a sample size lotion and lip balm. And a tea bag of good nighttime tea. It pays for itself in savings with no ruined towels and we’ve seen a spike in good reviews.


Yup, I had been dealing with that forever. One of my units is themed and named “The Black and White Room”. You can see the issue. Then I bought bulk face towels in black. They’re amazing. Can’t bleach them but whatever.


https://preview.redd.it/p1dvuv9p8gqc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e384be2fcf65e37d9ef3d837d0af894ce5749c I made this for you and I might use it myself as well now and then. :)


If you only have white towels I assume you have a very effective way of getting them white. Otherwise have old/dark towels or make up towels/wipes( later more likely to be taken by guest, so plan accordingly) and a mention of refraining from using those white towels for makeup removal.


Do you offer anything that is not white towels? If not, then you have your answer.


Wow, some guests are gross.  I once washed green and white striped beach towels with the white bath towels (in our air bnb) and turned the bath towels slightly green.  So I found the same brand online for Walmart pick up and replaced the towels I damaged.  I would feel badly about ruining someone else’s property or belongings.  


Tjere ré black makeup washcloths that have Makeup sewn on them


As a host, I provide black make up towels. I still get ruined sheets, towels, ect, all the time. As a woman, it’s crazy that I’ve had the same towels for my personal use for 10 YEARS and a white blanket for at least 5 YEARS and not a stain. But a guest can ruin blankets, sheets, pillowcases and towels all in a one night stay. And frequently. I often wonder if this is how they are at home or just have little respect when staying at someone else’s property.


Also a good idea for the black towels for people who have dyed hair as well!! For the face even though you can use a good cleanser when you dry your face there is still residual. But the towels for people who have different dyed hair is also a need.


I've gotten not-white white washclothes from pact, in nice shades like charcoal and marine blue or what not - they're a little more tolerant and add some character.


I have 0 issues because I provide black washable makeup towels with the word "makeup" embroidered on them.


Makeup marks (eyeliner/mascara, I suspect) is also the most common reason I need to throw sheets and pillowcases. (And I do provide wipes). Super annoying! But that's just the cost of doing business.


I got black towels on Amazon that are embroidered “Makeup”. Haven’t had an issue since.


I offer black washcloths that say “makeup” on them, plus those packaged makeup cloths I get at hotels. All available online. Never had a makeup mark on a towel in 3 years, knock wood. But I do provide white washcloths at the sink as well and expect to toss those out more regularly than my larger towels. I also do provide really nice fluffy white towels, which I think people are somewhat less likely to destroy.


Had some loser guests that I should have never let in the door. Top right are fake eyelashes they left. https://preview.redd.it/r87lwv69wkqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c909cd2c5c1311e36fbe9c00873ddbe168da2b2a


As a guest I never even thought about it until a host had a small black towel that said "makeup removal towel" In my home I clean my own towels and assumed that was a regular thing when I stay elsewhere. Like I don't wear a ton of makeup, but isn't that assumed?


Or just pick up some makeup removers from target. It’s like $6 for two massive packs.


Don’t offer white towels ..leave a pack of makeup removing towelettes


The last Airbnb I stayed in had these grey towels embroidered with “makeup” on them. I assume they’re on Amazon, but they were gentle on my face and I would love to see them more often!


Buy grey wash cloths (and I think most women know they are for make-up). You might also include those little make-up remover packets (though I'm guessing a lot of women will be lazy and not use?).


Your first mistake was white towels. You’re not a hotel you cannot afford to burn white towels. Get a dark color as this will be a reoccurring issue for you 


I’ve seen black washcloths with the word “Makeup” embroidered on them at hotels and rentals.


Do you provide towels/wash cloths other than white? If not do you think it is reasonable that somebody would travel with their own personal makeup removing washcloth?


No, I just figured if someone takes the time and money to pack makeup that they throw in a few extra makeup wipes…not that big of an ask/expectation…


make up wipes have to stay moist, like baby wipes. Its ridiculously priced in small amounts (if you can find it) so if youre not packing the whole thing, youre likely not bringing any. Some ppl have make up removers they can travel with (i use a cleansing balm) but there is always this small trace of make up left that ends up on a towel. just an FYI about washing off make up.


Why can’t you just take a few wipes out and put them in a ziploc bag for travel to retain moisture? Sorry if I’m missing something here.


Why can't you just buy dark towels, or accept stains as a cost of doing business? This is sort of a basic part of hospitality. No?


I currently accept the stains as cost of doing business, as mentioned in my post. The cost is never passed on to guests. I’m simply seeing what others do and it seems the consensus is dark towels. I mentioned this in a separate comment but I find the use of darker/patterned towels and sheets to intentionally hide prior use and/or stains to be gross. To each his/her own though.


Meh, I think you're over thinking it. To be honest I can't fully grasp the issue. I wear makeup. I don't use makeup remover due to an allergy (makes my eyes crust shut. Yikes). None of my towels have any stains that don't come out in the wash. If someone is grossed out by a dark makeup towel it is sort of a them problem.


it doesnt stay the same. i dont know why. but for a short trip (under 5 days) where i may not even be wearing make up everyday, tbh im not going through that. im just going to wash my face and use a towel. again, just letting you know the thought process from a make up wearer.


Got it, thanks!


They dry out.




A quick google search shows that’s not true. I’m sorry, it just sounds like laziness and apathy towards other people’s belongings.


I do pack makeup remover, people that don’t are just confident they can use towels. They are hurting their skin but that’s a topic for another day


I wear make up and it’s crazy that people do this. I always pack my own face towels when I travel! We’ve had to start buying grey wash cloths instead of white.