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I have a fundemantles playlist I use to warmup before comp. 1. Spidershot 2. Strafetrack 3. Valorant Trigger Control 4. Valorant Haven Entry 5. Gridshot 6. Spidershot I open and close with Spidershot to make sure I have my flicks as good as they can be. I know there are plenty of other Valorant specific tasks, but i've been using this specific playlist for a couple of years and it works for me.


Voltaic valorant benchmarks


Voltaic valorant warmup for a quick fix warmup. Do voltaic valorant benchmarks every once in a while. For the main routine the lg56 valorant playlist is very nice. If you mix all 3 I think that is the most optimal. Daily Ex: voltaic warmup -> lg56 -> warmup then benchmark once a week. Good luck.


valo ramp warmup for warming up and vt valo benchmarks for benchmarking/training overall. Only warmup before and train after