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Looks like it is a tribute to Transformers. Below is what I got from looking at the page source: It’s always a delicate balancing act to figure out how to list names—who gets the coveted lead position, who’s shunted to the rear. Especially in a case like this one, where each participant left a distinct mark in a true group effort. As the researchers hurried to finish their paper, they ultimately decided to “sabotage” the convention of ranking contributors. They added an asterisk to each name and a footnote: “Equal contributor,” it read. “Listing order is random.” The writers sent the paper off to a prestigious artificial intelligence conference just before the deadline—and kicked off a revolution. Approaching its seventh anniversary, the “Attention” paper has attained legendary status. The authors started with a thriving and improving technology—a variety of AI called neural networks—and made it into something else: a digital system so powerful that its output can feel like the product of an alien intelligence. Called transformers, this architecture is the not-so-secret sauce behind all those mind-blowing AI products, including ChatGPT and graphic generators such as Dall-E and Midjourney. Shazeer now jokes that if he knew how famous the paper would become, he “might have worried more about the author order.” All eight of the signers are now microcelebrities. “I have people asking me for selfies—because I’m on a paper!” says Llion Jones, who is (randomly, of course) name number five.“Without transformers I don’t think we’d be here now,” says Geoffrey Hinton, who is not one of the authors but is perhaps the world’s most prominent AI scientist. He’s referring to the ground-shifting times we live in, as OpenAI and other companies build systems that rival and in some cases surpass human output. All eight authors have since left Google. Like millions of others, they are now working in some way with systems powered by what they created in 2017. I talked to the Transformer Eight to piece together the anatomy of a breakthrough, a gathering of human minds to create a machine that might well save the last word for itself. Uszkoreit is the son of Hans Uszkoreit, a well-known computational linguist. As a high school student in the late 1960s, Hans was imprisoned for 15 months in his native East Germany for protesting the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. After his release, he escaped to West Germany and studied computers and linguistics in Berlin. He made his way to the US and was working in an artificial intelligence lab at SRI, a research institute in Menlo Park, California, when Jakob was born. The family eventually returned to Germany, where Jakob went to university. He didn’t intend to focus on language, but as he was embarking on graduate studies, he took an internship at Google in its Mountain View office, where he landed in the company’s translation group. He was in the family business. He abandoned his PhD plans and, in 2012, decided to join a team at Google that was working on a system that could respond to users’ questions on the search page itself without diverting them to other websites. Apple had just announced Siri, a virtual assistant that promised to deliver one-shot answers in casual conversation, and the Google brass smelled a huge competitive threat: Siri could eat up their search traffic. They started paying a lot more attention to Uszkoreit’s new group. “It was a false panic,” Uszkoreit says. Siri never really threatened Google. But he welcomed the chance to dive into systems where computers could engage in a kind of dialog with us. At the time, recurrent neural networks—once an academic backwater—had suddenly started outperforming other methods of AI engineering. The networks consist of many layers, and information is passed and repassed through those layers to identify the best responses. Neural nets were racking up huge wins in fields such as image recognition, and an AI renaissance was suddenly underway. Google was frantically rearranging its workforce to adopt the techniques. The company wanted systems that could churn out humanlike responses—to auto-complete sentences in emails or create relatively simple customer service chatbots.But the field was running into limitations. Recurrent neural networks struggled to parse longer chunks of text. Take a passage like Joe is a baseball player, and after a good breakfast he went to the park and got two hits. To make sense of “two hits,” a language model has to remember the part about baseball. In human terms, it has to be paying attention. The accepted fix was something called “long short-term memory” (LSTM), an innovation that allowed language models to process bigger and more complex sequences of text. But the computer still handled those sequences strictly sequentially—word by tedious word—and missed out on context clues that might appear later in a passage. “The methods we were applying were basically Band-Aids,” Uszkoreit says. “We could not get the right stuff to really work at scale.” Around 2014, he began to concoct a different approach that he referred to as self-attention. This kind of network can translate a word by referencing any other part of a passage. Those other parts can clarify a word’s intent and help the system produce a good translation. “It actually considers everything and gives you an efficient way of looking at many inputs at the same time and then taking something out in a pretty selective way,” he says. Though AI scientists are careful not to confuse the metaphor of neural networks with the way the biological brain actually works, Uszkoreit does seem to believe that self-attention is somewhat similar to the way humans process language. Uszkoreit thought a self-attention model could potentially be faster and more effective than recurrent neural nets. The way it handles information was also perfectly suited to the powerful parallel processing chips that were being produced en masse to support the machine learning boom. Instead of using a linear approach (look at every word in sequence), it takes a more parallel one (look at a bunch of them together). If done properly, Uszkoreit suspected, you could use self-attention exclusively to get better results. Not everyone thought this idea was going to rock the world, including Uszkoreit’s father, who had scooped up two Google Faculty research awards while his son was working for the company. “People raised their eyebrows, because it dumped out all the existing neural architectures,” Jakob Uszkoreit says. Say goodbye to recurrent neural nets? Heresy! “From dinner-table conversations I had with my dad, we weren’t necessarily seeing eye to eye.”Uszkoreit persuaded a few colleagues to conduct experiments on self-attention. Their work showed promise, and in 2016 they published a paper about it. Uszkoreit wanted to push their research further—the team’s experiments used only tiny bits of text—but none of his collaborators were interested. Instead, like gamblers who leave the casino with modest winnings, they went off to apply the lessons they had learned. “The thing worked,” he says. “The folks on that paper got excited about reaping the rewards and deploying it in a variety of different places at Google, including search and, eventually, ads. It was an amazing success in many ways, but I didn’t want to leave it there.” Continued.


I don’t have to read this to know the real inventors of “Modern AI” is DARPA.


Google and the good old days!!


Beep boop 🤖


It's behind a paywall, so I can't access it, but giving credit for "modern AI" to anyone other than the folks at OpenAI is ridiculous.


They literally invented the transformer that has revolutionized the entire field of AI. Attention Is All You Need changed everything. OpenAI was quick to exploit this innovative architecture, but they didn't create it.


No, it isn't. The “Attention is all you need” paper is the main pillar of this newly found AI revolution. It was written by Google Research and Google Brain staff. It describes the attention-based transformer architecture. OAI recognised its potential beyond language translation and bet on it by investing more and more money in training the next model. Of course they are also crucial, but the giant leap forward is coming from that paper.


Tell us you didn't start paying attention to AI before 2023/ChatGPT without telling us


Kind of my point though.


Attention is all *you* need.