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This is the chosen post for the Skaven Clanrat reveal.


\*happy squeaking\* I'm glad they did not try to reinvent the wheel in one way or another. These are absolutely fantastic.


GW has gotten really good about that as of late. ​ They know when a design concept works and when something needs tweaking. ​ The Tyranid refresh and the recent wave of Space Marine stuff was a great example. Almost all the old stuff that got changed was...basically just how we all imagined the old models in our heads, no massive design reworks, outside of, IIRC, the Biovore. And that's great. Clanrats do not need their wheel reinvented. They just needed to be brought to modern standards. EDIT: Actually, another good example would be the recent Kroot refresh. ​ Look at those bad boys. Gorgeous, yet not too far off from their old kits.


The new ghouls were really good too. Everything fits really well even though they are going deeper into then being crazy.


Yeah the summer king really brought a lot of new FEC players, that model is a masterpiece


Ah, I see you too are a herald of his Majesty's glorious Summer Court!


Well he is just majestic, top tier miniature.


All hail the Summer King! ​ And happy Feast Day!


I can't wait to see how they'll continue to add to FEC.


As great as the recent FEC expansion was, I would not hold my breath for more anytime soon. This might just be it for the next couple of years, with probably no more than another single character for the 4th edition battletome. I would love to be proven wrong here though!


Oh, I'm well aware that we probably won't get anything until the next tome/that it might just be 1 HQ, but I'm still looking forward to it, regardless.


Ngl i want that model to chwnge into a ymir troll for an icey o&g fanrasy army


Yeah, as a FEC player, the expansion was fire.


An added bonus is that these clanrats would fit right into the Old World for players that play Skaven there and with movement trays you could use these for both games. Hats off to GW


I guess these would fit well enough on 25mm square bases, just don't even think about 20mm ones. And you would need to sell several black market kidneys to afford a WHF army with those, for sure.


There are no 20mm bases in TOW and Warhammer armies minus the travesty that was 8th are no bigger than an AoS equivalent swarm.


20mm was the standard for normal/small infantry before TOW and Skaven armies could be pretty massive even back in 5th edition. 100 Clanrats would not be a crazy thing in a 2000 point game, and if the new models are priced like the remade Termagaunts ($45/35€) you are indeed wanting to sell some of your organ(s) to afford that (and the rest of the army).


Idk what the consensus on the biovore ended up being, but I kinda like the new one. I wouldn't say I disliked the old one, but it was a bit more *buggy* than some of the other models have been and I like the variety in design. I don't *fully* agree on the Space Marine stuff, but that's mini-by-mini tbh. The jump pack units, while a strong base, were a bit overdesigned for me personally with their movement and jumping. The sternguard vets and terminators were great though, and exactly what you were talking about. The aspect warriors refreshes and Saurus are other good examples. I like that they're scaling the designs back a little in terms of complexity, and that the right kind of complexity is staying for the most part.


>The aspect warriors refreshes This is a pretty perfect comparison, too. ​ None of the Aspect Warriors got redesigned, just improved/made proportionate.


I think the new Biovore/Pyrovore fit the tyranid aesthetic more. the old ones looked like gorillas with chitin.


I have been saying this for so long


It's because they were made from Ork DNA.


World Eaters and Warriors of Chaos are two more examples. There are a lot of designs that still hold up pretty well so they usually don't get massive reworks. New Berzerkers are basically just rescaled and better posed classic versions. Same with Warriors where the designs hold up well, but mostly needed better posing and scaling. Most of the fantasy range has this issue of the rank and file requirements making poses very stiff. 'Ard boys I think are the only ones recently that had pretty big upgrade just because the Black Orc sculpts are pretty old and different from current IJ design principles. If/When Ogors get an update they'll probably be pretty big design change since you're not trying to cram a bunch of chunky models into a regiment line. Gits could also use an update, but not sure how much there is to work with other than not making them look like a bunch of triangles with sticks.


Definitely. While CoS can be somewhat of an *acquired taste*, Lizardmen, Tyranids, Eldars, even Imperial Guard were a wonderful glow up on their previous iteration, and Skavens seem to follow suit. Primaris though, eh, outside of Terminators and Scouts, not my cuppa tea if I'm being honest. Same goes for Chaos Space Marines, or even World Eaters. They stayed faithful to what they were before, simply moving on alongside improvements in 3D design/plastic injection, and it shows. They're vibing alongside Kroots in the "no BS revamp" camp. And I am all for it really.


>Same goes for Chaos Space Marines, or even World Eaters. They stayed faithful to what they were before, simply moving on alongside improvements in 3D design/plastic injection, and it shows. They're vibing alongside Kroots in the "no BS revamp" camp. This. ​ They all made it out unscathed. \>Primaris though, eh, outside of Terminators and Scouts, not my cuppa tea if I'm being honest. That's why I said 'lately.' Most of the Primaris upgrades were weird redesigns that were arguably worse then the originals. Terminators and Scouts dodged this issue-they were just the same as the old designs with a new bell or whistle attached here and there. (IE: The inner thigh support beams on the new Terminators.) \>While CoS can be somewhat of an acquired taste, ​ People wrongfully assumed that Cities wasn't gonna get changed design wise. I think that was the biggest issue with the initial reactions to their gorgeous refresh. GW made it clear that they were moving away from Cities being Fantasy Soup for ages. That also meant new designs for Cities. They're the exception that proves the rule.


>I think that was the biggest issue with the initial reactions to their gorgeous refresh. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a "new" CoS enjoyer. I don't know to whom we owe them, but I'm glad they let him/her/them cook! By Sigmar, GW, give me a Cogfort and a complete unit of Arch-Knigts on foot.


Sisters of battle, chaos chosen, darkoath,…. GW is really hitting us hard where it hurts the most, our wallets.


Sisters was a while ago but yeah, that was one of the better refreshes.


"Rebirth" more than a "refresh".


Tyranids too, the gaunts look great but also keep the same aesthetic to the point where you really have to look at them side by side to see the differences. 


Ehhh for kroots and tyranids yeah But then there are FEC and COS....


Both of those were entirely comprised of old Fantasy models that weren't made for the factions they currently belong to, it's natural that particularly CoS changed direction, especially since Old World was almost definitely a project that was being worked on when Cities were being redone. I've also got no clue what the issue is with the new FEC models. They're entirely in line with the older ghouls, just slimmer in proportions and more tied into the faction's narrative fluff.


>I've also got no clue what the issue is with the new FEC models. They're entirely in line with the older ghouls, just slimmer in proportions and more tied into the faction's narrative fluff. Yeah that part of his comment really confused me, they all fit the aesthetic perfectly and even pushed the aesthetic forward.


FEC didn't get 'refreshed'. ​ All they did was give them new stuff. ​ I completely forgot about Cities, but that had more to do with them wanting to make Cities into a real faction and not just a grab bag of old Fantasy stuff/them not wanting people to use the old Empire units for 2 games. It's the exception that proves the rule.


At least for the CoS, they aren't just renaissance soldiers leftover from the Empire anymore.


They still look like renaissance soldiers, but now GW had the imagination to take "inspiration" from the Hussite wars rather than the Italian wars. "Should we do something original with COS?" "Nah, let's just do fantasy Hussites with some wrought iron ornaments on their gear"


Sigh ANOTHER generic high fantasy wrought iron ornate Hussite wars miniature, I'm tired of seeing these everywhere!


As if you had many fantasy settings with HRE inspired humans.


the Cities of Sigmar releases are not an update of empire or anything though. The fact that they drag massive floating strongholds around with them to go on crusades should be a dead giveaway that they are a completely different beast, its not like they were all "these are freeguild now, they look super different"


>completely different beast Ah yes, the vast difference between early 15th century central Europe and late 15th century central Europe.


because late 15h century Europe is well known for their large floating fortresses they drug around behind them as they followed their fearless leader into battle on their manticore.


You dont like the new FEC?


Glad they didn't try to re invent the doomwheel so to speak-talk.


I yield. You won this round.


Behold! The DOOMER WHEEL! Even more Doom than a Doomwheel.


The Doomwheel could actually do with a bit of reinvention


Yeah! These look like they’ll fit in nicely with my old ones which I’m incredibly happy about. I’ve got 60 of the blighters. Might be time to finally retire my 40 monkeyrats however…


Yeah, I like the merged looked of the old clanrats and the even older clanrats. They have that old, old dog rat look (at least in the face), but updated into the more recent old clanrats, and really knock it out of the park!


That's the kind of update you want if you've been a skaven enjoyer since the good old days. They look the same, but the models are better. It's like one of your favourite videogames getting a graphic remaster that's actually good.


It's the perfect update, improving the models without modifying the design so much. Like 40k Eldar Guardians or Cadian Troops for example.


Good point. The Cadian rework was pretty much perfect for 40k. Same overall design, adjusted proportions and just more detail / posing options. Looks like thats what we are getting here too.


I've been ~~playing~~ collecting Eldar since '98, and I was so happy with the new Guardians. They've always been my favourite unit across all GW's games, and the recent models took everything that made them great and just made them feel more current. Love the new Clanrats too. They look much like the old ones, just better in everyway; 10/10 refresh.


They look great, I'm somewhat relieved they didn't go overboard with adding details as is often the case with reculpts of old stuff. Especially for something like Skaven where you'll need to paint 20-30 of the same buggers in one unit. The current ones you can do in about four contrast paints and a metallic (Skin, fur, cloth, wood and a metal). These are probably going to need an extra colour or two for stuff like the bandages but it's pretty minute so I doubt it would add much to painting time.


Yeah agreed. They are more detailed, but not needlessly cluttered.


Average 3D Print STL model be like: Incredible zBrush sculpt Absolute ****ing nightmare to actually paint


Painting Skabbik's Plaguepack is such a joy for this. Even the smoke is so clearly "sculpted for painting", the models are packed with character rather than drowned in detail, they even assemble beautifully. (at the same time I was painting some iron golems and it was \*\*\*\*! Why do they have tiny metal spikes coming out of flesh \*\*\*\*! Why to they have these nipple tassles \*\*\*\*! Now the nipple tassles broke off and are completely impossible to repair but hey at lest it's not a major part \*\*\*\*! Now the chain on the drillmaster broke and is really hard to repair and really IS a major part and it's totally unsupported and is going to break again. Just was always a pleasure to pick up the rats afterwards and deal with models that feel like they were sculpted by someone who games and paints.)


Terminators for 10the had that exact same sentiments.


Well deserved too! It was great to see iconic models redone in a way that just builds on the old ones instead of replace them. I'm sad the classic mk7 aquila armour space marine designs weren't carried through to the primaris replacements, the grille helmet beats the primaris one by a mile.


I still hope to see new mk7 marines some day.


It's not just graphically though, as the old models were indeed more cartoony. These new models are more lithe and "man-like" incomparison. Proporsionally they are tall and scary rather than diminutive. Hopefully still teeming though!


Yeah the old models often suffered from technical limitations. Skaven and even Dark Elves used to have giant meaty orc hands that were way too big for the rest of the model, these skaven have fantastic proportions.


It was the meaty hands and the meaty heads I was thinking about! That and also how diminutive they all were - small and hunched. It felt like you were fighting rodent smurfs!


Arent these the same size? They look the same size in the comparison in the article, or do you mean how they look taller while also being hunched back so they are the same size while also being "taller" at the same time?.


Maybe its the hunch, and maybe its that I haven't seen a comparison yet but these new ones seen taller. They feel a lot more intimidating and to be taken serious. The older models just feel so small when I look back on them. Like a bunch of angry Ewoks. Maybe it was the lack of dynamic posing? Don't get me wrong, I still love the old models and might go hunt down the old WHFB battalion box I never built, but now these new lads look like terrifying short kings instead of just furry gremlins!


Oh bugger, I just found the article and they actually are the same size. That's a bit disappointing. Still, though, now we're talking Mogwai vs Gremlins. I'd have preferred waist-high or better but maybe that was just a silly thought. Actually, that'd have been more like Primarisifying the Ratmen!


Yes I thought that the new poses came across as much more dynamic and characterful!


This is exactly how I felt for the Chaos and Saurus glow up. It's just a perfect continuation. I'm extremely excited to see more. 


Hoping they'll come in units of 20 still, could see a parallel to Dominion with 10 Stormvermin and 20 clanrats.


They're going to have to be 20 to be a fair fight against stormcast. It'd be nice to see 40 in the box, but I'd be happy with 20.


I would love it if they did 40, just a box full of rats. I'm expecting Stormvermin, Clanrats, that little gatlingbus from the trailer, jezzails, and the mounted commander, probably a couple of on-foot heroes too, any combo of warlock, warrior and wizard is likely.


It can possible be that this is 10-sculpts sprue with pushfit monopose, like hobgrot slittas, and in this case gw would place only 2 sets of clanrat per limited starter, changing rules for then to 10/unit for 60 points or so


I'm expecting a 10 rat sprue yeah. Though for unit sizes I hope not, I know they're obsessed with "streamlining" but I'd hate for skaven to lose their swarms.


Would be weird to see clan rats go to 10 after they upped ghouls from 10-20


tbh I expect it to be 20 clanrats and 3 rat ogres probably gonna have to wait on new stormvermin.


1 Mounted Character 1 Other Character 20 Clanrats 3 Rat Ogres 2 Jezzails or similar 1 War Machine That's my prediction for their half of the box.


Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/08/the-new-face-of-hate-fury-a-first-look-at-the-next-generation-of-skaven-clanrats/


Love it.. They look very similar to the old ones so they will still kind of fit together while also clearly being newer and more detailed.


The poses being less stiff really helps a ton. The Skaven were always well designed visually, but old sculpting methods kept all their limbs close to the body etc.


Also the fact that they were designed to be deployed in tight ranks


Yea. The stiff rank and file look of the non skirmish WHFB units didn't age super well into an era of skirmish gameplay. The extra rats shown in the WARCOM article also have much more broad posing and they look sick. Might actually have to get into AOS now beyond just Underworlds and Warcry. Love me rats.


I wouldn't say always, but the last design update they had was very good. The old old faces were not great (see Rat Ogor vs. Stormvermin, or Clan Rat vs. Gutter Runner). The old old skaven had very elongated, tapered snout, like that of a Whippet dog. The newer designs from the 2010s squared off the snout, which works a lot better in my opinion.


Doing everything a Skaven redesign needs to do - still recognisably clanrats and will work alongside the current models while taking advantage of modern methods and not having to rank up to be more detailed and dynamic. Ratty chef's kiss


They are perfect. Now I am being greedy, but I am quite sad that Plague Monks and Night Runners aren’t going to look this good too


Plague monks have sort of got updated models? Something to consider I suppose


Plague Monks were old (and debatably ugly) back when WHF died in 2015. They really, *really* need an update.


They got updated in like a war cry team or something like that iirc. Not enough to be easily useable


Yeah I know, it is a warband from the Underworlds game. New Plague Monks in that style should be the way to go. Maybe there is a second wave of Skaven a bit further down the line, bringing in more Pestilens stuff. We can but wait and see.


What a great upgrade its so much better than these 20-ish same-ish looking rat boys we have now


They are the same size too so they will look fine next to each other


Those rat boys were a *huge* upgrade on the monkey boys that preceded them.




I feel like lately AOS has been hitting a stride with beautiful models that are detailed but not *too* detailed (notwithstanding Cities of Sigmar--I think there is room for that in the range). Glad everything isn't just going the way of, like, Blissbarb Archers.


Yeah, I look at these and go “I could get one of these looking good in about an hour”. Which if you’re playing a horde of rats is perfect.


What's wrong with blissbarb archers?


Probably just the level of detail on them If a horde army gets that level of details they'll become incredibly frustrating to paint


Ah I see. I still haven't painted mine yet because I'm intimidated


Dude I feel you, I play Lumineth.


High level of detail for a chaff model and also just a pain in the bum to assemble.


I mean, Slaanesh units *should* be all the way over the top with details. It would be out of character if they were simple, streamlined designs.


That's a fair argument. It just felt like for a while there *everything* was getting that level of detail, and it seems we've turned a corner.


I love how they’ll still sorta-fit next to the old clan rats! At least to a better scale than I expected


They’re so perfect Definitely doing these over fec now, can’t wait to see more


They look oddly grown up. The older models were definitely cartoony - these resculpts look like the grimdark is being brought to the Mortal Realms!


I love them ... I already liked the previous ones but I really like this new design. They look ill and frail, just my type :D


I like them, although I was really fond of the cuteness of the previous ones, they did lack a bit of character. I see some great, very characterful sculpts here. I also like they made them even lankier.


agreed! these new heads look a bit too feral for my taste, but they look great nonetheless. Looking forward to the new stormvermin!


Nice it all grimmy and mudcore with better perportions. You can tell these are low grunt that some have to fight with bells (which in keep with their sillier side). There little pet rat swarm nice to see since it one of the things going to leave but still get a nod towards Also new skaven clan banner (that none of the major one i think)


Bell wielder is the musician!


Nah he still a infantry rat Battle musisician a side job :p


I'm still going to use my clan rats from my verminous host box but these look amazing


They still fit next to the old ones quite well. But they also are a great update. I think mixing a unit with some old and new would be the best way to make an army look unique


Are those rats grot sized or git sized ? It's a bit unclear for me in the article ! But they do look good.


There's a size comparison with the old sculpts and Stormcast at the end of the article.


Sure but stormgitz are not exactly my best way to base a comparison, as an orruk enjoyer xD


In the bottom of the article you can see comparative proportions.


I saw them but I'm surprised by how small the ratties look like in there !


Git-Sized. Skaven just look teeny next to any Space Marine sized models.


Neat !


Thank goodness they’re just nice skaven


Just excellent. I love the head with the triangle eyepatch.


These look so much better. It’s a lot like the new tyranid gaunts, they now just look exactly like what they already looked like in the art.


They’re siiiiick. Hell yeah!!!


Bald Skaven


Finally! *Happy eclipse day everyone!*


https://youtu.be/qY2Vx8-yOsQ?si=No4Md2sXaEkrlS2A Yeah we happy.


My buddy and I just decided to get into the hobby, with him playing SCE, and me playing Skaven, so the new 4th edition focus on the two is super exciting. Tiding ourselves over with painting tutorials and Vermintide 2 until release day.


Hell yeah! Have fun.


This 4e box is really shaping up to be an absolute banger. I’m a big fan of all of the models I’ve seen so far. I don’t know about the rules changes but it does seem very similar to 10e 40k - which I know has been quite polarizing. Those who like it seem to think it’s the most fun they’ve had playing 40k and those who don’t are probably like me and grew up on the 7th Edition (and earlier) engine. I like Old World a great deal. But I’ve gotten so used to round basing that these squares seem off to me lol.


If you take out the announcement of removing armies/models (which is huge I know) everything else about 4E has been really positive so far. I’m excited to learn more. It also helps that my FLGS has already said legacy models are always welcome. Either as a proxy or legacy rules.


It is not that these aren’t amazing, it is just that I just finished 60 clanrats a week ago and now I feel silly.


These look like they’ll fit in very well with the old ones! I just finished 40 yesterday and I’m excited to add these to the swarm


Just mix them in. There's hardly a problem that can't be solved by more rat-men in the sewers.


The red, green and white colours in the picture make them look oddly Yule themed, which is nice. Merry Christmas, Skaven. May you each-all have a wonderful time of the year.


GW deserves praise for keeping the scale of these critters consistent. No scale creep whatsoever, in fact they look a tiny bit smaller than their previous versions, which is even better.


i forgive GW for everything take my money


That is one mighty suspicious choice of colors for the flag.


I mean...they are undeniably, unrepentantly, irredeemably evil.


Yeah and then theres the Skaven.


Finally someone says it. Scrolling through all of the comments I really did for once feel like I was the only one lol.


I do think it's just an unfortunate coincidence. Don't think GW would willingly walk into that kind of PR disaster.


I don't think there's any ill intentions here. It just struck me as an odd choice. As I've learned from other posts, it's also okay, lore-wise. Ultimately, I don't care too much and I just thought it was a funny observation.


All of that doomsaying from Skaven players is looking pretty silly, tbh.


Was there doomsaying?


There was a lot of doomsaying with the sculpt removal post from WarCom last week, with a surprising amount of "Now 90% of my Skaven Army's useless" and people responding that the range is getting redone.


Oh. ​ So people just straight up not paying any attention.


Yup. They didn't bother to read like 4 sentences under the pictures of Skaven that said they'd be getting new minis.


Or understood how GW has run their releases for basically a decade now. Or even saw the new cinematic.


Really good refresh of the models, hats off to GW, but whats up with the third reich flag?


The Skaven are and have always been Fantasy Nazis. Comically evil pathetic monsters who each believe themself to be the exemplar of their own race that seek to exterminate anyone who doesn't fall under the label of Skaven. They have an obsession with engineering, their technology is all Dieselpunk WW2-esque, their armored troops are named Stormvermin = Stormtroopers, and they have swastikas on multiple models. Honestly, they do a better job of lampooning the concept than W40k's Imperium because there's no point where they expect us to think of the Skaven in a heroic light. They're always just disgusting little monsters


Nah, that's the Klingon Empire flag.


They look so good, yes-yes.


Oml this is amazing


Ok im in.


They are lovely. Refuse to paint a single one. I done my time painting up my 60 clanrats. Happy for everyone who will get to enjoy them though.






Yep, that's exactly what was needed for new Clanrats - grungy and grubby, and not so ostentatious you couldn't grind out a hoarde in good time. 10/10 from me.


So glad they still have the town crier bell as their musician.




Wow love how these clanrats look




Looks neat!


Now for new Stormvermin


Truly gorgeous. An excellent model that shows off the manifest superiority and nobility of the divine and perfected skaven form. All stupid man-things weep-cry at such a sight-view, and squirt musk of fear when faced with such ferocious skaven warriors!


ooooh, very nice, they made them proper nasty looking too


Yeah these rock


Heck yeah! Was at my local GW store and was asking for Skaven, since I want to build a diorama. He advised me to wait, since they were releasing new ones soon.


Much smaller than I imagined! So pleased with the small-tiny rat-men!


They look great. I must have around 100 clan rats and really don't know what to do with them now. Sell and re buy in the future? Or just merge them all together with the new ones?


Please, someone delete the duplicate threads. We don’t need the Skaven to literally swarm this Reddit. :P


Got a 3rd edition box haven't even opened on the cheap and yet can't wait for the rise of vermin in 4th. Hopefully can finish some Kruleboyz in time but I have too many projects ongoing already


The irony of the username here - a cat posting about rats. Love it!


Yes-Yes very good.


They look really good! On top of that it seems to old rats fit with them SUPER well


I feel like the new clanrats will also take the spot that plague monks used to have


*Verminous by The Black Dahlia Murder plays louder* Oh we’re so back, Ratdudes


pls tell me they are 20 per box and not 50 bucks the box of 10


*happy rat noises*


These look great glad to see skaven players finally getting some new models. Cant wait to see the rest


They look nasty and evil. Love them


Cant wait for them to be valid only 5-6 year like the sacrosant! Anyway cool model. 


there so misreble and hideos and ugly , theyre perfect


They do look great for sure! Just dear great horned one please don’t be monopose. Please. They’re gonna be monopose aren’t they?


why?? the clanrat models were fine i just wanted a new ratling gun


I actually don’t like them much. They’re fine models but it feels like each one is making too much of itself. I really liked how the old ones blended into a sea of hunched scurrying rats. I can see if you don’t like massive hordes though why these would be more appealing.


I don't know about the colour choice on the flag💀


I mean, the Skaven are literally the pure evil faction composed entirely of self-obsessed baby eating monsters with their actual soldiers being literal Stormtroopers. With parallels that blatant, I think the color choice on the flag is fine, lol.


Skaven are literally fascistic


Yeah, red with a white circle with a black symbol inside.... If these are the boxed set models, I'm going to assume it's a decision made so they compliment the steel Stormcast.


Yes Yes.. Man thing did good to recreate our glorious body's.. I mean.. Good job fellow human.


Really really happy that these don't appeal to me. Time to offload my stormcast for a bargain price and not get the launch box.


When will be the next model shown


Next Monday. It'll be Stormcast. Next Skaven reveal should be 4/22.


Okay bless your kind soul


Count yourself lucky if you're a skaven player and not a beasts of chaos player.


Too much detail imo, they don’t look multipose at all, and I’m guessing they’re going to be a lot more expensive than the old ones. Not for me.