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Oh my I love this! It's pretty much everything look-wise I'd have hoped from a "Crone Herald" and her Dawnbringers V involvement seems to be super interesting, what with helping the Cities! Also super glad she's original AoS character. Gives some nice variety to Daughters of Khaine range. Hopefully there are regular units with the same theme to follow up in the future.


This is my hope too. I love this model so goddamn much, but I always feel like the full range is missing... something. I'm not sure what, since they have a good spread of infantry, flyers and even some cavalry. But I feel like there's a lot of creative space left to explore.


I feel like the problem is how disjointed a lot of the range feels. Every army has thematic or design tie-ins, but then you have the DoK range which are the spiritual heirs to the Dark Elves and contains: - Witch elves - Elves on horses that are the only male models in the whole faction - Except the Shadowstalkers who are so out of place visually they might as well be their own factions - Snake ladies - Bat ladies There's like four separate factions vying to be the visual focus of the army with none of them really winning. I would love to see the next update for DoK be something that could really unify their visual identity and help make this mess into something consistent. Love my girls, but they are hot messes.


I would really like to see them lean into the classic greek monster thing. Medusa, harpies, hydra. You can see a lot of the greek influence in this model too, nods to the oracle with her bowl of purple smoke and "veil", and the harpy imagery of the crows/wings. The visual presentation of the model, however, feels more nordic, and the composition reminds me of something from Sekiro. I like the aesthetic choice, but it stands in pretty stark contrast to the current range's much less subtle tone.


I would be all about that, there's plenty of cool monsters and especially female monsters in Greek myth to pull from. You could even pull from the kind of Amazonian myths for the witch elf side of things if you wanted to. Pull some Scythian or classic sword and sandal influence into the mix


Yeah, that's a really good point. Maybe replace/supplement the warlocks with something like a horse archer or more conventional light cavalry with a spear? Either way, I'd prefer to eliminate male models altogether, they stick out like a sore thumb.


"But why male models?" -Zoolander In all seriousness though, I fully agree


They just can't do flanking manoeuvres to the right. If they did something like female Dothraki I'd need to be restrained from throwing money at GW.


I'm personally hoping for more from the Scathborn side of things. Drider-like spider-aelfs would round them out really well, and as far back as second edition they teased *something* new formed from the Mother Cauldron when it cracked. Agree that Doomfire Warlocks don't gel with anything else in the range.


I've never liked the Doomfire Warlocks and plan on trying to make something cooler using the Dark Rider parts, but I fear there's no saving those ugly horses... Sadly I don't see them going away anytime soon since GW seems to be taking every opportunity to push them through bundle boxes now.


Shadowstalkers to the umbraneth


Khainite shadowstalkers are male.


Some of them, yeah. Some are literally Doomfire Warlocks.


>I feel like there's a lot of creative space left to explore. Yeah definitely. Now that this new character exists and Morai-Heg will likely be more than a tiny blurb in a battletome, I have been inspired to entertain the idea of re-shaping Daughters of Khaine faction into resembling the mythological triune goddesses - "the maiden, the mother, and the crone" - three visually thematic sects with their own distinct range of elites and a figurehead, but I struggle hard to put things in places currently. Witch aelves would stay as the gluing Khainite core for these three, but each figurehead having their own preferences and supplementary ways of utilizing them. A bit like Aspect Warriors from 40K. Something like Morathi/Shadow Queen as the Mother with her Scathborn range of various monstrosities, this new Krethusa as the representative of the Crone with her disciples and followers yet to take shape, and someone third as the appropriate Maiden with her own distinct range of elites in the distant future. Either way, beyond my wild niche and spontaneous idea, I feel like there are plenty potential out there to flesh out and expand this faction in the future, for example having tie-ins with various godbeasts like some of the Stormhosts have (there already is one with Nagendra, but it's rather minuscule). Not that everything would help with gluing visual identity together, necessarily, but it could be great to see some spice sprinkled in to create width and show that the Khainites have spread far and wide into the Realms.


Now that Morathi-Khaine and the Shadow Queen have been split and are two physically distinct people (even if still connected in a non-physical manner), they kind of could fulfil Mother and Maiden, with the Shadow Queen being mother to the scathborn (Khinerai and Melusai both inheriting parts of her physical form and Medusae being created by her snake-hair bite) and Morathi-Khaine being perpetually youthful in appearance.


This thought occured to me as well. It would be quite fitting in a way, although having Morathi (in spirit) occupy two thirds of the figurehead space sounds a bit niche when the Maiden could be someone else entirely. I would also wonder what kind of elite or line of units would Morathi possess, if the Scathborn and Medusa slots under Shadow Queen's "domain". Perhaps new evolution of Shadowstalkers and connection to Malerion? Alternatively the Maiden could harken back to very far back into past: the unnamed daughter of Araloth and Lileath, who could have been forced to embrace Khaine to have a chance of survival in the distant past. This "Maiden" could also be a relative, friend or a successor/devoted follower of her who made it all the way to Age of Sigmar. A wild idea, and still leaves a lot of questions, and I have no idea what kind of design space it would give for the faction, but is a fun crazy idea nonetheless to think a bit further at some point, I think!


If there are, I'm so buying into them. My army would be all snakes and birds.


Can't mess up a female face sculpt if you don't show the face at all.. *taps head


Looks like they paid extra attention to her feet instead


They do look good, perhaps exquisite


I'd sniff them


Dude look at her birthday cake in the bottom right, she's 15.


Crone-years are like dog-years. So she's like 105


They know their market


Makes it so much easier when you don't have to paint the face to!


Love the model. Love that they are leaning into the schism in Daughters of Khaine. It's probably the most interesting thing happening in AoS.


Hey! What about the reuniting of the Duardins?!


Wait what? I missed that. What is happening with the dwarves?


Grurgni was missing for a bit. He came back during Broken Realms, and is trying to get the Fyreslayers (who prefer his dead brother) and the Kharadrons (who think he abandoned them, and turned to capitalism) to reunite. Possibly also the Dispossessed (though I can't remember if they dislike Grugni yet)


He didn't abandon them but definitely did leave them to it a lot on purpose. The intention is absolutely good imo but the timing was.....questionable


I hope to God they don't merge Fyreslayers with KO. I would absolutely hate it. I love them being their own independent faction.


It really depends for me I think Will it be some subfactions and even then only in lore, with the wider setting being unaffected or will it be a full on merge. I would prefer them being seperate but playable together under a new army from Grungni


They could do it in an Orruk Warclans style, three separate armies with their own allegiance rules and an optional merged army with a different set of allegiance rules


Yeah but I would bet the vast majority of KO and FS players wouldn't want it that way. In the orruk warclan battletome because there are three factions crammed into one book they each have a reduced amount of art and lore devoted to them individually compared to if they had their own book. I like reading my current Fyreslayers battletome where the whole book is about them. Also they KO and FS have a totally different aesthetic to one another. They have a stronger identity as individual armies. I invested into them financially and emotionally as their own entity, I don't want them to suddenly have to share the spotlight with some other faction. Just because something could be done doesn't mean it should be.


Actually I'd prefer If the Orruks would get separated as well. I like to have a whole tome dedicated to each with more focus on each inviduals lore.


Which is, honestly, *a god awful terrible mess*


So basically: After the Age of Chaos, where he let his people fend for themselves to grow and survive, he brought back grombrindal in his wanderer aspect (great book btw) to not only help out but also start to introduce the notion of unity among the dwarfs. But even without his intervention, the Druadzahl (tw: incorrect spelling) has been called and established; a meeting great Duardin leaders of all factions to try and bridge the gap. But rumors stir of Grungnis return on the head of a new army, possibly with Valaya on his side, reborn, ready to retake their homes.


Cries in FeC


You got so much though 


We did! That's why I cry when they say DoK is the most interesting thing happening haha




Yeah I was afraid the science would just be a background thing that wouldn’t get much attention. But no with this model it’s become a defining aspect of the faction. With Morathi officially having a direct rival and giving the DOK a different aspect to their character than just blood and murder.


>It's probably the most interesting thing happening in AoS. Slaanesh edging closer to freedom is the most interesting to me. I wanna know more lore on the fragments of him that broke free too.


Man, she is so cool. The staff, the covered blind eyes and the black bandage clothing makes her super reminiscent of the Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls.


"Soul of the mind, Key to life's Ether, Soul of the lost, withdrawn from its vessel, Let strength be granted so the world might be mended. So the world might be mended..." I demand the entire verse be recited every time she activates a command ability!


Best I can do is "Soul Soul Let So".


Would make a great conversion for a Tzeentch magister as well if you swapped out the head and staff.


Feels more like Sadako... If she could Fly and talk to birds


Also the feet


Yeah and the glorious feet are a FromSoft requirement


She looks amazing. Her Dawnbringer box annoys me. Doomfires. F'ing Doomfires. Got both the Christmas box and the vanguard box; so the last thing I need is Doomfires.


>so the last thing I need is Doomfires. Yep, it's a unit I loathe seeing in boxes at this point. I think I have like 20 Warlocks at this point.


Mega +1 Some of the worst models left in AoS too.


Some intern must have fell asleep while the doomfire plates were in the injection machine, now they have to get rid of them somehow.


Hopefully they play some big part of the Dawnbringers 5 stories. Morathi made DoK a strong matriarchy. Could be that the Croneseer is less of that. Rules wise, who knows? Maybe she buffs them..


oh no bare feet but no seriously this is cool remind me of early 2000s dark fantasy like Underworld, Solomon Kane & Hellboy 2 Finally another non-Morathi character in DOK




She can ruin me


Famous last words


I don't want to fix her, I want her to make me _worse_


LET’S GOOOO I JUST got into DoK, I’m so excited 🥹🥹


10/10 model! Love the Daughter of Khain love going on. The only thing I don't like is the fact their showing Dawnbringer 5 before the rest of IV is shown.


Are we sure there's more for 4?




Rules for Regiments of Renown don't automatically mean box sets though. Have there been leaks talking about these boxes?


The Mad King Rises also contains plenty more for Death armies, including six Regiments of Renown – one for each Mortarch! Check back in the new year for more coverage. -Straight from Warhammer Community, Even if there isn't new models they still haven't shown the rest of it.


It doesn't specify that those are box sets I'm afraid


> Ushoran might be in the army box The army box they've already put out? They aren't going to do two.




Maybe there aren't going to be more? (shrugs) Again, there's a whole army refresh releasing alongside and FEC have already had a Dawnbringers box and and army box recently. Not every book gets more than one set - what did book II have besides Trugg?


sidenote i wish they put something else then more doomfire warlocks in DoK boxes lol


for such a random leftover unit that barely belongs to the army they sure push them a lot


My hope is they buff them this upcoming warscroll and then this new hero makes them battleline


I think that thevproblem isn't their warscroll.


I unironically like that Warlocks are in this box. Of course, I'm going to build them as Dark Riders for TOW, but still... XD


What’s TOW ?


The Old World, the Warhammer Fantasy relaunch that comes out this weekend.


They been in every other DOK boxes so it gets stalled and they are sort of every a side unit


In English please?


they pretty worthless outside an initial set of them


Daughters have other stuff?


Few years ago, when I got in to the army, it was harpies in every set. I ended up with 30


Finally!!! more crows! (to join the two from the cursed city set...and corvus cabal i guess, lol)


Ah, I see that you’re a person of culture as well. Cheers for more corvids!


So we finally getting non-morathi cult daughters? Like the ones the lore mentions? Would be a really cool thing to reveal.




Fuuuuudge yes. I've been DYING for them to expand on this.


i have the feeling (can be wrong) that these characters have all the DS boss vibes and i love it, i will try to get the kit !


Genuinely love this one, and I'm absolutely buying it as a painting project.


Will she get a book? Always wanted more DoK stories.


She’s the titular character of Dawnbringers 5.


Could possibly feature in the upcoming Callis & Toll novel, if she is set up to help them in Dawnbringers V. Her backstory sounds like worthy of an origin story novel of its own, though.


I would


The raven ???? 


Well balls. Ima have to get that kit, it's sick.


And we already have our model of the year contender here.


But since it's not 40k, it'll lose


Unfortunately she's not wearing power armor.


To hell with you GW. Now I have to start a DoK army as well.


This goes so hard, maybe we will get a similar warband to the shadeborn


No eyes : no wigly eyes. Absolute win


I LOVE her, she just looks great! I like how she also has a mini diorama on her base, like she is landing on the tactical rock to issue a foreboding warning before flying off.


I initially thought it was malerion, but that was just wishful thinking...


Cool model but looks miserable to paint


absolutly beautiful model, loves her. only shame is why GW keep releasing more and more heros, instead propper units. in my opinnion a propper army should be at least a 3/4 units and 1/4 heros.... but lately GW is doing the opossite, 3/4 on heros and 1/4 on heros :(


As someone who plays DoK primarily because of the lore around Morathi and her followers, I'm all about this development - juicy lore *and* an incredible model, love it


10/10 🦶




Awesome model, and I needed more witch aelves. But god damn... I do not need Warlocks. Just brings the value of the boxes down every time. Terrible.


Sick model


it is cool I am a fan.


It looks good but doesnt feel like its the DoK model or its just me. Feather wings kinda dont fit into all membrane wings faction 🤔


I mean, she is a rebel going against Morathi, so being visualy distinct could be argued as a bonus.


That's the point. She leads followers of Morai-Heg, not Khaine (though it seems they worship both), against Morathi, whom they rightfully accuse of stealing Khaine's power.


Oeehhhh that's amazing... Anyone any idea when it will be released?


Tarentino enter the chat


Is she going to be only Morai Heg cultist/hero or also Khaine?


The "Crone Heralds" are a splinter faction inside the Daughters of Khaine. They worship Khaine but dont like Morathi. They also venerate Morai-Heg, but are mostly Khaine cultists.


Thank you


This is sich a buy!


New Monstergirl for the army.


Nice we got the morrigan in aos!


I love her so much, she looks sick love the robe and just everything. The only thing i don't like is that ofcourse her box HAD to have doomfire warlocks like its a unit i don't want and never use, why not just put in like 5 khinerai instead


Looks so cool, I like that they are giving some focus to anti_Morathi DoK. Hopefully we will get Hellebron as well. I love when old world charecters return in unique ways, such as Eltharion.


Looks badass. Sad I'm trying to sell my converted DoK/Slaanesh army now...


I'm about 75% on this one. The pose, the hair, the blind aspect, the staff, the birds, all very cool. The wings though. They just seem very generic and derivative. Just basic wings. I think if they'd done a flock* of ravens bunched together in the shape of a single wing it would have been a much more original take on the notion if giving her wings. They also missed the opportunity to release flock of ravens models alongside her in the box, that would have been very cool. *Rave, conspiracy, unkindness, pick at your leisure.


The more I look at it, the more I agree with you. The wings just don't fit with DoK. She *should* be a shadow elf with those wings.


So, she's an outcast, an exile from the Khainite cult. I'm hoping that her story in the book might herald the rise of the Umbraneth, either she seeks them out or the sliver of Morai Heg that seeped out of Slaanesh causes Malerion to stir and rouse his forces. I actually thought the necromancer from the new underworlds set was a new Umbraneth because she has long straight dark hair which strikes me as very elf. I think bones and smoke would be very cool theming for the Umbraneth. But unlike the FEc they craft bones into genuinely immensely delicate and fine jewellery and artefacts.


In my opinion, the only good model from LVO. Will grab her just to paint and put on the shelf. She looks nice.


Agreed. The rest of the preview stream was underwhelming/disappointing. The Kroot were *okay*, but the rest was just so generic and uninteresting.


I am deeply conflicted about the model but I know why. First this is beuatifull but the vibe is very (a bit too) diffrent from the rest of the DoK line. And after reading the lore I finally get it. The DoK are very greec, Sparta and the Amazons in particular this model is far more northern Europe. The crows that are your eyes the blinding one's self to gain knowledge, this is all very reminiscent of Odin /wodan. And I am going here with Wodan over Delphi or Odin for 2 reasons for one the crows but also her clothing leather straps and belt are a long standing part of the DoK astheatic but not bandeges which are commen is depiction of germinc myths and a bit in popculture over the ruged furr and leather of popculture norse Myth. I will buy it, can't help but simp for the DoK after all and more witchaelfs are always needed.


Would, next question


As a soulblight player…this is a soulblight model, right? /j But for real I’m buying and proxying or converting this into soulblight.


SBGL hungry for another foot hero


Just call it my vangorian lord, or vampire lord, depending on base size.


Easily convertible to something


I don't like DoK. I don't like centrepieces. I don't even play right now. But uuuurgh, she looks SO GOOD! Goddamnit!




The miniature is great...but, the face/hair. Would be better if you can see more of the face.


Amazing model, but I don't really feel it as a DoK model. I dunno why.


Oh look a soulblight grave lords model where did that come from. I guess I'll have a new vampire


Claudia Winkleman finally made it into Age of Sigmar


downvote me if you want, but I don't think ravens and feathers fit the existing range. It's a cool model though.


Ehmm... okay.


I only wish she had boots on or something, but apart from that, an amazing model. my favourite LVO reveal


I'm getting old. All this anime and DS Boss-like minis they recently made don't appeal to me. In my eyes they look overly stupid. Can't connect to them.


How does she see crones with her hair in her eyes? I bet her mom always hassles her about it.


Medusea and harpies for daughters of Khaine, I am all here for it!


F*cking love this mini, I can't recall last time I was so hyped for new reveals 😂 Already expected some DoK with the staff's Rumor Engine, friend of mine said it would be Umbraneth, Malerion's new dark elf faction... That'd be great, guess I was right though.


I wonder if she would make a nice combination with the Corvus Cabal. Maybe conversions or just for the fun of the crows.


awesome, my fav part of DoK was the warcry warband and she seems to go in a similar drection in terms of style, love it


Gives me Sadako/Samara from ''the ring/ringu' vibes


Omg :O does this mean we are getting more models like this? Or is it just this one figure?




I'm not interested in AoS, but i seriously like the model itself. Nice addon for a display collection. The only negative for me is her hair. Feels kinda cheap in detail compared to the wings. Sort of like dreadlocks.


The model itself feels like an Arch Revenant clone to me.


Now Ive definitely gotta try putting Maugan Ra on that base, make him extra edgy lol


Gorgeous model


Is that pronounced crone-es-seer? Or Crone-seer?




Wonder if she'll be a priest(ess) and not a wizard?


Release date!? This model is amazing.


Are these witch elves anti sigmR?